Perform a basic install

For all installation options, see [%=Vertica.INSTALL_SCRIPT%] Options.

For all installation options, see install_vertica options.

  1. As root (or sudo) run the install script. The script must be run by a BASH shell as root or as a user with sudo privileges. You can configure many options when running the install script. See Basic Installation Parameters below for the complete list of options.

    If the installer fails due to any requirements not being met, you can correct the issue and then rerun the installer with the same command line options.

    To perform a basic installation:

    • As root:

      # /opt/vertica/sbin/install_vertica --hosts host_list --rpm package_name --dba-user dba_username
    • Using sudo:

      $ sudo /opt/vertica/sbin/install_vertica --hosts host_list --rpm package_name --dba-user dba_username

    Basic installation parameters

    Option Description
    --hosts host_list

    A comma-separated list of host names or IP addresses to include in the cluster. The list must not include embedded spaces. For example:

    * `--hosts node01,node02,node03`
    * `--hosts` 
    * `--hosts,,`
    * `--hosts fd95:ff5d:5549:bdb0::1,fd95:ff5d:5549:bdb0::2,fd95:ff5d:5549:bdb0::3` 
    --rpm package_name --deb package_name

    The path and name of the Vertica RPM package. For example:

    --rpm /tmp/vertica-10.1.1-0.x86_64.RHEL6.rpm

    For Debian and Ubuntu installs, provide the name of the Debian package. For example:

    --deb /tmp/vertica_10.1_amd64.deb

    --dba-user dba_username

    The name of the Database Superuser system account to create. Only this account can run the Administration Tools. If you omit the --dba-user parameter, then the default database administrator account name is dbadmin.

    This parameter is optional for new installations done as root but must be specified when upgrading or when installing using sudo. If upgrading, use the -u parameter to specify the same DBA account name that you used previously. If installing using sudo, the user must already exist.

  2. When prompted for a password to log into the other nodes, provide the requested password. Doing so allows the installation of the package and system configuration on the other cluster nodes.

    • If you are root, this is the root password.

    • If you are using sudo, this is the sudo user password.

    The password does not echo on the command line. For example:

    Vertica Database 11.1.x Installation Tool
    Please enter password for root@host01:password
  3. If the dbadmin user, or the user specified in the argument --dba-user, does not exist, then the install script prompts for the password for the user. Provide the password. For example:

    Enter password for new UNIX user dbadmin:password
    Retype new UNIX password for user dbadmin:password
  4. Carefully examine any warnings or failures returned by install_vertica and correct the problems.

    For example, insufficient RAM, insufficient network throughput, and too high readahead settings on the file system could cause performance problems later on. Additionally, LANG warnings, if not resolved, can cause database startup to fail and issues with VSQL. The system LANG attributes must be UTF-8 compatible. After you fix the problems, rerun the install script.

  5. When installation is successful, disconnect from the Administration host, as instructed by the script. Then, complete the required post-installation steps.

    At this point, root privileges are no longer needed and the database administrator can perform any remaining steps.