This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 00000.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 00000.
SQLSTATE 00000 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
Info messages
INFO 2372: Cannot commit; no transaction in progress
INFO 2499: Cannot rollback; no transaction in progress
Notice messages
NOTICE 2005: string
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
2 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 01000
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 01000.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 01000.
SQLSTATE 01000 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
Error messages
ERROR 5922: Insufficient privileges to alter table string
Notice messages
NOTICE 2005: string
NOTICE 2519: Cannot shut down while users are connected
NOTICE 2690: Compression hint specified for column 'string' does nothing
because column is GROUPED
NOTICE 3175: Encoding requested for column 'string' does nothing
NOTICE 3512: Ignoring data path, change unsupported
NOTICE 4927: The stringstring depends on string
NOTICE 4929: The string [string] depends on string
NOTICE 5748: API limitation: affinities will be set only for the first
value (out of value) CPUs
NOTICE 6008: Resetting CPU affinity set for resource pool string to the
default (ANY)
NOTICE 6182: Cannot shut down while DBD sessions are running
NOTICE 7090: Cannot set affinity set for resource pool 'string' because
the affinity mode is ANY
NOTICE 7338: The column "string" of table "string" is referenced by table
"string", column "string"
NOTICE 8689: value objects could not be re-parented
NOTICE 9088: Omitting rest of dependent objects, overall value objects
depending on string
NOTICE 9503: The string [value] depends on string
Warning messages
WARNING 2005: string
WARNING 2362: Cannot begin transaction; transaction is already running
WARNING 3084: Design couldn't be dropped
WARNING 3152: Duplicate values in columns marked as UNIQUE will now be
ignored for the remainder of your session or until
reenable_duplicate_key_error() is called
WARNING 3372: Failed to disable profiling: string
WARNING 3373: Failed to enable profiling: string
WARNING 3539: Incorrect results are possible. Please contact Vertica
Support if unsure
WARNING 3791: Invalid view string: string
WARNING 4071: NO COMMIT option will be ignored for external table "string"
WARNING 4088: No new valid default roles specified. Retaining previous
set of default roles for user string
WARNING 4098: No projections found
WARNING 4102: No rows are inserted into table "string"."string" because ON
COMMIT DELETE ROWS is the default for create temporary
WARNING 4116: No super projections created for table string.
WARNING 4246: Only GLOBAL scope is supported for clearing string profiles
WARNING 4463: Projection string is not up to date
WARNING 4468: Projection <string> is not available for query processing.
Execute the select start_refresh() function to copy data
into this projection.
The projection must have a sufficient number of buddy
projections and all nodes must be up before starting a
WARNING 4539: Received no response from stringstring
WARNING 4792: Storage option "string" will be ignored for external table
WARNING 4871: System view string for tuning rule string is currently invalid
WARNING 4873: System view for tuning rule string does not exist
WARNING 4996: This request may deadlock the system. Please report the
details to technical support
WARNING 5068: Total declared length of columns of one of the
constraints exceeds the limit, truncation may happen
WARNING 5119: UDx code didn't respond when Vertica tried to get
function prototype for string in library string: string
WARNING 5448: View string is currently invalid
WARNING 5451: Violations of some of foreign key constraints may not be
reported because of no privilege on the foreign tables
WARNING 5642: Projection string is not persistent or not up to date; it
will not be copied
WARNING 5717: No statistics has been exported. Either the DB is empty
or you try to export an external table or you do not
have access to the available objects
WARNING 5724: Segmentation clause contains a string - data loads may be
slowed significantly
WARNING 5727: Sort clause contains a string - data loads may be slowed
WARNING 5741: View string depends on other relations
WARNING 5819: Design could not be reset
WARNING 5821: Detected keys sharing the same case-insensitive key name
WARNING 5860: Due to the data isolation of temp tables with an on-
commit-delete-rows policy, the compute_flextable_keys()
and compute_flextable_keys_and_build_view() functions
cannot access this table's data. The
build_flextable_view() function can be used with a user-
provided keys table to create a view, but involves a DDL
commit which will delete the table's rows
WARNING 5873: Failed to add table string of hcatalog schema string to catalog:
WARNING 5875: Failed to alter table string of hcatalog schema string to
catalog: string
WARNING 5880: Failed to describe table string in hcatalog database string: string
WARNING 5881: Failed to describe table string in schema string: HCatalog
database string does not exist
WARNING 5884: Failed to list hcatalog tables of hcatalog schema string: string
WARNING 5886: Failed to mirror table string in schema string: string
WARNING 5909: Found and ignored keys with names longer than the
maximum column-name length limit
WARNING 5912: HASH() arguments contain expressions that reference
table columns
WARNING 5917: Ignored some keys since the total key count exceeds the
view column limit
WARNING 5922: Insufficient privileges to alter table string
WARNING 5923: Insufficient privileges to drop table string
WARNING 5991: Projection basename "string" hint was ignored. "string" is used
as the basename
WARNING 5993: Projection is irregularly segmented by column
WARNING 6053: The view creation involved a DDL commit which deleted
the table's rows
WARNING 6256: Error while analyzing constraint(s) string on string
WARNING 6257: Error while creating LTT for analyzing constraints on string
WARNING 6356: No partitions have been swapped. Neither table has
partitions fall in range
WARNING 6417: Swapped partitions are not immediately moved to a new
storage location
WARNING 6515: Projection with name "string" already exists in schema "string"
for anchor table "string.string"
WARNING 6565: Inequal query trees produced the same hash code query1:
WARNING 6594: Unknown RangeTblEntry:value
WARNING 6608: string is an invalid argument for hint string
WARNING 6765: Error parsing distrib value string in Distrib hint's
arguments. The whole hint will be ignored
WARNING 6773: Failed to compare plans for query 'string'
WARNING 6797: Hint string can accept at most one argument, the hint with
value arguments is ignored
WARNING 6798: Hint string can be specified only once for each join, if
multiple instances listed only the first is considered
WARNING 6799: Hint string is not feasible and will be ignored
WARNING 6800: Hint string must have one argument
WARNING 6801: Hint string requires exactly two arguments, the hint with value
arguments is ignored
WARNING 6813: Inherited privileges are globally disabled; schema
parameter is set but has no effect
WARNING 6814: Inherited privileges are globally disabled; table
parameter is set but has no effect
WARNING 6815: Inherited privileges are globally disabled; view
parameter is set but has no effect
WARNING 6818: Input operations specified for Hint string is not feasible
and will be ignored
WARNING 6922: Projection name was changed to string because it conflicts
with the basename of the table string
WARNING 6990: Text index has invalid tokenizer
WARNING 6991: The active saved plan for this query has incompatible
output column set. Continuing with the original query
WARNING 7000: The projection 'string' was used to enforce the enabled key
constraint 'string', and may be regenerated to validate a
DML statement on the base table
WARNING 7020: Unable to find the following query in the export file:
WARNING 7030: Unexpected group clause found during query comparison
WARNING 7031: Unexpected group clause found during query hashing
WARNING 7033: Unexpected sort clause found during query comparison
WARNING 7036: Unknown Expr:value during query comparison
WARNING 7037: Unknown Expr:value found
WARNING 7038: Unknown Expr:value found during query hashing
WARNING 7039: Unknown Inequality OpOid:value found during query hashing
WARNING 7040: Unknown Logic OpExpr:value found during query comparison
WARNING 7041: Unknown Logic OpExpr:value found during query hashing
WARNING 7044: Unknown OpExpr:value found during query comparison
WARNING 7045: Unknown OpExpr:value found during query hashing
WARNING 7046: Unknown RangeTblEntry:value found during query comparison
WARNING 7047: Unknown RangeTblEntry:value found during query hashing
WARNING 7048: Unknown Sublink:value found during query comparison
WARNING 7049: Unknown Sublink:value found during query hashing
WARNING 7052: Unsupported JoinExpr Type found during query comparison
WARNING 7053: Unsupported JoinExpr Type found during query hashing
WARNING 7070: View "string" will include privileges from schema "string"
WARNING 7074: You appear to be using an old version of HDFS that may
have stability problems under high load. See the Vertica
documentation for supported HDFS versions
WARNING 7186: Inherited privileges are globally disabled. Privileges
will be materialized and visibility of table string may
WARNING 7265: Inherited privileges are globally disabled. Privileges
will be materialized and visibility of view string may
WARNING 7709: Could not drop table 'string'. Please remove manually if
Detail: string
WARNING 7752: Cannot make a local query plan for "try local" hint,
please check hash function, segment quantity, segment
boundary, etc
WARNING 7793: The cache will be set to 1 instead
WARNING 7942: Unknown expression found during hashing: value
WARNING 7994: Not converged before max_iterations [value]
WARNING 8012: The parameter [string] is not defined for this function
WARNING 8086: Encoding option specified for attribute (string) of external
table (string) will be ignored
WARNING 8275: The following shards missed the string due to missing
primary subscriber (probably down): string
WARNING 8343: Not converged before max_iterations value
WARNING 8413: Lambda provided without regularization type: default for
regularization is [string]; lambda will have no effect
WARNING 8414: max_depth is set to value while max_breadth to value. This
means the size of trees may become limited by string first
WARNING 8419: Parameters [string] are not supported for optimizer [string],
only for [string]
WARNING 8506: CGD optimizer could not invert covariance matrix which
is required for calculating statistics. Coefficients are
not affected
WARNING 8526: Regularization type [string] may cause optimizer [string] to not
WARNING 8531: string Directory for errors files was not created.
Unable to write errors for this instance of COPY command
WARNING 8547: Not converged before maximum inner iterations value
WARNING 8557: Feature string not applicable in Eon mode
WARNING 8580: Failed to convert internal form to readable form: string
WARNING 8581: Failed to convert to internal form: string
WARNING 8582: Failed to describe hcatalog tables of hcatalog schema
string: string
WARNING 8583: Given lambda value [value] will result in all zero
coefficients; use a value lower than lambda max for this
dataset [value]
WARNING 8602: Caught exception while parsing JSON
WARNING 8621: The following string provided is not valid JSON: string
WARNING 8704: This table is not partitioned. Ignore
activePartitionCount changes
WARNING 8737: The meta function set_recover_by_table is disabled in
9.1SP1. set_recover_test_settings() is supposed to be
used only for testing purpose by developers
WARNING 8818: Library and dependencies have a combined size of value
WARNING 8841: Consider enabling MergeOutCache when reflexive mergeout
is disabled. Otherwise background TM Mergeout service
may affect the query performance
WARNING 8953: Hint ECSMode is not feasible and will be ignored
WARNING 9002: Setting the token timeout greater than value msec may
severely decrease cluster responsiveness to node
shutdowns and failures
WARNING 9011: MergeOutCache doesn't work when reflexive mergeout is
WARNING 9127: UPDATE/DELETE a table with aggregate projections (LAPs)
will automatically run refresh on the LAPs when this
transaction commits
WARNING 9210: Target node string is down, so depot size has been estimated
from depot location on initiator. As soon as the node
comes up, its depot size might be altered depending on
its disk size
WARNING 9337: Caught exception while connecting to LDAP: string
WARNING 9740: Changed max_depth to [value] to avoid a structural limit
WARNING 9974: No DFS file replicas available for retrieval of DFS file
located at string (Oid: value)from its DFS file distribution
value. This file will be dropped by Recovery
WARNING 9975: No nodes in cluster contain DFSFileBlocks for retrieving
DFS file located at string: (Oid: value).This file will be
WARNING 9990: :c hint in Create directed query CUSTOM has no effect,
every constant counts by default
WARNING 9994: IgnoreConst/:v hint in Create directed query OPT has no
effect, all constants are ignored by default
WARNING 10003: Unsupported hint for Constant type
WARNING 10251: Failed to disable debugging: string
WARNING 10252: Failed to enable debugging: string
WARNING 10365: No mergeout ran because mergeout is disabled on
table(s) string
WARNING 10395: New query label string will replace already set label string
WARNING 10420: New range-partitioned projection string is segmented.
Because anchor table string has no unsegmented super
projections, the new projection cannot be used to
process queries
WARNING 10440: Endpoint does not exist (http_code=value).Phone home data
upload to [string] failed: string
WARNING 10441: Failed to collect Phone home data
WARNING 10447: Phone home data upload to [string] failed: string
WARNING 10582: Failed to parse schema [string] with error [string]
WARNING 10586: Token introspection request to [string] failed: string
WARNING 10606: Discovery URL request to [string] failed: string
WARNING 10608: Failed to parse schema of discovery URL response [string]
with error [string]
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
3 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 01004
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 01004.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 01004.
SQLSTATE 01004 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
WARNING 7166: client_label exceeded maximum length; truncated to 255
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
4 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 01006
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 01006.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 01006.
SQLSTATE 01006 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 4925: The string "string" cannot be stringstring "string"
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
5 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 01007
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 01007.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 01007.
SQLSTATE 01007 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
WARNING 5682: USAGE privilege on schema "string" also needs to be granted
to "string"
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
6 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 01009
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 01009.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 01009.
SQLSTATE 01009 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
NOTICE 2495: Cannot revoke string"string" privilege(s) for stringstring that you did
not grant to "string"
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
7 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 01V01
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 01V01.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 01V01.
SQLSTATE 01V01 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
WARNING 2693: Configuration parameter string has been deprecated; setting
it has no effect
WARNING 4736: set_local_segment_threshold has been deprecated; setting
it has no effect
WARNING 8461: drop_partition has been deprecated and will be removed
in a future version
WARNING 8462: merge_partitions has been deprecated and will be removed
in a future version
WARNING 8463: merge_projection_partitions has been deprecated and will
be removed in a future version
WARNING 8751: iterate_ros_objs has been deprecated and will be removed
in a future version
WARNING 8757: rollover_minmax_obj has been deprecated and has no
WARNING 9382: Database branching is removed
WARNING 9508: Function string is deprecated
WARNING 9515: This version of Database Designer is deprecated and will
be replaced in a future release
WARNING 9536: analyze_correlations is deprecated
WARNING 10146: string has been deprecated. Use 'Export to Delimited'
deprecated and will not be supported in future versions
format='parquet', table_name='default_table'] ) has
been deprecated. Please use INFER_TABLE_DDL('path'
[USING PARAMETERS format='parquet',
table_name='default_table', table_type = 'external'] )
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
8 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 02000
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 02000.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 02000.
SQLSTATE 02000 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 3741: Invalid range
ERROR 9997: Invalid partition range. Min partition key is greater than
Max partition key
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
9 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 08000
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 08000.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 08000.
SQLSTATE 08000 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
Error messages
ERROR 2029: string from stdin failed: string
ERROR 2708: Connection to database [string] is invalid
ERROR 2896: Could not receive data from server:string
ERROR 2908: Could not send data to server: string
ERROR 3276: Error while waiting on socket. value
ERROR 4342: Password encryption failed
ERROR 5197: Unknown authentication method (value) requested by server
ERROR 7662: MD5 password hash requested when MD5 is not allowed
ERROR 8941: Could not establish SSL connection
ERROR 8942: Could not establish SSL connection: string
ERROR 8943: Could not establish SSL connection: Remote server
certificate could not be validated with error [string]
ERROR 8945: Could not establish TLS connection: TLS is not enabled on
remote cluster
ERROR 9103: Could not set remote cluster hostname: string
ERROR 9104: Could not set SSL fd: string
Fatal messages
FATAL 5273: Unsupported frontend protocol value.value: server supports value.0
to value.value
FATAL 7580: Unsupported frontend protocol value.value
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
10 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 08001
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 08001.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 08001.
SQLSTATE 08001 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2322: Cancel() -- connect() failed:
ERROR 2324: Cancel() -- socket() failed:
ERROR 2823: Could not connect to server [string]: string
Is the server running and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port string?
ERROR 2824: Could not connect to server: string
Is the server running on host [string] and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port string?
ERROR 2839: Could not create socket: string
ERROR 2865: Could not get client address from socket: string
ERROR 2869: Could not get socket error status: string
ERROR 2912: Could not set socket to close-on-exec mode: string
ERROR 2913: Could not set socket to non-blocking mode: string
ERROR 2914: Could not set socket to TCP no delay mode: string
ERROR 7801: Could not translate host name "string" to address using family
"string": string
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
11 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 08003
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 08003.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 08003.
SQLSTATE 08003 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 4717: Server closed the connection unexpectedly
This probably means the server terminated abnormally
before or while processing the request
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
12 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 08004
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 08004.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 08004.
SQLSTATE 08004 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
FATAL 4060: New session rejected due to limit, already value sessions
FATAL 7470: New session rejected because connection limit of value on
string already met for string
FATAL 10611: New session rejected because subcluster to which this
node belongs is draining connections
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
13 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 08006
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 08006.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 08006.
SQLSTATE 08006 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
Commerror messages
COMMERROR 2607: Client has disconnected
COMMERROR 5167: Unexpected EOF on client connection
Error messages
ERROR 2323: Cancel() -- send() failed: string
ERROR 2606: Client failed when looking for pending signals
ERROR 2607: Client has disconnected
ERROR 4539: Received no response from stringstring
ERROR 8466: Received no response from (string), operation (string)
ERROR 8503: Cannot get a reply from node: string
ERROR 8944: Could not establish TLS connection. Please check the
Vertica log for more details
ERROR 8979: Remote Vertica cluster did not connect over TLS but TLS is
required for Import/Export on this cluster because
ImportExportTLSMode is set to string
ERROR 9768: RPC: peer went down during call: string
Fatal messages
FATAL 2607: Client has disconnected
FATAL 4777: SSL initialization failure
FATAL 8072: Client hasn't responded during grace period!
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
14 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 08V01
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 08V01.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 08V01.
SQLSTATE 08V01 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
Commerror messages
COMMERROR 3337: Expected GSS response, got message type 'string'
COMMERROR 3339: Expected password response, got message type 'string'
COMMERROR 3532: Incomplete message from client
COMMERROR 3700: Invalid message length
COMMERROR 5168: Unexpected EOF within message length word
COMMERROR 8088: Expected changepassword response, got message type
COMMERROR 8089: Expected LDAP password response, got message type 'string'
COMMERROR 9176: X509 can't generate digest for cert_chain; error value
COMMERROR 9333: string: OpenSSL SYSCALL error: EOF detected
COMMERROR 9334: string: TLS error: string
COMMERROR 9335: string: unrecognized OpenSSL error code: value
COMMERROR 9339: Could not accept TLS connection (2): EOF detected
COMMERROR 9340: Could not accept TLS connection (3): string
COMMERROR 9341: Could not accept TLS connection (4): EOF detected
COMMERROR 9342: Could not initialize TLS connection: string
COMMERROR 9344: Could not set TLS socket: string
COMMERROR 9349: TLS renegotiation failure
COMMERROR 9352: Unrecognized OpenSSL error code: value
Error messages
ERROR 2055: string Unexpected message type string reading from stdin
ERROR 2257: Bind message has value parameter formats but value parameters
ERROR 2258: Bind message has value result formats but query has value
ERROR 3334: Expected a RowDescription Message
ERROR 3335: Expected a SendExport Message
ERROR 3575: Insufficient data left in message
ERROR 3631: Invalid CLOSE message subtype value
ERROR 3651: Invalid DESCRIBE message subtype value
ERROR 3699: Invalid message format
ERROR 3701: Invalid message type
ERROR 3702: Invalid message type value
ERROR 3755: Invalid string in message
ERROR 3887: Lost synchronization with server: length value
ERROR 4074: No data left in message
ERROR 4718: Server did not identify with a pid & key
ERROR 5181: Unexpected message type 0xhex value
ERROR 5208: Unknown message from server
Fatal messages
FATAL 3667: Invalid frontend message type value
FATAL 3668: Invalid frontend message type string
FATAL 3739: Invalid protocol used.Message type value (character)
FATAL 3753: Invalid startup packet layout: expected terminator as last
FATAL 4073: No data files to load
FATAL 5776: Cannot send load balance request after SSL negotiation
Warning messages
WARNING 5872: Expected to flush an end-of-batch client message but
received a message of type value. Attempting to recover...
WARNING 6863: MARS operation not supported for your client version.
Parameter not changed
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
15 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 09000
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 09000.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 09000.
SQLSTATE 09000 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
Error messages
ERROR 2005: string
ERROR 7353: A problem during the execution of writeModel.
Detail: string
ERROR 7356: A problem occurred during the execution of a BFGS
Detail: string
ERROR 7358: A problem occurred during the execution of a MinMax
Detail: string
ERROR 7359: A problem occurred during the execution of a Newton
Detail: string
ERROR 7360: A problem occurred during the execution of a robust_zscore
Detail: string
ERROR 7361: A problem occurred during the execution of a zscore
Detail: string
ERROR 7362: A problem occurred during the execution of an iteration.
Detail: string
ERROR 7373: Cannot check if all columns are numeric.
Detail: string
ERROR 7377: Cannot compute input column list.
Detail: string
ERROR 7378: Cannot find the current user.
Detail: string
ERROR 7383: Cannot make inf clause.
Detail: string
ERROR 7384: Cannot make null clause.
Detail: string
ERROR 7395: Could not compute evaluation metrics.
Detail: string
ERROR 7396: Could not create view 'string'.
Detail: string
ERROR 7497: Problem in balance.
Detail: string
ERROR 7498: Problem in balance: Unknown exception
ERROR 7503: Problem in detect_outliers.
Detail: string
ERROR 7504: Problem in detect_outliers: Unknown exception
ERROR 7505: Problem in initializing centers table.
Detail: string
ERROR 7506: Problem in kmeans.
Detail: string
ERROR 7507: Problem in kmeans: Unknown exception
ERROR 7516: Problem in normalize.
Detail: string
ERROR 7517: Problem in normalize: Unknown exception
ERROR 7524: Problem in writing initial model to DFS.
Detail: string
ERROR 7593: Could not randomly pick value distinct centers after trying
value times
ERROR 7626: A problem during the execution of computing the number of
detected outliers.
Detail: string
ERROR 7731: Problem in calculating alpha for Linear Regression.
Detail: string
ERROR 7732: Problem in calculating Hessian matrix for Linear
Detail: string
ERROR 7733: Problem in strongWolfeLineSearch.
Detail: string
ERROR 7734: Problem in zoom.
Detail: string
ERROR 7761: A problem during the execution of computing the mad.
Detail: string
ERROR 7762: A problem during the execution of computing the median.
Detail: string
ERROR 7763: A problem occurred during the execution of a mad
Detail: string
ERROR 7764: A problem occurred during the execution of median
Detail: string
ERROR 7769: Kmeans++ exceeded max number of retries for choosing
initial center
ERROR 7805: No input columns provided
ERROR 7826: Numeric overflow occurred during execution of kmeans++
ERROR 7827: Numeric overflow occurred when computing total sum of
ERROR 7828: Numeric overflow occurred when computing total within-
cluster sum of squares
ERROR 7829: Numeric overflow occurred when computing within-cluster
sum of squares
ERROR 7844: Input table string is empty
ERROR 7845: No input columns left after excluding
ERROR 7851: No rows remain after filtering rows with null and infinity
ERROR 7949: A problem occurred during the execution
of mode computation.
Detail: string
ERROR 7961: Problem in impute.
Detail: string
ERROR 7962: Problem in impute: Unknown exception
ERROR 7975: A problem occurred during training of SVM model.
Detail: string
ERROR 7988: Input table is empty
ERROR 7992: No rows remain after filtering rows containing NULL, NaN
or INF
ERROR 8000: Problem in normalize_fit.
Detail: string
ERROR 8001: Problem in normalize_fit: Unknown exception
ERROR 8020: Unexpected empty result from query
ERROR 8045: A blob container cannot be initialized more than once
ERROR 8046: A problem during the execution of computing the max
Detail: string
ERROR 8047: A problem during the execution of sse_linear_reg
ERROR 8055: A problem occurred during the execution of computing
weight table.
Detail: string
ERROR 8056: A problem occurred during the execution of saving weight
table to vectors.
Detail: string
ERROR 8078: Could not link model string to catalog object.
ERROR 8102: Invalid value [string] for parameter [string]. Valid values are
ERROR 8113: Model name cannot be empty
ERROR 8134: Problem in factor function.
Detail: string
ERROR 8241: A problem occurred during the execution of
a mode imputation with partition by.
Detail: string
ERROR 8242: A problem occurred during the execution of
a mode imputation without partition by.
Detail: string
ERROR 8243: A problem occurred during the execution of a mean
imputation with partition by.
Detail: string
ERROR 8244: A problem occurred during the execution of a mean
Detail: string
ERROR 8291: A problem occurred during the execution of coordinate
descent covariance.
Detail: string
ERROR 8293: A problem occurred during the execution of offsets query
(averages of all columns).
Detail: string
ERROR 8301: Parameter [string] cannot be redefined
ERROR 8306: Problem in creating model [string].
Detail: string
ERROR 8307: Problem in creating model [string]: Unknown exception
ERROR 8308: Problem in cross_validation.
Detail: string
ERROR 8309: Problem in cross_validation: Unknown exception
ERROR 8315: Type [string] of parameter [string] is not supported
ERROR 8318: Empty string cannot be passed into extra_levels parameter
ERROR 8319: Invalid JSON for extra_levels: [string]
ERROR 8320: Problem in one_hot_encoder_fit.
Detail: string
ERROR 8321: Problem in one_hot_encoder_fit: Unknown exception
ERROR 8344: Parameter [string] was provided and cannot be included again
in cv_hyperparams
ERROR 8369: Could not train any tree. Increase sampling_size
ERROR 8399: A problem in model summary.
Detail: string
ERROR 8405: Could not create catalog object for model [string]
Detail: string
ERROR 8406: Could not create catalog object for temporary model
Detail: string
ERROR 8407: Could not link temporary model to catalog object.
ERROR 8420: Problem in creating temporary model.
Detail: string
ERROR 8421: Problem in creating temporary model: Unknown exception
ERROR 8499: A problem occurred during training of a Naive Bayes model.
Detail: string
ERROR 8523: One of the folds does not have enough data to train.
Please try to reduce the number of folds
ERROR 8529: Unsupported model format version for upgrade
ERROR 8565: Relation [string] has no valid rows
ERROR 8566: Relation [string] is empty
ERROR 8572: Error while initializing model upgrade task.
ERROR 8577: Error while upgrade models.
ERROR 8590: Schema value not found
ERROR 8626: A problem occurred during training of PCA model.
Detail: string
ERROR 8627: A problem occurred during training of SVD model.
Detail: string
ERROR 8732: Input relation [string] is empty
ERROR 9090: Subcluster is already set to default
ERROR 9263: A problem occurred during the execution of a kmeans
Detail: string
ERROR 9267: Could not randomly pick value distinct centers after trying
value times:Number of clusters must not be bigger than the
number of distinct rows without null or infinity values
ERROR 9278: Only found less than 2 centers during a bisection. You may
want to try again; or there may be fewer than k distinct
data points in the table
ERROR 9279: Problem in writing initial kmeans model to DFS.
Detail: string
ERROR 9415: Invalid model category: string
ERROR 9416: Invalid model type: string
ERROR 9450: Failed to import model(s): string
ERROR 9477: Unknown exception in importing model(s)
ERROR 9807: The columns [string] is empty
ERROR 9808: The total number of categories in all input columns must
be less than value, but it is value
ERROR 9970: Problem in one_hot_encoder_fit.
Detail: stringstringstring
ERROR 10127: Could not train any tree, increase sampling_size
ERROR 10300: A problem occurred during the execution of a Moving
Average iteration.
Detail: string
ERROR 10435: A problem occurred while deleting temp DFS files.
Detail: string
Warning messages
WARNING 2005: string
WARNING 7784: Could not remove blob named string.
Detail: Unexpected exception
WARNING 7785: Could not remove the blob named string.
Detail: string
WARNING 7858: Only found value non-empty clusters. You may want to try
again or use a better set of initial centers; or there
may be fewer than k distinct datapoints in the table
WARNING 8346: The total number of models to be trained is very large
[value]. It could take very long time to finish
WARNING 8507: Could not upgrade model to latest version, during
import. Please run upgrade_model().
WARNING 8508: Could not upgrade model to latest version, during
import. Please run upgrade_model(). Unknown Exception
WARNING 8571: Cannot upgrade an incomplete model: [value]. Skipping
this model
WARNING 8573: Error while performing upgrade for model: string.
Details:Model file: string does not exist
WARNING 8574: Error while performing upgrade for model[value].
Details: Model does not exist
WARNING 8575: Error while performing upgrade for model[value].
WARNING 8576: Error while performing upgrade.
WARNING 8714: Error while performing upgrade for model: string.
Details:Model root directory does not exist
WARNING 9322: Only found 1 cluster during bisection step value. You may
want to try again; or there may be fewer than k distinct
data points in the table
WARNING 10413: Kmeans not converged in the kmeans trial value of
bisection step value (out of value) before
kmeans_max_iterations value
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
16 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 0A000
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 0A000.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 0A000.
