Getting configuration and statistics information from vkconfig

The vkconfig tool has two features that help you examine your scheduler's configuration and monitor your data load:.

The vkconfig tool has two features that help you examine your scheduler's configuration and monitor your data load:

  • The vkconfig tools that configure your scheduler (scheduler, cluster, source, target, load-spec, and microbatch) have a --read argument that has them output their current settings in the scheduler.

  • The vkconfig statistics tool lets you get statistics on your microbatches. You can filter the microbatch records based on a date and time range, cluster, partition, and other criteria.

Both of these features output their data in JSON format. You can use third-party tools that can consume JSON data or write your own scripts to process the configuration and statics data.

You can also access the data provided by these vkconfig options by querying the configuration tables in the scheduler's schema. However, you may find these options easier to use as they do not require you to connect to the Vertica database.

Getting configuration information

You pass the --read option to vkconfig's configuration tools to get the current settings for the options that the tool can set. This output is in JSON format. This example demonstrates getting the configuration information from the scheduler and cluster tools for the scheduler defined in the weblog.conf configuration file:

$ vkconfig scheduler --read --conf weblog.conf
{"version":"v9.2.0", "frame_duration":"00:00:10", "resource_pool":"weblog_pool",
 "config_refresh":"00:05:00", "new_source_policy":"FAIR",
 "pushback_policy":"LINEAR", "pushback_max_count":5, "auto_sync":true,

$ vkconfig cluster --read --conf weblog.conf
{"cluster":"kafka_weblog", "hosts":","}

The --read option lists all of values created by the tool in the scheduler schema. For example, if you have defined multiple targets in your scheduler, the --read option lists all of them.

$ vkconfig target --list --conf weblog.conf
{"target_schema":"public", "target_table":"health_data"}
{"target_schema":"public", "target_table":"iot_data"}
{"target_schema":"public", "target_table":"web_hits"}

You can filter the --read option output using the other arguments that the vkconfig tools accept. For example, in the cluster tool, you can use the --host argument to limit the output to just show clusters that contain a specific host. These arguments support LIKE-predicate wildcards, so you can match partial values. See LIKE predicate for more information about using wildcards.

The following example demonstrates how you can filter the output of the --read option of the cluster tool using the --host argument. The first call shows the unfiltered output. The second call filters the output to show only those clusters that start with "kafka":

$ vkconfig cluster --read --conf weblog.conf
{"cluster":"some_cluster", "hosts":""}

$ vkconfig cluster --read --conf weblog.conf --hosts kafka%

See the Cluster tool options, Load spec tool options, Microbatch tool options, Scheduler tool options, Target tool options, and Source tool options for more information.

Getting streaming data load statistics

The vkconfig script's statistics tool lets you view the history of your scheduler's microbatches. You can filter the results using any combination of the following criteria:

  • The name of the microbatch

  • The Kafka cluster that was the source of the data load

  • The name of the topic

  • The partition within the topic

  • The Vertica schema and table targeted by the data load

  • A date and time range

  • The latest microbatches

See Statistics tool options for all of the options available in this tool.

This example gets the last two microbatches that the scheduler ran:

$ vkconfig statistics --last 2 --conf weblog.conf
{"microbatch":"weblog", "target_schema":"public", "target_table":"web_hits",
 "source_name":"web_hits", "source_cluster":"kafka_weblog", "source_partition":0,
 "start_offset":73300, "end_offset":73399, "end_reason":"END_OF_STREAM",
 "end_reason_message":null, "partition_bytes":19588, "partition_messages":100,
 "timeslice":"00:00:09.807000", "batch_start":"2018-11-02 13:22:07.825295",
 "batch_end":"2018-11-02 13:22:08.135299", "source_duration":"00:00:00.219619",
 "consecutive_error_count":null, "transaction_id":45035996273976123,
 "frame_start":"2018-11-02 13:22:07.601", "frame_end":null}
{"microbatch":"weblog", "target_schema":"public", "target_table":"web_hits",
 "source_name":"web_hits", "source_cluster":"kafka_weblog", "source_partition":0,
 "start_offset":73200, "end_offset":73299, "end_reason":"END_OF_STREAM",
 "end_reason_message":null, "partition_bytes":19781, "partition_messages":100,
 "timeslice":"00:00:09.561000", "batch_start":"2018-11-02 13:21:58.044698",
 "batch_end":"2018-11-02 13:21:58.335431", "source_duration":"00:00:00.214868",
 "consecutive_error_count":null, "transaction_id":45035996273976095,
 "frame_start":"2018-11-02 13:21:57.561", "frame_end":null}

This example gets the microbatches from the source named web_hits between 13:21:00 and 13:21:20 on November 2nd 2018:

$ vkconfig statistics --source "web_hits" --from-timestamp \
           "2018-11-02 13:21:00" --to-timestamp "2018-11-02 13:21:20"  \
           --conf weblog.conf
{"microbatch":"weblog", "target_schema":"public", "target_table":"web_hits",
 "source_name":"web_hits", "source_cluster":"kafka_weblog", "source_partition":0,
 "start_offset":72800, "end_offset":72899, "end_reason":"END_OF_STREAM",
 "end_reason_message":null, "partition_bytes":19989, "partition_messages":100,
 "timeslice":"00:00:09.778000", "batch_start":"2018-11-02 13:21:17.581606",
 "batch_end":"2018-11-02 13:21:18.850705", "source_duration":"00:00:01.215751",
 "consecutive_error_count":null, "transaction_id":45035996273975997,
 "frame_start":"2018-11-02 13:21:17.34", "frame_end":null}
{"microbatch":"weblog", "target_schema":"public", "target_table":"web_hits",
 "source_name":"web_hits", "source_cluster":"kafka_weblog", "source_partition":0,
 "start_offset":72700, "end_offset":72799, "end_reason":"END_OF_STREAM",
 "end_reason_message":null, "partition_bytes":19640, "partition_messages":100,
 "timeslice":"00:00:09.857000", "batch_start":"2018-11-02 13:21:07.470834",
 "batch_end":"2018-11-02 13:21:08.737255", "source_duration":"00:00:01.218932",
 "consecutive_error_count":null, "transaction_id":45035996273975978,
 "frame_start":"2018-11-02 13:21:07.309", "frame_end":null}

See Statistics tool options for more examples of using this tool.