Ensure ports are available

Verify that ports required by Vertica are not in use by running the following command as the root user and comparing it with the ports required, as shown below:.

Verify that ports required by Vertica are not in use by running the following command as the root user and comparing it with the ports required, as shown below:

netstat -atupn

If you are using a Red Hat 7/CentOS 7 system, use the following command instead:

ss -atupn

Firewall requirements

Vertica requires several ports to be open on the local network. Vertica does not recommend placing a firewall between nodes (all nodes should be behind a firewall), but if you must use a firewall between nodes, ensure the following ports are available:

Port Protocol Service Notes
22 TCP sshd Required by Administration tools and the Management Console Cluster Installation wizard.
5433 TCP Vertica Vertica client (vsql, ODBC, JDBC, etc) port.
5434 TCP Vertica Intra- and inter-cluster communication. Vertica opens the Vertica client port +1 (5434 by default) for intra-cluster communication, such as during a plan. If the port +1 from the default client port is not available, then Vertica opens a random port for intra-cluster communication.
5433 UDP Vertica Vertica spread monitoring and MC cluster import.
5444 TCP Vertica
Management Console
MC-to-node and node-to-node (agent) communications port. See Changing MC or agent ports.
5450 TCP Vertica
Management Console
Port used to connect to MC from a web browser and allows communication from nodes to the MC application/web server. See Connecting to Management Console.
4803 TCP Spread Client connections.
8443 TCP HTTPS Reserved.
4803 UDP Spread Daemon to daemon connections.
4804 UDP Spread Daemon to daemon connections.
6543 UDP Spread Monitor to daemon connection.