SQLSTATE 0A000 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
Error messages
ERROR 2009: string can not be used in function string
ERROR 2013: string clause is not supported for expressions
ERROR 2014: string Concatenated GZIP/BZIP is not supported with
ERROR 2036: string is not a legal time unit
ERROR 2058: string VIEW is not supported
ERROR 2089: A correlated column in a subquery expression is not
ERROR 2114: ADD COLUMN over temporary tables is not supported
ERROR 2130: Aggregate function string (value) is not supported
ERROR 2133: Aggregate function calls cannot contain subqueries
ERROR 2138: Aggregate functions can only be called on columns of a
ERROR 2161: ALL subquery with a correlated expression is not supported
ERROR 2165: ALTER COLUMN TYPE over temporary tables is not supported
ERROR 2166: ALTER TABLE does not support ADD COLUMN with other clauses
ERROR 2167: ALTER TABLE does not support ALTER COLUMN TYPE with other
ERROR 2168: ALTER TABLE does not support DROP COLUMN with other
ERROR 2169: ALTER TABLE does not support SET SCHEMA with other clauses
ERROR 2178: An expression containing a correlated subquery with
aggregate function is not supported
ERROR 2183: Analytic functions are not allowed in an ORDER BY on a
ERROR 2184: Analytic functions are not supported in the ORDER BY of an
analytic function OVER clause
ERROR 2190: Analytics query with having clause expression that
involves aggregates and subquery is not supported
ERROR 2192: ANALYZE_CONSTRAINTS is currently not supported in non-
default locales
ERROR 2208: Another Design/Deployment is in progress
ERROR 2210: ANTI join with segmented inner not supported
ERROR 2220: Argument string must not contain subqueries
ERROR 2226: Argument to seeded random_must be a constant
ERROR 2329: Cannot accept a value of type any
ERROR 2330: Cannot accept a value of type anyarray
ERROR 2331: Cannot accept a value of type anyelement
ERROR 2332: Cannot accept a value of type internal
ERROR 2333: Cannot accept a value of type language_handler
ERROR 2334: Cannot accept a value of type opaque
ERROR 2335: Cannot accept a value of type trigger
ERROR 2340: Cannot add IDENTITY/AUTO-INCREMENT columns
ERROR 2350: Cannot alter type of column "string" since it is referenced in
the constraint "string"
ERROR 2351: Cannot alter type of column "string" since it is referenced in
the default expression of column "string"
ERROR 2352: Cannot alter type of column "string" since it is referenced in
the partition expression
ERROR 2360: Cannot assign to system column "string"
ERROR 2363: Cannot broadcast non-subquery outer input to a join
ERROR 2368: Cannot change owner of temporary table
ERROR 2377: Cannot convert column "string" from "string" to type "string"
ERROR 2392: Cannot delete from a view
ERROR 2399: Cannot display a value of type any
ERROR 2400: Cannot display a value of type anyelement
ERROR 2401: Cannot display a value of type internal
ERROR 2402: Cannot display a value of type language_handler
ERROR 2403: Cannot display a value of type opaque
ERROR 2404: Cannot display a value of type trigger
ERROR 2407: Cannot drop a table column when a node is down
ERROR 2411: Cannot drop column "string" since it is referenced in the
partition expression
ERROR 2412: Cannot drop column "string" since it is referenced in the
primary key constraint
ERROR 2425: Cannot export virtual stringstring
ERROR 2443: Cannot insert into a view
ERROR 2458: Cannot mergeout uncommitted data in the presence of
ERROR 2503: Cannot set a subfield to DEFAULT
ERROR 2504: Cannot set an array element to DEFAULT
ERROR 2532: Cannot update a view
ERROR 2533: Cannot Update/Merge tables involved in prejoins with Limit
clause on unsorted output
ERROR 2549: Cannot use DISTINCT with user-defined transform functions
ERROR 2552: Cannot use meta function or non-deterministic function in
PARTITION BY expression
ERROR 2556: Cannot use SAVEPOINT with uncommitted tuple mover enabled
ERROR 2558: Cannot use subquery in EXECUTE parameter
ERROR 2559: Cannot use subquery in expressions within COPY
ERROR 2560: Cannot use subquery in PARTITION BY expression
ERROR 2561: Cannot use subquery in SEGMENTED BY expression
ERROR 2562: Cannot use Vertica's built-in file source and a UDSource
in the same query
ERROR 2569: Catalog object string does not exist
ERROR 2602: Clause "NO PROJECTION" conflicts with the column list
ERROR 2603: Clause "NO PROJECTION" is supported only on temporary
ERROR 2618: CoerceToDomain is not supported
ERROR 2619: CoerceToDomainValue is not supported
ERROR 2628: Column "string" in PARTITION BY expression is not allowed,
since it contains NULL values
ERROR 2646: Column string has the NOT NULL constraint set and has no
default value defined
ERROR 2648: Column string in PARTITION BY expression is not allowed, since
it is not present in some projections
ERROR 2652: Column string occurred multiple times in the definition of
Projection string
ERROR 2667: Column name list is not allowed in CREATE TABLE / AS
ERROR 2672: Column type int2 is not supported
ERROR 2673: Column type int4 is not supported
ERROR 2676: Command string is not supported
ERROR 2679: COMMENT not supported for system objects
ERROR 2680: COMMENT not supported for this object type
ERROR 2692: Conditional UNION/INTERSECT/EXCEPT statements are not
ERROR 2698: Conflicting or redundant column options
ERROR 2699: Conflicting or redundant options
ERROR 2725: Copy cannot return rejected rows from executor nodes
ERROR 2726: Copy cannot return rejected rows from more than one file
ERROR 2739: COPY force not null is available only in CSV mode, but CSV
mode is not supported
ERROR 2740: COPY force quote is available only in CSV mode, but CSV
mode is not supported
ERROR 2741: COPY FROM does not support the BINARY option
ERROR 2742: COPY FROM does not support the CSV option
ERROR 2743: COPY FROM does not support the OIDS option
ERROR 2744: COPY LOCAL does not support rejected row numbers with
exceptions or rejected data options
ERROR 2751: COPY quote is available only in CSV mode, but CSV mode is
not supported
ERROR 2770: Correlated EXISTS/NOT EXISTS subquery containing having
clause with aggregates is not supported
ERROR 2772: Correlated EXISTS/NOT EXISTS subquery with limit 0 is not
ERROR 2773: Correlated EXISTS/NOT EXISTS with aggregate COUNT is not
ERROR 2776: Correlated EXISTS/NOT EXISTS with User Defined Aggregate
is not supported
ERROR 2777: Correlated expression in ON clause is not supported
ERROR 2778: Correlated expression in set operator subquery is not
ERROR 2779: Correlated expressions in SELECT list of subquery are not
ERROR 2780: Correlated subqueries cannot have more than one level
ERROR 2781: Correlated subqueries with analytics in the select list is
not supported
ERROR 2782: Correlated subqueries with no group by and a non-strict
expression containing an aggregate in the select list is
not supported
ERROR 2783: Correlated subquery column in select/gby/oby not supported
ERROR 2784: Correlated subquery could not be flattened as a join
ERROR 2785: Correlated subquery could not get flattened, a correlated
expression could not be treated as a join
ERROR 2786: Correlated subquery expression without aggregates and with
limit is not supported
ERROR 2787: Correlated subquery expressions under OR not supported
ERROR 2788: Correlated subquery in expression with operator <> is not
ERROR 2790: Correlated subquery with aggregate and limit 0 is not
ERROR 2792: Correlated subquery with aggregate function COUNT is not
ERROR 2793: Correlated subquery with distinct/group by is not
ERROR 2794: Correlated subquery with having clause expression that
involves aggregates and subquery is not supported
ERROR 2795: Correlated subquery with NOT IN is not supported
ERROR 2796: Correlated subquery with outer joins and uncorrelated
exists is not supported
ERROR 2797: Correlated subquery with User Defined Aggregate is not
ERROR 2854: Could not find array type for data type string
ERROR 2942: CREATE ASSERTION is not supported
ERROR 2980: Data type not supported
ERROR 2981: Data type not supported (value)
ERROR 2983: Database "string" does not exist
ERROR 2987: Database references are not supported: "string.string.string"
ERROR 3026: Defining query must have a from clause
ERROR 3115: DistinctExpr not supported
ERROR 3116: Distrib overrides are too restrictive. Can not find
completed Join Order
ERROR 3118: DML on projection/view is not supported
ERROR 3119: DML query with a predicate that could not be pushed below
joins and does not refer solely to the target table is not
ERROR 3123: DROP ASSERTION is not supported
ERROR 3126: DROP COLUMN over temporary tables is not supported
ERROR 3132: DROP SEQUENCE does not support CASCADE
ERROR 3141: Dropping local and global objects in one statement is not
ERROR 3157: Dynamic load not supported
ERROR 3163: Embedded SQL involving local objects is not supported
statement only
ERROR 3246: Error parsing distrib overrides (unexpected end of
override); string
ERROR 3247: Error parsing distrib value; string
ERROR 3277: Error writing to [string]
ERROR 3291: Event ANY_ROW is not supported
ERROR 3317: Executing when OPT:PLAN_ALL_NODES_ACTIVE option is set
ERROR 3343: Explicit JOIN clause contains a join predicate between
relations previously joined
ERROR 3351: Expressions in COPY may not contain aggregate functions
ERROR 3352: Expressions in COPY may not contain analytic or Time
Series Aggregate Functions
ERROR 3353: Expressions not supported in Times Series Aggregate
ERROR 3357: External tables only support files or a User Defined
ERROR 3404: FieldStore is not supported
ERROR 3417: Final phase output size mismatch
ERROR 3420: First argument of date_part must be a constant string
ERROR 3434: For INSERT SELECT statement, replicated/broadcasted source
data not supported
ERROR 3436: For SELECT DISTINCT, ORDER BY expressions must appear in
the SELECT clause
ERROR 3451: Function string can't be used as a case expression
ERROR 3452: Function string can't be used in a boolean
ERROR 3453: Function string can't be used in a WHEN clause
ERROR 3454: Function string can't be used in as a segment expression
ERROR 3455: Function string can't be used with an operator
ERROR 3488: Group By, Order By, Aggregates, Having & limits not
allowed in update/delete
ERROR 3510: IGNORE NULLS argument must be a Boolean constant
ERROR 3553: INHERITS not supported
ERROR 3566: Input of anonymous composite types is not implemented
ERROR 3600: Interpolated predicates can accept arguments of the same
type only
ERROR 3601: Interpolated predicates can be part of AND expressions
ERROR 3613: Interval units "string" not supported
ERROR 3821: Joins with an interpolated predicate can have a
conjunctive expression containing equality predicates. The
equality predicates cannot have expressions or column
references with different modifiers
ERROR 3822: Joins with an interpolated predicate cannot have
expressions or column references with different modifiers
in any of the expressions
ERROR 3857: Library built with unsupported version of Vertica SDK
[Version: string, Revision: string]
ERROR 3876: Locale must be a constant
ERROR 3900: MATCH PARTIAL is not supported
ERROR 3972: Multi-column subquery expressions can only be used with
the =, <=> and <> operators
ERROR 3973: Multi-column subquery type ALL can only be used with the =
and <=> operators
ERROR 3974: Multi-column subquery type ANY can only be used with the
=, <=> and <> operators
ERROR 4106: No single-source bulk loads have been executed in this
ERROR 4147: Node issuing the query cannot be marked as down
ERROR 4160: Non-equality correlated subquery expression is not
ERROR 4170: Not a Star or Snow-Flake Query block
ERROR 4171: Not a Star or Snow-Flake Query block; dimension table not
a star or snowflake
ERROR 4172: Not a Star or Snow-Flake Query block; no fact table found
ERROR 4173: Not a Star or Snow-Flake Query block; there are multiple
fact tables
ERROR 4197: NULL value found in a column used by a subquery
ERROR 4228: ON COMMIT DROP not supported in CREATE TABLE
ERROR 4238: Only a temporary table projection can be pinned
ERROR 4248: Only inner joins are allowed in the projection defining
ERROR 4256: Only relations and subqueries are allowed in the FROM
ERROR 4258: Only super user can call export_catalog with an output
file name
ERROR 4259: Only super user can get the rebalance data script
ERROR 4263: Only superuser can drop system schema
ERROR 4264: Only superuser can rebalance data
ERROR 4265: Only superuser can rebalance data for replicated
ERROR 4266: Only superuser can rebalance data for segmented
ERROR 4280: Operator string (value) is not supported
ERROR 4281: Operator string is not supported for row expressions
ERROR 4298: ORDER BY on a UNION/INTERSECT/EXCEPT result must be on one
of the result columns
ERROR 4299: ORDER mode not supported
ERROR 4306: OUTER join with broadcasted outer data not supported
ERROR 4307: OUTER or SEMI join - done through CROSS join and FILTER -
with replicated outer and segmented inner not supported
ERROR 4308: OUTER relation in OUTER join is not the fact table nor a
snowflake dimension table
ERROR 4309: Outer replicated/segmented input to a join cannot be
ERROR 4310: LEFTOUTER/SEMI/ANTI join with replicated/broadcasted outer
data not supported
ERROR 4328: PARTITION AUTO can only be used with single-phase user
defined transform functions
ERROR 4329: PARTITION AUTO cannot be used with pattern matching
ERROR 4331: PARTITION BY expression cannot return a tuple
ERROR 4332: PARTITION BY expression has an unknown type
ERROR 4333: PARTITION BY expression may not contain aggregate
ERROR 4335: Partitioning expression not supported for temporary tables
ERROR 4336: Partitioning not supported for temporary tables
ERROR 4352: Pattern "E" is not supported
ERROR 4375: PINNED clause conflicts with KSAFE setting
ERROR 4376: PINNED clause is not supported in CREATE TABLE statement
ERROR 4412: Prepared statements are currently unsupported
ERROR 4465: Projection string of local temporary table cannot be created
under user schema string
ERROR 4471: Projection choices are too restrictive - cannot create
correct join between tables
ERROR 4584: RENAME COLUMN over temporary tables is not supported
ERROR 4586: replicate_catalog has been shut off
ERROR 4628: Row Expressions are not supported in this context
ERROR 4644: Scalar array expression cannot contain column references
or subqueries
ERROR 4645: Scalar array op string (value) is not supported
ERROR 4664: Segmentation clause can not have offset in CREATE TABLE
ERROR 4665: Segmentation clause with offset conflicts with KSAFE
ERROR 4666: Segmentation expression must have integer type
ERROR 4671: SELECT FOR UPDATE cannot be applied to a function
ERROR 4672: SELECT FOR UPDATE cannot be applied to a join
ERROR 4673: SELECT FOR UPDATE cannot be applied to NEW or OLD
ERROR 4675: SELECT FOR UPDATE is not allowed with libraries
ERROR 4676: SELECT FOR UPDATE is not allowed with sequences
ERROR 4677: SELECT FOR UPDATE is not allowed with
ERROR 4678: SELECT FOR UPDATE is not allowed with views
ERROR 4680: Self joins in UPDATE statements are not allowed
ERROR 4703: Sequence cannot be moved between system schema and user
ERROR 4711: Sequence or IDENTITY/AUTO_INCREMENT column in merge query
is not supported
ERROR 4714: Sequences are not allowed in default expressions of local
temp tables
ERROR 4715: Sequences cannot be called in views
ERROR 4716: Sequences cannot be created under system schemas
ERROR 4728: Set Operator string ALL not supported
ERROR 4730: Set Operator queries without a FROM clause are not
ERROR 4733: SET SCHEMA over temporary tables is not supported
ERROR 4747: SetToDefault is not supported
ERROR 4786: Statement string is not supported
ERROR 4808: Subqueries are not supported as the left hand argument to
another subquery
ERROR 4809: Subqueries are not supported in the ORDER BY of a
timeseries OVER clause
ERROR 4810: Subqueries are not supported in the ORDER BY of an
analytic function OVER clause
ERROR 4812: Subqueries are not supported in the PARTITION BY of an
analytic function OVER clause
ERROR 4816: Subqueries in the ON clause are not supported
ERROR 4817: Subqueries in the SELECT or ORDER BY are not supported if
the query has aggregates and the subquery is not part of
ERROR 4818: Subqueries in the SELECT or ORDER BY are not supported if
the subquery is not part of the GROUP BY
ERROR 4820: Subqueries in UPDATE/DELETE/MERGE is not supported
ERROR 4821: Subqueries not allowed in target of insert
ERROR 4822: Subqueries referring to no outer columns in HAVING clause
when query has aggregates and no GROUP BY are not
ERROR 4824: Subquery aggregate expression that refers a correlated
column is not supported
ERROR 4839: Subquery type ARRAY is not supported
ERROR 4842: Subquery without a from clause is not supported
ERROR 4850: Support for UPDATE/DELETE/MERGE is not enabled
ERROR 4854: SyncMarkers are not supported
ERROR 4865: System table string cannot be created under user schema string
ERROR 4869: System view "string" cannot be dropped
ERROR 4870: System view string cannot be created under user schema string
ERROR 4884: Table string cannot be created under system schema string
ERROR 4897: Table cannot be moved between system schema and user
ERROR 4910: Table revalidation error
ERROR 4918: Temporary Sequences are not supported
ERROR 4933: The argument types in a subquery expression in the
where/having clause do not match
ERROR 4938: The constant value following the LIMIT clause cannot be
ERROR 4939: The constant value following the OFFSET clause cannot be
ERROR 4948: The fourth input argument of TIME_SLICE must be START or
ERROR 4960: The ORDER BY ... USING clause is not supported
ERROR 4966: The second parameter of export_catalog is invalid: string
ERROR 4968: The slice length parameter of TIME_SLICE must be a
positive integer
ERROR 5005: Time Series Aggregate Function with interpolation scheme
LINEAR may only have an INTEGER or FLOAT type as its first
ERROR 5016: Time units "string" not supported
ERROR 5023: Timeseries output functions are not supported in the ORDER
BY of a timeseries OVER clause
ERROR 5028: Timestamp units "string" not supported
ERROR 5110: Type string (value) is not supported
ERROR 5160: Uncorrelated EXISTS subqueries in HAVING clause when query
has aggregates and no GROUP BY are not supported
ERROR 5195: UNIQUE predicate is not supported
ERROR 5262: Unsafe use of string constant with Unicode escapes
ERROR 5264: Unsupported access to session-scoped (LOCAL) object
ERROR 5270: Unsupported COPY command clause
ERROR 5275: Unsupported Join in From clause
ERROR 5276: Unsupported Join in From clause: FULL OUTER JOINS not
ERROR 5277: Unsupported Join in From clause: UNION JOINS not supported
ERROR 5278: Unsupported join of two non-alike segmented projections
ERROR 5280: Unsupported mix of Joins
ERROR 5284: Unsupported query syntax
ERROR 5289: Unsupported subquery expression
ERROR 5291: Unsupported use of aggregates
ERROR 5292: Unsupported use of cursors
ERROR 5293: Unsupported use of DISTINCT clause
ERROR 5294: Unsupported use of FROM clause
ERROR 5295: Unsupported use of GROUP BY or DISTINCT clause
ERROR 5296: Unsupported use of HAVING clause
ERROR 5297: Unsupported use of LIMIT/OFFSET clause
ERROR 5298: Unsupported use of ORDER BY clause
ERROR 5299: Unsupported use of outer joins
ERROR 5300: Unsupported use of query/subquery without FROM clause
ERROR 5301: Unsupported use of sub-queries
ERROR 5302: Unsupported use of target relation
ERROR 5303: Unsupported use of UDF in WHERE clause
ERROR 5304: Unsupported use of UNION/INTERSECT/EXCEPT
ERROR 5314: UPDATE may not refer to tables in prejoin projections
ERROR 5366: User defined aggregate cannot be used in query with other
distinct aggregates
ERROR 5388: User has insufficient privilege on stringstring
ERROR 5392: User must have the DBDUSER role to run the database
ERROR 5396: User projection string cannot be created under system schema
ERROR 5402: User-defined transform functions are not supported in the
ORDER BY clause
ERROR 5407: VALINDEX column must be the first column in ORDER BY list
ERROR 5426: Vertica currently allows a maximum of value physical storage
containers per projection
ERROR 5427: Vertica does not support GRANT / REVOKE ON LANGUAGE
ERROR 5428: Vertica does not support GRANT / REVOKE ON TABLESPACE
ERROR 5447: View string cannot be created under system schema string
ERROR 5456: Volatile functions may not be used in fillers when other
computed columns refer to them
ERROR 5465: Window frame exclusion is not supported
ERROR 5537: Cannot alter user-defined type "string" of column "string"
ERROR 5550: COPY from UDSource does not support rejected row numbers
with exceptions or rejected data options
ERROR 5551: COPY LOCAL cannot process more than ONE NATIVE or NATIVE
VARCHAR file at a time
ERROR 5562: Creating temp tables by LIKE clause is not supported
ERROR 5595: Invalid argument type string in function string
ERROR 5607: Language of replacement library [string] must match language
of existing library [string]
ERROR 5681: Unsupported base type string for User-defined type string
ERROR 5698: Cannot export statistics for the specified object
ERROR 5725: Size specification not supported for User Defined Type string
ERROR 5731: The second parameter must be a table/projection/column
ERROR 5758: Can not drop Filesystem proc string
ERROR 5759: Can not drop library "string": referenced by storage locations
ERROR 5763: Can't create a managed external table with non-file
ERROR 5781: Cannot use meta function or non-deterministic function in
SEGMENTED BY expression
ERROR 5859: Due to the data isolation of temp tables with an on-
commit-delete-rows policy, the compute_flextable_keys()
and compute_flextable_keys_and_build_view() functions
cannot access this table's data
ERROR 5864: Error parsing table (invalid table): string
ERROR 5914: HCatalog schema string not permitted in search path
ERROR 5990: Projection string cannot be created under hcatalog schema string
ERROR 5992: Projection cannot be created for HCatalog table string
ERROR 6005: Remote table string.string found in design query
ERROR 6019: Sequence string cannot be created under hcatalog schema string
ERROR 6020: Sequence string cannot be moved between system schema and
hcatalog schema string
ERROR 6038: Table string cannot be created under hcatalog schema string
ERROR 6039: Table string cannot be moved under hcatalog schema string
ERROR 6092: Unsupported access to flex table: No string support
ERROR 6108: View string cannot be created under hcatalog schema string
ERROR 6142: Alter partition not supported for tables with aggregate
ERROR 6145: Analytic functions are not allowed in projections
ERROR 6200: Command CREATE INDEX is not supported
ERROR 6233: DISTINCT Aggregates are not allowed in projections
ERROR 6244: EE option DISABLE_AUTOPARTITION may not be used in
conjunction with aggregate projections, or projections
with expressions
ERROR 6265: Expressions in the projection SELECT list may not be
ERROR 6266: Expressions on aggregates are not allowed in aggregate
ERROR 6322: LIMIT may not be used in projection definitions unless the
OVER clause is supplied
ERROR 6380: PARTITION BEST cannot be used with pattern matching
ERROR 6382: PARTITION NODES cannot be used with pattern matching
ERROR 6401: Setting the cascade to pool to the built-in pool "string" is
not supported
ERROR 6427: The LIMIT clause does not support OFFSET ... and OVER()
clauses simultaneously
ERROR 6455: Unsupported access to table with projection expressions or
ERROR 6464: Use of LIMIT with the OVER(...) clause and DISTINCT is not
supported within the same SELECT block
ERROR 6465: Use of LIMIT with the OVER(...) clause and ORDER BY is not
supported within the same SELECT block
ERROR 6467: User defined aggregate cannot be used in query with MLAs
ERROR 6476: Cannot directly modify index table constraint
ERROR 6477: Cannot modify index table columns directly
ERROR 6501: Access policy cannot be created on table "string" since it has
an aggregate projection
ERROR 6503: Access policy cannot be created on table "string" since it has
a projection with expressions
ERROR 6505: Cannot create Aggregate projection on tables with access
ERROR 6507: Cannot create projection with expression on tables with
access policy
ERROR 6522: Cannot alter column width on variable length columns with
ERROR 6525: Direct query to projection "string" are not supported: "string"
ERROR 6538: Unable to string: "string"
ERROR 6644: Arguments to Transform Functions in Live Aggregate
Projections cannot be constants
ERROR 6685: Cannot specify anything other than expressions on table
columns in the SELECT list
ERROR 6690: Cannot use multi phase UDTs with live aggregate
ERROR 6742: drop_location for non-retired DATA locations is not
ERROR 6785: For NULLAWARE ANTI JOIN, columns of left-hand-side
relation must not appear on the right hand side of ON
clause predicates
ERROR 6786: For NULLAWARE ANTI JOIN, columns of right-hand-side
relation must appear on the right hand side of ON clause
ERROR 6787: For NULLAWARE ANTI JOIN, columns of right-hand-side
relation must not appear on the left hand side of ON
clause predicates
ERROR 6817: Input filename cannot be NULL
ERROR 6822: Inputs to batch transform function have to be in the same
order as the outputs of the prepass transform function
ERROR 6823: Inputs to batch Transform function may not be expressions
ERROR 6865: Materialized WITH queries are not supported with directed
ERROR 6867: Meta-functions cannot be used in directed queries
ERROR 6882: Null value in ON clause is not supported for Nullaware
anti join
ERROR 6888: Only equality join is supported in ON clause of Nullaware
anti join
ERROR 6891: Order BY clauses are not allowed in aggregate projection
ERROR 6894: Output filename cannot be NULL
ERROR 6974: System/Virtual tables, projections or views not supported
for optimizer-generated annotated queries
ERROR 6983: Tables or projections with access policies not supported
for optimizer-generated annotated queries
ERROR 6992: The batch and prepass transform functions must be
partitioned by the same values
ERROR 6996: The DB admin has disallowed using the MARS feature
ERROR 7054: Unsupported operation in ON clause of Nullaware anti join
ERROR 7103: Java user defined functions are not supported in aggregate
ERROR 7113: Queries with syntactic hints are not supported with
directed queries
ERROR 7123: Statement including date/time literals based on current
date/time are not supported for directed queries
ERROR 7124: Statement including hints are not supported for directed
ERROR 7133: UNI Join with non-subquery inner not supported
ERROR 7169: Constant true/false predicate with ignore constant hint is
not supported
ERROR 7188: Object type value not supported for access policies
ERROR 7201: The constant value following the LIMIT clause cannot be
both zero and ignoreconst
ERROR 7239: Computing flex table keys with non-binary collation
locales is not supported
ERROR 7294: string expressions must not return a set
ERROR 7307: Cannot use aggregate functions in string expressions
ERROR 7308: Cannot use analytic or time series aggregate functions in
string expressions
ERROR 7318: Default expressions with subqueries are not supported in a
MERGE statement
ERROR 7344: string expressions may not refer to other columns with string
ERROR 7346: string queries may not refer to a temporary table
ERROR 7347: string queries must refer to tables
ERROR 7368: ALTER NOTIFIER: Unsupported parameter 'string'
ERROR 7371: Cannot alter a column's string when a node is down
ERROR 7372: Cannot assign value to "string" column
ERROR 7394: Columns in COPY may not contain virtual columns
ERROR 7403: describeProjection is not supported in fenced UDx
ERROR 7404: describeTable is not supported in fenced UDx
ERROR 7410: Epsilon must be a non-negative float number and smaller
than one-million
ERROR 7422: External tables cannot have string expressions
ERROR 7430: Initial centers in table 'string' are not distinct
ERROR 7439: Invalid type 'string' for column string
ERROR 7440: Invalid type 'string' for column string of initial_centers_table
ERROR 7442: listProjections is not supported in fenced UDx
ERROR 7444: listTableProjections is not supported in fenced UDx
ERROR 7446: listTables is not supported in fenced UDx
ERROR 7450: max_iterations must be a positive integer and less than
ERROR 7455: MD5 can't be used in FIPS mode
ERROR 7466: Must specify either a valid initialization method or
initial centers table
ERROR 7477: Notifier action is immutable. To set the new action URL
you need to drop the notifier, and create a new one
ERROR 7486: num_clusters must be a positive integer
ERROR 7487: Number of clusters must not be bigger than the number of
rows without null or infinity values
ERROR 7492: Only 'euclidean' is supported for distance_method
ERROR 7539: Sequences are not allowed in string expressions of local temp
ERROR 7550: TableSample does not work with update statements
ERROR 7553: Temporary tables cannot have subqueries as string expressions
ERROR 7558: The response_column is included in the predictor_columns.
You should exclude it to have a meaningful model
ERROR 7559: The selected normalization method is not supported. Only
support MinMax, zscore, robust_zscore at present
ERROR 7560: The selected outlier detection method is not supported.
Only support robust_zscore based outlier detection at
ERROR 7606: Number of clusters must not be bigger than the number of
distinct rows without null or infinity values
ERROR 7634: TableSample is not supported with Aggregate projections
ERROR 7646: Cursor [string] does not support multiple shards
ERROR 7647: Cursor [string] does not support multiple storage containers
ERROR 7648: Cursor [string] does not support this operation
ERROR 7649: Cursor [string] does not support writes
ERROR 7650: describeBlob is not supported in fenced UDx
ERROR 7652: describeFunction does not support function lookup by name
/ arguments yet
ERROR 7653: describeFunction is not supported in fenced UDx
ERROR 7654: describeType is not supported in fenced UDx
ERROR 7655: describeType is not supported yet
ERROR 7658: listBlobs is not supported in fenced UDx
ERROR 7659: listBlobs is not supported yet
ERROR 7660: listDerivedTables is not supported in fenced UDx
ERROR 7670: UDx cursors do not currently support deleted data
ERROR 7677: Looking up cursor by table is not yet supported
ERROR 7686: ALTER TABLE does not support ADD CONSTRAINT on text index
ERROR 7687: ALTER TABLE does not support ALTER PARTITION on text index
ERROR 7691: DROP PARTITION is not supported on text index
ERROR 7739: Slices are not supported for VMaps
ERROR 7790: Order BY is not allowed within the OVER() clause of User
Defined Transforms in projection definitions
ERROR 7792: Resource pool string cannot be modified
ERROR 7818: Unsupported type 'string' for column 'string'
ERROR 7840: Column [string] is duplicated in exclude_columns
ERROR 7841: Column [string] is duplicated in predictor_columns
ERROR 7846: Relation string is empty
ERROR 7848: Table 'string' contains value rows, should be value
ERROR 7878: Too many columns in MLA grouping sets: value, while only up
to value MLA columns are allowed
ERROR 7889: ALTER MODEL does not support multiple clauses
ERROR 7898: Model string cannot be moved under hcatalog schema string
ERROR 7900: Model cannot be moved to system schema
ERROR 7926: Catalog object string is not either a table or a schema
ERROR 7927: Column "string" is referenced in a column set using expression
of projection "string" but is not stored in the projection
ERROR 7930: COMPLEX JOIN without a boolean marker column not supported
ERROR 7931: COMPLEX JOIN without a complex_join_marker() column at the
end of the select list not supported
ERROR 7932: COMPLEX JOIN without a subquery not supported
ERROR 7934: Refresh_columns on multiple tables is only supported for
"rebuild" mode
ERROR 7935: Refreshed column cannot be any projection's sort key
ERROR 7937: Refreshed column cannot be referenced in projection's
segmentation expression
ERROR 7938: Refreshed column cannot be referenced in table's partition
ERROR 7964: The selected missing value imputation method is not
Only support mean and mode based missing value imputation
at present
ERROR 7974: string is not supported in fenced UDx
ERROR 7976: Add column with default subquery is not supported for
unsegmented projections
ERROR 7980: Cannot alter model in an incomplete state
ERROR 8008: Refresh_columns with rebuild mode is not supported for
unsegmented projections
ERROR 8013: The selected normalization method is not supported. Valid
options are 'minmax', 'zscore', and 'robust_zscore'
ERROR 8023: Unsupported column type [string] for column [string]
ERROR 8034: Refresh_columns on enforced PK/Unique constraint columns
not supported
ERROR 8038: Cannot alter type of column "string" since it is referenced in
the SET USING expression of column "string"
ERROR 8040: Cannot refresh column containing grouped containers
ERROR 8043: Refreshed column cannot be any projection's grouped column
ERROR 8060: Cannot COPY "string" from the client using the keyword LOCAL
ERROR 8123: Not enough number of appropriate samples to run the
algorithm (excluding samples with NULL, NaN, or Infinity
ERROR 8140: Projections on shared storage cannot use explicit node
ERROR 8141: Projections on shared storage cannot use explicit range
ERROR 8155: SET SCHEMA over flex keys tables is not supported
ERROR 8156: SET SCHEMA over text index tables is not supported
ERROR 8180: UDx concurrency request is not supported for empty OVER
ERROR 8202: Cannot run refresh_columns or add column with default
subquery when any node is recovering
ERROR 8212: Block Dictionary Compression is not supported for data
types longer than value bytes
ERROR 8213: Block Dictionary Compression is not supported for data
types longer than 65000 bytes
ERROR 8357: Cannot use meta function in partition GROUP BY expression
ERROR 8358: Cannot use non-deterministic function in partition GROUP
BY expression
ERROR 8362: PARTITION BY expression must appear at least once in
partition GROUP BY expression
ERROR 8363: Partition GROUP BY expression can only reference columns
by way of inclusion of the PARTITION BY expression
ERROR 8379: num_clusters must be less than or equal to 10000
ERROR 8386: Cannot use subquery in partition GROUP BY expression
ERROR 8388: PARTITION BY expression may not contain window functions
ERROR 8389: Partition GROUP BY expression cannot return a tuple
ERROR 8390: Partition GROUP BY expression has an unknown type
ERROR 8391: Partition GROUP BY expression may not contain aggregate
ERROR 8392: Partition GROUP BY expression may not contain window
ERROR 8410: HAVING clauses are not allowed in projections
ERROR 8474: Model string cannot be created under hcatalog schema string
ERROR 8475: Model cannot be created under system schemas
ERROR 8490: Temporary relation is not supported for this function
ERROR 8534: Cannot grant privileges on system table to PSEUDOSUPERUSER
ERROR 8535: Cannot grant privileges on system table to SYSMONITOR role
ERROR 8546: Invalid privilege on system table. Only SELECT is
ERROR 8558: Feature string only supported in Eon mode
ERROR 8559: Feature string unsupported in Eon mode
ERROR 8638: Drop column not supported on multiphase UDT
ERROR 8681: Range segmented projection is deprecated
ERROR 8691: Explain JSON not supported on copy statements. Re-run the
statement without the JSON keyword
ERROR 8739: Uncorrelated EXISTS subqueries are not supported when the
query either has HAVING clause subqueries involving
aggregates or Multilevel aggregation, and also when the
query has either OUTER JOINS or NOT IN subqueries
ERROR 8765: analyze_correlations is not supported
ERROR 8876: Comparisons with ANY/ALL arrays are unsupported in this
ERROR 8890: Refresh_columns with partition range is not supported for
multiple tables
ERROR 8932: Cannot alter type of column "string" since it is referenced by
the string projection "string"
ERROR 8933: Cannot drop column "string" since it is referenced by the string
projection "string"
ERROR 8975: Only a single outer SELECT statement is supported
ERROR 9041: Cannot alter column "string" type to an inlined complex type
ERROR 9042: Cannot alter inlined complex type of column "string"
ERROR 9045: Cannot drop Inlined Complex Types
ERROR 9047: Comparison of incompatible Row Expressions
ERROR 9049: Constraint not supported for complex type column string
ERROR 9052: CREATE TYPE for Complex Type is not yet supported
ERROR 9065: Row Expressions in Group By are not supported for queries
with Multi-Level Aggregates
ERROR 9076: Add Column is not supported for unsegmented projections
when the node used as initiator is not participating to
the replica shard
ERROR 9134: Access policy cannot be created on Complex Type column
ERROR 9175: UPDATE/DELETE/MERGE a temporary table with aggregate
projections is not supported
ERROR 9192: Only optimized MERGE is supported on target table having
projection with aggregation or expression
ERROR 9215: Array slice on multiple indexes not supported yet
ERROR 9222: Default COPY parsers do not support string
ERROR 9228: PARTITION BY expression cannot return a collection
ERROR 9232: Skip is not yet supported for array types
ERROR 9237: Refreshed column cannot be referenced in any
UDT/expression projection
ERROR 9240: UPDATE/DELETE/MERGE a table with UDT projections is not
ERROR 9241: A complex type can only have up to depth value
ERROR 9264: Bind DN cannot be NULL
ERROR 9265: Bind Password cannot be NULL
ERROR 9268: Filter Group cannot be NULL
ERROR 9269: Filter User cannot be NULL
ERROR 9270: Group Members cannot be NULL
ERROR 9271: Group Name cannot be NULL
ERROR 9273: LDAP Uri cannot be NULL
ERROR 9280: Scope cannot be NULL
ERROR 9281: Search Base cannot be NULL
ERROR 9285: User Name cannot be NULL
ERROR 9302: string is currently unsupported for this function
ERROR 9309: System and virtual objects and their dependents are
currently unsupported for this function
ERROR 9336: Cannot commit DMLs which trigger refreshing of Live
Aggregate Projections when any node is recovering
ERROR 9345: Dry Run Connect Failed!
