Managing MC user passwords

MC user passwords must be different from the username and must contain at least one of each of the following character types:.

MC user passwords must be different from the username and must contain at least one of each of the following character types:

  • Upper-case

  • Lower-case

  • Numeric

  • Special: ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + = - [ ] / ? > < , .

Configurable password requirements

You can configure additional password requirements by navigating to Home > MC Settings > Configuration > MC Password configuration settings.

Parameter Settings
Minimum password length

The minimum number of characters required in a password.

  • Minimum: 8 (default)

  • Maximum: 30

Security questions

When a user creates an MC account, they must set security questions. If a user forgets their password, they can reset their password by answering these questions. These answers:

  • must only contain letters, numbers, and spaces
  • must be between 2 and 30 characters in length, inclusive
  • are case insensitive