Optimizer-generated directed queries

CREATE DIRECTED QUERY OPTIMIZER passes an input query to the optimizer, which generates an annotated query from its own query plan.

CREATE DIRECTED QUERY OPTIMIZER passes an input query to the optimizer, which generates an annotated query from its own query plan. It then pairs the input and annotated queries and saves them as a directed query. This directed query can be used to handle other queries that are identical except for the predicate strings on which query results are filtered.

You can use optimized-generated directed queries to capture query plans before you upgrade. Doing so can be especially useful if you detect diminished performance of a given query after the upgrade. In this case, you can use the corresponding directed query to recreate an earlier query plan, and compare its performance to the plan generated by the current optimizer.


The following SQL statements create and activate the directed query findEmployeesCityJobTitle_OPT:

     SELECT employee_first_name, employee_last_name FROM public.employee_dimension
     WHERE employee_city='Boston' and job_title='Cashier' ORDER BY employee_last_name, employee_first_name;

=> ACTIVATE DIRECTED QUERY findEmployeesCityJobTitle_OPT;

After this directed query plan is activated, the optimizer uses it to generate a query plan for all subsequent invocations of this input query, and others like it. You can view the optimizer-generated annotated query by either calling GET DIRECTED QUERY or querying system table DIRECTED_QUERIES:

=> SELECT input_query, annotated_query FROM V_CATALOG.DIRECTED_QUERIES WHERE query_name = 'findEmployeesCityJobTitle_OPT';
-[ RECORD 1 ]---+----------------------------------------------------------------------------
input_query     | SELECT employee_dimension.employee_first_name, employee_dimension.employee_last_name FROM public.employee_dimension
WHERE ((employee_dimension.employee_city = 'Boston'::varchar(6) /*+:v(1)*/) AND (employee_dimension.job_title = 'Cashier'::varchar(7) /*+:v(2)*/))
ORDER BY employee_dimension.employee_last_name, employee_dimension.employee_first_name
annotated_query | SELECT /*+verbatim*/ employee_dimension.employee_first_name AS employee_first_name, employee_dimension.employee_last_name AS employee_last_name FROM public.employee_dimension AS employee_dimension/*+projs('public.employee_dimension')*/
WHERE (employee_dimension.employee_city = 'Boston'::varchar(6) /*+:v(1)*/) AND (employee_dimension.job_title = 'Cashier'::varchar(7) /*+:v(2)*/)

The annotated query includes the following hints:

  • /*+verbatim*/ specifies to execute the annotated query exactly as written and produce a query plan accordingly.
  • /*+projs('public.Emp_Dimension')*/ directs the optimizer to create a query plan that uses the projection public.Emp_Dimension.
  • /*+:v(n)*/ (alias of /*+IGNORECONST(n)*/) is included several times in the annotated and input queries. These hints qualify two constants in the query predicates: Boston and Cashier. Each :v hint has an integer argument n that pairs corresponding constants in the input and annotated query queries: *+:v(1)*/ for Boston, and /*+:v(2)*/ for Cashier. The hints tell the optimizer to disregard these constants when it decides whether to apply this directed query to other input queries that are similar. Thus, ignore constant hints can let you use the same directed query for different input queries.

The following query uses different values for the columns employee_city and job_title, but is otherwise identical to the original input query of directed query EmployeesCityJobTitle_OPT:

=> SELECT employee_first_name, employee_last_name FROM public.employee_dimension
     WHERE employee_city = 'San Francisco' and job_title = 'Branch Manager' ORDER BY employee_last_name, employee_first_name;

If the directed query EmployeesCityJobTitle_OPT is active, the optimizer can use it for this query:

=> EXPLAIN SELECT employee_first_name, employee_last_name FROM employee_dimension WHERE employee_city='San Francisco' AND job_title='Branch Manager' ORDER BY employee_last_name, employee_first_name;
 EXPLAIN SELECT employee_first_name, employee_last_name FROM employee_dimension WHERE employee_city='San Francisco' AND job_title='Branch Manager' ORDER BY employee_last_name, employee_first_name;

 The following active directed query(query name: findEmployeesCityJobTitle_OPT) is being executed:
 SELECT /*+verbatim*/  employee_dimension.employee_first_name, employee_dimension.employee_last_name FROM public.employee_dimension employee_dimension/*+projs('public.employee_dimension')*/
 WHERE ((employee_dimension.employee_city = 'San Francisco'::varchar(13)) AND (employee_dimension.job_title = 'Branch Manager'::varchar(14)))
 ORDER BY employee_dimension.employee_last_name, employee_dimension.employee_first_name

 Access Path:
 +-SORT [Cost: 222, Rows: 10K (NO STATISTICS)] (PATH ID: 1)
 |  Order: employee_dimension.employee_last_name ASC, employee_dimension.employee_first_name ASC
 |  Execute on: All Nodes
 | +---> STORAGE ACCESS for employee_dimension [Cost: 60, Rows: 10K (NO STATISTICS)] (PATH ID: 2)
 | |      Projection: public.employee_dimension_super
 | |      Materialize: employee_dimension.employee_first_name, employee_dimension.employee_last_name
 | |      Filter: (employee_dimension.employee_city = 'San Francisco')
 | |      Filter: (employee_dimension.job_title = 'Branch Manager')
 | |      Execute on: All Nodes