ERROR 9346: LDAPLink: Could not perform bind for ldapbinddn "string" on
server "string": error code value: string
ERROR 9360: Cannot add new sort order to a Live Aggregate or
Expression projection
ERROR 9366: Projections must select data from only one table
ERROR 9384: Live-aggregate projection is not supported for ADD COLUMN
ERROR 9485: Constraint not supported for string type column string
ERROR 9501: Projection string has no direct reference to table column "string"
ERROR 9505: A complex type can only have up to depth value. Column string
does not satisfy this limit
ERROR 9545: Webhdfs TRUNCATE operation is not supported in this hdfs
ERROR 9607: Cannot create subcluster level internal resource pool "string"
ERROR 9618: Cannot analyze statistics of a collection column
ERROR 9619: Cannot apply complex alias "string" to a scalar target
ERROR 9629: CREATE TABLE AS SELECT with Complex Types in SELECT is not
ERROR 9631: Incompatible column types in USING clause
ERROR 9639: Setting parameter 'string' of internal resource pool at
subcluster level is not supported
ERROR 9654: SET Operations with Row Expressions in SELECT are not
ERROR 9745: Expressions with multiple SELECT statements cannot be used
in string query definitions
ERROR 9780: LIMIT in a recursive query is not implemented
ERROR 9783: Multi-value expressions are not supported in this context
ERROR 9784: Mutual recursion between WITH items is not implemented
ERROR 9785: Nested WITH RECURSIVE statements are not supported
ERROR 9786: OFFSET in a recursive query is not implemented
ERROR 9787: ORDER BY in a recursive query is not implemented
ERROR 9802: Complex types of this type are not yet implemented
ERROR 9820: Recursive WITH item "string" needs explicitly defined column
ERROR 9824: string is not supported for arguments of string types
ERROR 9848: Using complex types for filler columns is not yet
ERROR 9850: WITH item "string" referencing recursive item "string" is not
ERROR 9910: Complex type string output format length [value] exceeded limit
ERROR 9920: Updating elements of array column "string" is not supported
ERROR 9952: Corrupted argument mode; this should be unreachable
ERROR 9953: Corrupted stored procedure language code value; this should
be unreachable
ERROR 9954: Corrupted stored procedure language; this should be
ERROR 9957: INOUT parameters are not supported in this language
ERROR 9961: OUT parameters are not supported in this language
ERROR 9973: There are value columns to process. This function cannot yet
process more than value columns
ERROR 9999: Partition range on Live Aggregate Projection is not
ERROR 10057: Non-optimized DELETE/UPDATE/MERGE is not supported for
partition ranged projection for table partition data type
as string
ERROR 10060: PARTITION BY expression cannot include user-defined data
ERROR 10109: Cannot apply complex alias "string" to an array target
ERROR 10110: Incompatible Complex Type Case results
ERROR 10117: Corrupted assignment type value
ERROR 10118: Corrupted diag option value
ERROR 10119: Corrupted diag type value
ERROR 10121: Corrupted fetch direction type value
ERROR 10122: Corrupted fetch type value
ERROR 10123: Corrupted raise level value
ERROR 10124: Corrupted raise option value
ERROR 10125: Corrupted type kind value
ERROR 10139: Multi-dimension arrays are not supported
ERROR 10143: Unsupported use of SET type as a complex type field
ERROR 10157: Bare RAISE must be inside an exception block
ERROR 10163: Cannot TYPE-alias cursor variables
ERROR 10165: CONTEXT option is not yet supported
ERROR 10169: Corrupted control flow type value
ERROR 10193: Identifiers can be at most 128 characters long
ERROR 10207: ROW_COUNT option is not yet supported
ERROR 10219: validateAssignableType called on wrong type kind value
ERROR 10232: Ordering is not supported on string types
ERROR 10245: Corrupted expression type value
ERROR 10315: Cannot set string for column "string" since it is used in
projection "string"
ERROR 10318: Declaring records is not yet supported
ERROR 10319: Declaring row types is not yet supported
ERROR 10323: Executing FOREACH (ARRAY) is not yet supported
ERROR 10333: ROWTYPE is not yet supported
ERROR 10334: Stored procedures have been disabled by the superuser
ERROR 10335: The RECORD type is not yet supported
ERROR 10337: Type "string" is not yet supported for stored procedures
ERROR 10338: Unsupported complex type
ERROR 10355: OUT and INOUT arguments are not yet supported
ERROR 10375: Grouping sets are not supported for multi-argument
aggregate functions
ERROR 10384: Only NEXT/FORWARD direction is currently supported for
ERROR 10386: WHERE CURRENT OF (CURSOR) syntax is not supported
ERROR 10408: Cursor arguments ("string") may not themselves be cursors
ERROR 10412: FOREACH (ARRAY) is not yet supported
ERROR 10442: Feature string only supported in Eon mode with Communal
ERROR 10443: GROUP BY does not support function match_columns
ERROR 10446: ORDER BY does not support function match_columns
ERROR 10464: Invalid use of SELECT match_columns() in recursive WITH
item "string", unable to identify result set columns
ERROR 10471: OR REPLACE syntax cannot be used to replace external
ERROR 10486: Feature string is removed in production builds
ERROR 10490: VFS paths cannot be specified by users: string
ERROR 10500: Cannot alter column type to a complex type
ERROR 10503: Cannot use complex expressions in topk or UDT projections
ERROR 10506: COPY LOCAL is not yet supported in internal statements
ERROR 10510: EXPORT TO VERTICA does not support exporting complex
ERROR 10511: Expressions cannot be used for columns of complex types
ERROR 10513: Inserting into indiviudal fields of complex types is not
ERROR 10518: Native table must have at least one column whose datatype
is either a primitive type or a 1D array of a primitive
ERROR 10522: PARTITION BY expression cannot return a complex type
ERROR 10527: Projection must have at least one column whose datatype
is either a primitive type or a 1D array of a primitive
ERROR 10530: Unsupported operation on table with complex types
ERROR 10542: Tuning limited to SELECT queries
ERROR 10569: Projections whose anchor tables have complex types are
not supported for encoding design
ERROR 10572: Tables with complex types cannot be added as design
ERROR 10583: Flex table with complex real columns must have at least
one real column whose datatype is either a primitive type
or a 1D array of a primitive type
ERROR 10604: Default values not supported in multi-row-insert
ERROR 10643: Cannot add a column of complex type to a table with
default columns
ERROR 10644: Cannot drop column "string" since it is the last non-complex
ERROR 10645: Cannot use multi-row insert: column 'string' has unsupported
type 'string'
Warning messages
WARNING 2660: Column column string is no longer at position value in table string
WARNING 2856: Could not find column string in table string
WARNING 4486: Projections are always created and persisted in the
default Vertica locale. The current locale is string
WARNING 5300: Unsupported use of query/subquery without FROM clause
WARNING 6517: Access policy is requested from unsupported object: "string"
WARNING 6530: Invalid statistics file. Total number of bounds
specified: 'value' do not match the buckets value: 'value'
for column 'string'. Buckets value specified should exactly
be same as total number of bounds
WARNING 6531: Invalid table name: 'string'. Make sure the schema/table
exists in database
WARNING 6532: Invalid value 'value' for attribute 'string' under bound
'string', column 'string'. Please use a positive value.
WARNING 6533: Invalid value 'value' for attribute 'string' under column
'string'. Please use a positive value.
WARNING 6862: MARS operation not supported for this client type.
Parameter not changed
WARNING 7288: Transaction isolation level not supported. Parameter not
WARNING 8496: Historical queries are not supported on temporary tables
or projections whose underlying tables are temporary
WARNING 8525: Regularization type [string] does not use provided parameter
[string], it only affects [string]
WARNING 8679: Projection string not used in the plan because the
projection is deprecated for node down plans
WARNING 9165: Live Aggregate Projection "string" will be created for
temporary table "string". Data in "string" will be neither
updated nor deleted
WARNING 9239: UDT Projection "string" will be created for "string". Data in
"string" will be neither updated nor deleted
WARNING 9656: Specifying segmentation on specific nodes is deprecated
WARNING 10466: match_columns() function ignores column alias "string"
WARNING 10564: Did not add tables string
WARNING 10570: Skipped projections string
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
17 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 0A005
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 0A005.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 0A005.
SQLSTATE 0A005 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 6679: Cannot generate annotated query when query contains table
that does not have a projection
ERROR 6700: Constant NULLs in NOT-IN clause / Nullaware Anti Join not
supported for optimizer-generated annotated queries
ERROR 6739: DML not supported for optimizer-generated annotated
ERROR 6770: EXPORT not supported for optimizer-generated annotated
ERROR 6866: Meta-function not supported for optimizer-generated
annotated queries
ERROR 6889: Optimizer can only generate annotated query for SELECT
ERROR 6973: System tables not supported for optimizer-generated
annotated queries
ERROR 7114: Query with syntactic hints not supported for optimizer-
generated annotated queries
ERROR 7132: Under non-default locale, Multi-level aggregates in set
operator sub-queries (except UNION ALL) not supported for
optimizer-generated annotated queries
ERROR 7187: Multi-level aggregate queries with more than value grouping
sets not supported for optimizer-generated annotated
ERROR 7449: Match clause not supported for optimizer-generated
annotated queries
ERROR 7666: Query with geometry type not supported for optimizer-
generated annotated queries
ERROR 7696: Queries with UDX functions with user defined parameter
type of string is not supported
ERROR 9684: Complex Types not supported for optimizer-generated
annotated queries
ERROR 9685: Complex Types outputs are not supported in directed
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
18 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 0B000
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 0B000.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 0B000.
SQLSTATE 0B000 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2321: Can't start a Transaction in this context
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
19 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 0LV01
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 0LV01.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 0LV01.
SQLSTATE 0LV01 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
Error messages
ERROR 2005: string
ERROR 2120: Admin option for a role cannot be granted to string"public"
ERROR 2601: Circular assignation of roles is not allowed
ERROR 3484: Grant option for a privilege cannot be granted to "public"
ERROR 3485: Grant option for a privilege cannot be granted to (and
thus revoked from) "public"
ERROR 3486: Grant options cannot be granted back to your own grantor
ERROR 3616: Invalid string statement
ERROR 3719: Invalid option specified for string statement
ERROR 3723: Invalid privilege type "string"
ERROR 3724: Invalid privilege type string for aggregate function
ERROR 3725: Invalid privilege type string for analytic function
ERROR 3726: Invalid privilege type string for database
ERROR 3727: Invalid privilege type string for function
ERROR 3728: Invalid privilege type string for library
ERROR 3729: Invalid privilege type string for procedure
ERROR 3730: Invalid privilege type string for relation
ERROR 3731: Invalid privilege type string for resource pool
ERROR 3732: Invalid privilege type string for schema
ERROR 3733: Invalid privilege type string for sequence
ERROR 3734: Invalid privilege type string for storage location
ERROR 3735: Invalid privilege type string for transform
ERROR 5601: Invalid privilege type string for filter function
ERROR 5602: Invalid privilege type string for parser function
ERROR 5603: Invalid privilege type string for source function
ERROR 6680: Cannot GRANT string authentication to LDAP role
ERROR 6681: Cannot GRANT string authentication to LDAP user
ERROR 6682: Cannot GRANT/REVOKE LDAP role to/from LDAP user or role
ERROR 7163: Cannot materialize schema privileges. Table string is not set
to include schema privileges
ERROR 7227: Cannot materialize schema privileges. View string is not set
to include schema privileges
ERROR 7894: Invalid privilege type string for model
ERROR 10649: Invalid privilege type string for key
ERROR 10650: Invalid privilege type string for tlsconfig
Notice messages
NOTICE 2121: Admin option for role "string" was already granted to role
NOTICE 2122: Admin option for role "string" was already granted to user
NOTICE 2123: Admin option for role "string" was not already granted to string
NOTICE 4617: Role "string" was already granted to role "string"
NOTICE 4618: Role "string" was already granted to user "string"
NOTICE 4619: Role "string" was not already granted to string "string"
NOTICE 6190: Client Authentications "string" was already granted to role
NOTICE 6191: Client Authentications "string" was already granted to user
NOTICE 6192: Client Authentications "string" was NOT granted to role "string"
NOTICE 6193: Client Authentications "string" was NOT granted to user "string"
Warning messages
WARNING 3745: Invalid role name string
WARNING 4613: Role "string" cannot be set as default
WARNING 4614: Role "string" does not exist
WARNING 9923: LDAPLink: Circular assignation of roles is not allowed
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
20 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 20000
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 20000.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 20000.
SQLSTATE 20000 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 10421: No matching case found
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
21 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 21000
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 21000.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 21000.
SQLSTATE 21000 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 10266: Query returned 0 rows where 1 was expected
ERROR 10332: Query returned multiple rows where 1 was expected
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
22 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 22000
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22000.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22000.
SQLSTATE 22000 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 3646: Invalid Datum pointer
ERROR 4163: Non-positive value supplied to randomint: value
ERROR 4921: Test Error @string
ERROR 4922: Test Error from @string
ERROR 7474: Non-positive value supplied to randomint_crypto: value
ERROR 8489: Query failed because of an empty result
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
23 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 22001
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22001.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22001.
SQLSTATE 22001 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2991: Date 'string'string too long for type string(value)
ERROR 3426: Float 'string'string too long for type string
ERROR 3589: Integer 'string'string is too long for type string(value)
ERROR 3605: Interval 'string'string too long for type string(value)
ERROR 4208: Numeric 'string' is too long for type string
ERROR 4315: Padded octet length (value) exceeds the value octet limit
ERROR 4604: Result (value characters) exceeds the field width (value)
ERROR 4800: String of value octets is too long for type string(value)
ERROR 5004: Time 'string'string too long for type string(value)
ERROR 5024: Timestamp 'string'string too long for type string(value)
ERROR 5032: Timestamptz 'string'string too long for type string(value)
ERROR 5035: Timetz 'string'string too long for type string(value)
ERROR 5417: Value too long for type character varying(value)
ERROR 5418: Value too long for type character(value)
ERROR 7401: Date 'string' too long for buffer of length (value)
ERROR 7431: Interval 'string' too long for buffer of length (value)
ERROR 7568: Time 'string' too long for buffer of length (value)
ERROR 7569: Timestamp 'string' too long for buffer of length (value)
ERROR 7570: TimestampTz 'string' too long for buffer of length (value)
ERROR 7571: TimeTz 'string' too long for buffer of length (value)
ERROR 8276: Type string(value) is too short to hold UUID values, need at
least value
ERROR 8682: String of value octets is too long for type string(value) for column
ERROR 9227: Output array isn't big enough
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
24 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 22003
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22003.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22003.
SQLSTATE 22003 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2429: Cannot find matching query in the system
ERROR 2828: Could not convert 'string'string to an int8
ERROR 3425: Float "value" is out of range for type string
ERROR 3675: Invalid input for string, exceeds 32 bits: "string"
ERROR 3676: Invalid input for string, exceeds 64 bits: "string"
ERROR 3786: Invalid value for float: "string"
ERROR 4200: Number of buckets must be a positive integer
ERROR 4361: Percentile value must be a number between 0 and 1
ERROR 4704: Sequence exceeded max value
ERROR 4705: Sequence exceeded min value
ERROR 4756: Smoothing factor must between 0 and 1
ERROR 4795: String "string"string is out of range as a float8
ERROR 4796: String "string"string is out of range as an int8
ERROR 4845: Sum() overflowed
ERROR 5408: Value "string" is out of range for type string
ERROR 5409: Value "string" is out of range for type int8
ERROR 5411: Value exceeds range of type string
ERROR 5412: Value is too long for type string: "string"
ERROR 6063: Total number of significant digits for value string is more
than what is defined. Buffer size is value while actual
length of word is value instead
ERROR 7623: Value "string" is out of range for type int64
ERROR 7697: Arithmetic overflow accumulating numeric, operand value
ERROR 7698: Arithmetic overflow adding numerics, operands value, value
ERROR 7699: Arithmetic overflow subtracting numerics, operands value,
ERROR 7986: Evaluation of expression to be inserted exceeded range of
type numeric(value,value)
ERROR 10537: Requested join-id out of range
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
25 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 22004
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22004.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22004.
SQLSTATE 22004 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
Error messages
ERROR 2110: ACL arrays must not contain null values
ERROR 2501: Cannot set a NOT NULL column (string) to a NULL value in
string statement
ERROR 2502: Cannot set a NOT NULL column (string) to a NULL value in
ERROR 2514: Cannot set NOT NULL columns (string) to a NULL value in
ERROR 4195: NULL value detected in data partitioning expression
ERROR 4340: Partitioning on NULL
ERROR 8361: NULL value detected in partition group by expression
ERROR 10533: 'query' is a required argument to action 'start_session'
ERROR 10538: Tuning action cannot be NULL
ERROR 10539: Tuning args cannot be NULL
ERROR 10541: Tuning join-id is a required argument to the
flip_join_order action
ERROR 10543: Tuning query is required to start a tuning session
ERROR 10546: Tuning session name cannot be NULL
ERROR 10549: Tuning session-name is a required argument
Warning messages
WARNING 9249: Using PARTITION expression that may result in NULL
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
26 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 22007
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22007.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22007.
SQLSTATE 22007 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2171: AM/PM hour (value) must be between 1 and 12
ERROR 2364: Cannot calculate day of year without year information
ERROR 3439: Format string is invalid for an Interval value
ERROR 3535: Inconsistent use of year value and "BC"
ERROR 3647: Invalid day-of-week 'string'
ERROR 3679: Invalid input syntax for string: "string"
ERROR 3721: Invalid partition key
ERROR 3785: Invalid value for string: "string"
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
27 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 22008
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22008.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22008.
SQLSTATE 22008 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2992: Date/time field value out of range: "string"
ERROR 4065: next_day(infinity, DOW) is not defined
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
28 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 22009
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22009.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22009.
SQLSTATE 22009 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 3768: Invalid timezone interval displacement
ERROR 5044: Timezone displacement out of range: "string"
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
29 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 2200B
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 2200B.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 2200B.
SQLSTATE 2200B description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2699: Conflicting or redundant options
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
30 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 2200D
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 2200D.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 2200D.
SQLSTATE 2200D description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 3285: ESCAPE strings must be a single octet, not "string"
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
31 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 22011
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22011.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22011.
SQLSTATE 22011 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 4034: Negative count not allowed
ERROR 4035: Negative length not allowed
ERROR 4036: Negative or zero substring start position not allowed
ERROR 4039: Negative substring length not allowed
ERROR 4222: Occurrence number must be > 0
ERROR 4784: Start position cannot be 0
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
32 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 22012
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22012.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22012.
SQLSTATE 22012 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 3117: Division by zero
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
33 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 22015
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22015.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22015.
SQLSTATE 22015 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 3606: Interval field value out of range: "string"
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
34 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 22019
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22019.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22019.
SQLSTATE 22019 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
Error messages
ERROR 2729: COPY DELIMITER for column string must be a single character
ERROR 2730: COPY delimiter must be a single character
ERROR 2731: COPY ENCLOSED BY cannot be a whitespace character
ERROR 2732: COPY ENCLOSED BY for column string cannot be a whitespace
ERROR 2733: COPY ENCLOSED BY for column string must be a single character
ERROR 2734: COPY ENCLOSED BY must be a single character
ERROR 2736: COPY ESCAPE AS for column string must be a single character
ERROR 2737: COPY ESCAPE must be a single character
ERROR 2758: COPY TRIM for column string must be an empty string or a
single character
ERROR 2759: COPY trim must be an empty string or a single character
ERROR 3284: ESCAPE strings must be a single character, not "string"
ERROR 10607: ESCAPE strings must be a single character, not "string"
Warning messages
WARNING 3284: ESCAPE strings must be a single character, not "string"
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
35 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 2201B
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 2201B.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 2201B.
SQLSTATE 2201B description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 3742: Invalid regexp match_param: 'character'
ERROR 4552: Regexp match or recursion limit exceeded (rc value)
ERROR 4553: Regexp pattern error at offset value: string
ERROR 4554: Regexp pattern study error: string
ERROR 5064: Too many regular expression subexpressions
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
36 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 2201G
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 2201G.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 2201G.
SQLSTATE 2201G description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2939: Count must be greater than zero
ERROR 3888: Lower and upper bounds must be finite
ERROR 3889: Lower bound cannot equal upper bound
ERROR 4277: Operand, lower bound and upper bound cannot be NaN
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
37 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 22021
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22021.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22021.
SQLSTATE 22021 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 4551: Regexp encountered an invalid UTF-8 character
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
38 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 22023
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22023.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22023.
SQLSTATE 22023 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
Error messages
ERROR 2008: string can not be set to a negative number
ERROR 2028: string exceptions and rejected_data can not be the same
ERROR 2042: string must be a positive integer
ERROR 2048: string Path [string] is a directory
ERROR 2049: string Path [string] is a socket
ERROR 2056: string Unrecognized format 'string' for column value
ERROR 2071: 'string' is not a valid size description
ERROR 2077: [string] cannot be dropped. There will be no storage locations
for data files
ERROR 2078: [string] cannot be dropped. There will be no storage locations
for temporary files
ERROR 2079: [string] cannot be retired. There will be no storage locations
for data files
ERROR 2080: [string] cannot be retired. There will be no storage locations
for temporary files
ERROR 2081: [string] is not a valid storage location on node string
ERROR 2108: ACL array contains wrong data type
ERROR 2109: ACL arrays must be one-dimensional
ERROR 2158: All columns of soft unique key statistics must be from the
same table
ERROR 2196: analyze_statistics: Cannot analyze statistics of a virtual
table string
ERROR 2197: analyze_statistics: invalid accuracy value. A number between
0 and 100 is required
ERROR 2254: Bad snapshot name 'string' (cannot contain / or start with a
ERROR 2298: Can not lock/unlock super user account
ERROR 2300: Can not reuse any recent passwords
ERROR 2301: Can not reuse current password
ERROR 2302: Can not reuse the previous value passwords
ERROR 2317: Can't purge projection(s); AHM is at epoch 0
ERROR 2319: Can't set a REJECTED file on node 'string', which the current
query is not executing on
ERROR 2320: Can't set an EXCEPTIONS file on node 'string', which the
current query is not executing on
ERROR 2365: Cannot calculate week number without year information
ERROR 2370: Cannot close a protected session
ERROR 2414: Cannot drop extended statistics on a projection (string)
ERROR 2452: Cannot load data from node string as it is down
ERROR 2457: Cannot merge partitions in multiple tables at the same
ERROR 2468: Cannot partition by value multiple tables at the same time
ERROR 2478: Cannot release savepoint; no transaction in progress
ERROR 2500: Cannot set string maxConcurrency to unlimited
ERROR 2509: Cannot set maxMemorySize of string pool to string [value KB], as it
is above 75% [75% = value KB]
ERROR 2510: Cannot set maxMemorySize of string pool to none, as this could
prevent moveout from running
ERROR 2511: Cannot set maxMemorySize of recovery pool to string [value KB],
as it is below 25% [value KB]
ERROR 2513: Cannot set memorySize of general pool
ERROR 2523: Cannot specify exceptions or rejected-data files ON ANY
ERROR 2540: Cannot use 0 for a key, used internally
ERROR 2548: Cannot use both COPY LOCAL and ON ANY NODE: LOCAL files
are stored on the client, not on any Vertica node
ERROR 2621: Collection type must be specified
ERROR 2624: Column "string" does not exist
ERROR 2653: Column string of projection string has ACCESSRANK < 0
ERROR 2695: Conflicting "datestyle" keywords
ERROR 2720: Conversion to timezone "string" failed
ERROR 2722: COPY .. LOCAL cannot store string on a Vertica node
ERROR 2723: COPY ... LOCAL can read files from the client only
ERROR 2724: COPY ... LOCAL can read files with same compression only
ERROR 2727: COPY column option string not supported with format string
ERROR 2728: COPY delimiter value not appear in the NULL specification
ERROR 2735: COPY ENCLOSING CHARACTER value not appear in the NULL
ERROR 2748: COPY NULL must be an empty string or a single character
for FIXED WIDTH data
ERROR 2749: COPY option string not supported
ERROR 2750: COPY option string not supported with format string
ERROR 2752: COPY RECORD TERMINATOR must be at least ONE character long
ERROR 2753: COPY REJECTMAX should be >= 0
ERROR 2756: COPY skip characters should be >= 0
ERROR 2757: COPY skip should be >= 0
ERROR 2760: COPY WITH PARSER Error (column value): Parser specified a
column of type [string]; table needs [string]
ERROR 2761: COPY WITH PARSER Error: Parser specified value column(s);
table needs value column(s)
ERROR 2765: COPY: width and length of null string does not match for
column string
ERROR 2766: COPY: width for column string has to be greater than 0
ERROR 2830: Could not convert to timezone "string"
ERROR 2932: Couldn't find the specified task
ERROR 2950: Current design does not meet the requirements for K = value.
Current design is valid for K stringvalue.
ERROR 2963: CURRENT_TIME(value) precision must not be negative
ERROR 2965: CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(value) precision must not be negative
ERROR 2983: Database "string" does not exist
ERROR 2993: Datepart "string" not recognized
ERROR 2994: Datepart is invalid
ERROR 3006: DDL statement interfered with snapshot; an object no
longer exists
ERROR 3007: DDL statement interfered with this statement
ERROR 3012: DECIMAL precision value must be between 1 and value
ERROR 3013: DECIMAL scale value must be between 0 and precision value
ERROR 3032: Delimiter and record terminator cannot be the same value
ERROR 3033: Delimiter and record terminator for string cannot be the same
ERROR 3138: drop_statistics: Can not drop statistics for a virtual
table/projection string
ERROR 3168: ENCLOSED BY and delimiter value not be the same value
ERROR 3170: ENCLOSED BY and record terminator value not be the same
ERROR 3178: ENFORCELENGTH cannot be specified for string
ERROR 3280: ESCAPE AS and delimiter value not be the same value
ERROR 3281: ESCAPE AS and NULL specification value not be the same
ERROR 3282: ESCAPE AS and record terminator value not be the same
ERROR 3383: Failed to parse object name string
ERROR 3423: Fixed width record size (value) is too large. Record size
has to be lesser than value (0xvalue)
ERROR 3424: Fixed width record size is too large. Record size has to
be lesser than value (0xvalue)
ERROR 3440: Format cannot be specified for string
ERROR 3503: ICU string error: 'string'
ERROR 3505: ICU does not support locale 'string'
ERROR 3513: Illegal argument to change_runtime_priority: NULL
ERROR 3514: Illegal argument to set_config_parameter: NULL
ERROR 3524: In the SAMPLE STORAGE n or SAMPLE STORAGE n,b clause, n
must be a constant greater than or equal to 0
PERCENT,b clause, n must be a constant greater than or
equal to 0 and less than or equal to 100
ERROR 3526: In the SAMPLE STORAGE n PERCENT,b clause, n must be a
constant greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal
to 100, while b must be a constant greater than or equal
to 0
ERROR 3527: In the SAMPLE STORAGE n,b clause, both n and b must be
constants greater than or equal to 0
clause, b must be a constant greater than or equal to 0
ERROR 3612: Interval units "string" not recognized
ERROR 3632: Invalid collection type string specified
ERROR 3652: Invalid Directives type: string
ERROR 3686: Invalid interval value for timezone
ERROR 3688: Invalid K value: value. K cannot be less than zero
ERROR 3689: Invalid K value: value. Maximum K value for value nodes is: value
ERROR 3692: Invalid limit type (string): must be HIGH or LOW
ERROR 3695: Invalid list syntax for "datestyle"
ERROR 3707: Invalid node: [string]
ERROR 3720: Invalid paramid: value
ERROR 3721: Invalid partition key
ERROR 3741: Invalid range
ERROR 3743: Invalid resource type (string)
ERROR 3746: Invalid runtime priority string
ERROR 3750: Invalid service name for 'string'
ERROR 3772: Invalid typmod
ERROR 3777: Invalid Usage type: string
ERROR 3780: Invalid user/role name "string"
ERROR 3783: Invalid value string=string
ERROR 3787: Invalid value for parameter
ERROR 3788: Invalid value for parameter string: string
ERROR 3789: Invalid value for search path: "string"
ERROR 3840: Keyword 'string' (string=string) is not supported
ERROR 3845: Latency should be > 0
ERROR 3852: Length for type string cannot exceed value
ERROR 3853: Length for type string must be at least 1
ERROR 3877: LOCALTIME(value) precision must not be negative
ERROR 3879: LOCALTIMESTAMP(value) precision must not be negative
ERROR 3912: maxMemorySize of string [value KB] is not in bounds [max is
value KB]
ERROR 3920: memoryCap of string (value KB) would exceed [value KB]
ERROR 3922: memorySize string [value KB] would exceed maxMemorySize string
[value KB]
ERROR 3923: memorySize of string [value KB] would exceed [value KB]
ERROR 3967: More than one string specified for a node
ERROR 4027: Must supply a CATALOGPATH
ERROR 4028: Must supply a HOSTNAME
ERROR 4037: Negative run time cap is not allowed
ERROR 4038: Negative runTimeCap is not allowed
ERROR 4089: No objects specified
ERROR 4175: Not allowed to close session
ERROR 4186: NULL is an invalid K value
ERROR 4187: NULL is invalid object name for
ERROR 4190: NULL is invalid scope type for analyze_extended_statistics
ERROR 4191: NULL is invalid statistics type for
ERROR 4194: NULL string and record terminator value not be the same
ERROR 4211: NUMERIC precision value must be between 1 and value
ERROR 4212: NUMERIC scale value must be between 0 and precision value
ERROR 4222: Occurrence number must be > 0
ERROR 4250: Only ONE exception file should be specified for a LOCAL
ERROR 4252: Only ONE rejected data file should be specified for a
LOCAL copy
ERROR 4318: Parameter string in default profile can not be set to DEFAULT
ERROR 4319: Parameter string may not exceed 9999
ERROR 4330: PARTITION BY clause must contain table columns in a valid
ERROR 4334: Partition key too long
ERROR 4347: Path cannot be an empty string
ERROR 4406: Precision for type float must be at least 1 bit
ERROR 4407: Precision for type float must be less than 54 bits
ERROR 4408: Precision must be less than value; result would be
ERROR 4454: Projection string cannot be analyzed, because it is not up to
ERROR 4456: Projection string cannot drop statistics, because it is not up
to date
ERROR 4529: Rebalance skew percent must be in the range [0,100]
ERROR 4556: Regexp starting position must be greater than zero
ERROR 4595: Resource pool "string" is an internal pool and cannot be
ERROR 4606: Retention settings must be less than 2TB
ERROR 4639: Run time cap cannot exceed 1 year
ERROR 4642: runTimeCap cannot exceed 1 year
ERROR 4647: Scaling factor must be greater than zero
ERROR 4648: Scaling factor must be less than 33
ERROR 4653: Schema string is virtual
ERROR 4701: Sequence string is already owned by string
ERROR 4702: SEQUENCE CACHE should be greater than 0
ERROR 4708: SEQUENCE MAXVALUE is too large and will overflow
ERROR 4709: SEQUENCE MINVALUE is too small and will underflow
ERROR 4710: SEQUENCE MINVALUE should be lesser than MAXVALUE
ERROR 4712: SEQUENCE START WITH should be between MINVALUE and
ERROR 4723: SET string takes only one argument
ERROR 4766: Specified too few widths for the given number of columns
ERROR 4770: Specify at least one table-column for soft unique key
ERROR 4800: String of value octets is too long for type string(value)
ERROR 4802: STROKE collations are not supported
ERROR 4807: Subnet mask is empty
ERROR 4862: System pool priority must be between -110 and 110
ERROR 4885: Table string does not exist
ERROR 4892: Table string is not partitioned
ERROR 4893: Table string is session scoped
ERROR 4894: Table string is virtual
ERROR 4923: That password is not acceptable
ERROR 4937: The confidence level must be between 0 and 100 inclusive.
