Containers and Kubernetes

The securityContext custom resource definition parameter can elevate Vertica server container privileges so that you can perform privileged actions, such as create core files that contain information about the Vertica server process.

Elevate security context privileges for core files

The securityContext custom resource definition parameter can elevate Vertica server container privileges so that you can perform privileged actions, such as create core files that contain information about the Vertica server process.

For details, see Custom resource definition parameters and Metrics gathering. For additional details about security context, see the Kubernetes documentation.

Resize persistent volumes automatically on managed Kubernetes services

When you use a storageClass that allows volume expansion and you allocate depot storage with a percentage of the total disk space, the operator automatically adjusts the size of the PV and the depot when you update spec.local.requestSize.

For details, see Custom resource definition parameters.

Override helm chart object naming convention

The nameOverride Helm chart parameter sets the naming prefix for all objects that the Helm chart creates.

For details, see Helm chart parameters.

Java 8 support in the Vertica server image

The Vertica server image includes the Java 8 OpenJDK so that you can develop Java UDx and use the Java runtime in your Vertica environment.

For details about Java UDx development, see Java SDK. For a detailed list of Vertica images, see Containerized Vertica.