Containers and Kubernetes

In some environments, you might need to access Prometheus metrics from an external client.

TLS certificate authentication to prometheus metrics

In some environments, you might need to access Prometheus metrics from an external client. Vertica provides the prometheus.tlsSecret Helm chart parameter to configure a role-based access control (RBAC) proxy sidecar to authenticate requests with user-provided TLS certificates.

For details, see Helm chart parameters and Prometheus integration.

Set readiness probe on container

The readinessProbeOverride custom resource definition (CRD) parameter overrides settings for the default readiness probe so that you can fine-tune when the Vertica pod is ready to accept traffic.

For details, see Custom resource definition parameters.

IRSA profile authentication to Amazon EKS

You can authenticate to Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) with IAM roles for service accounts (IRSA). For details, see Configuring communal storage

Operator scheduling rules for helm chart

You can control which node the operator pod is scheduled on with the following Helm chart parameters:

  • affinity

  • nodeSelector

  • priorityClassName

  • tolerations

For details, see Helm chart parameters.

Set liveness and startup probes on container

The livenessProbeOverride and startupProbeOverride custom resource definition (CRD) parameters override settings for the corresponding default probes. These parameters fine-tune how the container and the Vertica process within the container indicate their state to other objects in the StatefulSet.

For details, see Custom resource definition parameters.

Override pod-level security context

The podSecurityContext custom resource definition (CRD) parameter can elevate pod-level privileges so that you can perform privileged actions, such as setting sysctl commands in the pod.

For details, see Custom resource definition parameters. For additional details about pod-level privileges, see the Kubernetes documentation.