ERROR 4961: The permissible error must between 0 and 100 inclusive.
ERROR 5002: Throughput should be > 0
ERROR 5014: Time units "string" not recognized
ERROR 5015: Time units "string" not recognized
ERROR 5019: TIME(value)string precision must not be negative
ERROR 5026: Timestamp units "string" not recognized
ERROR 5027: Timestamp units "string" not recognized
ERROR 5030: TIMESTAMP(value)string precision must not be negative
ERROR 5034: TIMESTAMPTZ(value) precision must not be negative
ERROR 5036: TIMETZ(value) precision must not be negative
ERROR 5038: Timezone "string" not recognized
ERROR 5039: Timezone "string" uses leap seconds
ERROR 5048: Timezone value "string" is more than value hours
ERROR 5067: Total data collector memory retention of value is too
large given system memory size
ERROR 5106: TuningRecommendations data collection is disabled
ERROR 5118: UDL specified no execution nodes; at least one execution
node must be specified
ERROR 5198: Unknown authentication method: "string"
ERROR 5209: Unknown node: string
ERROR 5211: Unknown or unsupported object: string
ERROR 5215: Unknown value string=string
ERROR 5220: Unrecognized "datestyle" keyword: "string"
ERROR 5229: Unrecognized format 'string'
ERROR 5248: Unrecognized privilege type: "string"
ERROR 5258: Unrecognized timezone name: "string"
ERROR 5271: Unsupported format code: value
ERROR 5316: Usage cannot be an empty string
ERROR 5317: Usage of [string] cannot be changed from string to string
ERROR 5319: Usage of [string] cannot be changed to string. There will be no
storage locations for data files
ERROR 5320: Usage of [string] cannot be changed to string. There will be no
storage locations for temporary files
ERROR 5360: User "string" does not exist
ERROR 5393: User pool priority must be between -100 and 100 inclusive
ERROR 5437: Vertica should not be run with less than 1GB of RAM
ERROR 5520: string compresses network traffic. string does NOT compress
network traffic. Please change the configuration to be
ERROR 5521: string does NOT compress network traffic. string compresses
network traffic. Please change the configuration to be
ERROR 5538: Cannot COPY user-defined types directly. Please compute
them using copy expressions
ERROR 5542: Cannot INSERT or COPY user-defined types directly. Please
compute them using appropriate user-defined functions
ERROR 5545: Cluster layout must include all non-ephemeral nodes and
should also not include any ephemeral nodes
ERROR 5549: Conversion from string to DataType string failed. Invalid value
ERROR 5571: Empty storage tier label is not allowed
ERROR 5576: Every permanent node should only be listed once
ERROR 5598: Invalid or unavailable type 'LONG VARBINARY'
ERROR 5599: Invalid or unavailable type 'LONG VARCHAR'
ERROR 5613: Length for type string must be between 1 and value
ERROR 5631: Object string does not exist or is not of supported type
ERROR 5632: Object string is not a table
ERROR 5634: Path [string] is a directory
ERROR 5644: Projection basename "string" is not a prefix of projection
name "string"
ERROR 5647: Provided Node "string" does not exist
ERROR 5648: Provided Node "string" is not permanent
ERROR 5668: Target table name can not be empty
ERROR 5681: Unsupported base type string for User-defined type string
ERROR 5685: User Defined Filter expected but found string
ERROR 5686: User Defined Parser expected but found string
ERROR 5687: User Defined Source expected but found string
ERROR 5703: Couldn't find the specified task, or the Resource Manager
has not recieved the request
ERROR 5728: Specified too many widths (value) for the given number of
columns (value)
ERROR 5740: 'string' is not a valid value for database option string
ERROR 5746: analyze_statistics: invalid number of buckets value. A number
> 0 is required
ERROR 5750: Attempt to configure CPU affinity mode conflicts with
configuration of resource pool 'string'
ERROR 5751: Attempt to configure CPU affinity set to 'string' conflicts
with configuration of resource pool 'string'
ERROR 5752: Attempt to configure CPU affinity set to 'string' in exclusive
mode would not leave any CPUs available for system queries
ERROR 5753: Attempt to configure CPU affinity to exclusive mode would
not leave any CPUs available for system queries
ERROR 5762: Can only specify user defined file system for DATA and/or
TEMP storage locations
same query; rejected records can only be saved to one
ERROR 5778: Cannot specify both a rejected file and a rejected table
in the same statement
ERROR 5779: Cannot specify both an exceptions file and a rejected
table in the same statement
ERROR 5804: CPU #value is not available to this server, because of
server-level processor pinning
ERROR 5918: Improperly formatted broadcast address [string]
ERROR 5925: Interface IP address (family string) "string" is invalid
ERROR 5933: Invalid state for UDFilter: REJECT
ERROR 5934: Invalid state for UDSource: INPUT_NEEDED
ERROR 5935: Invalid state for UDSource: REJECT
ERROR 5954: memoryCap of string [value KB] would exceed [value KB]
ERROR 5962: Must request a positive key count to materialize: value
ERROR 5976: Object already exists: string. Can't create a rejections
table with the same name
ERROR 6006: Request for value percent of value CPUs rounds to zero CPUs
ERROR 6007: Request for reservation of CPU #value conflicts with another
pool's reservation
ERROR 6010: Resource pool 'string' not found
ERROR 6044: Table already exists: string. Can't create a rejections table
with the same name
ERROR 6045: The CPU affinity mode cannot be SHARED or EXCLUSIVE if the
affinity set is empty
ERROR 6073: Unable to allocate value CPUs for resource pool in string
affinity mode
ERROR 6088: Unknown control mode string
ERROR 6090: Unknown database option 'string'
ERROR 6097: User-Defined Load function indicated that it consumed value
bytes, when only value were available
ERROR 6123: A Resource Pool cannot cascade to itself
ERROR 6126: Access policy cannot be altered on unknown table "string"
ERROR 6127: Access policy cannot be copied from unknown object "string"
ERROR 6128: Access policy cannot be copied to unknown object "string"
ERROR 6129: Access policy cannot be created on temporary table "string"
ERROR 6130: Access policy cannot be created on unknown table "string"
ERROR 6131: Access policy cannot be created with empty expression
ERROR 6132: Access policy cannot be dropped on unknown object "string"
ERROR 6134: Access policy for COLUMN "string" already exists on "string"
ERROR 6135: Access policy for ROWS already exists on "string"
ERROR 6150: Can not alter access policy on table "string" for COLUMN "string":
it doesn't exist
ERROR 6151: Can not alter access policy on table "string" for ROWS: it
doesn't exist
ERROR 6152: Can not copy access policy from table "string" for COLUMN
"string": it doesn't exist
ERROR 6153: Can not copy access policy from table "string" for ROWS: it
doesn't exist
ERROR 6154: Can not drop access policy on table "string" for COLUMN "string":
it doesn't exist
ERROR 6155: Can not drop access policy on table "string" for ROWS: it
doesn't exist
ERROR 6159: Can't drop indexed column
ERROR 6160: Can't string between these two tables: Text indices don't
line up
ERROR 6161: Can't specify a schema for LOCAL TEMP objects
ERROR 6167: Cannot directly modify a text-index table
ERROR 6170: Cannot index external table 'stringstringstring'
ERROR 6172: Cannot move data from a non retired storage location on
node string
ERROR 6175: Cannot perform the specified administrative operation on a
table with a text index
ERROR 6178: Cannot resolve node address [string] using address family string
ERROR 6179: Cannot resolve node address [string] using family string
ERROR 6180: Cannot resolve node control address [string] using address
family string
ERROR 6181: Cannot resolve node control address [string] using family string
ERROR 6194: Column "string" doesnt exists in "string". Cannot create access
ERROR 6202: Correlation STRENGTH must be in the range [-1.0,1.0]
ERROR 6275: General pool priority must be between -100 and 100
ERROR 6283: Illegal argument to get_config_parameter: NULL
ERROR 6288: Indexed table must have a projection that is segmented by
HASH(string), sorted by string, and contains every column listed
in the CREATE TEXT INDEX statement
ERROR 6295: Invalid declaration; 'tls' method requires HOST TLS
ERROR 6296: Invalid ip address and/or network mask - "string"
ERROR 6297: Invalid number of control nodes value
ERROR 6298: Invalid parameter - "string = string"
ERROR 6299: Invalid resource pool specified for cascade to
ERROR 6302: IP address family conflict: node address family is string,
control address family is string
ERROR 6329: Malformed message description
ERROR 6368: Only simple "expression" is allowed in access policy
ERROR 6397: Sequences cannot be used in access policy
ERROR 6414: Subnet IP address (family string) "string" is invalid
ERROR 6421: Table name can not be empty
ERROR 6456: Unsupported authentication method - "string"
ERROR 6475: Can't swap partitions between these two tables: Text
indices don't line up
ERROR 6492: No text index column named "string". Indexed text column in
text index table must exist with name "string"
ERROR 6504: Bad expression for Access Policy
ERROR 6509: Cascade to cannot be used to make a resource pool loop
ERROR 6519: Bad expression for Access Policy - "string"
ERROR 6520: Can not copy access policy from table "string" for COLUMN
"string": "string"
ERROR 6521: Can not copy access policy from table "string" for ROWS: "string"
ERROR 6545: NULL is invalid object name for analyze_external_row_count
ERROR 6546: NULL is invalid object name for drop_external_row_count)
ERROR 6609: string process has reserved resources. Release it first
ERROR 6641: Argument of nth_value must be greater than zero
ERROR 6661: Can not expire password on LDAP user account
ERROR 6663: Can not modify password on LDAP user account
ERROR 6664: Can not modify profile on LDAP user account
ERROR 6666: Can not set Security Algorithm on LDAP user account
ERROR 6689: Cannot store TEMP data on HDFS storage locations
ERROR 6803: Ident authentication not allowed for remote connection
ERROR 6934: Resource Allocation for this process not found
ERROR 6944: Schema "string" is already set to string privileges
ERROR 6979: Table string does not contain a key constraint 'string'
ERROR 6980: Table string is already set to inherit privileges
ERROR 6981: Table string is already set to not inherit privileges
ERROR 7042: Unknown node
ERROR 7061: User-Defined Load function indicated that it consumed value
bytes from the record lengths buffer, when only value were
ERROR 7069: View "string" is already set string inherit privileges
ERROR 7104: Length of string type function argument cannot exceed value [string]
ERROR 7108: Parameter 'string' cannot be NULL
ERROR 7140: DataBuffer indicated that it read value bytes, while
LengthBuffer indicated that value data bytes were read
ERROR 7141: DataBuffer indicated that it wrote value bytes, while
LengthBuffer indicated that value data bytes were written
ERROR 7145: Invalid end-of-file state for string: INPUT_NEEDED
ERROR 7146: Invalid state for UDParser: OUTPUT_NEEDED
ERROR 7154: UDChunker indicated that it consumed bytes, but returned
ERROR 7156: Access policy cannot be created on system table "string"
ERROR 7159: Backup type is invalid
ERROR 7160: Cannot expand glob pattern due to error: string
ERROR 7162: Cannot load data due to error: string
ERROR 7174: Cyclic access policy detected for relation: string
ERROR 7179: ERROR TOLERANCE is not supported for string loads
ERROR 7180: ERROR TOLERANCE is not supported for ORC files
ERROR 7184: Illegal argument to create_storage_containers: NULL
ERROR 7185: Illegal argument: Please enter positive number for
creating ROS containers
ERROR 7189: Occurrence parameter must be non-negative
ERROR 7194: Restore type is invalid
ERROR 7209: View string is already owned by string
ERROR 7225: Backup epoch [value] must be earlier than the current epoch
ERROR 7240: Constraint 'string' on table string is not a primary or unique
key, nor a check constraint
ERROR 7254: ERROR TOLERANCE is not supported for Parquet files
ERROR 7269: Invalid portion: string [value]
ERROR 7271: Negative queueTimeout is not allowed
ERROR 7304: Cannot load data from [string]: all specified nodes are down
ERROR 7306: Cannot specify exceptions or rejected-data files on
multiple nodes
ERROR 7312: Column string does not exist in Table string
ERROR 7313: Column string in Table string does not have SET USING expression
ERROR 7321: Invalid action string specified
ERROR 7322: Invalid pool name string specified
ERROR 7334: Size value out of range
ERROR 7335: Table string does not have any column with a SET USING
ERROR 7387: Cannot remove session's idle timeout
ERROR 7417: Error in blob creation: nChunks must be greater than 0
ERROR 7432: Invalid action URI 'string': adapter not supported
ERROR 7434: Invalid cursor request source: value
ERROR 7436: Invalid number of arguments
ERROR 7451: Maxconnections cannot be greater than total number of
allowable connections
ERROR 7452: Maxconnections cannot be set for a superuser
ERROR 7454: Maximum message size for notifier cannot be more than value
ERROR 7456: Memory size cannot be zero
ERROR 7459: Message cannot be empty
ERROR 7465: Must set mode in which connection limit is applicable
ERROR 7467: Negative idlesessiontimeout is not allowed
ERROR 7468: New idlesessiontimeout string would exceed database wide limit
of string
ERROR 7469: New idlesessiontimeout string would exceed user limit of string
ERROR 7472: No channel is set
ERROR 7473: No notifier is set
ERROR 7476: Notifier "string" does not exist
ERROR 7481: Notifier memory size (value) cannot be less than the
maximum message size (value)
ERROR 7482: Notifier memory size (value) should be less than 2TB
ERROR 7491: Object name cannot be null
ERROR 7536: Sample Count should be between 0 and 100
ERROR 7552: Temporary data cursor request requires type information
ERROR 7564: There is no node with such name: [string]
ERROR 7578: UDSource requested 0 threads on node [string] which is
targeted for execution
ERROR 7587: Valid value for outlierThreshould is a positive float
ERROR 7588: Valid value for sampling_ratio is a positive float number
between 0 and 1
ERROR 7615: Requested too many nodes
ERROR 7624: When an empty map of nodes is supplied, expect nNodes > 0
ERROR 7707: Chunk index value out of range 0-value
ERROR 7714: Error in blob creation: maxSize cannot be negative
ERROR 7715: Error in blob creation: minSize cannot be negative
ERROR 7716: Error in blob creation: minSize must be less than maxSize
ERROR 7727: Invalid notifier adapter configuration: string
ERROR 7741: Tried to read (value) past end of chunk (value)
ERROR 7742: Tried to read (at value) past end of chunk
ERROR 7749: Unknown notifier adapter
ERROR 7770: miniBatch must be a positive integer
ERROR 7771: No resource grant exists with this id
ERROR 7799: Connection address family 'string' is invalid; expected one
of: 'ipv4','ipv6'
ERROR 7800: Connection address family 'string' is not valid for host IP
address 'string'
ERROR 7868: Must specify shared storage for built-in shared file
ERROR 7871: Projection "string" refers to column "string" referenced in the
added column's default expression
ERROR 7877: Target table "string" is not anchor table for Projection "string"
ERROR 7899: Model string is already owned by string
ERROR 7910: Invalid column string definition for column string
ERROR 7911: Snapshot type is invalid
ERROR 7918: Invalid load stack: string
ERROR 7919: Invalid state for UDChunker::string(): string
ERROR 7924: UDChunker aligned a 0-byte chunk; chunks must be non-empty
ERROR 7933: Invalid refresh columns mode "string". Specify either "update"
or "rebuild"
ERROR 7993: No table specified
ERROR 8065: Cannot load data from node string as it is not in the elastic
throughput group selected for this session
ERROR 8068: Cannot remove session's grace period
ERROR 8073: Column string must be qualified as multiple tables are
ERROR 8087: Error in blob creation: name cannot be empty
ERROR 8097: Invalid path string for file system string
ERROR 8098: Invalid projection name 'string' while parsing an optimizer
ERROR 8104: LIMIT can't be specified for non depot locations
ERROR 8110: Minimum value for string is string
ERROR 8160: Size cannot be an empty string
ERROR 8167: Table string does not exist for specified column string
ERROR 8168: Table string does not have any column in the specified column
ERROR 8169: Table string for column string is not specified in the table list
ERROR 8175: The new period string would exceed the string limit of string
ERROR 8190: 'directory' parameter cannot be empty
ERROR 8191: 'directory' parameter must be specified
ERROR 8192: Compression 'string' is invalid
ERROR 8193: Directory [string] exists. Please remove it or specify another
ERROR 8196: Temporary directory [string] exists. Please retry the query
ERROR 8197: Unable to look up UDFS for File System [string]
ERROR 8198: Unable to verify if directory [string] exists due to 'string'
ERROR 8199: Unable to verify if temporary directory [string] exists due to
ERROR 8215: 'compression' value must be of string type
ERROR 8216: 'directory' value must be of string type
ERROR 8217: 'rowGroupSizeMB' value must be of Integer type
ERROR 8218: 'tempsuffix' value must be of string type
ERROR 8246: Cannot create subscription in string state
ERROR 8249: Cannot make a subscription for DOWN node string as PRIMARY
ERROR 8253: Catalog name must not be specified in object names: string
ERROR 8254: Invalid or empty object name: string
ERROR 8271: Please specify schema name when using *
ERROR 8285: Missing parameter: parentName. Please provide parentName
ERROR 8286: Missing parameter: parentType. Please provide parentType
ERROR 8294: Cannot identify the type of [string]
ERROR 8297: Invalid JSON string [string]
ERROR 8302: Parameter check failed: string
ERROR 8402: Cannot create subscription for "string" when node is in
ERROR 8411: Hyper parameter [string] is empty
ERROR 8412: Hyper parameter [string] is invalid
ERROR 8415: Metric [string] is not supported for algorithm [string]
ERROR 8425: Regularization type [string] is not supported for given
optimizer [string]. Use [string]
ERROR 8433: The "count" member of JSON object [string] must be a positive
ERROR 8434: The "first" and "step" members of JSON object [string] must be
ERROR 8452: Invalid file path: string
ERROR 8476: Usage:
Requires a Service Type followed by the Service Name as
found by calling list_services
Supported Service Types: 'TM'
select disable_service('TM','TM Mergeout');
ERROR 8477: Usage:
Requires a Service Type followed by the Service Name as
found by calling list_services
Supported Service Types: 'TM'
select enable_service('TM','TM Mergeout');
ERROR 8479: Usage:
Requires a Service Type to list services
Supported Service Types: 'TM', 'SYSTEM'
select list_services('TM');
ERROR 8488: Node string is not valid
ERROR 8502: Cannot drop subscription for replica shard
ERROR 8505: Catalog name must not be specified in wildcard: string
ERROR 8514: Intercept Mode [string] cannot be used when pre-centering the
data. Use [string]
ERROR 8524: Patterns may not exclude a table [string] from an included
schema [string]
ERROR 8530: string could not create directory for string 'string'
ERROR 8532: string input file and string can not be the same file [string]
ERROR 8533: string path for string ['string'] must be a directory for multiple
ERROR 8549: Schema string is session scoped
ERROR 8598: string does NOT encrypt network traffic. string encrypts network
traffic. Please change the configuration to be consistent
ERROR 8599: string encrypts network traffic. string does NOT encrypt network
traffic. Please change the configuration to be consistent
ERROR 8611: Invalid cipher type: value
ERROR 8612: Invalid crypto operation type: value
ERROR 8670: Invalid value value
ERROR 8686: id_column is necessary when seed is specified
ERROR 8688: "string" is not a valid filesystem name
ERROR 8706: 'string' value must be constant
ERROR 8709: Cannot parse metric. Expect only one JSON object but found
more than one [string]
ERROR 8710: Cannot parse metric. Unexpectd JSON object [string]
ERROR 8711: Cannot parse metric. Unexpected JSON array [string]
ERROR 8712: Class label [string] used in cv_metrics does not exist
ERROR 8717: MAXQUERYMEMORYSIZE can be set only for general and user-
defined pools
ERROR 8718: MAXQUERYMEMORYSIZE cannot exceed the maximum size of the
ERROR 8719: MAXQUERYMEMORYSIZE of string [value KB] would exceed the system
limit [value KB]
ERROR 8725: id_column must be a single column
ERROR 8726: Invalid metric: string
ERROR 8727: Unexpected arguments [string] for metric [string]
ERROR 8728: Unsupported averaging method [string]. Expected one of: micro,
macro and weighted
ERROR 8740: Unsupported parameter value. Please use 'true' or 'false'
ERROR 8764: 'fileSizeMB' value must be of Integer type
ERROR 8796: fileSizeMB 'value' is invalid. Must be 0 (no limit) or a
positive Integer value
ERROR 8797: Invalid node name
ERROR 8799: Invalid shard name: string
ERROR 8807: Usage of [string] cannot be changed
ERROR 8815: 'string' value must be of string type
ERROR 8821: string 'string' is invalid. dirMode requires user's read, write,
and execute permissions (rwx------)
ERROR 8822: string 'string' is invalid. Must be a positive octal value up to
1777 or a permission string of type rwxrwxrwx
ERROR 8838: Cannot set MAXCONCURRENCY of string pool to 0
ERROR 8839: Cannot set parameter string on built-in pool "string"
ERROR 8851: Incorrect CIDR format. Details: [string]
ERROR 8853: Load balance policy type 'string' does not exist. Please
supply a valid load balance policy name, such as
ERROR 8865: Routes must be unique. Specified route string is equivalent to
route string in rule 'string'
ERROR 8889: Refresh_columns on partitions is only supported for
"rebuild" mode
ERROR 8902: Invalid argument(s): value, value, value
ERROR 8904: string: Can not analyze statistics of a virtual
table/projection string
ERROR 8910: Empty partition key is invalid for string
ERROR 8915: Invalid accuracy value for string
ERROR 8917: NULL is invalid accuracy value for string
ERROR 8918: NULL is invalid column name for string
ERROR 8919: NULL is invalid object name for string
ERROR 8920: NULL is invalid partition key for string
ERROR 8921: NULL is invalid statistics type for string
ERROR 8924: RemoteStorageForTemp is set to 1, but cannot find any
remote storage locations for temp usage
ERROR 8928: Usage type not supported. Only COMMUNAL, USER and TEMP
locations are supported
ERROR 8930: Alter load balance group sub-command not recognized
ERROR 8931: Cannot add objects of type string to a Load Balance Group of
type string
ERROR 8934: Cannot drop objects of type string from a Load Balance Group
of type string
ERROR 8940: Could not decode catalog object type for statement type value
ERROR 8954: HybridStream must be initialized with at least a buffer or
a file path
ERROR 8960: Invalid catalog object type value (string) for any kind of Load
Balance Group
ERROR 9005: The filter clause cannot be empty when adding 'string' objects
to Load Balance Group 'string' of type 'string' because that group
does not already have a filter
ERROR 9006: Unknown spread option: string
ERROR 9007: 'pageSizeKB' value must be of Integer type
ERROR 9008: 'rowBatchSize' value must be of Integer type
ERROR 9012: PageSizeKB 'value' is invalid. Must be a positive Integer
ERROR 9013: RowBatchSize 'value' is invalid. Must be a positive Integer
ERROR 9014: RowgroupSizeMB 'value' is invalid. Must be a positive
Integer value
ERROR 9070: Too many threads specified for the index tool; value
specified; value maximum
ERROR 9100: Cannot make a subscription for SECONDARY node string as
ERROR 9109: FAULTGROUP is not supported in EON mode
ERROR 9110: Invalid parameter: node_name
ERROR 9111: Invalid parameter: shard_name
ERROR 9113: Missing parameter: node_name
ERROR 9184: Invalid value for option TokenTimeout. Timeout must be
integer from value to value msec or 0 (auto)
ERROR 9220: Cannot create array of size value
ERROR 9225: Negative array index
ERROR 9234: Type is not an array type
ERROR 9258: No parquet file was found in [string]
ERROR 9275: More than one parquet file was found in [string], please
specify only one parquet file
ERROR 9282: Seed cannot be 1, since a val of 1 resets srand()
ERROR 9303: 'string' is an unsupported object type for privileges
ERROR 9307: Name cannot be NULL
ERROR 9313: Type cannot be NULL
ERROR 9327: string_to_array: delimiter cannot be empty
ERROR 9328: string_to_array: NULL delimiter not supported
ERROR 9329: string_to_array parse error: string
ERROR 9353: string can not be greater than PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH value
ERROR 9354: PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH must be within the range from value to
PASSWORD_MIN_LETTERS value can not be greater than
PASSWORD_MIN_UPPERCASE_LETTERS value can not be greater
ERROR 9413: Depot policy for object string does not exist
ERROR 9414: Depot policy for object string does not exist for subcluster
ERROR 9417: Partition level policies for object string already exists on
string. Drop them before creating table level policies
ERROR 9420: Table level policy for object string already exists on string.
Drop them before creating partition level policies
ERROR 9422: The specified model name can not have more than 3
components: database.schema.model
ERROR 9424: Usage:
Requires a Service Type followed by the Service Name as
found by calling list_services
Supported Service Types: 'TM', 'SYSTEM'
select hurry_service('TM','PartitionTables');
ERROR 9454: Invalid VerticaTypeForComplexType [string] specified
ERROR 9491: string: Invalid stats type 'string'. Valid values are 'BASE',
ERROR 9509: Invalid parameters
ERROR 9538: Control set size out of bounds -1 <= value <= value
ERROR 9539: Control set size out of bounds, valid value ranges [1, value]
ERROR 9540: Control set size out of bounds: valid values are [1, value]
ERROR 9541: Maximum value control nodes allowed, and there are already
value (expected) control nodes in the cluster
ERROR 9544: Subcluster string does not have any nodes
ERROR 9553: AES keys with passwords cannot also include key text
ERROR 9569: Couldn't load any certificates
ERROR 9570: Couldn't parse subject 'string'; missing '='
ERROR 9590: Private key and certificate public key do not match: string
ERROR 9591: RSA keys with passwords are not currently supported
ERROR 9608: Cannot create subcluster with control set size value,
maximum value control nodes allowed and there are already
value (expected) control nodes in the cluster
ERROR 9611: Increase in pool size to string [value KB] causes general pool
to fall below minimum [25% = value KB] string
ERROR 9632: LABEL should be specified for depot locations
ERROR 9645: COPY column option string not supported for column of scalar
type (string)
ERROR 9646: COPY parameter string cannot have the same value as string
ERROR 9647: COPY parameter string cannot overlap parameter string
ERROR 9648: COPY parameter string must be a single character
ERROR 9686: LDAPLinkSearchTimeout must be greater than 0
ERROR 9697: Cannot replicate properties of subcluster string
ERROR 9721: Password cannot be changed until password minimum lifetime
has passed
ERROR 9722: string can not be greater than PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME
ERROR 9723: string can not be greater than PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH value
ERROR 9724: Cannot clone a subcluster's properties to itself
ERROR 9727: Password is not significantly different than previous
ERROR 9743: No node or subcluster specified
ERROR 9757: File path is not specified
ERROR 9758: File size is not specified
ERROR 9759: Invalid bound for collection type string
ERROR 9797: Sync to cloud is not enabled
ERROR 9805: Invalid CPU affinity parameters for pool 'string' on
subcluster string
ERROR 9806: Invalid salt length
ERROR 9823: string is not a valid object for this function
ERROR 9834: If a client certificate is specified, a CA bundle must
also be set
ERROR 9835: If TLS is enabled with server certificate validation, a CA
bundle must be set
ERROR 9844: Table level policies for object string already exists on string.
Drop them before creating projection level policies
ERROR 9846: Unsupported TLS mode 'string'
ERROR 9900: Value to search type [string] cannot be implicitly cast to the
collection element type [string]
ERROR 9915: Invalid return type for function [string]
ERROR 9916: max_binary_size should be a positive number
ERROR 9944: string_to_array: collection_close cannot be empty
ERROR 9945: string_to_array: collection_close should be of length 1
ERROR 9946: string_to_array: collection_delimiter cannot be empty
ERROR 9947: string_to_array: collection_open cannot be empty
ERROR 9948: string_to_array: collection_open should be of length 1
ERROR 9949: User parameter string cannot have the same value as string
ERROR 9993: Cannot set node IP address to be [string] because that IP
address is used by at least one UP node
ERROR 10018: 'compressionBlockSizeKB' value must be of Integer type
ERROR 10019: 'compressionStrategy' value must be of string type
ERROR 10020: 'rowIndexStride' value must be of Integer type
ERROR 10021: 'stripeSizeMB' value must be of Integer type
ERROR 10024: compressionBlockSizeKB 'value' is invalid. Must be a
positive Integer value
ERROR 10025: CompressionStrategy 'string' is invalid
ERROR 10081: rowIndexStride 'value' is invalid. Must be a positive
Integer value
ERROR 10083: stripeSizeMB 'value' is invalid. Must be a positive Integer
ERROR 10111: Both config section and key cannot be empty
ERROR 10148: 'binaryTypesFormat' value must be of string type
ERROR 10149: 'enclosedBy' value must be of string type
ERROR 10150: 'escapeAs' value must be of string type
ERROR 10151: 'fileExtension' value must be of string type
ERROR 10152: 'nullAs' value must be of string type
ERROR 10153: 'recordTerminator' value must be of string type
ERROR 10158: binaryTypesFormat 'string' is invalid
ERROR 10197: Invalid value for 'addHeader'
ERROR 10244: Cannot specify node-names nodes for SHARED [string] location
ERROR 10254: Grants for SHARED USER location can only be changed for
all nodes
ERROR 10286: SHARED [string] location can only be dropped for all nodes
ERROR 10287: Specifying individual nodes is not supported for SHARED
[string] location
ERROR 10295: Usage of [string] cannot be changed from SHARED string to SHARED
ERROR 10354: max_binary_size should be enough to fit at least one
ERROR 10376: Invalid timestamp argument: string
ERROR 10379: The number of plans should be greater than 0 and less
than equal to value
ERROR 10381: [string] is not a valid storage location on node [string]
ERROR 10434: 'match_columns' parameter cannot be empty
ERROR 10445: No column names match any match_columns expression
ERROR 10467: match_columns() function takes only a constant as a valid
input argument
ERROR 10483: Cannot create storage locations using VFS filesystem
ERROR 10529: SIGNED BY ca does not sign the provided certificate
ERROR 10573: Unknown storage tag [string]
ERROR 10600: Schema name "string"."string" is too long
ERROR 10602: FOR SUBCLUSTER can only be used for altering user
ERROR 10610: Invalid salt value: contains a null char 00
ERROR 10612: Notifier Channel cannot be empty
ERROR 10615: 'filename' value must be of string type
ERROR 10618: fileName is not allowed when PARTITION BY expression is
ERROR 10619: fileName must not be set to empty
ERROR 10620: Invalid DEPENDS string for CREATE LIBRARY
ERROR 10623: Minimum message size for notifier cannot be less than
ERROR 10628: 'omitNullFields' value must be of Boolean type
ERROR 10638: Notification policy parameter cannot be null
Info messages
INFO 6296: Invalid ip address and/or network mask - "string"
INFO 6456: Unsupported authentication method - "string"
INFO 6457: Unsupported host type - "string"
Notice messages
NOTICE 9798: Table string is already owned by string, nothing was done
Warning messages
WARNING 2075: @INCLUDE without filename in timezone file "string", line value
WARNING 2415: Cannot drop extended statistics on projection string.
