
Columns can contain structs, which store (typed) property-value pairs.

Columns can contain structs, which store (typed) property-value pairs. For example, an address column could use a struct with strings for the street address, city/state, and postal code, such as { "street":"150 Cambridgepark Dr.", "city":"Cambridge MA", "postalcode":"02140"}. (This is a Hive display format, not literally what is stored in the data file.) Struct fields can be primitive types or other complex types.

Use the ROW expression to define a struct column. In the following example, the data has columns for customer name, address, and account number, and the address is a struct in the data. The types you declare in Vertica must be compatible with the types in the data you load into them.

=> CREATE TABLE customers (
    name VARCHAR,
    address ROW(street VARCHAR, city VARCHAR, zipcode INT),
    accountID INT);

Within the ROW, you specify the fields and their data types using the same syntax as for columns. Vertica treats the ROW as a single column for purposes of queries.

Structs can contain other structs. In the following example, employees have various personal information, including an address which is itself a struct.

=> CREATE TABLE employees(
    employeeID INT,
    personal ROW(
      name VARCHAR,
      address ROW(street VARCHAR, city VARCHAR, zipcode INT),
      taxID INT),
    department VARCHAR);

Structs can contain arrays of primitive types, arrays, or structs.

=> CREATE TABLE customers(
  name VARCHAR,
  contact ROW(
    street VARCHAR,
    city VARCHAR,
    zipcode INT,
    email ARRAY[VARCHAR]
  accountid INT );

When defining an external table, Vertica requires the definition of the table to match the schema of the external data. For example, with the data used in the previous employees example, the following definition is an error:

    employeeID INT,
    personal ROW(
      name VARCHAR,
      address ROW(street VARCHAR, city VARCHAR),
      zipcode INT,
      taxID INT),
    department VARCHAR)
ERROR 9151: Datatype mismatch [...]

The data contains an address struct with three fields (street, city, zipcode), so the external table must also use a ROW with three fields. Changing the ROW to have two fields and promoting one of the fields to the parent ROW is a mismatch. Each ROW must match and, if structs are nested in the data, the complete structure must match.

For native tables, you can specify which columns to load from the data, so you do not need to account for all of them. For the columns you load, the definition of the table must match the schema in the data file.

Handling nulls

If a struct exists but a field value is null, Vertica assigns NULL as its value in the ROW. A struct where all fields are null is treated as a ROW with null fields. If the struct itself is null, Vertica reads the ROW as NULL.


See Rows (structs).


ROW columns have several restrictions:

  • The maximum nesting depth is 100.

  • Vertica tables support up to 9800 columns and fields. The ROW itself is not counted, only its fields.

  • ROW columns cannot use any constraints (such as NOT NULL) or defaults.

  • ROW fields cannot be auto_increment or setof.

  • A ROW definition must include at least one field.

  • "Row" is a reserved keyword within a ROW definition, but is permitted as the name of a table or column.

  • ROW columns cannot be modified using ALTER TABLE...ALTER COLUMN.

  • Tables containing ROW columns cannot also contain identity, auto-increment, default, SET USING, or sequence columns.