Geospatial analytics
Vertica provides functions that allows you to manipulate complex two- and three-dimensional spatial objects. These functions follow the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards. Vertica also provides data types and SQL functions that allow you to specify and store spatial objects in a database according to OGC standards.
Convert well-known text (WKT) and well-known binary (WKB)
Convert WKT and WKB.
Optimized spatial joins
Perform fast spatial joins using ST_Intersects and STV_Intersects.
Load and export spatial data from shapefiles
Easily load and export shapefiles.
Store and retrieve objects
Determine if:
An object contains self-intersection or self-tangency points.
One object is entirely within another object, such as a point within a polygon.
Test the relationships between objects
For example, if they intersect or touch:
Identify the boundary of an object.
Identify vertices of an object.
Shortest distance between two objects.
Size of an object (length, area).
Centroid for one or more objects.
Buffer around one or more objects.