Dropping base statistics only
WARNING 2964: CURRENT_TIME(value) precision reduced to maximum allowed,
WARNING 2966: CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(value) precision reduced to maximum
allowed, value
WARNING 3607: INTERVAL leading field precision increased to value
WARNING 3608: INTERVAL leading field precision reduced to value
WARNING 3610: INTERVAL SECOND precision reduced to value
WARNING 3673: Invalid hint identifier 'string'
WARNING 3710: Invalid number for timezone offset in timezone file
"string", line value
WARNING 3759: Invalid syntax in timezone file "string", line value
WARNING 3767: Invalid timezone file name "string"
WARNING 3787: Invalid value for parameter
WARNING 3878: LOCALTIME(value) precision reduced to maximum allowed, value
WARNING 3880: LOCALTIMESTAMP(value) precision reduced to maximum
allowed, value
WARNING 3960: Missing timezone abbreviation in timezone file "string",
line value
WARNING 3961: Missing timezone offset in timezone file "string", line value
WARNING 5020: TIME(value)string precision reduced to maximum allowed, value
WARNING 5029: TIMESTAMP(value) precision reduced to maximum allowed, value
WARNING 5031: TIMESTAMP(value)string precision reduced to maximum allowed,
WARNING 5037: TIMETZ(value) precision reduced to maximum allowed, value
WARNING 5041: Timezone abbreviation "string" is multiply defined
WARNING 5042: Timezone abbreviation "string" is too long (maximum value
characters) in timezone file "string", line value
WARNING 5045: Timezone file recursion limit exceeded in file "string"
WARNING 5046: Timezone offset value is not a multiple of 900 sec (15 min)
in timezone file "string", line value
WARNING 5047: Timezone offset value is out of range in timezone file
"string", line value
WARNING 5136: Unable to log this tuning analysis event
WARNING 5605: Invalid projection createtype 'string'
WARNING 5645: Projection basename cannot be empty
WARNING 5646: Projection createtype cannot be empty
WARNING 5693: Using 1 year for QUEUETIMEOUT
WARNING 6189: Client Authentication "string" is disabled
WARNING 6203: Could not access string "string": value
WARNING 6289: Indexed table must have a projection that is segmented
by HASH(string), sorted by string, and contains every column
listed in the CREATE TEXT INDEX statement (no
projections have been created yet)
WARNING 6302: IP address family conflict: node address family is string,
control address family is string
WARNING 6314: LDAP URL [string] seems to be malformedstring. Client
Authentication "string" is disabled
WARNING 6383: Path "string" exists, but it is directory, not a file
WARNING 6384: Path "string" exists, but it is not a directory
WARNING 6387: Projection replace oid is empty or malformed
WARNING 6473: You cannot use both parameters 'string' and 'string'. Client
Authentication 'string' is disabled
WARNING 6566: Invalid constant hint:'string'
WARNING 6569: Invalid table hint identifier 'string'
WARNING 6619: /*+syntactic_join*/ hint omitted, ignoring join hints
WARNING 6802: Hint _oidref is empty or malformed
WARNING 6824: Invalid explain hint identifier 'string'
WARNING 6825: Invalid join hint identifier 'string'
WARNING 6835: Invalid with hint identifier 'string'
WARNING 7083: /*+syntactic_join*/ hint omitted, ignoring union hints
WARNING 7102: Invalid union hint identifier 'string'
WARNING 7168: Column Access Policies on flex tables may not be
completely secure
WARNING 7541: Skipnode hint needs node name
WARNING 7542: Skipnode hint omitted in sub-query
WARNING 7584: Using 1 year as idlesessiontimeout
WARNING 7674: Idlesessiontimeout cannot be less than 15 minutes for
superuser. Using 15 minutes as idlesessiontimeout
WARNING 8187: Using string (maximum) as string
WARNING 8303: Parameter check warning: string
WARNING 8916: No remote storage location found for temp usage
WARNING 9566: Could not load certificate from provided value; Error in
PEM_read_bio_X509: string
WARNING 9753: Collection type bound will not be used
WARNING 10493: string "string" is already owned by string
WARNING 10617: Exporting to single file. fileSizeMB will be set to 0
(no limit)
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
39 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 22025
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22025.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22025.
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
40 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 22906
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22906.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22906.
SQLSTATE 22906 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
WARNING 4166: Nonstandard use of \' in a string literal at or near
WARNING 4167: Nonstandard use of \\ in a string literal at or near
WARNING 4168: Nonstandard use of escape in a string literal at or near
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
41 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 22V02
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22V02.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22V02.
SQLSTATE 22V02 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2825: Could not convert "string"string to a boolean
ERROR 2826: Could not convert "string"string to a float8
ERROR 2827: Could not convert "string"string to an int8
ERROR 3677: Invalid input for string: "string"
ERROR 3680: Invalid input syntax for boolean: "string"
ERROR 3681: Invalid input syntax for integer: "string"
ERROR 3682: Invalid input syntax for numeric: "string"
ERROR 3711: Invalid number: "string"
ERROR 3712: Invalid numeric format string
ERROR 3714: Invalid numeric value: "string"
ERROR 3751: Invalid Session ID format
ERROR 3757: Invalid syntax for float: "string"
ERROR 3758: Invalid syntax for numeric: "string"
ERROR 3894: Malformed record literal: "string"
ERROR 4169: Not a number: "string"
ERROR 4198: Number exceeds format: "string"
ERROR 5930: Invalid numeric format string. Expected precision is value and
scale is value
ERROR 8264: Invalid input syntax for type string: "string"
ERROR 9988: Invalid input syntax for type string: "string"
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
42 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 22V03
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22V03.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22V03.
SQLSTATE 22V03 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2829: Could not convert integer valuestring to a boolean
ERROR 3536: Incorrect binary data format in bind parameter value
ERROR 3623: Invalid binary input syntax: 'string...'
ERROR 3624: Invalid bitstring "string"
ERROR 3671: Invalid hex string "string"
ERROR 3678: Invalid input syntax for string
ERROR 3716: Invalid octal string format "string"
ERROR 3717: Invalid octal string format (octal string length
ERROR 5416: Value too long for type string(value)
ERROR 5936: Invalid string format "string"
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
43 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 22V04
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22V04.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22V04.
SQLSTATE 22V04 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2031: string Header size (value) is corrupted
ERROR 2032: string Header size (value) is too small
ERROR 2035: string Input record value has been rejected (string)
ERROR 2053: string Row size (value) is corrupted
ERROR 2054: string Unexpected EOF while reading header. Expected value but
read value
ERROR 2738: COPY file signature not recognized
ERROR 2767: COPY: Wrong Header size value. Expected value
ERROR 3562: Input has extra trailing bytes
ERROR 3640: Invalid COPY file header (unsupported Version Number)
ERROR 4206: Number of fields is value, expected value
ERROR 4627: Row delimiter not found; corrupt file input (read value
bytes from input)
ERROR 5495: Wrong size value for bool column value (string)
ERROR 5496: Wrong size value for date column value (string)
ERROR 5497: Wrong size value for float column value (string)
ERROR 5498: Wrong size value for integer column value (string)
ERROR 5499: Wrong size value for Interval column value (string)
ERROR 5500: Wrong size value for Numeric column value (string)
ERROR 5501: Wrong size value for Time column value (string)
ERROR 5502: Wrong size value for Timestamp column value (string)
ERROR 5503: Wrong size value for TimestampTz column value (string)
ERROR 5504: Wrong size value for TimeTz column value (string)
ERROR 6363: Not able to skip value rows for source [string]
ERROR 7293: string [value] records have been rejected
ERROR 8394: Wrong size value for Uuid column value (string)
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
44 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 22V0B
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22V0B.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22V0B.
SQLSTATE 22V0B description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2746: COPY NO ESCAPE cannot also contain an ESCAPE clause
ERROR 2747: COPY NO ESCAPE for column string cannot also contain an ESCAPE
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
45 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 22V21
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22V21.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22V21.
SQLSTATE 22V21 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2144: AHM can't advance past the cluster last full backup epoch.
(Last Backup Epoch: value)
ERROR 2145: AHM can't advance past the cluster last backup time. (Last
Backup time: string)
ERROR 2146: AHM can't advance past the cluster last good epoch (LGE)
time (Cluster LGE time: string)
ERROR 2147: AHM can't advance past the cluster last good epoch (LGE).
(Cluster LGE: value)
ERROR 2148: AHM can't advance past the latest epoch time (Latest epoch
time: string)
ERROR 2153: AHM must be less than the current epoch (Current Epoch:
ERROR 2318: Can't run historical queries at epochs prior to the
Ancient History Mark
ERROR 3000: DDL interfered with this statement
ERROR 3184: Epoch specified is not in historical epoch range
ERROR 3559: Input epoch must be greater than or equal to the earliest
epoch (earliest epoch: value)
ERROR 3560: Input epoch must be greater than the current AHM (Current
AHM: value)
ERROR 3561: Input epoch must be less than or equal to the AHM epoch
(AHM epoch: value)
ERROR 3567: Input time can't be rounded down to an epoch higher than
the current AHM epoch (Current AHM epoch: value, Current
AHM time: string)
ERROR 3568: Input time must be greater than or equal to the earliest
epoch time (Earliest epoch time: string)
ERROR 3569: Input time must be greater than the current AHM time
(Current AHM time: string)
ERROR 3570: Input time must be less than or equal to the AHM epoch
time (AHM epoch time: string)
ERROR 3654: Invalid epoch
ERROR 3844: Last good epoch not set
ERROR 3926: MergeOut start epoch (=value) greater than end epoch
ERROR 4940: The current AHM is already value
ERROR 5013: Time specified is not in historical epoch range
ERROR 7639: AHM can't advance due to lack of full backup
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
46 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 22V23
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22V23.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22V23.
SQLSTATE 22V23 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
Error messages
ERROR 5783: Client error: string (in function string() at string:value)
ERROR 7084: ABORTRECOVERY is only allowed in UNSAFE mode
Warning messages
WARNING 2005: string
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
47 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 22V24
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22V24.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22V24.
SQLSTATE 22V24 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
Error messages
ERROR 6703: Corrupt ORC source!
ERROR 6723: Data type string is not supported for the ORC file format
ERROR 6777: Failed to read ORC source [string]
ERROR 6778: Failed to read ORC source [string]: string
ERROR 7087: Attempt to load value columns from an ORC source [string] that
has value columns
ERROR 7127: The table has value columns, but the ORC source [string] has value
ERROR 7157: Attempt to load value columns from an ORC source [string] that
has value columns and value partition columns
ERROR 7202: The table has value columns, but the ORC source [string] has value
columns and value partition columns
ERROR 7241: Corrupt parquet source!
ERROR 7246: Data type string is not supported for the PARQUET file format
ERROR 7257: Failed to read parquet source [string]
ERROR 7258: Failed to read parquet source [string]: string
ERROR 7985: Decimal type with precision value (> 38) is not supported
ERROR 8862: No ORC Column Readers found for column [value]
ERROR 9135: Attempt to load value columns from a parquet source [string] that
has value columns
ERROR 9156: Datatype mismatch: column value in the parquet source [string]
has primitive type string, expected complex type
ERROR 9171: The table has value columns, but the parquet source [string] has
value columns
ERROR 9252: Corrupted Schema of Parquet file
ERROR 9258: No parquet file was found in [string]
ERROR 9266: Byte array as Numeric is not supported right now
ERROR 9289: Datatype mismatch: column value in the parquet source [string]
does not have the expected ARRAY type at string
ERROR 9290: Datatype mismatch: column value in the parquet source [string]
does not have the expected MAP type at string
ERROR 9295: Datatype mismatch: column value in the parquet source [string]
has ARRAY type. Expected ROW type at string
ERROR 9296: Datatype mismatch: column value in the parquet source [string]
has MAP type. Expected ROW type at string
ERROR 9299: Source has unsupported MAP type at string
ERROR 9325: Source has unsupported ARRAY type at string
ERROR 9399: Datatype mismatch: column value in the parquet source [string]
has stringstringvalue typestringstring, expected primitive type string
ERROR 9400: Datatype mismatch: column value in the parquet source [string]
has stringstringvaluestringstringstring, expected string
ERROR 9401: Datatype mismatch: column value in the parquet source [string]
has different string type field count. Source has value at string,
expected value
ERROR 9402: Datatype mismatch: column value in the parquet source [string]
has different ROW type. Source has primitive type string at
string, expected complex type
ERROR 9520: Attempt to load value columns from a parquet source [string] that
has value columns and value partition columns
ERROR 9524: The table has value columns, but the parquet source [string] has
value columns and value partition columns
ERROR 9699: Datatype mismatch: column "string" in the ORC source [string] has
type string, expected string
ERROR 9700: Datatype mismatch: column "string" in the ORC source [string] has
type string, expected ARRAY type
ERROR 9701: Datatype mismatch: column "string" in the ORC source [string] has
type string, expected MAP type
ERROR 9702: Datatype mismatch: column "string" in the ORC source [string] has
type string, expected ROW type
ERROR 9703: Datatype mismatch: column "string" in the ORC source [string] has
type LIST of string, expected string
ERROR 9705: Datatype mismatch: Field "string" in the ORC source [string] has
type string, expected string
ERROR 9706: Datatype mismatch: Field "string" in the ORC source [string] has
type string, expected ARRAY type
ERROR 9707: Datatype mismatch: Field "string" in the ORC source [string] has
type string, expected MAP type
ERROR 9708: Datatype mismatch: Field "string" in the ORC source [string] has
type string, expected ROW type
ERROR 9709: Datatype mismatch: Struct type "string" in the ORC source [string]
has fewer child fields than expected
ERROR 9710: Datatype mismatch: Struct type "string" in the ORC source [string]
has more child fields than expected
ERROR 9842: Selected column string has a complex type
ERROR 9969: Partition Columns cannot be array type string
ERROR 10055: No orc file was found in [string]
ERROR 10591: Failed to read avro source [string]
ERROR 10592: Failed to read avro source [string]: string
ERROR 10594: No avro file was found in [string]
ERROR 10598: Failed to load schema from avro file [string]
Warning messages
WARNING 9317: Data type TIME of column [string] is not supported in
Vertica right now. Creating this external table will
cause errors.
WARNING 9435: Data type UNSIGNED INT64 of column [string] is not supported
in Vertica. Numeric(20,0) is used instead
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
48 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 23502
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 23502.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 23502.
SQLSTATE 23502 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
Error messages
ERROR 2416: Cannot drop NOT NULL constraint on column "string" when it is
referenced in PARTITION BY expression
ERROR 2417: Cannot drop NOT NULL constraint on column "string" when it is
referenced in primary key constraint
ERROR 4182: NOT NULL constraint on column "string" already exists
ERROR 4183: NOT NULL constraint on column "string" does not exist
Warning messages
WARNING 2623: Column "string" definition changed to NOT NULL
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
49 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 23503
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 23503.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 23503.
SQLSTATE 23503 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 4165: Nonexistent foreign key value detected in FK-PK join [string];
value [string]
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
50 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 23505
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 23505.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 23505.
SQLSTATE 23505 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 3147: Duplicate MERGE key detected in join [string]; value [string]
ERROR 3149: Duplicate primary/unique key detected in join [string]; value
ERROR 4840: Subquery used as an expression returned more than one row
ERROR 6744: Duplicate key values in table 'string': 'string' -- violates
constraint 'string'
ERROR 6745: Duplicate key values: 'string' -- violates constraint 'string'
ERROR 7695: Null value in primary key column: 'string' -- violates
constraint 'string'
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
51 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 23514
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 23514.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 23514.
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
52 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 25000
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 25000.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 25000.
SQLSTATE 25000 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
Error messages
ERROR 8058: Active subscriptions changed during query planning
ERROR 8231: Invalid number of shards to operate on => value
ERROR 8233: Node is not the primary for shard (value)
ERROR 8269: Node is no longer the primary for shard (value)
ERROR 8298: Multiple shards when partitioning ROSs
ERROR 8383: Node is not the primary for shard (value)
ERROR 8568: The shard (value) is not in the active shard set of this
mergeout session
ERROR 10309: Initiator node(string) changed from primary node to secondary
node during backup task
Rollbacktxn messages
ROLLBACKTXN 8222: No active subscriptions found for the session
ROLLBACKTXN 8647: Transaction Catalog in an inconsistent state
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
53 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 25006
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 25006.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 25006.
SQLSTATE 25006 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2448: Cannot issue this command in a read-only transaction
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
54 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 25V01
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 25V01.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 25V01.
SQLSTATE 25V01 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2342: Cannot advance epoch without a transaction
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
55 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 28000
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 28000.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 28000.
SQLSTATE 28000 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
Error messages
ERROR 2701: Conflicting, redundant or unsupported option: string
ERROR 2702: Conflicting, redundant or unsupported option: groupElts
ERROR 2959: Current user cannot be dropped
ERROR 4293: Option "string" not recognized
ERROR 4722: Session user cannot be dropped
ERROR 4846: Superuser cannot be dropped
ERROR 5387: User does not exist
ERROR 6441: Trying to change password, but user "string" does not exist
ERROR 6442: Trying to find authentication mehtod, but user "string" does
not exist
ERROR 6443: Trying to update login history, but user "string" does not
ERROR 6494: SecurityAlgorithm valid options are NONE, MD5 and SHA512
ERROR 6671: Cannot change password on LDAP user "string"
ERROR 6841: LDAP role "string" cannot be dropped unless it is orphaned
(sourced from a different LDAP than currently configured)
ERROR 6842: LDAP user "string" cannot be renamed
ERROR 6843: LDAP user "string" has not database password
ERROR 6844: LDAP user cannot be dropped unless it is orphaned
ERROR 7667: SecurityAlgorithm valid options are NONE and SHA512
Fatal messages
FATAL 2247: Authentication failed for user "string": invalid
authentication method
FATAL 2248: Authentication failed for username "string"
FATAL 3495: GSSAPI authentication failed for user "string"
FATAL 3781: Invalid username or password
FATAL 3828: Kerberos 5 authentication failed for user "string"
FATAL 3846: LDAP authentication failed for user "string"
FATAL 4131: No Vertica user name specified in startup packet
FATAL 5130: Unable to determine authentication mechanism; check
"ClientAuthentication" methods granted to user or role
FATAL 5592: Ident authentication failed for user "string"
FATAL 6431: TLS authentication failed for user "string"
FATAL 6796: Hash/password authentication is not supported for LDAP
Users and/or Roles - user "string"
FATAL 6807: Implicit trust is not supported for LDAP Users and/or
Roles - user "string"
FATAL 10585: OAuth authentication failed for user "string"
FATAL 10595: Token introspection failed
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
56 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 28001
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 28001.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 28001.
SQLSTATE 28001 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
FATAL 4974: The user account "string" is locked
FATAL 4975: The user account "string" is locked due to too many invalid
FATAL 6998: The LDAP user account "string" is locked
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
57 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 2BV01
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 2BV01.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 2BV01.
SQLSTATE 2BV01 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
Error messages
ERROR 3052: Dependent privileges exist
ERROR 3128: DROP failed due to dependencies
ERROR 3130: DROP PROFILE failed due to dependencies
ERROR 3131: DROP ROLE failed due to dependencies
ERROR 6240: DROP AUTHENTICATION failed due to dependencies
ERROR 7303: Cannot drop table "string" because other objects depend on it
ERROR 7345: string failed due to dependencies
Warning messages
WARNING 7945: Column string is dropped which will break some dependent
access policies on the table. Certain queries may fail
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
58 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 38004
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 38004.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 38004.
SQLSTATE 38004 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
WARNING 7339: User may not have read privilege to the external table
storage location: [ string ]
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
59 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 40V01
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 40V01.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 40V01.
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
60 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 42501
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42501.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42501.
SQLSTATE 42501 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
Error messages
ERROR 2065: string: Invalid table/projection/column string
ERROR 2198: analyze_statistics: Requires modify permissions for
table/projection/column string
ERROR 2347: Cannot alter predefined role "string"
ERROR 2348: Cannot alter superuser string's default roles
ERROR 2349: Cannot alter superuser roles
ERROR 2389: Cannot create system built-in tuning rule
ERROR 2419: Cannot drop system built-in tuning rule
ERROR 2460: Cannot move user string to general pool, they lack privileges
ERROR 2481: Cannot remove memoryCap
ERROR 2482: Cannot remove runTimeCap
ERROR 2484: Cannot remove tempSpaceCap
ERROR 2812: Could not add location [string]: Permission denied
ERROR 2935: Couldn't nice(value) thread: value
ERROR 2953: Current password must be supplied to set new password
ERROR 2958: Current user can't change runtime priority of another
user's task
ERROR 2960: Current user doesn't have the privilege to change the task
runtime priority to be higher than its resource pool
ERROR 3577: Insufficient permissions on projection "string"
ERROR 3578: Insufficient permissions on schema "string"
ERROR 3579: Insufficient permissions on table "string"
ERROR 3580: Insufficient privilege: USAGE on SCHEMA 'string' not granted
for current user
ERROR 3581: Insufficient privileges for projection string
ERROR 3582: Insufficient privileges for table string
ERROR 3583: Insufficient privileges on string
ERROR 3584: Insufficient privileges on string, modify privileges
ERROR 3722: Invalid passphrase: string
ERROR 3919: memoryCap of value KB would exceed user limit of value KB
ERROR 3989: Must be owner of stringstring
ERROR 3990: Must be owner of string [string]
ERROR 3991: Must be superuser to alter database
ERROR 3992: Must be superuser to alter profile
ERROR 3993: Must be superuser to alter tuning rule
ERROR 3994: Must be superuser to alter user default roles
ERROR 3998: Must be superuser to clear Query/EE profiles
ERROR 4000: Must be superuser to create interface
ERROR 4002: Must be superuser to create profile
ERROR 4003: Must be superuser to create subnet
ERROR 4004: Must be superuser to create tuning rule
ERROR 4005: Must be superuser to create users
ERROR 4006: Must be superuser to drop an interface
ERROR 4008: Must be superuser to drop profile
ERROR 4009: Must be superuser to drop resource pool
ERROR 4010: Must be superuser to drop role
ERROR 4011: Must be superuser to drop subnet
ERROR 4012: Must be superuser to drop tuning rule
ERROR 4013: Must be superuser to drop users
ERROR 4014: Must be superuser to modify resource pools
ERROR 4015: Must be superuser to rename interface
ERROR 4016: Must be superuser to rename profile
ERROR 4017: Must be superuser to rename role
ERROR 4018: Must be superuser to rename subnet
ERROR 4019: Must be superuser to run string
ERROR 4020: Must be superuser to run analyze_workloadstring()
ERROR 4059: New runTimeCap value ms would exceed user limit of value ms
ERROR 4061: New tempSpaceCap value KB would exceed user limit of value
ERROR 4178: Not enough privileges for projection string
ERROR 4179: Not enough privileges for table string
ERROR 4260: Only superuser can check privileges on other users
ERROR 4261: Only superuser can create roles
ERROR 4366: Permission denied
ERROR 4367: Permission denied for stringstring
ERROR 4368: Permission denied for string [string]
ERROR 4369: Permission denied to create temporary tables
ERROR 4546: RecvFiles on string: Can't write to file [string]
ERROR 4741: setThreadCPUNiceValue: couldn't nice(value) thread: value
ERROR 4742: setThreadIONiceValue: couldn't ionice(value) thread: value
ERROR 5389: User has insufficient privileges on schema string
ERROR 5488: Workspace schema string does not exist
ERROR 5517: Your Vertica license is invalid or has expired
ERROR 5618: Must be superuser to alter fault group
ERROR 5619: Must be superuser to create fault group
ERROR 5620: Must be superuser to drop fault group
ERROR 5635: Path to file [string] contains a symbolic link
ERROR 5716: Must have create permissions in schema string to drop type
ERROR 5956: Must be superuser to ALTER NODE
ERROR 5957: Must be superuser to create filesystem
ERROR 5958: Must be superuser to create location
ERROR 5959: Must be superuser to CREATE NODEs
ERROR 5961: Must be superuser to supply 'user_name' argument to
HAS_ROLE() function
HINT: Non-superusers run HAS_ROLE('role_name')
ERROR 5975: Not enough privileges for string
ERROR 6125: Access Policies are not enabled
ERROR 6343: Must be superuser to string authentication
ERROR 6345: Must be superuser to alter authentication
ERROR 6348: Must be superuser to create authentication
ERROR 6350: Must be superuser to drop authentication
ERROR 6351: Must be superuser to rename authentication
ERROR 6514: Must be superuser to run value <name not available>
ERROR 6540: string: Invalid external table string
ERROR 6871: Must be superuser to rename user
ERROR 6872: Must be superuser to run move_statement_to_resource_pool
ERROR 6896: Parameter string can be cleared only via a UDx
ERROR 6897: Parameter string can be set only via a UDx
ERROR 6902: Permission denied on [string.string]
ERROR 6903: Permission denied, must be superuser to create a directed
ERROR 6904: Permission denied, must be superuser to drop a directed
ERROR 6905: Permission denied, must be superuser to save a query
ERROR 6906: Permission denied, must be superuser to update directed
query status
ERROR 7376: Cannot close other user's sessions
ERROR 7463: Must be superuser to create notifier
ERROR 7464: Must be superuser to drop notifier
ERROR 7998: Permission denied for model string
ERROR 7999: Permission denied for schema string
ERROR 8569: Can't create the file [string]
ERROR 8855: Must be superuser to create load balance groups
ERROR 8856: Must be superuser to create routing rules
ERROR 8857: Must be superuser to drop a load balance group
ERROR 8858: Must be superuser to drop a routing rule
ERROR 8929: Alter address sub-command not recognized
ERROR 8935: Cannot override ImportExportTLSMode when set to string
ERROR 8958: Insufficient privileges on string, alter privileges needed
ERROR 8959: Insufficient privileges on string, drop privileges needed
ERROR 8963: Load balance group type "string" cannot have a filter set
ERROR 8964: Must be superuser to alter load balance group
ERROR 8965: Must be superuser to alter network address
ERROR 8966: Must be superuser to alter routing rule
ERROR 9085: Must be superuser to alter subcluster
ERROR 9086: Must be superuser to create subcluster
ERROR 9087: Must be superuser to drop subcluster
ERROR 9359: User may not have read privilege to the file: [ string ]
ERROR 9373: Must be superuser to alter other users
ERROR 9375: Must have superuser privileges to set configuration
parameter string at the user level
ERROR 9662: Cannot set resource pool: user string lacks privileges onstring
resource pool string
ERROR 9959: Only database superusers can create external procedures
ERROR 9960: Only database superusers can drop external procedures
ERROR 9989: Must be superuser/dbadmin/sysmonitor to view other users
ERROR 10145: string "string" does not exist or the current user doesn't have
access to it
ERROR 10310: Only superuser can debug a query
ERROR 10468: Must be superuser or have the UDXDEVELOPER role to create
ERROR 10469: Must be superuser or have the UDXDEVELOPER role to drop
ERROR 10514: Insufficient privileges on string; usage privliges needed
ERROR 10517: Must be superuser to execute ALTER PROCEDURE ... OWNER
ERROR 10554: Must be string to alter access policy
ERROR 10555: Must be string to copy access policy
ERROR 10556: Must be string to create access policy
ERROR 10557: Must be string to drop access policy
ERROR 10558: Only superusers or the owner of both tables can swap
partitions with access policies
ERROR 10559: Only superusers or the source table owner can copy/move
partitions with access policies
Notice messages
NOTICE 3583: Insufficient privileges on string
Warning messages
WARNING 5149: Unable to set role "string"
WARNING 5818: Deployment script will not be generated since the user
does not have appropriate permissions to write to [string]
WARNING 5820: Design script will not be generated since the user does
not have appropriate permissions to write to [string]
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
61 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 42601
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42601.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42601.
