Interrupts the specified statement in a user session, rolls back the current transaction, and writes a success or failure message to the log file.

Interrupts the specified statement in a user session, rolls back the current transaction, and writes a success or failure message to the log file.

Sessions can be interrupted during statement execution. Only statements run by user sessions can be interrupted.

This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.

Behavior type



INTERRUPT_STATEMENT( '`*`session-id`*`', `*`statement-id`*` )


Identifies the session to interrupt. This identifier is unique within the cluster at any point in time.
Identifies the statement to interrupt. If the *statement-id* is valid, the statement can be interrupted and INTERRUPT_STATEMENT returns a success message. Otherwise the system returns an error.




The following list describes messages you might encounter:

Message Meaning
Statement interrupt sent. Check SESSIONS for progress. This message indicates success.
Session <id> could not be successfully interrupted: session not found. The session ID argument to the interrupt command does not match a running session.
Session <id> could not be successfully interrupted: statement not found. The statement ID does not match (or no longer matches) the ID of a running statement (if any).
No interruptible statement running The statement is DDL or otherwise non-interruptible.
Internal (system) sessions cannot be interrupted. The session is internal, and only statements run by external sessions can be interrupted.


Two user sessions are open. RECORD 1 shows user session running SELECT FROM SESSION, and RECORD 2 shows user session running COPY DIRECT:

-[ RECORD 1 ]--------------+----------------------------------------------------
node_name                  | v_vmartdb_node0001
user_name                  | dbadmin
client_hostname            |
client_pid                 | 4554
login_timestamp            | 2011-01-03 14:05:40.252625-05
session_id                 | stress04-4325:0x14
client_label               |
transaction_start          | 2011-01-03 14:05:44.325781
transaction_id             | 45035996273728326
transaction_description    | user dbadmin (select * from sessions;)
statement_start            | 2011-01-03 15:36:13.896288
statement_id               | 10
last_statement_duration_us | 14978
current_statement          | select * from sessions;
ssl_state                  | None
authentication_method      | Trust
-[ RECORD 2 ]--------------+----------------------------------------------------
node_name                  | v_vmartdb_node0003
user_name                  | dbadmin
client_hostname            |
client_pid                 | 1191
login_timestamp            | 2011-01-03 15:31:44.939302-05
session_id                 | stress06-25663:0xbec
client_label               |
transaction_start          | 2011-01-03 15:34:51.05939
transaction_id             | 54043195528458775
transaction_description    | user dbadmin (COPY Mart_Fact FROM '/data/Mart_Fact.tbl'
                             DELIMITER '|' NULL '\\n' DIRECT;)
statement_start            | 2011-01-03 15:35:46.436748
statement_id               | 5
last_statement_duration_us | 1591403
current_statement          | COPY Mart_Fact FROM '/data/Mart_Fact.tbl' DELIMITER '|'
                             NULL '\\n' DIRECT;
ssl_state                  | None
authentication_method      | Trust

Interrupt the COPY DIRECT statement running in session stress06-25663:0xbec:

=> \x
Expanded display is off.
=> SELECT INTERRUPT_STATEMENT('stress06-25663:0x1537', 5);
 Statement interrupt sent. Check v_monitor.sessions for progress.
(1 row)

Verify that the interrupted statement is no longer active by looking at the current_statement column in the SESSIONS system table. This column becomes blank when the statement is interrupted:

-[ RECORD 1 ]--------------+----------------------------------------------------
node_name                  | v_vmartdb_node0001
user_name                  | dbadmin
client_hostname            |
client_pid                 | 4554
login_timestamp            | 2011-01-03 14:05:40.252625-05
session_id                 | stress04-4325:0x14
client_label               |
transaction_start          | 2011-01-03 14:05:44.325781
transaction_id             | 45035996273728326
transaction_description    | user dbadmin (select * from sessions;)
statement_start            | 2011-01-03 15:36:13.896288
statement_id               | 10
last_statement_duration_us | 14978
current_statement          | select * from sessions;
ssl_state                  | None
authentication_method      | Trust
-[ RECORD 2 ]--------------+----------------------------------------------------
node_name                  | v_vmartdb_node0003
user_name                  | dbadmin
client_hostname            |
client_pid                 | 1191
login_timestamp            | 2011-01-03 15:31:44.939302-05
session_id                 | stress06-25663:0xbec
client_label               |
transaction_start          | 2011-01-03 15:34:51.05939
transaction_id             | 54043195528458775
transaction_description    | user dbadmin (COPY Mart_Fact FROM '/data/Mart_Fact.tbl'
                             DELIMITER '|' NULL '\\n' DIRECT;)
statement_start            | 2011-01-03 15:35:46.436748
statement_id               | 5
last_statement_duration_us | 1591403
current_statement          |
ssl_state                  | None
authentication_method      | Trust

See also