Provides information about all tables in the database.

Provides information about all tables in the database.

Column Name Data Type Description
TABLE_SCHEMA_ID INTEGER A unique numeric ID that identifies the schema and is assigned by the Vertica catalog.
TABLE_SCHEMA VARCHAR The schema name for which information is listed.
TABLE_ID INTEGER A unique numeric ID that identifies the table and is assigned by the Vertica catalog.
TABLE_NAME VARCHAR The table name for which information is listed.
OWNER_ID INTEGER A unique numeric ID that identifies the owner and is assigned by the Vertica catalog.
OWNER_NAME VARCHAR The name of the user who created the table.
IS_TEMP_TABLE BOOLEAN Indicates whether this table is a temporary table.
IS_SYSTEM_TABLE BOOLEAN Indicates whether table is a system table.
FORCE_OUTER INTEGER Specifies whether this table is joined to another as an inner or outer input. For details, see Controlling join inputs.
IS_FLEXTABLE BOOLEAN Indicates whether the table is a Flex table.

Indicates whether the table is located on shared storage.

HAS_AGGREGATE_PROJECTION BOOLEAN Indicates whether the table has live aggregate projections.
SYSTEM_TABLE_CREATOR VARCHAR The name of the process that created the table, such as Designer.
PARTITION_EXPRESSION VARCHAR The table's partition expression.
CREATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Returns the timestamp, indicating when the table was created.
TABLE_DEFINITION VARCHAR The COPY statement table definition. This column is applicable only to external tables.
RECOVER_PRIORITY INTEGER The priority rank for the table for a Recovery By Table.
STORAGE_MODE INTEGER Deprecated, always set to DIRECT.
PARTITION_GROUP_EXPRESSION VARCHAR The expression of a GROUP BY clause that qualifies a table's partition clause.
ACTIVE_PARTITION_COUNT INTEGER Specifies a table's active partition count as set by CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE. If null, the table gets its active partition count from configuration parameter ActivePartitionCount. For details, see Active and inactive partitions.
IS_MERGEOUT_ENABLED BOOLEAN Specifies whether mergeout is enabled (t) or disabled (f) on ROS containers that consolidate projection data of this table. By default, mergeout is enabled on all tables. You can disable mergeout on a table with ALTER TABLE. For details, see Disabling mergeout on specific tables.


Find when tables were created:

=> SELECT table_schema, table_name, create_time FROM tables;
 table_schema |      table_name       |          create_time
 public       | customer_dimension    | 2011-08-15 11:18:25.784203-04
 public       | product_dimension     | 2011-08-15 11:18:25.815653-04
 public       | promotion_dimension   | 2011-08-15 11:18:25.850592-04
 public       | date_dimension        | 2011-08-15 11:18:25.892347-04
 public       | vendor_dimension      | 2011-08-15 11:18:25.942805-04
 public       | employee_dimension    | 2011-08-15 11:18:25.966985-04
 public       | shipping_dimension    | 2011-08-15 11:18:25.999394-04
 public       | warehouse_dimension   | 2011-08-15 11:18:26.461297-04
 public       | inventory_fact        | 2011-08-15 11:18:26.513525-04
 store        | store_dimension       | 2011-08-15 11:18:26.657409-04
 store        | store_sales_fact      | 2011-08-15 11:18:26.737535-04
 store        | store_orders_fact     | 2011-08-15 11:18:26.825801-04
 online_sales | online_page_dimension | 2011-08-15 11:18:27.007329-04
 online_sales | call_center_dimension | 2011-08-15 11:18:27.476844-04
 online_sales | online_sales_fact     | 2011-08-15 11:18:27.49749-04
(15 rows)

Find out whether certain tables are temporary and flex tables:

=> SELECT distinct table_name, table_schema, is_temp_table, is_flextable FROM v_catalog.tables
   WHERE table_name ILIKE 't%';
  table_name  | table_schema | is_temp_table | is_flextable
 t2_temp      | public       | t             | t
 tt_keys      | public       | f             | f
 t2_temp_keys | public       | f             | f
 t3           | public       | t             | f
 t1           | public       | f             | f
 t9_keys      | public       | f             | f
 t2_keys      | public       | f             | t
 t6           | public       | t             | f
 t5           | public       | f             | f
 t2           | public       | f             | t
 t8           | public       | f             | f
 t7           | public       | t             | f
 tt           | public       | t             | t
 t2_keys_keys | public       | f             | f
 t9           | public       | t             | t
(15 rows)