SQLSTATE 42601 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
Error messages
ERROR 2005: string
ERROR 2069: 'string' is not a table name in the current search_path
ERROR 2085: A column cannot occur in an equality predicate and an
interpolation predicate
ERROR 2093: A join can have only one set of interpolated predicates
ERROR 2100: A query with Time Series Aggregate Function string must have a
timeseries clause
ERROR 2156: All columns are evaluated by expressions. At least one
column should be read from input
ERROR 2157: All columns in select list must be columns used by
ERROR 2164: Alter Column Type driver: Unrecognized command type
ERROR 2180: Analytic function string must have an OVER clause
ERROR 2187: Analytic functions cannot be nested
ERROR 2191: ANALYZE CONSTRAINT is not supported
ERROR 2203: Anchor table not found
ERROR 2214: Argument value has invalid type value in ANALYZE_WORKLOAD
ERROR 2215: Argument value in ANALYZE_WORKLOAD must be constant
ERROR 2223: Argument in ANALYZE_CONSTRAINTS must be constant
ERROR 2230: Arguments of row IN must all be row expressions
ERROR 2346: Cannot alter a sequence with START
ERROR 2381: Cannot create a sequence with RESTART
ERROR 2444: Cannot insert into or update IDENTITY/AUTO_INCREMENT
column "string"
ERROR 2445: Cannot insert into system column "string"
ERROR 2446: Cannot insert multiple commands into a prepared statement
ERROR 2521: Cannot specify anything other than user defined transforms
string in the string list
ERROR 2525: Cannot specify more than one user-defined transform
function in the SELECT list
ERROR 2526: Cannot specify more than one window clause with a user
defined transform
ERROR 2534: Cannot use "PR" with "S"/"PL"/"MI"/"SG"
ERROR 2535: Cannot use "S" with "MI"
ERROR 2536: Cannot use "S" with "PL"
ERROR 2537: Cannot use "S" with "PL"/"MI"/"SG"/"PR"
ERROR 2538: Cannot use "S" with "SG"
ERROR 2539: Cannot use "V" with a decimal point
ERROR 2545: Cannot use aggregate function in VALUES
ERROR 2627: Column "string" in ENCODED BY clause is not found in the table
ERROR 2641: Column "string.string" must appear in the PARTITION BY list of
Timeseries clause or be used in a Time Series Aggregate
ERROR 2642: Column string cannot be evaluated
ERROR 2645: Column string has other computed columns in its expression
ERROR 2647: Column string in ORDER BY list is not found in TABLE
ERROR 2659: Column alias list for "string" has too many entries
ERROR 2669: COLUMN OPTION is not supported
ERROR 2670: Column options are not supported
ERROR 2696: Conflicting INTERVAL subtypes
ERROR 2697: Conflicting NULL/NOT NULL declarations for column "string" of
table "string"
ERROR 2699: Conflicting or redundant options
ERROR 2712: Constraint "string" for relation "string" already exists
ERROR 2715: Constraint declared INITIALLY DEFERRED must be DEFERRABLE
ERROR 2754: COPY requires a data source; either a FROM clause or a
WITH SOURCE for a user-defined source
ERROR 2764: COPY: Expression for column string cannot be coerced
ERROR 2946: CREATE TABLE AS specifies too many column names
ERROR 2947: CREATE VIEW specifies more column names than columns
ERROR 2986: Database name is required (too few dotted names): string
ERROR 3023: Default values specified for IDENTITY/AUTO_INCREMENT
column "string" of table "string"
ERROR 3125: Drop Column driver: Unrecognized command type
ERROR 3142: Duplicate column "string" in create table statement
ERROR 3143: Duplicate column string in constraint
ERROR 3151: Duplicate tables in projection not allowed
ERROR 3155: Duplicated parameters string not allowed
ERROR 3158: Each string query must have the same number of columns
ERROR 3164: Empty column name is invalid
ERROR 3165: Empty constraint name is invalid
ERROR 3171: ENCODED BY is not supported in CREATE PROJECTION statement
when column renaming list is defined
ERROR 3172: ENCODED BY is not supported in CREATE PROJECTION statement
with column definition list
statement when column list is defined
ERROR 3176: End epoch (value) number out of range
ERROR 3177: End epoch (value) precedes start epoch (value)
ERROR 3183: Epoch number out of range
ERROR 3185: Epoch time out of range
ERROR 3344: EXPORT ... SELECT may not specify INTO
ERROR 3348: Expression "(<string> - <string>) <interval qualifier>" is not
ERROR 3349: Expression for column string cannot be coerced
ERROR 3458: Function string is not allowed in Time Series queries
ERROR 3461: Function string requires at least one argument
ERROR 3500: HAVING / GROUP BY not allowed with Time Series query
ERROR 3511: IGNORE NULLS can only be used with FIRST_VALUE or
ERROR 3517: Improper %value reference (too few dotted names): string
ERROR 3518: Improper %value reference (too many dotted names): string
ERROR 3519: Improper qualified column name: string
ERROR 3520: Improper qualified name (too many dot): string
ERROR 3521: Improper qualified name (too many dots): string
ERROR 3522: Improper qualified name (too many dotted names): string
ERROR 3523: Improper relation name (too many dotted names): string
ERROR 3538: Incorrect parameter type provided: string is supposed to be of
type string
ERROR 3548: Indirection is not allowed in a target column
ERROR 3549: Indirection is not allowed in the name of a FILLER column
ERROR 3571: INSERT ... SELECT may not specify INTO
ERROR 3572: INSERT has more expressions than target columns
ERROR 3573: INSERT has more target columns than expressions
ERROR 3599: Interpolated predicates are allowed only in ON CLAUSE of
ANSI Join syntax
ERROR 3602: Interpolated predicates should refer to columns from both
relations of the join
ERROR 3615: INTO is only allowed on first SELECT of
ERROR 3619: Invalid argument type value in ANALYZE_CONSTRAINTS
ERROR 3672: Invalid hexadecimal number at or near "string"
ERROR 3709: Invalid number at or near "string"
ERROR 3775: Invalid Unicode escape character 'character'
ERROR 3776: Invalid Unicode hex number "string"
ERROR 3812: Join condition in merge query must include at least one
table attribute
ERROR 3865: LIMIT #,# syntax is not supported
ERROR 3944: Misplaced DEFERRABLE clause
ERROR 3945: Misplaced INITIALLY DEFERRED clause
ERROR 3946: Misplaced INITIALLY IMMEDIATE clause
ERROR 3947: Misplaced NOT DEFERRABLE clause
ERROR 3949: Missing argument
ERROR 3958: Missing savepoint name
ERROR 3976: Multiple assignments to same column "string"
ERROR 3978: Multiple decimal points
ERROR 3979: Multiple default values specified for column "string" of table
ERROR 3980: Multiple DEFERRABLE/NOT DEFERRABLE clauses not allowed
ERROR 3981: Multiple FOR UPDATE clauses are not allowed
ERROR 3982: Multiple INITIALLY IMMEDIATE/DEFERRED clauses not allowed
ERROR 3984: Multiple LIMIT clauses are not allowed
ERROR 3985: Multiple OFFSET clauses are not allowed
ERROR 3986: Multiple ORDER BY clauses are not allowed
ERROR 4023: Must specify memorySize parameter
ERROR 4024: Must specify one new name for each schema
ERROR 4025: Must specify one new name for each table
ERROR 4026: Must specify one new name for each view
ERROR 4062: NEW used in query that is not in a rule
ERROR 4066: No actions specified
ERROR 4070: No columns specified in select list
ERROR 4072: No constraints defined
ERROR 4105: No second argument needed when analyzing all constraints
ERROR 4136: Node "string" does not exist
ERROR 4161: Non-integer constant in string
ERROR 4164: Nonexistent columns: 'string'
ERROR 4203: Number of columns defined in CREATE TABLE statement is
less than in SELECT query output
ERROR 4204: Number of columns defined in CREATE TABLE statement is
more than in SELECT query output
ERROR 4205: Number of columns in the PROJECTION statement must be the
same as the number of columns in the SELECT statement
ERROR 4225: OLD used in query that is not in a rule
ERROR 4227: ON COMMIT clause may only be specified for TEMPORARY
ERROR 4237: Only a single "S" is allowed
ERROR 4239: Only ASC is allowed in ORDER BY list of auto projection
ERROR 4240: Only columns are allowed in ORDER BY list of auto
projection for CREATE TABLE
ERROR 4241: Only columns are allowed in SELECT list of projection
ERROR 4247: Only inner joins are allowed in a projection defining
ERROR 4268: Only tables are allowed in FROM clause of projection
ERROR 4291: Operator too long at or near "string"
ERROR 4294: Option string conflicts with prior options
ERROR 4296: Options not set
ERROR 4297: ORDER BY column in timeseries OVER clause must be
Timestamp type
ERROR 4325: Parameters can only contain constants or constant
ERROR 4327: Parsing error "string" at or near "string"
ERROR 4328: PARTITION AUTO can only be used with single-phase user
defined transform functions
ERROR 4348: Path Number must be in [ 0, value ]
ERROR 4350: Pattern "0" must come before "PR"
ERROR 4351: Pattern "9" must come before "PR"
ERROR 4383: plannedConcurrency must be greater than 0
ERROR 4487: Projections can only be sorted in ascending order
ERROR 4669: SELECT * with no tables specified is not valid
ERROR 4670: SELECT DISTINCT ON is not standard SQL, use just SELECT
ERROR 4706: Sequence functions accept constant strings arguments only
ERROR 4732: Set Operators are not allowed in a projection
ERROR 4761: Sort key string should be in the target list
ERROR 4828: Subquery has too few columns
ERROR 4829: Subquery has too many columns
ERROR 4831: Subquery in FROM may not have SELECT INTO
ERROR 4833: Subquery in FROM must have an alias
ERROR 4835: Subquery must return a column
ERROR 4836: Subquery must return only one column
ERROR 4837: Subquery not allowed in a projection
ERROR 4838: Subquery not allowed in SELECT list and/or ORDER BY clause
for Time Series queries
ERROR 4855: Syntactic Optimizer requires joins written using ANSI JOIN
ERROR 4856: Syntax error at or near "string"
ERROR 4947: The foreign key in this constraint has already been
defined as a foreign key for relation "string"
ERROR 4955: The number of target columns (value) does not match the
number of columns (value) in the EXPORT statement
ERROR 4956: The number of target columns (value) is less than the number
of columns (value) in the EXPORT statement
ERROR 5007: Time Series Aggregate Functions cannot be nested
ERROR 5008: Time Series queries cannot refer to column of outer query
ERROR 5009: Time Series queries cannot refer to column of outer query:
ERROR 5011: Time slice length must be a positive integer constant
ERROR 5012: Time slice length must be an interval constant
ERROR 5161: Unequal number of entries in row expression
ERROR 5162: Unequal number of entries in row expressions
ERROR 5272: Unsupported From clause expression
ERROR 5285: Unsupported SET option
ERROR 5286: Unsupported SET option string
ERROR 5287: Unsupported SHOW option string
ERROR 5290: Unsupported transaction option string
ERROR 5305: Unterminated /* comment at or near "string"
ERROR 5306: Unterminated bit string literal at or near "string"
ERROR 5307: Unterminated dollar-quoted string at or near "string"
ERROR 5308: Unterminated hexadecimal string literal at or near "string"
ERROR 5310: Unterminated quoted identifier at or near "string"
ERROR 5311: Unterminated quoted string at or near "string"
ERROR 5323: Usage: clear_profiling( string , string )
ERROR 5324: Usage: disable_profiling( string )
ERROR 5325: Usage: enable_profiling( string )
ERROR 5326: Use "string(*)" to call this aggregate function
ERROR 5383: User Defined Transform Functions are allowed only in a
ERROR 5386: User defined transform will return value columns, whereas value
aliases provided
ERROR 5401: User-defined transform function string must have an OVER
ERROR 5413: Value must be either "units" or "plain"
ERROR 5415: Value must be either ON or OFF
ERROR 5452: Virtual tables are not allowed in FROM clause of
ERROR 5492: Wrong number of parameters for prepared statement "string"
ERROR 5493: Wrong number of parameters on left side of OVERLAPS
ERROR 5494: Wrong number of parameters on right side of OVERLAPS
ERROR 5505: You can specify a node name only once in a create
projection statement, node string appears more than once
ERROR 5518: Zero-length delimited identifier at or near "string"
ERROR 5566: Dimension tables may not have data that shorter lived than
the fact table
ERROR 5577: Expression for user-defined type column string cannot be
ERROR 5600: Invalid predicate in projection-select. Only PK=FK
equijoins are allowed
ERROR 5617: Multiple WITH clauses not allowed
ERROR 5629: Not a Star or Snow-Flake Query
ERROR 5630: Nullable FKs are not allowed in projection definition
ERROR 5664: Subqueries not allowed in projection definition
ERROR 5670: The number of alias columns must be the same as the number
of selected columns
ERROR 5679: Unrecognized order by expression
ERROR 5691: User-defined function string is not a supported scalar
ERROR 5711: Invalid function arguments
ERROR 5916: If specified, maximum error percentage must be a numeric
ERROR 5929: Invalid maximum error percentage specified
ERROR 6034: Syntax Error: 'string' is a built in type
ERROR 6048: The minimum value that may be specified for maximum error
percentage is 0.88
ERROR 6061: Too many arguments to string
ERROR 6119: 'deleted' hint takes no arguments
ERROR 6120: 'latestdata' hint arguments must be strings
ERROR 6124: A single argument must be supplied to string
ERROR 6136: Aggregate projection without group-by columns is not
ERROR 6137: Aggregate projections must have at least one aggregate
ERROR 6140: All sort keys should be in the target list of the
ERROR 6146: At least two columns must be specified
ERROR 6196: Columns in ORDER-BY must be defined in the SELECT
ERROR 6197: Columns/Expressions in GROUP BY/PARTITION BY must be first
and in the same order with columns in SELECT
ERROR 6198: ORDER BY columns/expressions in the OVER() clause must be
the first SELECT columns/expressions not specified by
PARTITION BY clause, and must be specified in SELECT list
ERROR 6199: Columns/Expressions in the PARTITION BY clause may not be
repeated in the ORDER BY clause
ERROR 6232: DISTINCT Aggregates are not allowed in projection
ERROR 6293: Interpolated join predicates cannot have expressions or
functions over join columns
ERROR 6294: Invalid Argument
ERROR 6321: Limit in Top-K query must be a positive number
ERROR 6324: Limit/Offset is only allowed in topk projections
ERROR 6340: Multiple ORDER BY clauses in partition TopK/Limit query
are not allowed
ERROR 6341: Multiple PARTITION clauses in TopK/Limit query are not
ERROR 6367: Only one table or projection is allowed in FROM clause of
top-k projection
ERROR 6369: Only SUM, MIN, MAX and COUNT are allowed in aggregate
ERROR 6372: ORDER BY is not allowed in aggregate projection. The
aggregate projection is automatically ordered on group by
ERROR 6373: ORDER BY is not allowed in top-k projections. The top-k
projection is automatically ordered on partition by
ERROR 6379: PARTITION BEST can only be used with single-phase user
defined transform functions
ERROR 6381: PARTITION NODES can only be used with single-phase user
defined transform functions
ERROR 6394: SEGMENTED BY / UNSEGMENTED is not allowed in aggregate
projection. The aggregate projection is automatically
segmented on group by columns
ERROR 6395: SEGMENTED BY / UNSEGMENTED is not allowed in top-k
projections. The top-k projection is automatically
segmented on partition by columns
ERROR 6539: User Defined Transform string returns a string on which
collation can't be applied in non default locale
ERROR 6543: Grouping functions only allowed with aggregates
ERROR 6544: MultiLevel Aggregates are not allowed in projection
ERROR 6640: Argument of hint string must be a positive integer
ERROR 6654: Batch/Prepass may only be used in the over(...) clause of
a user defined transform in a Live Aggregate Projection
ERROR 6686: Cannot specify LIMIT with OVER(...) clause with a user
defined transform
ERROR 6696: Column "string.string" refers to table "string" which is out of scope
ERROR 6697: Columns/Expressions in the partition clause have to appear
in the SELECT list
ERROR 6701: Constants with the same parameter hint must be identical
ERROR 6800: Hint string must have one argument
ERROR 6853: Live aggregate projections may only be one of the
following types: Group-by, Top-K, or UDT
ERROR 6878: No previously saved query to associate with
ERROR 6899: Parameters cannot have NULL values
ERROR 6969: Subqueries for aggregate projections need to contain User
Defined Transforms
ERROR 6972: Syntax Error. Struct member 'string' has missing base type
ERROR 7014: UD Parameters value length [value] is more than the max
allowed length [value]
ERROR 7051: Unsupported hint for input expr
ERROR 7109: Parameter 'string' is required
ERROR 7147: Option string is repeated. Please specify each option only
ERROR 7153: Syntax Error. At least one parameter has to be specified
ERROR 7164: Cannot use ORC format with FLEX tables
ERROR 7228: Cannot use string compression with string files
ERROR 7229: Cannot use PARQUET format with FLEX tables
ERROR 7327: SET USING cannot be specified for IDENTITY/AUTO_INCREMENT
column "string" of table "string"
ERROR 7391: Cannot use an UDSource with string files
ERROR 7420: Expression list has more than one string column
ERROR 7488: Number of key/value pairs [value] exceeds the maximum allowed
ERROR 7538: Sequence manipulation functions not supported in INSERT
SELECT with implicit column that has default query
ERROR 7744: Try local hint only supports SELECT queries without table
ERROR 7746: Try local hint requires all nodes to be up
ERROR 7755: This projection is not valid with "try_local" hint
ERROR 7875: SET USING/DEFAULT cannot be specified for
IDENTITY/AUTO_INCREMENT column "string" of table "string"
ERROR 7909: Columns/Expressions in PARTITION BY must be first and in
the same order with columns in SELECT
ERROR 7965: At most one WHEN MATCHED clause is allowed in MERGE
ERROR 7966: At most one WHEN NOT MATCHED clause is allowed in MERGE
ERROR 7967: MERGE/INSERT has more expressions than target columns
ERROR 7968: MERGE/INSERT has more target columns than expressions
ERROR 7982: Cannot use expressions in OVER(...) clause
ERROR 7989: Invalid column in MERGE statement: string. The insert filter
of a WHEN NOT MATCHED clause cannot reference the target
table string
ERROR 8011: SELECT expressions must have column labels
ERROR 8114: Multiple SET USING values specified for column "string" of
table "string"
ERROR 8116: No '=' found in 'string', while parsing for string
ERROR 8164: Subquery in MERGE statement are allowed at SOURCE only
ERROR 8205: Hint string cannot be used on NULL
ERROR 8956: If provided synopsis_version must be 2
ERROR 8961: Invalid synopsis_version specified
ERROR 8989: synopsis_version must be a numeric constant
ERROR 9015: Sequence manipulation functions allowed only in outer
ERROR 9016: Sequence manipulation functions not allowed in subqueries
ERROR 9040: Cannot add new sort order to an existing projection
ERROR 9060: Mismatch with the existing sort order
ERROR 9062: No changes made to the existing sort order
ERROR 9362: Only a table or projection is allowed in the FROM clause
of a top-k projection
ERROR 9363: Only a table or projection is allowed in the FROM clause
of an aggregate projection
ERROR 9364: Only one table or projection is allowed in the FROM clause
of an aggregate projection
ERROR 9365: Only table or projection is allowed in FROM clause of
aggregate projection
ERROR 9579: Invalid AES key. AES keys should be supplied as a hex
ERROR 9582: Key length [value] is invalid. Supported AES key lengths
are 128, 192, and 256
ERROR 9583: Key type [string] is not supported
ERROR 9591: RSA keys with passwords are not currently supported
ERROR 9642: Subquery must return only one scalar column
ERROR 9714: Syntax error: keyword SECONDARY cannot be used in CREATE
ERROR 9730: Top-level alias name missing
ERROR 9759: Invalid bound for collection type string
ERROR 9788: Recursive query "string" does not have the form non-recursive-
term UNION [ALL] recursive-term
ERROR 9789: Recursive query "string" must not contain data-modifying
ERROR 9790: Recursive reference to query "string" must not appear more
than once
ERROR 9791: Recursive reference to query "string" must not appear within a
ERROR 9792: Recursive reference to query "string" must not appear within
an outer join
ERROR 9793: Recursive reference to query "string" must not appear within
ERROR 9794: Recursive reference to query "string" must not appear within
ERROR 9795: Recursive reference to query "string" must not appear within
its non-recursive term
ERROR 9868: LIMIT OVER clause is not allowed in Time Series queries
ERROR 10140: Negative array index value
ERROR 10159: Cannot string labelled non-loop blocks
ERROR 10160: Cannot string unlabelled non-loop blocks
ERROR 10175: Could not find string's target block
ERROR 10185: FETCH statement cannot return multiple rows
ERROR 10188: FOR (RANGE) target name cannot include array indices
ERROR 10189: FOR (RANGE) target name cannot include labels
ERROR 10190: Found no SQL expression where one was required
ERROR 10191: Found unexpected SQL expression
ERROR 10194: IF statements require exactly one condition
ERROR 10196: Invalid TLS Verify mode [string]
ERROR 10203: Parameter with the name "string" has already been declared
ERROR 10209: SQLSTATE digits may only be numbers or capital letters
ERROR 10210: SQLSTATE must be exactly 5 characters long
ERROR 10221: Variable with the name "string" already exists in the same
ERROR 10255: Instantiation of nonexistent parameter "string"
ERROR 10257: Invalid exception condition name
ERROR 10269: Redundant instantiation of parameter "string"
ERROR 10298: Variable "string" must be initialized, since it's declared
ERROR 10313: WITH clause query may not have SELECT INTO
ERROR 10325: FOR (RANGE) target must be a single variable
ERROR 10331: Query returned value columns for assignment where value
ERROR 10345: CONTEXT is not yet supported
ERROR 10352: For 'string', nested array columns are not supported
ERROR 10356: ROW_COUNT is not yet supported
ERROR 10385: Query returned value columns where 1 was expected
ERROR 10409: Cursor variables ("string") cannot be assigned into
ERROR 10414: Mismatch between the number of format parameters (value)
and the number of supplied arguments (value)
ERROR 10415: Mismatch between the number of parameters (value) and the
number of supplied arguments (value)
ERROR 10424: The option string is only available for GET CURRENT
ERROR 10425: The option string is only available for GET STACKED
ERROR 10448: PL/vSQL parser failed at string of source string: string
ERROR 10456: TYPE-aliased variable must name a PL/vSQL variable or a
SQL column
ERROR 10460: Cannot specify 'CREATE OR REPLACE' and 'IF NOT EXISTS' in
the same create function statement
ERROR 10461: Cannot specify 'CREATE OR REPLACE' and 'IF NOT EXISTS' in
the same create procedure statement
ERROR 10534: Error encountered while tuning annotated query: string
ERROR 10535: Error encountered while verifying target query: string
ERROR 10536: No '=' found in 'string', while parsing
ERROR 10540: Tuning doesn't support the action 'string'
ERROR 10561: MATCH_COLUMNS() can either be specified as an element in
a SELECT list, or passed in to a function that allows an
unlimited number of arguments
ERROR 10613: Password with provided salt cannot be processed: string
ERROR 10625: DEFAULT can only appear once in the FROM clause of an
ERROR 10627: Syntax error near "DEFAULT"
ERROR 10629: Argument 'string' was found more than once while parsing
ERROR 10635: Invalid key-value pair: the correct format is
ERROR 10636: Invalid keyword: 'string'
ERROR 10651: Queries with syntactic hints are not supported
Warning messages
WARNING 2030: string has been deprecated as stringstring Vertica option
WARNING 2238: At least two arguments are required
WARNING 2239: At most one path number can be entered
WARNING 3706: Invalid node name in hint
WARNING 3738: Invalid projection name in hint: string
WARNING 3841: Label can accept only one argument
WARNING 3959: Missing the path number
WARNING 5524: A projection can have only one basename
WARNING 5525: A projection can have only one createtype
WARNING 5714: Missing the random seed
WARNING 5730: The second argument, sampling method, should be always
be 1 -- naive sampling(biased)
WARNING 5733: The third argument must be large than 0
WARNING 5734: Three arguments at most: sampling seed, sampling method
(optional, default 1), sampling size (optional,default
WARNING 6122: A projection can replace only one original
WARNING 6518: At most one projection offset number can be entered
WARNING 6562: Hint PROJS cannot be used with hint SKIP_PROJS for the
same table instance. Hint PROJS will be ignored
WARNING 6563: Hint SKIP_PROJS cannot be used with hint PROJS for the
same table instance. Hint SKIP_PROJS will be ignored
WARNING 6568: Invalid projection name in hint: string. The whole hint will
be ignored
WARNING 6834: Invalid use of _oidrefs hint
WARNING 7750: WHERE clause syntax is incompatible with "try local"
hint, hint is ignored
WARNING 8747: At least one argument is required
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
62 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 42602
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42602.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42602.
SQLSTATE 42602 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
Error messages
ERROR 2278: Built-in function with the same name already exists: string
ERROR 2383: Cannot create projections due to naming conflicts with
existing projections
ERROR 3378: Failed to generate a unique relation or sequence name
ERROR 3674: Invalid identifier name (value octets) "string"
ERROR 3703: Invalid name syntax
ERROR 3747: Invalid savepoint identifier string
ERROR 4159: Non-ASCII characters in names are prohibited
ERROR 4267: Only table column names and filler column names can appear
in the list of columns to copy
ERROR 4451: Projection "string" does not exist
ERROR 4506: Query weight must be positive
ERROR 5360: User "string" does not exist
ERROR 5403: User/role "string" already exists
ERROR 5569: Either column "string" does not exist or table alias "string" is
ERROR 5769: Cannot drop the main vertica license
ERROR 5968: No such license string to drop
ERROR 5970: Node string is not a control node
ERROR 6089: Unknown control node string
ERROR 6676: Cannot drop global heir user "string". Try changing / clearing
the GlobalHeirUsername config parameter
ERROR 7117: Refresh table name error: string
ERROR 8304: Paramter has the same name as argument: string
ERROR 8403: Cannot drop the only AutoPass license
ERROR 8642: Invalid model name: string
ERROR 9284: Unsupported argument type [value] for argument string
ERROR 9306: Improper qualified name: string
ERROR 9547: Control node string is not in the same subcluster as node string
ERROR 9549: Node string is not in the same subcluster as the new node
ERROR 9744: Unknown node string
ERROR 9932: Node string has invalid IP address
ERROR 10548: Tuning session name may contain only alphanumeric or
underscore characters
Warning messages
WARNING 2398: Cannot determine the best encoding options for some
columns in table string.string due to insufficient data
WARNING 3059: DEPRECATED syntax. Segment expression "string" is a
projection column name, segmenting on attribute
"string"stringstringstring instead
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
63 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 42611
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42611.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42611.
SQLSTATE 42611 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
Error messages
ERROR 7342: string expression for column "string" may not refer to itself
ERROR 7389: Cannot set string for column "string" since it is referenced in
default expression of column "string"
ERROR 7783: Cannot set string for column "string" since it is referenced in string
expression of column "string"
Warning messages
WARNING 6099: Using LONG column 'string' in a constraint
WARNING 6100: Using PARTITION expression that returns a string value
WARNING 6101: Using PARTITION expression that returns a LONG value
WARNING 6102: Using PARTITION expression that returns a LONG value:
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
64 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 42622
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42622.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42622.
SQLSTATE 42622 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2462: Cannot open FileColumn because path is too long string
ERROR 3507: Identifier "string" is value octets long. Maximum limit is value
ERROR 10547: Tuning session name cannot have more than value characters
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
65 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 42701
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42701.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42701.
SQLSTATE 42701 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2629: Column "string" is already of type "string"
ERROR 2638: Column "string" specified more than once
ERROR 2654: Column string specified more than once
ERROR 2655: Column string specified more than once in options list
ERROR 2662: Column name "string" already exists
ERROR 2663: Column name "string" appears more than once in USING clause
ERROR 2664: Column name "string" does not exist
ERROR 3144: Duplicate column string in ORDER BY list
ERROR 3145: Duplicate column name
ERROR 3150: Duplicate projection column name (projection: string)
ERROR 3154: Duplicated parameter "string" in parameter list
ERROR 5450: View definition can not contain duplicate column names
ERROR 5878: Failed to create table string: duplicate column name string
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
66 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 42702
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42702.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42702.
SQLSTATE 42702 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2604: Clause string "string" is ambiguous
ERROR 2671: Column reference "string" is ambiguous
ERROR 2681: Common column name "string" appears more than once in left
ERROR 2682: Common column name "string" appears more than once in right
ERROR 5904: Flex table "string" has no internal "string" column
ERROR 6144: Ambiguous column reference in projection
ERROR 9649: Field reference "string.string" is ambiguous
ERROR 10341: Column reference string is ambiguous
ERROR 10342: Column reference string.string is ambiguous
ERROR 10343: Column reference string.string.string is ambiguous
ERROR 10344: Column reference string.string.string.string is ambiguous
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
67 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 42703
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42703.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42703.
SQLSTATE 42703 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2359: Cannot assign to field "string" of column "string" because there
is no such column in data type string
ERROR 2360: Cannot assign to system column "string"
ERROR 2624: Column "string" does not exist
ERROR 2625: Column "string" does not exist;
Vertica does not support 'SELECT <table_name> FROM
ERROR 2633: Column "string" named as primary key does not exist
ERROR 2634: Column "string" not found in data type string
ERROR 2635: Column "string" of relation "string" does not exist
ERROR 2636: Column "string" specified in USING clause does not exist in
left table
ERROR 2637: Column "string" specified in USING clause does not exist in
right table
ERROR 2643: Column string does not exist
ERROR 2644: Column string does not exist in table
ERROR 2651: Column string must be loaded or computed
ERROR 2656: Column string.string does not exist
ERROR 2664: Column name "string" does not exist
ERROR 2870: Could not identify column "string" in record data type
ERROR 4450: Projection "string" does not contain column "string"
ERROR 6695: Column "string"."string" must have CHAR, VARCHAR, LONG VARCHAR,
ERROR 7009: Tokenizer must have a "string" column output for stemming
ERROR 7167: Column "string" does not exist on table "string"
ERROR 7367: After excluding columns, no input column remains
ERROR 7959: Column [string] does not exist in relation [string]
ERROR 7984: Column [string] is duplicated in parameter string
ERROR 9057: Field "string" does not exist
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
68 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 42704
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42704.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42704.
SQLSTATE 42704 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2067: 'string' is not a known granularity for audits.
ERROR 2068: 'string' is not a known TM task.
ERROR 2070: 'string' is not a valid granularity for string.
ERROR 2073: 'string' is not supported by index tool
ERROR 2274: Bootstrap error (most likely in Bootstrap.cpp):
Unregistered name string
ERROR 2275: Bootstrap error (most likely in Bootstrap.cpp):
Unregistered oid value
ERROR 2710: Constraint "string" does not exist
ERROR 2711: Constraint "string" does not exist on table "string"
ERROR 2854: Could not find array type for data type string
ERROR 2983: Database "string" does not exist
ERROR 3000: DDL interfered with this statement
ERROR 3001: DDL statement interfered with string.nextval
ERROR 3007: DDL statement interfered with this statement
ERROR 3256: Error reported by client: string
ERROR 3442: Found eligible value processes to invite, but no matching
nodes in catalog
ERROR 3637: Invalid Component Name 'string'
ERROR 3655: Invalid epoch range
ERROR 3698: Invalid mergeout task identifier (Possible values are: [0,
ERROR 3715: Invalid object name
ERROR 3748: Invalid scope in ANALYZE_WORKLOADstring: schema or table string
was altered
ERROR 3749: Invalid scope in ANALYZE_WORKLOAD: schema or table string does
not exist
ERROR 3756: Invalid Sub-Component Name 'string'
ERROR 3769: Invalid TM operation
ERROR 3779: Invalid user ID: value
ERROR 3842: Language does not exist: string
ERROR 3855: Library "string" does not exist
ERROR 3862: Library with name 'string' does not exist
ERROR 4046: Network Interface "string" does not exist
ERROR 4047: Network Interface "string" is setup on another node
ERROR 4101: No role "string" exists
ERROR 4109: No storages in the specified epoch range
ERROR 4110: No such node string
ERROR 4111: No such object
ERROR 4112: No such projection
ERROR 4113: No such projection 'string'
ERROR 4123: No user or role "string" exists
ERROR 4129: No value found for parameter "string"
ERROR 4130: No value found for parameter value
ERROR 4136: Node "string" does not exist
ERROR 4137: Node string does not exist
ERROR 4216: Object 'string' is not a projection
ERROR 4217: Object 'string' is not a table
ERROR 4218: Object 'string' is not a table or projection
ERROR 4223: OID value is not a sequence
ERROR 4224: OID value is not a Table or a View
ERROR 4446: Profile "string" does not exist
ERROR 4447: Profile 'string' does not exist
ERROR 4451: Projection "string" does not exist
ERROR 4594: Resource pool "string" does not exist
ERROR 4596: Resource pool 'string' does not exist
ERROR 4614: Role "string" does not exist
ERROR 4616: Role "string" not found
ERROR 4650: Schema "string" does not exist
ERROR 4656: Schema, table, or projection "string" does not exist.
ERROR 4697: Sequence "string" does not exist
ERROR 4713: Sequence with name 'string' does not exist
ERROR 4806: Subnet "string" does not exist
ERROR 4876: Table "string" does not exist
ERROR 4926: The string "string" does not exist
ERROR 4928: The string ["string"] does not exist
ERROR 5105: Tuning rule "string" does not exist
ERROR 5108: Type "string" does not exist
ERROR 5115: Type with OID value does not exist
ERROR 5227: Unrecognized drop object type: value
ERROR 5360: User "string" does not exist
ERROR 5362: User or Role "string" not found
ERROR 5365: User available location ["string"] does not exist on node
ERROR 5446: View "string" does not exist
ERROR 5459: Window "string" does not exist
ERROR 5532: Can not find any eligible locations in tier string
ERROR 5585: Fault Group "string" does not exist
ERROR 5614: Library string does not exist
ERROR 5797: Could not find the JVM resource pool
ERROR 5913: HCatalog database string does not exist
ERROR 5931: Invalid Policy Name 'string'
ERROR 5965: New node cannot be placed in a non-existent Fault Group
ERROR 5967: No database found. Create/use a database before start
using DFS
ERROR 5969: No table or projection named string exists
ERROR 5974: Node doesn't exist
ERROR 5977: Object does not exist
ERROR 6071: Type value with odbc_subtype value is not supported
ERROR 6149: Authentication "string" does not exist
ERROR 6156: Can not use empty authentication
ERROR 6285: Index "string" does not exist
ERROR 6354: No auth "string" exists
ERROR 6355: No matching node with name string
ERROR 6358: No such table 'string'
ERROR 6423: Target standby node "string" does not exist
ERROR 6567: Invalid input parameters.
