Uploading scrutinize results

scrutinize provides several options for uploading data to Vertica customer support.

scrutinize provides several options for uploading data to Vertica customer support.

Upload packaging

When you use an upload option, scrutinize does not bundle all output in a single tar file. Instead, each node posts its output directly to the specified URL as follows:

  1. Uploads a smaller, context file, enabling Customer Support to review high-level information.

  2. On completion of scrutinize execution, uploads the complete diagnostics collection.

Upload prerequisites

Before you run scrutinize with an upload option:

  • Install the cURL program in the path for the database administrator user who is running scrutinize.

  • Verify each node in the cluster can make an HTTP or FTP connection directly to the Internet.

Upload options

-A url
Uses your Vertica license to authenticate with the Vertica server, by uploading your customer name. Customer Support uses this information to verify your identity on receiving your uploaded file. This option requires a valid Vertica license.
-u url
Requires url to include a user name and password that is supplied by Vertica Customer Support.
-m message
Includes a message with the scrutinize output, where message is a text string, a path to a text file, or PROMPT to open an input stream in which to compose a message. scrutinize reads input until you type a period (.) on a new line. This closes the input stream, and scrutinize writes the message to the collected output.

The message is written in the output directory in reason.txt. If no message is specified, scrutinize generates the default message Unknown reason for collection. Messages typically include the following information:

  • Reason for gathering/submitting diagnostics.

  • Support-supplied case number and other issue-specific information, to help Vertica Customer Support identify your case and analyze the problem.


The --auth-upload option uses your Vertica to identify yourself:

$ scrutinize -U username -P 'password' --auth-upload="support-provided-url"

The --url option includes the FTP username and password, supplied by support, in the URL:

$ scrutinize -U username -P 'password' --url='ftp://username/password@customers.vertica.com/'

You can supply a message as a text string or in a text file:

$ scrutinize --message="re: case number #ABC-12345"
$ scrutinize --message="/path/to/msg.txt"

Alternatively, you can open an input stream and type a message:

$ scrutinize --message=PROMPT
Enter reason for collecting diagnostics; end with '.' on a line by itself:
Query performance degradation noticed around 9AM EST on Saturday
Vertica Scrutinize Report
Result Dir:              /home/dbadmin/VerticaScrutinize.20131126083311