ERROR 7101: Invalid role oid encountered
ERROR 7275: Registry::getSequenceCache failed to get Sequence Cache in
planning phase for [ value ]
ERROR 7476: Notifier "string" does not exist
ERROR 7897: Model "string" does not exist
ERROR 7901: Model with name 'string' does not exist
ERROR 8112: Model [string] does not exist or access was denied
ERROR 8166: Subscription identified by (string,string) does not exist
ERROR 8174: The model does not exist
ERROR 8248: Cannot make a string subscription as PRIMARY
ERROR 8252: Subscription of node string to shard string is already PRIMARY
ERROR 8282: Invalid DFS Root Type
ERROR 8287: No Model found. Create a model before start using DFS
ERROR 8288: Trouble finding model files
ERROR 8324: Subscription doesn't exist or not in PASSIVE state
ERROR 8560: Model [string] has unexpectedly changed
ERROR 8584: Model "value" does not exist
ERROR 8852: Load Balance Group "string" does not exist
ERROR 8860: Network Address "string" does not exist
ERROR 8866: Routing Rule "string" does not exist
ERROR 8952: Fault Group "string" is not in load balance group "string"
ERROR 8968: Network Addresses "string" is not in load balance group "string"
ERROR 8973: Object of type string named "string" does not exist
ERROR 9057: Field "string" does not exist
ERROR 9073: User Defined Type or Complex Type "string" does not exist
ERROR 9078: Cannot drop a subcluster with Drop Fault Group statement
ERROR 9079: Cannot drop default Subcluster
ERROR 9089: Subcluster "string" does not exist
ERROR 9095: string "string" does not exist
ERROR 9122: Subcluster string does not exist
ERROR 9124: Subcluster with name string does not exist
ERROR 9308: Object 'string' of type 'string' does not exist or is not visible
to the current user
ERROR 9492: Could not find set type for data type string
ERROR 9535: Subcluster "string" is not in load balance group "string"
ERROR 9561: Certificate "string" does not exist
ERROR 9572: Current subcluster does not exist
ERROR 9580: Key "string" does not exist
ERROR 9717: Type "string" is for internal use only
ERROR 9718: Type string for internal use only
ERROR 9719: Type string is for internal use only
ERROR 9803: Field "string.string" does not exist
ERROR 9810: CA Bundle "string" does not exist
ERROR 10162: Cannot drop TLS Configuration objects yet
ERROR 10179: Dropping TLS Configuration objects is not supported yet
ERROR 10199: Key "string" is not an RSA key
ERROR 10290: Subcluster or node with name string does not exist
ERROR 10346: Could not find string type for data type string
ERROR 10603: There is no subcluster-specific resource pool 'string'
ERROR 10646: Cryptographic key "string" does not exist
ERROR 10653: TLS Configuration "string" does not exist
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
69 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 42710
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42710.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42710.
SQLSTATE 42710 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
Error messages
ERROR 2101: A sequence named "string" already exists
ERROR 2105: A table named "string" already exists
ERROR 2107: A view named "string" already exists
ERROR 2273: Bootstrap error (most likely in Bootstrap.cpp): Oid value
is already registered
ERROR 2276: Bootstrap error (most likely in Bootstrap.cpp):Name string is
already registered
ERROR 2713: Constraint string already exists
ERROR 3153: Duplicated local temp table found in design queries: string
ERROR 3327: Existing object "string" is not a view
ERROR 3881: Location [string] already exists for node string
ERROR 4043: Network Interface "string" already exists
ERROR 4135: Node "string" already exists
ERROR 4213: Object "string" already exists
ERROR 4445: Profile "string" already exists
ERROR 4482: Projection with base name "string" already exists
ERROR 4564: Relation "string" already exists
ERROR 4565: Relation "string" already exists in schema "string"
ERROR 4593: Resource pool "string" already exists
ERROR 4621: Role "string" already exists
ERROR 4804: Subnet "string" already exists
ERROR 4805: Subnet "string" already exists for [string]
ERROR 5582: Fault Group "string" already exists
ERROR 5584: Fault Group "string" cannot depend on itself directly or
ERROR 5615: Location [string] conflicts with existing location [string] on
node string
ERROR 5623: Network Interface "string" already exists for [string]
ERROR 6009: Resource pool string already exists
ERROR 6148: Authentication "string" already exists
ERROR 6157: Can't create an index in schema "string": Schema cannot be
ERROR 6158: Can't create an index named "string": Object already exists
ERROR 6188: Client authentication "string" already exists
ERROR 6735: Directed query with identifier "string" already exists
ERROR 6736: Directed query with identifier "string" does not exist
ERROR 7059: User "string" already exists
ERROR 7713: Error in blob creation: A blob with name 'string' already
ERROR 7963: Relation [string] specified in parameter 'output_view' already
ERROR 8059: Cannot add more than one cache location
ERROR 8201: The specified output Table/View [string] already exists
ERROR 8251: Node string is already subscribed to shard string in string state
ERROR 8398: A model named "string" already exists
ERROR 8861: Network Addresses "string" and "string" are on the same node.
Network Addresses in Load Balance Groups must refer to
distinct nodes
ERROR 8951: Fault Group "string" is already in load balance group "string"
ERROR 8967: Network Addresses "string" is already in load balance group
ERROR 8972: Object of type string named "string" already exists
ERROR 9036: A complex type named "string" already exists
ERROR 9037: A field named "string" already exists
ERROR 9121: Subcluster "string" already exists
ERROR 9534: Subcluster "string" is already in load balance group "string"
ERROR 9551: string "string" already exists
ERROR 9659: View definition can not contain duplicate field names "string"
ERROR 10477: Cannot submitTask: task queue for task type value is not
Warning messages
WARNING 6112: Unable to guarantee the same base name for all segmented
buddy projections
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
70 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 42712
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42712.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42712.
SQLSTATE 42712 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 4901: Table name "string" specified more than once
ERROR 5696: WITH query name "string" specified more than once
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
71 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 42723
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42723.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42723.
SQLSTATE 42723 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2278: Built-in function with the same name already exists: string
ERROR 4220: Object with same name and number of parameters already
exists: string
ERROR 4428: Procedure/Function with same name and number of parameters
already exists in schema string
ERROR 4429: Procedure/Function with same name and number of parameters
already exists: string
ERROR 10457: string with same name and number of parameters already
exists: string
ERROR 10497: Built-in function/procedure with the same name already
exists: string
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
72 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 42725
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42725.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42725.
SQLSTATE 42725 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 3459: Function string is not unique
ERROR 4289: Operator is not unique: string
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
73 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 42803
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42803.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42803.
SQLSTATE 42803 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2134: Aggregate function calls in subqueries cannot refer to
columns in parent (outer) query
ERROR 2135: Aggregate function calls may not be nested
ERROR 2140: Aggregates not allowed in GROUP BY clause
ERROR 2141: Aggregates not allowed in JOIN conditions
ERROR 2142: Aggregates not allowed in WHERE clause
ERROR 2219: Argument string must not contain aggregates
ERROR 2543: Cannot use aggregate function in EXECUTE parameter
ERROR 2544: Cannot use aggregate function in function expression in
ERROR 2640: Column "string.string" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be
used in an aggregate function
ERROR 4300: ORDER/GROUP BY expression not found in targetlist
ERROR 4634: Rule WHERE condition may not contain aggregate functions
ERROR 4667: SEGMENTED BY expression may not contain aggregate
ERROR 4841: Subquery uses ungrouped column "string.string" from outer query
ERROR 6139: All non-aggregate expressions in the projection SELECT
list must appear in the GROUP BY clause
ERROR 6187: Cannot use aggregate expressions in the projection SELECT
list without a GROUP BY clause
ERROR 6277: Grouping functions not allowed in GROUP BY clause
ERROR 6278: Grouping functions not allowed in JOIN conditions
ERROR 6279: Grouping functions not allowed in WHERE clause
ERROR 7085: Aggregate function calls cannot contain grouping functions
ERROR 7099: Grouping functions cannot be nested
ERROR 7182: Grouping function arguments need to be group by
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
74 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 42804
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42804.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42804.
SQLSTATE 42804 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
Error messages
ERROR 2217: Argument string must be type float, not type string
ERROR 2218: Argument string must be type integer, not type string
ERROR 2222: Argument string must not return a set
ERROR 2224: Argument of string must be type boolean, not type string
ERROR 2225: Argument of string must not return a set
ERROR 2231: Array assignment requires type string but expression is of
type string
ERROR 2232: Array assignment to "string" requires type string but expression
is of type string
ERROR 2234: Array subscript must have type integer
ERROR 2358: Cannot assign to field "string" of column "string" because its
type string is not a composite type
ERROR 2527: Cannot subscript type string because it is not an array
ERROR 2630: Column "string" is of type string but default expression is of
type string
ERROR 2631: Column "string" is of type string but expression is of type string
ERROR 2846: Could not determine actual result type for function "string"
declared to return type string
ERROR 3429: For 'string', types string and string are inconsistent
ERROR 3545: Index expression may not return a set
ERROR 3801: IS DISTINCT FROM requires = operator to yield boolean
ERROR 3943: Mismatched types in VALUES LESS THAN expressions
ERROR 4284: Operator string must not return a set
ERROR 4285: Operator string must return type boolean, not type string
ERROR 4317: Parameter $value of type string cannot be coerced to the expected
type string
ERROR 4803: Subfield "string" is of type string but expression is of type string
ERROR 7221: Argument of type string must be type boolean, not string
ERROR 7222: Argument of type string must be type boolean, not type string
ERROR 7309: Column "string" is of type string but set using expression is of
type string
ERROR 7929: Column to be added/refreshed is of type string but
default/set-using expression is of type string
ERROR 9799: Cannot subscript an empty array
ERROR 9801: Cannot subscript type string with value subscript levels
ERROR 9908: Cannot subscript column "string" of type string because it is not
an array
ERROR 10202: Operator string not supported for complex types with arrays
ERROR 10220: Values being compared do not have the same schema
Warning messages
WARNING 6480: Column "string" is of type string but expression in Access
Policy is of type string. It will be coerced at execution
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
75 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 42809
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42809.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42809.
SQLSTATE 42809 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2011: string cannot use the WITHIN GROUP clause
ERROR 2037: string is not a supported analytic function
ERROR 2131: Aggregate function calls cannot contain analytic function
ERROR 2132: Aggregate function calls cannot contain sequence function
ERROR 2668: Column notation .string applied to type string, which is not a
composite type
ERROR 2755: COPY requires relation string to be a Table, not a string
ERROR 2810: Could not add location [string]: Directory not empty
ERROR 2811: Could not add location [string]: Not a directory
ERROR 3114: DISTINCT specified, but string is not an aggregate function
ERROR 3327: Existing object "string" is not a view
ERROR 3421: First argument to modularhash_wrapper must be an integer
ERROR 3422: First argument to modularhash_wrapper must be of type
integer, not string
ERROR 3463: Function string(string) is not an aggregate
ERROR 3669: Invalid function given
ERROR 3965: modularhash_wrapper must have two arguments: an integer
constant and a call to modularhash_internal
ERROR 3966: modularhash_wrapper second argument is not
modularhash_internal or a constant
ERROR 4215: Object "string" is not a projection
ERROR 4270: Op ANY/ALL (array) requires array on right side
ERROR 4271: Op ANY/ALL (array) requires operator not to return a set
ERROR 4272: Op ANY/ALL (array) requires operator to yield boolean
ERROR 4542: Record type has not been registered
ERROR 4657: Second argument to string must be a non-negative integer
ERROR 4931: The argument to string cannot be null
ERROR 4932: The argument to string must be a constant
ERROR 4987: Third argument to string must be a constant
ERROR 5111: Type string is not composite
ERROR 6036: Table "string" is not a flex table
ERROR 6691: CAST and current_date/current_time functions are not
supported as analytic functions
ERROR 6951: Skip lazy projection creation for table string.string since the
object referenced by the hint is either invalid or of the
wrong type (expected string)
ERROR 9898: The first argument of type [string] is not an array type
ERROR 9899: The second argument of type [string] is not a scalar type
ERROR 9936: Cannot coerce array to a definite data type
ERROR 10268: Query returned null where a value was expected
ERROR 10314: Cannot assign null into NOT NULL variable
ERROR 10433: string is a stored procedure
ERROR 10576: Distinct aggregates cannot use the within group order by
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
76 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 42830
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42830.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42830.
SQLSTATE 42830 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 3438: Foreign keys not specified
ERROR 3531: Incompatible data types between primary and foreign key
columns: fk: string, pk: string
ERROR 4207: Number of primary and foreign keys must be the same
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
77 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 42846
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42846.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42846.
SQLSTATE 42846 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2015: string could not convert type string to string
ERROR 2366: Cannot cast type string to string
ERROR 4986: Third argument of string could not be converted from type string
to type string
ERROR 6510: Column "string" is of type string but expression in Access Policy
is of type string. Cannot coerce expression
ERROR 7310: Column "string" is of type string but the string expression is of type
ERROR 9398: Could not convert type string to string
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
78 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 42883
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42883.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42883.
SQLSTATE 42883 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2126: Aggregate string(string) does not exist
ERROR 2127: Aggregate string(*) does not exist
ERROR 3007: DDL statement interfered with this statement
ERROR 3456: Function string does not exist
ERROR 3457: Function string does not exist, or permission is denied for string
ERROR 3462: Function string with the specified arguments does not exist
ERROR 3930: Meta-function string cannot be used in COPY
ERROR 3931: Meta-function string cannot be used in INSERT
ERROR 3932: Meta-function string cannot be used in UPDATE
ERROR 3933: Meta-function string cannot be used with FROM
ERROR 3934: Meta-function ("string") can be used only in the Select clause
ERROR 4067: No binary input function available for type string
ERROR 4068: No binary output function available for type string
ERROR 4083: No input function available for type string
ERROR 4091: No output function available for type string
ERROR 4286: Operator does not exist: string
ERROR 4290: Operator requires run-time type coercion: string
ERROR 5394: User procedure call (value) is not supported with FROM
ERROR 5910: Function string with the specified type and arguments does not
ERROR 6333: Meta-functions or non-deterministic functions cannot be
used in projection column expressions
ERROR 6809: Inappropriate usage of meta-function ("string")
ERROR 7270: Invalid schema.table.column, table.column, or column
ERROR 7323: Meta-functions cannot be used in string expressions
ERROR 7324: Meta-functions cannot be used in string query definitions
ERROR 7340: VOLATILE functions cannot be used in a string expression when
adding a column
ERROR 7341: VOLATILE functions cannot be used in a string query when
adding a column
ERROR 7589: VOLATILE functions cannot be used in a string expression
ERROR 7590: VOLATILE functions cannot be used in a string query
ERROR 7657: Function "string" does not exist
ERROR 7688: Calling metafunctions 'string' and 'string' within the same query
is not supported
ERROR 7692: Multiple calls to metafunction 'string' within the same query
are not supported
ERROR 7970: Meta-function string cannot be used in MERGE/UPDATE
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
79 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 42939
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42939.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42939.
SQLSTATE 42939 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2297: Can not drop default profile
ERROR 2299: Can not rename default profile
ERROR 2418: Cannot drop role "string"
ERROR 2488: Cannot rename role string
ERROR 2489: Cannot rename system column epoch
ERROR 2665: Column name "string" is reserved
ERROR 2666: Column name string is reserved
ERROR 3778: Invalid use of reserved the column name "string"
ERROR 4030: Names starting with "v_" are reserved names
ERROR 4953: The name "string" is a reserved name
ERROR 4962: The prefix "sys_" is reserved for system tuning rule
ERROR 6195: Column name "string" is reserved in aggregate projections
ERROR 7441: Invalid use of reserved column name "string"
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
80 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 42P20
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42P20.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42P20.
SQLSTATE 42P20 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2011: string cannot use the WITHIN GROUP clause
ERROR 2041: string may only have one sort expression in the WITHIN GROUP
ERROR 2043: string must contain an ORDER BY clause within its analytic
ERROR 2044: string must NOT contain an ORDER BY clause or WINDOWING clause
within its analytic clause
ERROR 2045: string must NOT contain WINDOWING clause within its analytic
ERROR 2047: string only supports the Integer, Float, Interval and Numeric
data types
ERROR 2182: Analytic functions are allowed only in a SELECT list
and/or ORDER BY clause
ERROR 2185: Analytic functions are not supported in the PARTITION BY
of an OVER clause
ERROR 2187: Analytic functions cannot be nested
ERROR 2188: Analytic functions must have a FROM clause
ERROR 2189: Analytic functions not allowed in string
ERROR 2305: Can't cast the window bound into Int
ERROR 2306: Can't cast the window bound into the same data type of the
ORDER BY column
ERROR 2465: Cannot override ORDER BY clause of window "string"
ERROR 2466: Cannot override PARTITION BY clause of window "string"
ERROR 2524: Cannot specify frame clause of window "string"
ERROR 3435: For range moving window, OrderBy expression must be one of
Int, Float, Time, Timestamp, Interval, Date or Numeric
ERROR 3446: Frame clause not allowed without windowing order by
ERROR 3839: Keyword "ALL" is invalid in analytic functions
BY clause or WINDOWING clause within its analytic clause
ERROR 4811: Subqueries are not supported in the PARTITION BY of a
timeseries OVER clause
ERROR 5006: Time Series Aggregate Functions are not supported in the
PARTITION BY of a timeseries OVER clause
ERROR 5010: Time Series timestamp alias/Time Series Aggregate
Functions not allowed in string
ERROR 5460: Window "string" is already defined
ERROR 5461: Window frame cannot end with PRECEDING if start is CURRENT
ERROR 5462: Window frame cannot end with PRECEDING or CURRENT ROW if
start is FOLLOWING
ERROR 5463: Window frame cannot end with UNBOUNDED PRECEDING
ERROR 5464: Window frame cannot start with UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING
ERROR 5466: Window frame logical offset must be a non-negative number
to be consistent with the sort column type
ERROR 5467: Window frame logical offset must be an Interval (Day to
Second or Year to Month) to be consistent with the sort
column type
ERROR 5468: Window frame logical offset must be an Interval (Day to
Second) to be consistent with the sort column type
ERROR 5469: Window frame logical offset must be an interval to be
consistent with the sort column type
ERROR 5470: Window frame logical offset must be Int when the sort
column type is Int
ERROR 5471: Window frame logical offset must be the same type as the
sort column type (Interval Day to Second)
ERROR 5472: Window frame logical offset must be the same type as the
sort column type (Interval Year to Month)
ERROR 5473: Window frame logical or physical offset must be a constant
ERROR 5474: Window frame logical or physical offset must be non-
negative number or interval
ERROR 5475: Window frame physical offset must be non-negative number
ERROR 5477: Window ordering clause can only contain a single sort key
if RANGE is used
ERROR 5478: Windowing not supported for User Defined Analytic
ERROR 6276: Grouping functions cannot appear within Analytic functions
ERROR 6900: Partition Prepass/Batch may only be used with Live
Aggregate Projection
ERROR 7838: Windowing not supported for analytic usage of BOOL_XOR
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
81 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 42V01
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42V01.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42V01.
SQLSTATE 42V01 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2308: Can't find anchor table
ERROR 2312: Can't find table
ERROR 2313: Can't find table "string"
ERROR 2714: Constraint string does not exist
ERROR 2948: CTAS: table "string" was dropped in another session (DDL
ERROR 3007: DDL statement interfered with this statement
ERROR 3642: Invalid CTAS query: string
ERROR 3760: Invalid table name
ERROR 3761: Invalid table name "string"
ERROR 3762: Invalid table name string
ERROR 3953: Missing FROM-clause entry for table "string"
ERROR 3954: Missing FROM-clause entry in subquery for table "string"
ERROR 4416: Primary table "string" does not exist
ERROR 4446: Profile "string" does not exist
ERROR 4566: Relation "string" does not exist
ERROR 4567: Relation "string" in FOR UPDATE clause not found in FROM
ERROR 4568: Relation "string.string" does not exist
ERROR 4570: Relation with OID value does not exist
ERROR 4614: Role "string" does not exist
ERROR 4650: Schema "string" does not exist
ERROR 4697: Sequence "string" does not exist
ERROR 4806: Subnet "string" does not exist
ERROR 4876: Table "string" does not exist
ERROR 4883: Table "string.string" does not exist
ERROR 4885: Table string does not exist
ERROR 4898: Table does not exist (oid=value)
ERROR 4911: Table with OID value does not exist
ERROR 4912: Table/View with name 'string' does not exist
ERROR 5105: Tuning rule "string" does not exist
ERROR 5360: User "string" does not exist
ERROR 5563: DDL statement interfered with this operation
ERROR 6149: Authentication "string" does not exist
ERROR 6221: DDL interfered with this statement; table concurrently
ERROR 6300: Invalid text-index parameters
ERROR 6418: Table "string" no longer exists
ERROR 6420: Table 'stringstringstring' does not exist
ERROR 6729: DDL Interfered! table "string" does not exist
ERROR 6730: DDL statement interfered with this statement; table was
ERROR 7285: Table "string" does not exist in HCatalog schema string
ERROR 7476: Notifier "string" does not exist
ERROR 7847: Relation [string] does not exist or access was denied
ERROR 8973: Object of type string named "string" does not exist
ERROR 8974: Object of type string OID "value" does not exist
ERROR 10521: Object of type string named "string" does not exist or the
current user does not have access to it
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
82 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 42V02
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42V02.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42V02.
SQLSTATE 42V02 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
Error messages
ERROR 3638: Invalid configuration parameter string; aborting configuration
ERROR 4321: Parameter value is not set
ERROR 4984: There is no parameter $value
ERROR 5202: Unknown configuration parameter
ERROR 7357: A problem occurred during the execution of a
detect_outliers iteration.
Detail: string
ERROR 7363: A problem occurred during the execution of balance.
Detail: string
ERROR 7891: init_method not allowed with argument
ERROR 8017: Type mismatch of an optional argument: string must be a valid
ERROR 8018: Type mismatch of an optional argument: string must be a valid
ERROR 8019: Type mismatch of an optional argument: string must be a valid
ERROR 8051: A problem occurred during the execution of
computing approximate mad table.
Detail: string
ERROR 8052: A problem occurred during the execution of
computing approximate median table.
Detail: string
ERROR 8053: A problem occurred during the execution of
computing approximate meanAD table.
Detail: string
ERROR 8054: A problem occurred during the execution of
computing final mad table.
Detail: string
ERROR 8289: Type mismatch of an optional argument: parentName must be
a valid string
ERROR 8290: Type mismatch of an optional argument: parentType must be
a valid string
ERROR 8316: Type mismatch of an optional argument: string must be a valid
ERROR 8741: Unsupported parameter. Only support 'recoverByTable'
ERROR 9388: Cannot get configuration parameter string at string level; no
value to return
ERROR 9389: Cannot set configuration parameter string at string level;
aborting configuration change
Warning messages
WARNING 9943: Parameter string was not registered by function string
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
83 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 42V03
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42V03.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42V03.
SQLSTATE 42V03 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
Error messages
ERROR 2968: Cursor "string" already exists
Warning messages
WARNING 2615: Closing existing cursor "string"
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
84 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 42V04
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42V04.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42V04.
SQLSTATE 42V04 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2706: Connection to database [string] already exists
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
85 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 42V06
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42V06.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42V06.
SQLSTATE 42V06 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 4649: Schema "string" already exists
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
86 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 42V07
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42V07.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42V07.
SQLSTATE 42V07 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 4753: Skip lazy projection creation since super projection for
table string.string already exists
ERROR 6952: Skip lazy projection creation since a projection enforcing
key constraint 'string' for table string.string already exists
ERROR 8050: A problem occurred during execution of Balance - the
desired temp table name [string] already exists
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
87 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 42V08
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42V08.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42V08.
SQLSTATE 42V08 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2848: Could not determine data type of parameter $value
ERROR 3534: Inconsistent types deduced for parameter $value
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
88 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 42V09
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42V09.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42V09.
SQLSTATE 42V09 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 4908: Table reference "string" is ambiguous
ERROR 4909: Table reference value is ambiguous
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
89 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 42V10
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42V10.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42V10.
SQLSTATE 42V10 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2046: string not allowed in string clause
ERROR 2050: string position value is not in select list
ERROR 2221: Argument string must not contain variables
ERROR 3467: Function expression in FROM may not refer to other
relations of same query level
ERROR 3820: JOIN/ON clause refers to "string", which is not part of JOIN
ERROR 4832: Subquery in FROM may not refer to other relations of same
query level
ERROR 4877: Table "string" has value columns available but value columns
ERROR 5194: UNION/INTERSECT/EXCEPT member statement may not refer to
other relations of same query level
ERROR 9637: Record "string" has value fields available but value fields
ERROR 9641: Subquery "string" has value outputs available but value outputs
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
90 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 42V11
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42V11.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42V11.
SQLSTATE 42V11 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2522: Cannot specify both SCROLL and NO SCROLL
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
91 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 42V13
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42V13.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42V13.
SQLSTATE 42V13 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2038: string is not a supported Time Series Aggregate Function
ERROR 2139: Aggregates may not return sets
ERROR 2173: An error occurred on node [string] when setting up the
function [string]: [string]
ERROR 2177: An error occurred when setting up function "string"
ERROR 2397: Cannot determine result data type
ERROR 2451: Cannot load data from 0 sources; please specify 1 or more
(on node [string])
ERROR 2494: Cannot RETURNREJECTED with multiple files or data sources
ERROR 3113: DISTINCT is supported only for single-argument aggregates
ERROR 3476: Functions in language string can be created only in fenced
ERROR 3604: Interpolation scheme string for Time Series Aggregate Function
string is not supported
ERROR 3708: Invalid null argument for TSA function string
ERROR 3843: Language(string) does not match the language associated with
the library(string)
ERROR 3854: Length of a string in a return type must be greater than
ERROR 3860: Library file is not loaded
ERROR 3861: Library not found: string
ERROR 3929: Meta functions cannot be used in UDx definitions
ERROR 4086: No language specified
ERROR 4095: No procedure source specified
ERROR 4096: No procedure user specified
ERROR 4251: Only one expression is allowed
ERROR 4257: Only simple "RETURN expression" is allowed
ERROR 4409: Precision of a numeric in a return type must be greater
than zero
ERROR 4608: Return type string is not supported for SQL functions
ERROR 4609: Return type mismatch in a function declared to return string
ERROR 4610: Return type mismatch in function declared to return string
ERROR 4746: Setting up function "string" failed
ERROR 4858: Syntax error in syntax definition at offset value
ERROR 4949: The interpolation argument for Time Series Aggregate
Function string must be a constant string
ERROR 5476: Window functions cannot return sets
ERROR 5777: Cannot set up function [string] on node: string
ERROR 6072: UDFileSystem only supports C++ unfenced mode
ERROR 6536: The getPrototype(value) and getReturnType(value) method must
have matching number of returnTypes
ERROR 6537: The return types declared by getPrototype() and
getReturnType() do not match
ERROR 6850: Library [string] built with incompatible SDK version [string].
Please rebuild with SDK version [string] and recreate the
ERROR 6999: The library [string] for the function [string] was compiled with
an incompatible SDK Version [string]
ERROR 7270: Invalid schema.table.column, table.column, or column
ERROR 8976: Only MIN/MAX and BOOL_AND/BOOL_OR are allowed to use
ERROR 9958: No procedure security option specified
ERROR 9963: Security options not supported for this kind of procedure
ERROR 9965: Users not supported for this kind of procedure
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
92 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 42V15
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42V15.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42V15.
SQLSTATE 42V15 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2945: CREATE specifies a schema (string) different from the one
being created (string)
ERROR 3365: Failed to create default projections for table "string"."string":
ERROR 3586: Insufficient projections to answer query
ERROR 4097: No projections eligible to answer query
ERROR 4878: Table "string" has an out-of-date super projection "string"
ERROR 6774: Failed to create default key projections for table
"string"."string": string
ERROR 7142: Failed to create hcatalog schema: string
ERROR 7876: Table "string" has an out-of-date projection "string"
ERROR 8633: Failed to create default key projections for table value
ERROR 8634: Failed to create default key projections for table value,
constraint value
ERROR 8936: Cannot plan query because no super projections are safe
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
93 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 42V16
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42V16.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42V16.
SQLSTATE 42V16 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
Error messages
ERROR 2104: A table cannot have only IDENTITY/AUTO-INCREMENT columns
ERROR 2420: Cannot drop the constraint. (Table "string" has a foreign key
constraint referencing the specified primary key
ERROR 2622: Column "string" cannot be declared SETOF
ERROR 2626: Column "string" from table "string" in the SEGMENTED BY expression
is required to be present in the projection, but is not
ERROR 2712: Constraint "string" for relation "string" already exists
ERROR 3508: IDENTITY/AUTO-INCREMENT columns are not allowed in
temporary tables
ERROR 3874: Local temporary table constraint cannot reference a non-
local table
ERROR 3901: MATCH types other than SIMPLE (the default) are not
supported for foreign key constraints
ERROR 3987: Multiple primary keys for table "string" are not allowed
ERROR 4162: Non-local table constraint cannot reference a local
temporary table
ERROR 4229: ON DELETE actions other than NO ACTION are not supported
for foreign key constraints
ERROR 4234: ON UPDATE actions other than NO ACTION are not supported
for foreign key constraints
ERROR 4413: Primary constraint for relation "string" already exists
ERROR 4415: Primary keys not specified
ERROR 4469: Projection anchor table is not partitioned
ERROR 4550: Referenced primary key constraint does not exist
ERROR 4876: Table "string" does not exist
ERROR 4881: Table "string" is not partitioned
ERROR 4885: Table string does not exist
ERROR 4892: Table string is not partitioned
ERROR 4899: Table is not partitioned
ERROR 4900: Table must have at least one column
ERROR 5269: Unsupported constraint type
ERROR 5548: Constraint not supported for user defined type column string
ERROR 5874: Failed to add table string of hcatalog schema string to catalog:
no columns
ERROR 5876: Failed to alter table string of hcatalog schema string to catalog:
no columns
ERROR 5879: Failed to describe hcatalog table
ERROR 5948: Local temporary objects may not specify a schema name
ERROR 6171: Cannot merge multiple partitions on an aggregate
ERROR 6396: SEGMENTED BY expression contains expressions not present
in the SELECT list
ERROR 6434: TM task is not applicable to projections with aggregates
ERROR 6839: Key constraints on an external table cannot be enabled or
ERROR 7122: Staging table's partition key and target table's partition
key have different datatype
ERROR 7234: Check constraint 'string': references to column 'string' are not
allowed in check predicates
ERROR 7235: Check constraint 'string': subqueries are not allowed in check
ERROR 7236: Check constraint predicate is too long; value bytes, maximum
length is value
ERROR 7237: Check constraints on an external table cannot be enabled
or disabled
ERROR 7238: Column "string" referenced by check constraint 'string' is not in
the table
ERROR 7260: Function "string" referenced by check constraint 'string' is a
ERROR 7261: Function "string" referenced by check constraint 'string' is an
aggregate function
ERROR 7262: Function "string" referenced by check constraint 'string' is not
ERROR 7263: Function "string" referenced by check constraint 'string' returns
a set rather than a single value
ERROR 8091: Failed to parse JSON format Hive table description string:
ERROR 9049: Constraint not supported for complex type column string
ERROR 9050: Constraint not supported for inlined complex type column
ERROR 9051: Correlation constraint not supported for user defined
types and complex types
ERROR 9202: Tables with complex data types cannot have default columns
ERROR 9203: Tables with complex data types cannot have identity
ERROR 9369: Internal complex types cannot be reused
ERROR 10116: Constraint not supported for primitive type column string
ERROR 10329: Only Parquet or Orc External Tables can use string
ERROR 10502: Cannot have SET USING expressions on complex type columns
Warning messages
WARNING 7233: Check constraint 'string' does not reference any columns in
the table
WARNING 10227: Mergeout is disabled on string
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
94 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 42V17
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42V17.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42V17.
SQLSTATE 42V17 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
Error messages
ERROR 2387: Cannot create projections involving external table string
ERROR 2493: Cannot retrieve information for design string in workspace string
ERROR 3075: Design type string is invalid
ERROR 3078: Optimization objective string is invalid
ERROR 3199: Error during deployment querying deployment projections
table for workspace string
ERROR 3200: Error during deployment querying design projections table
for design string in workspace string
ERROR 3201: Error during deployment while querying deployment
projections table for workspace string
ERROR 3204: Error during drop design from deployment for workspace string
ERROR 3206: Error during extend catalog while querying deployments
table for workspace string
ERROR 3207: Error during getDesignTablesFromDeployment in workspace string
ERROR 3213: Error during remove deployment drops from deployment string
for workspace string
ERROR 3227: Error in querying string.string
ERROR 3269: Error while checking whether there are only incremental
design deployed for deployment string in workspace string
ERROR 3271: Error while querying designs table for workspace string
ERROR 3968: More than one IDENTITY/AUTO_INCREMENT column defined for
table "string"
ERROR 3983: Multiple instances of deployment string in workspace string
ERROR 4128: No valid projections found
ERROR 4230: ON DELETE rule may not use NEW
ERROR 4231: ON INSERT rule may not use OLD
ERROR 4232: ON SELECT rule may not use NEW
ERROR 4233: ON SELECT rule may not use OLD
ERROR 4635: Rule WHERE condition may not contain references to other
ERROR 4636: Rules with WHERE conditions may only have SELECT, INSERT,
UPDATE, or DELETE actions
ERROR 4919: Temporary table projections are not allowed for this
ERROR 4982: There is no deployment string in workspace string
ERROR 4989: This function cannot be called on design string located in
design workspace string
ERROR 4990: This function cannot be called on design string, when its
design mode is string
ERROR 5367: User defined aggregate must return exactly one
column.Function string returns value
ERROR 5369: User defined analytic must return exactly one column
ERROR 5384: User defined transform must provide names or aliases for
return columns
ERROR 5385: User defined transform must return at least one column
ERROR 5527: An error occurred on node string when setting up the type,
ERROR 5721: Purge is not allowed on temporary tables
ERROR 6166: Cannot create top-k projection: projection columns and
limit are too big for the top-k buffer
ERROR 6483: Invalid enum value for parameter name
ERROR 6627: Aggregate projections may only contain User Defined
Transforms with partition by BATCH in the outer query
ERROR 6628: Aggregate projections may only contain User Defined
Transforms with partition by PREPASS or BATCH
ERROR 6970: Subqueries in aggregate projections may only contain User
Defined Transforms with partition by PREPASS
ERROR 6993: The batch and prepass User Defined Transform Functions'
signatures are not compatible for use in a live aggregate
ERROR 6994: The batch User Defined Transform Function does not have
identical input and output signature
ERROR 7788: Only projections with single phase PREPASS User Defined
Transforms can have user specified sort order or
ERROR 7789: ORDER BY / SEGMENTED BY / UNSEGMENTED are not allowed in
projections with two phase User Defined Transforms. The
projection is automatically ordered and segmented on
partition by columns
ERROR 9606: Cannot add new node to empty subclusters, maximum value
control nodes allowed, and there are already value
(expected) control nodes in the cluster
ERROR 9847: User defined transform output column sorting must be the
ERROR 9992: Cannot alter partition range on non-partition-ranged
ERROR 10002: Table not partitioned
ERROR 10009: Partition min value cannot be NULL
ERROR 10011: Partition range expression data type must match table
partition expression data type
ERROR 10012: Partition range expression must be folded into constant
ERROR 10141: Partition range expression cannot contain subquery
ERROR 10222: Cannot alter partition range on local temp projection
ERROR 10262: Partition range literal must resolve to a string value
Warning messages
WARNING 6095: UseLongStrings has been deprecated
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
95 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 42V18
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42V18.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42V18.
SQLSTATE 42V18 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2847: Could not determine data type of column $value
ERROR 2848: Could not determine data type of parameter $value
ERROR 3609: Interval must be single datetime field
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contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
96 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 42V21
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42V21.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42V21.
SQLSTATE 42V21 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
Error messages
ERROR 2310: Can't find projection
ERROR 2311: Can't find projection value
ERROR 2430: Cannot find projection column value
ERROR 3005: DDL statement interfered with refresh operation
ERROR 3007: DDL statement interfered with this statement
ERROR 3736: Invalid projection name
ERROR 3737: Invalid projection name string
ERROR 4451: Projection "string" does not exist
ERROR 4452: Projection "string" does not exist or was just dropped
ERROR 4460: Projection string does not exist
ERROR 4474: Projection does not exist
ERROR 4876: Table "string" does not exist
ERROR 4905: Table or projection "string" does not exist
ERROR 5563: DDL statement interfered with this operation
ERROR 7528: Projecton "string" does not exist
ERROR 7863: Can't find projection: value
ERROR 8223: No up-to-date super projections available to refresh
ERROR 9056: DDL Interfered! Projection "string" does not exist
Warning messages
WARNING 8763: value projections are not loaded because they are
WARNING 10578: Cannot generate query plan for table "string" as no
projections are defined for it
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
97 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 42V22
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42V22.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42V22.
SQLSTATE 42V22 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 4136: Node "string" does not exist
ERROR 8416: Node string was not found on communal storage
ERROR 8864: Node directory missing from communal storage string
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
98 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 42V24
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42V24.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42V24.
SQLSTATE 42V24 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
Error messages
ERROR 5360: User "string" does not exist
ERROR 7213: Current user no longer exists
ERROR 10581: Definer of stored procedure does not exist
Fatal messages
FATAL 5360: User "string" does not exist
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
99 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 42V25
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42V25.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42V25.
SQLSTATE 42V25 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2227: Argument to test_pattern_event_eval must be > 0 and less
than the total number of events
ERROR 2228: Argument to test_pattern_event_eval must be a constant
ERROR 2553: Cannot use more than one pattern
ERROR 2555: Cannot use pattern test functions with pattern match
ERROR 3025: Defining more than 52 events is not supported
ERROR 3288: Event "string" in PATTERN clause is not defined in the DEFINE
ERROR 3289: Event ANY_ROW cannot be used under *, +, ?, or | when the
select list contains the pattern function event_name()
ERROR 3290: Event ANY_ROW is a reserved event and cannot be user
ERROR 3294: Event expressions cannot contain analytic functions
ERROR 3295: Event expressions cannot contain correlated expressions
ERROR 3296: Event expressions cannot contain subqueries
ERROR 3297: Event name "string" defined more than once
ERROR 4353: Pattern events must be mutually exclusive
ERROR 4354: Pattern match query cannot contain having clause, group
clause, aggregates, or distinct
ERROR 4355: Pattern match query cannot contain timeseries clause
ERROR 4356: Pattern matching recursion limit reached
ERROR 4358: PatternMatchingMaxPartition must be greater than 0
ERROR 4359: PatternMatchingMaxPartitionMatches must be greater than 0
ERROR 4360: PatternMatchingPerMatchWorkspaceSize must be greater than
0 and less than 1024
ERROR 4494: Queries with user-defined transform functions (string) cannot
have a MATCH clause
ERROR 4507: Query with analytic function string cannot have a MATCH clause
ERROR 4509: Query with pattern matching function string must include a
MATCH clause
ERROR 4605: RESULTS GROUPED BY MATCH is not supported
ERROR 5283: Unsupported pattern operator
ERROR 7607: Pattern matching DFA Algorithm work space size limit
ERROR 8585: Pattern matching just-in-time processing stack memory
limit reached
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
100 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 42V26
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42V26.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42V26.
SQLSTATE 42V26 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 4058: New node matches existing node string
ERROR 4063: New values for node string matches existing node string
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
101 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 53000
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 53000.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 53000.
SQLSTATE 53000 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2245: Attempted to create too many ROS containers for projection
ERROR 2843: Could not create thread for recoverProjectionLocal
ERROR 2844: Could not create thread for SubsessionHandler
ERROR 2845: Could not create thread for SubsessionHandler Hurry
ERROR 2997: DBDesigner memory usage (value bytes) exceeded system limit
ERROR 3300: Exceeded temp space cap, requested value with value remaining
(used value) bytes
ERROR 3416: Filter tried to allocate too much memory (value, out of value
ERROR 3587: Insufficient resources to execute plan on pool string [string]
ERROR 3921: MemoryPool string used more memory than allowed
ERROR 3937: MIN/MAX window function could not operate in memory
ERROR 4764: Source tried to allocate too much memory (value, out of value
ERROR 5000: Thread limit value, but statement needs value threads
ERROR 5001: ThreadManager failed to create thread string: string
ERROR 5022: Timer service failed to run value: string
ERROR 5065: Too many ROS containers exist for the following
projections: string
ERROR 5921: Insufficient memory available for database designer
ERROR 5924: Insufficient resources to get resource from string pool [string]
ERROR 6941: Result set size (value KB) is too big. Try increasing
TempSpaceCap (currently value KB)
ERROR 7423: Failed to acquire resources for blob 'string'
ERROR 7700: Attempted to move/copy too many ROS containers for
projection string
ERROR 8722: The minimal memory required by the query [value KB] exceeds
the query cap size [value KB]
ERROR 8875: Command queue cannot create the watchdog thread
ERROR 8877: ICQ cannot create execution threads (value requested, value
ERROR 8949: Exceeded temp space maximum for the container cache
ERROR 8950: Exceeded temp space maximum, requested value with value
remaining (used value) bytes
ERROR 8955: HybridStream reached its maximum capacity of value bytes
ERROR 9511: Memory budget is not enough for partition projection
operation with group expression
Current resource pool: string, memory budget: value KB, memory
required: value KB, Projection: value
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
102 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 53100
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 53100.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 53100.
SQLSTATE 53100 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2475: Cannot rebalance cluster. Insufficient disk space on the
following nodes: string
ERROR 2927: Could not write to [string]: string
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
103 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 53200
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 53200.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 53200.
SQLSTATE 53200 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
Error messages
ERROR 2296: Calloc of value bytes for string failed
ERROR 2344: Cannot allocate sufficient memory for COPY statement (value
requested, value permitted)
ERROR 3499: Hash table out of memory
ERROR 3811: Join [string] inner partition did not fit in memory; value
ERROR 3813: Join did not fit in memory
ERROR 3814: Join inner did not fit in memory
ERROR 3815: Join inner did not fit in memory [string]
ERROR 3819: Join table did not fit in memory
ERROR 3895: Malloc of value bytes for string failed
ERROR 4176: Not enough memory for test directive numTopKHeaps
ERROR 4302: Out of memory
ERROR 4303: Out of memory when expanding glob: string
ERROR 4357: Pattern partition will not fit into memory
ERROR 4381: Plan memory limit exhausted: [string]
ERROR 4524: Realloc of value bytes for string failed
ERROR 5062: Too many hash table entries
ERROR 5063: Too many matches in a single partition
ERROR 5952: Malloc of value bytes in Block Memory Manager failed
ERROR 7979: Cannot allocate all variables
ERROR 8628: Cannot allocate variables
ERROR 8708: Cannot parse class_weights parameter [string]. Must be two
positive values separated by a comma
ERROR 9207: Blob was not allowed to spill to disk after reaching value
ERROR 9741: Setenv of string failed
Fatal messages
FATAL 4302: Out of memory
Warning messages
WARNING 4495: Query value exceeded memory usage limit. Design result
for this query might be suboptimal
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
104 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 54000
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 54000.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 54000.
SQLSTATE 54000 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
Error messages
ERROR 2052: string Row size value is too large
ERROR 2472: Cannot prepare statement - too many prepared statements
ERROR 3626: Invalid buffer enlargement request size value
ERROR 4282: Operator string may give a value-octet Varbinary result; the
limit is value octets
ERROR 4283: Operator string may give a value-octet Varchar result; the limit
is value octets
ERROR 4557: regexp_replace result is too long
ERROR 4913: Target lists can have at most value entries
ERROR 5043: Timezone directory stack overflow
ERROR 5060: Too many data partitions
ERROR 5263: Unsupported access to external table
ERROR 5265: Unsupported access to virtual schema
ERROR 5266: Unsupported access to virtual table
ERROR 5267: Unsupported access to virtual view
ERROR 5749: Array size exceeds the maximum allowed (value)
ERROR 6064: Transaction commit delta is too large (value)
ERROR 6076: Unable to fork to start spread: value
ERROR 6117: Size of compressed serialized plan (value bytes) is too
ERROR 6147: Attempted to return result set too large; exceeds remote
execution buffer size of value
ERROR 8177: Total size of intermediate columns is too large
ERROR 9688: Function string may give a value-octet result; the limit is value
ERROR 9864: EE5 Temp Relation Full
ERROR 9867: Leaf page size is not large enough
ERROR 10530: Unsupported operation on table with complex types
Warning messages
WARNING 3866: Line is too long in timezone file "string", line value
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
105 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 54001
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 54001.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 54001.
SQLSTATE 54001 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 4588: Request size too big. Please try to simplify the query
ERROR 4963: The query contains a SET operation tree that is too
complex to analyze
ERROR 4964: The query contains an expression that is too complex to
ERROR 7913: MLA CUBE has too many columns: value
ERROR 7914: MLA grouping sets have value elements taking too much
memory: value bytes
ERROR 7915: Too many grouping sets generated: value
ERROR 7916: Too many grouping sets generated: value
ERROR 8031: Too many grouping elements: value, request size too big
ERROR 8037: Query plan is too large to serialize
ERROR 8617: Request size too big
ERROR 8922: Query Rejected
ERROR 9357: Query plan is too complex for the execution engine to
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
106 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 54011
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 54011.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 54011.
SQLSTATE 54011 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2106: A table/projection/view can only have up to value columns --
this create statement has value
ERROR 2118: Adding column causes row size (value) to exceed MaxRowSize
ERROR 2136: Aggregate function cannot have value input argument(s)
ERROR 2137: Aggregate function cannot have value return value(s)
ERROR 2181: Analytic function cannot have value return value(s)
ERROR 2291: Call to ColumnTypes.addAny() is not allowed in Aggregate
ERROR 3466: Function cannot have value return value(s)
ERROR 4481: Projection row size (value) exceeds MaxRowSize (value)
ERROR 4630: Row size exceeds MaxRowSize: value > value
ERROR 4875: Table "string" can only have up to value columns -- adding one
will exceed this limit
ERROR 5898: File system cannot have value input argument(s)
ERROR 5899: File system cannot have value return value(s)
ERROR 9069: Table can only have up to value columns including complex
type fields -- this create statement has value
ERROR 10652: Table can only have up to value columns including complex
type fields
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
107 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 54023
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 54023.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 54023.
SQLSTATE 54023 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2441: Cannot have more than value segmentation columns
ERROR 2469: Cannot pass more than value arguments to a function
ERROR 4431: Procedures cannot have more than value parameters
ERROR 4646: Scalar/Transform functions cannot have more than value
ERROR 5055: Too many arguments
ERROR 5056: Too many arguments to evaluate_delete_performance function
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
108 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 55000
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 55000.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 55000.
SQLSTATE 55000 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
Error messages
ERROR 2005: string
ERROR 2088: A concurrent load into the partition or a concurrent
mergeout operation interfered with this statement
ERROR 2149: AHM can't be set
ERROR 2150: AHM can't be set while retentive refresh is running
ERROR 2151: AHM can't be set. (value nodes are down, out of value.)
ERROR 2152: AHM can't be set. (value nodes are down.)
ERROR 2159: All nodes must be UP to rebalance a cluster
ERROR 2163: Already released
ERROR 2175: An error occurred when loading library file on node string,
ERROR 2200: AnalyzeStatsPlanMaxColumns configuration parameter 'value'
invalid; must be greater than zero
ERROR 2201: AnalyzeStatsSampleBands configuration parameter 'value'
invalid; must be greater than zero
ERROR 2241: Attempt to create view using an invalid relation
ERROR 2242: Attempt to run multi-node KV plan
ERROR 2294: CALL_USE_SESSION_NODES used without setting nodes
ERROR 2303: Can not tell if tables have data, too few responses (value)
to be conclusive
ERROR 2371: Cannot commit DML/DDL while a node is shutting down
ERROR 2378: Cannot convert column "string" to type "string"
ERROR 2380: Cannot create a library without an initialized LibraryPath
on node: string
ERROR 2388: Cannot create projections on a temporary table that has
ERROR 2409: Cannot drop any more columns in string
ERROR 2410: Cannot drop column "string" since it is referenced in the
default expression of column "string"
ERROR 2422: Cannot Drop: stringstring depends on stringstring
ERROR 2424: Cannot execute query with temporary table because a node
has recovered since the start of this session
ERROR 2448: Cannot issue this command in a read-only transaction
ERROR 2459: Cannot modify temporary table string because a node has
recovered or rebalance data took place since the start of
this string
ERROR 2483: Cannot remove snapshots without an initialized
ERROR 2496: Cannot revoke EXECUTE permission from the owner: string
ERROR 2497: Cannot revoke EXECUTE permission from the super user
ERROR 2505: Cannot set column "string" in table "string" to NOT NULL since it
contains null values
ERROR 2512: Cannot set memoryCap for session whose current user has
been dropped
ERROR 2516: Cannot set runTimeCap for session whose current user has
been dropped
ERROR 2517: Cannot set tempSpaceCap for session whose current user has
been dropped
ERROR 2541: Cannot use addAny() with any other input column types
ERROR 2542: Cannot use addAny() with any other output column types
ERROR 2563: Cannot validate DV storage
ERROR 2564: Cannot validate storage
ERROR 2587: Changes cannot be made to [string]. It has been retired
ERROR 2624: Column "string" does not exist
ERROR 2691: Concurrent DDL interfered with this statement
ERROR 2762: COPY: Cannot load into IDENTITY column "string"
ERROR 2763: COPY: Cannot specify parsing options for IDENTITY column
ERROR 2903: Could not reset epoch because DML locks are held
ERROR 2904: Could not reset epoch because projections exist
ERROR 2933: Couldn't force partition projection string
ERROR 2934: Couldn't force partition projections string
ERROR 2954: Current phase of recovery failed due to missed event at
epoch %#llx
ERROR 2955: Current set of up nodes do not satisfy dependencies
ERROR 2956: Current set of up nodes do not satisfy dependencies for
table string
ERROR 2961: Current user has been dropped so no defaults are available
ERROR 2962: Current user has been dropped so no roles are available
ERROR 3000: DDL interfered with this statement
ERROR 3002: DDL statement interfered with alter column type
ERROR 3007: DDL statement interfered with this statement
ERROR 3136: drop_partition failed for string on node string. The projection
contains unpartitioned data
ERROR 3196: Error deserializing objects
ERROR 3229: Error loading library file:[string]
ERROR 3254: Error reading from file
ERROR 3278: Error writing to file
ERROR 3318: Execution aborted by node state change
ERROR 3807: JobTracker::getMarkedStorages(): Unknown job value
ERROR 3808: JobTracker::jobComplete(string): Unknown job value
ERROR 3809: JobTracker::setDetails(value,value,value): Unknown job value
ERROR 3810: JobTracker::setJobDescription(string): Unknown job value
ERROR 3838: Key value already in use
ERROR 3852: Length for type string cannot exceed value
ERROR 3924: merge_partitions() failed on string because of unpartitioned
ERROR 3925: Mergeout failed: projection string is not up-to-date
ERROR 4032: Naming conflict: string exists
ERROR 4092: No plan received at node
ERROR 4120: No transaction running on node
ERROR 4127: No valid cache found
ERROR 4138: Node string is not available for queries
ERROR 4144: Node has not been set up for plan execution
ERROR 4146: Node is not active or recovering, cannot plan query
ERROR 4148: Node not prepared to accept plan
ERROR 4151: Node unprepared for rebalance
ERROR 4403: Portal "string" cannot be run
ERROR 4457: Projection string checkpoint epoch lags snapshot epoch
ERROR 4459: Projection string create epoch is greater than the epoch in
the query
ERROR 4462: Projection string has HSE > snapshot epoch and buddy string has
HSE <= snapshot epoch
ERROR 4467: Projection (name: string, oid: value) is newly added during
current recovery
ERROR 4592: reset_epoch is disabled because the EnableResetEpoch
configuration parameter is 0
ERROR 4611: Returned string value '[string]' with length [value] is greater
than declared field length of [value] of field [string] at
output column index [value]
ERROR 4698: Sequence "string" has been created by an
IDENTITY/AUTO_INCREMENT column and cannot be dropped
ERROR 4700: Sequence string has not been accessed in the session
ERROR 4765: Specified K-safety for projection creation is insufficient
to support currently down nodes
ERROR 4791: Storage extends beyond specified segment range
ERROR 4793: Stream error: string
ERROR 4860: System is not k-safe. DDL is disallowed
ERROR 4861: System is not k-safe. DDL/DML is disallowed
ERROR 4879: Table "string" has projections in non-up-to-date state
ERROR 4880: Table "string" has projections that are not up-to-date that
can refresh from buddy
ERROR 4881: Table "string" is not partitioned
ERROR 4885: Table string does not exist
ERROR 4892: Table string is not partitioned
ERROR 4903: Table or projection no longer exists
ERROR 4934: The attribute "string" in table "string" needs to be included in
projection "string" because it is used in the partitioning
ERROR 4941: The data type requires length/precision specification
ERROR 4965: The restore violates K safety
ERROR 4972: The types/sizes of source column (index value, length value)
and destination column (index value, length value) do not match
ERROR 5084: Tried to add field 'string' that already exists
ERROR 5085: Tried to add unknown node 'string' to user-defined query plan
ERROR 5132: Unable to evaluate the delete performance after dropping
this column for projection "string"
ERROR 5151: Unable to validate data in string: string
ERROR 5204: Unknown data type
ERROR 5210: Unknown object: string
ERROR 5321: Usage of [string] cannot be changed. It has been retired
ERROR 5522: A concurrent operation interfered with this statement
ERROR 5534: Can't create table in specified target schema
ERROR 5535: Can't find target table's schema
ERROR 5543: Cannot use column type 'any' with any other input column
ERROR 5544: Cannot use column type 'any' with any other output column
ERROR 5583: Fault Group "string" already exists in a fault group
ERROR 5587: Fault Group "string" not found in Fault Group "string"
ERROR 5590: Found value unsegmented projections with basename string;
inconsistent with permanent nodes count value
ERROR 5626: Node "string" already exists in a fault group
ERROR 5627: Node "string" not found in Fault Group "string"
ERROR 5660: Source table can not be temp, virtual, system, or external
ERROR 5662: Storage tier string has not been found on all nodes
ERROR 5667: Target table can not be temp, virtual, system, or external
ERROR 5674: TM interfered with this statement
ERROR 5705: Dvmergeout failed: projection string is not up-to-date
ERROR 5712: JobTracker::reportStart: Unknown job value
ERROR 5735: Tier string is referenced by storage policies. Can not make
storage location changes as requested
ERROR 5760: Can only change setting when all started nodes are UP
ERROR 5765: Cannot change control node away from self because other
nodes depend on this node to be their control node
ERROR 5766: Cannot change final control node away from self until at
least one other node is promoted to be a control node
ERROR 5772: Cannot manually alter automatically generated fault groups
ERROR 5786: Column value does not have corresponding storages yet. A
concurrent add column operation might be running
ERROR 5883: Failed to list hcatalog tables
ERROR 6001: Recovery failed because DVROS straddles discard epoch
ERROR 6035: Table "string" has no non-null records under the column
ERROR 6037: Table "string_string" cannot be found or was not created
ERROR 6065: Tried to allocate and initialize a value-byte string with value
zero bytes; VString is too small
ERROR 6066: Tried to copy a value-byte string to value-byte VString object;
VString is too small
ERROR 6105: View "string" is already linked to flex table "string". Linked
views will not be overwritten
ERROR 6106: View "string" is already linked to this table. Linked views
will not be overwritten
ERROR 6107: View "string_string" cannot be found or was not created internally
ERROR 6110: A design/deployment process is currently executing in this
design space
ERROR 6121: A concurrent opertation interfered with this statement
ERROR 6176: Cannot replace node string because it is already a STANDBY
ERROR 6177: Cannot replace node string because it is not DOWN
ERROR 6184: Cannot swap partition between same table
ERROR 6185: Cannot transition node string to string because it still has data
ERROR 6186: Cannot transition node string to STANDBY because its loss
would cause the cluster to shutdown
ERROR 6207: Could not create internal data-storage directory 'string': value
ERROR 6357: No standby nodes are currently available
ERROR 6359: Node string has not been replaced
ERROR 6360: Node string is a string node and cannot store data
ERROR 6374: Original node string is not currently available in STANDBY
ERROR 6419: Table string can not be temp, virtual, system, or external
ERROR 6422: Target node string is a string node, not a STANDBY node
ERROR 6424: Target standby node string is not currently available
ERROR 6446: UDx set BOOLEAN column value to non-boolean value value
ERROR 6478: Can only take object-level snapshot from local storage
ERROR 6524: DDL interfered with this statement. Table is not
partitioned or partition expression got changed
ERROR 6553: Compact storage failed: projection string is not up-to-date
ERROR 6633: An enabled constraint can only be declared on a global
temporary table during CREATE TABLE
ERROR 6634: An enabled constraint cannot be created on a temporary
table with existing data
ERROR 6646: Attempted to commit when column value has value rows while
column 0 has value rows
ERROR 6647: Attempted to use a string as a string
ERROR 6648: Attempted to write past the end of a column
ERROR 6658: Can not string to the same table
ERROR 6665: Can not set priority for text index, please use its source
ERROR 6675: Cannot drop column "string" since it is the last non-IDENTITY,
ERROR 6677: Cannot execute query because table recovery status change
ERROR 6784: Final attempt at a database snapshot upgraded storage ids
on the following nodes: string
ERROR 6811: Incorrect use of setter in processBlock
ERROR 6812: Incorrect use of setter in processPartition for [value]
ERROR 6826: Invalid node Oid value
ERROR 6937: Restore: Cannot overwrite object string
ERROR 6957: Source items are not the correct encoding for direct
ERROR 6958: Source items are not the correct size for direct copies
ERROR 6976: Table "string" has not been recovered. Please try later
ERROR 6982: Table can not be temp, virtual, system, or external
ERROR 6989: Terminate() must be overidden for a User Defined Aggregate
ERROR 6997: The key string doesn't exist
ERROR 7001: The sessionParamReader for namespace 'string' doesn't exist
ERROR 7002: The sessionParamWriter for namespace 'string' doesn't exist
ERROR 7016: UDx set BOOLEAN column value, row value to non-boolean value
ERROR 7017: Unable to acquire side process info
ERROR 7072: WebHCat query [string] failed: string
ERROR 7093: Comment length of parameter 'string' is 'value' which exceeds
the maximum allowed 'value'
ERROR 7119: Source and target table do not match: string
ERROR 7121: Staging table and target table do not match: string
ERROR 7173: Current set of up nodes do not satisfy dependencies for
DFS file distribution value
ERROR 7193: RecoverByContainer::recover can't advance the cpe by
recovering containers
ERROR 7212: Cannot restore data to node string
ERROR 7290: Trying to set the column "string" to size of value. All data
type lengths in table "string" must not be greater than value,
the current maximum raw size for flex table values
ERROR 7299: Cannot alter type of column "string" since it is referenced in
the default expression of table "string", column "string"
ERROR 7300: Cannot alter type of column "string" since it is referenced in
the set using expression of table "string", column "string"
ERROR 7301: Cannot drop column "string" since it is referenced in the
default expression of table "string", column "string"
ERROR 7302: Cannot drop column "string" since it is referenced in the set
using expression of table "string", column "string"
ERROR 7343: string expression of IDENTITY/AUTO_INCREMENT column "string"
cannot be altered
ERROR 7390: Cannot set idlesessiontimeout for session whose current
user has been dropped
ERROR 7458: Mergeout failed: found missed string on table string
ERROR 7537: Sequence "string" has been created by an
IDENTITY/AUTO_INCREMENT column and cannot be used in a string
ERROR 7583: User or Role value cannot be found
ERROR 7619: SBJobTracker::setAdditionalInfo: Unknown oid "value"
ERROR 7671: Wrong checksum for library file string
ERROR 7766: Cannot drop column "string" since it is referenced in the set
using expression of column "string"
ERROR 7811: SendFiles on node string: file [string] has changed
ERROR 7821: Cannot rename user "string" since they use MD5 password format
ERROR 7846: Relation string is empty
ERROR 7856: Not all requested nodes are available at this moment
ERROR 7857: Not enough available nodes at this moment
ERROR 7866: DDL statement interfered with this statement. ProjCol value
cannot be found
ERROR 7978: Can only use KV hint with SELECT queries
ERROR 7983: Cannot use KV Hint with a subquery
ERROR 8061: Cannot create COMMUNAL storage location with usage string
ERROR 8062: Cannot create COMMUNAL storage location without sharding
ERROR 8064: Cannot drop last subscription for a shard
ERROR 8069: Cannot set grace period for session whose current user has
been dropped
ERROR 8139: Projection must be created in the same schema as its
anchor table
ERROR 8147: SALColumn found during restore. Restoring objects from on
older vertica version is not supported
ERROR 8159: Size can be changed only for DEPOT locations
ERROR 8173: Text index must be created in the same schema as its
source table
ERROR 8181: Unable to read file string
ERROR 8185: Usage of [string] cannot be changed. It is a depot location
ERROR 8186: User lacks privileges on resource pool 'string'
ERROR 8210: Object value appears in the newborns of the Transaction
Object is Global: string
Object has Shard Tag: value
Object was created in this TXN tier: string
ERROR 8222: No active subscriptions found for the session
ERROR 8228: Cannot load snapshot containing DOWN source node string into
the current database
ERROR 8229: Cannot restore or replicate while a node is recovering
ERROR 8232: No snapshot to load in the current session. Did
load_snapshot_prep() succeed?
ERROR 8235: Sequence "string" has been created by an
IDENTITY/AUTO_INCREMENT column and name is internal to
Vertica, can not be changed directly
ERROR 8236: Sequence "string" has been created by an
IDENTITY/AUTO_INCREMENT column, the schema associate with
it cannot be changed directly
ERROR 8237: Snapshot contains internally inconsistent epochs; unable
to load
ERROR 8239: Unable to map excluded source node string
ERROR 8257: Cannot find an UP node with an ACTIVE subscription to the
replica shard
ERROR 8261: Dvmergeout failed: not a participating subscriber
ERROR 8266: Mergeout failed: not a participating subscriber
ERROR 8305: Partition projection failed: not a participating
ERROR 8348: Shards string are missing participating subscription
ERROR 8360: Need to split partitions before copy/move/swap partitions
ERROR 8365: Unable to copy/move/swap partitions because some
projection(s) contain unpartitioned data
ERROR 8400: Can not partition projection by given range due to the
group by expression
ERROR 8423: Recovery failed due to missed event at epoch %#llx
ERROR 8430: Some storage containers must be split before the specified
partition range can be dropped
ERROR 8435: The number of nodes in communal storage (value) is less than
the number of nodes specified (value)
ERROR 8453: Rebalance: Refreshing projection string
ERROR 8459: Node string is shut down
ERROR 8483: Execution aborted by cluster configuration changes at
catalog version value, more recent than our latest sync at
version value on this node
ERROR 8501: Cannot create miniroses on node string
ERROR 8528: Subscription identified by (string,string) is already marked for
ERROR 8562: Node failure during planning
ERROR 8567: ROSs were moved/deleted during TM operation
ERROR 8570: Can't find the opened file [string]
ERROR 8592: Storage container value of table string has been moved to table
ERROR 8594: Cannot do recovery by container for aggregate projection
ERROR 8603: cluster_config.json file does not exist!
ERROR 8605: Could not find spread security details in file
ERROR 8606: Database config parameter change interfered with this
ERROR 8613: Key id or contents are not of proper size. Id: string (value),
Key hex len: value
ERROR 8620: Spread encryption key [string] not found
ERROR 8635: Attempted access to parameter 'string' of type 'string' using
incompatible accessor 'string'
ERROR 8639: Error checking compatibility in cluster_config.json.
Details -- string
ERROR 8640: Error parsing version information in string string - did not
match expected format v%value.%value.%value-%value
ERROR 8655: DDL statement interfered with this statement;
subscriptions changed
ERROR 8676: DML/DDL interfered with ALTER COLUMN TYPE
ERROR 8684: Cannot execute query with temporary table because session
subscriptions have changed since the start of this session
ERROR 8685: Cannot modify temporary table string because session
subscriptions have changed since the start of this string
ERROR 8690: Current column data does not conform to the new type
ERROR 8702: Schema string is already owned by string
ERROR 8713: Database can only be revived from an older release and
from a database version on or after Vertica9.1.0-0. The
current database version is string, while the configuration
file version is string
ERROR 8715: Fail to compute network routing checksum
ERROR 8731: Cannot obtain row count for projection string
ERROR 8736: Partial recovery on projection string is detected (cpe = value,
startEpoch = value). Need to restart recovery
ERROR 8738: The storage location "string" has changed during the plan
ERROR 8742: No response from nodes creating DFS files: string
ERROR 8743: No response from required nodes (string) in 'string'
ERROR 8745: Node string is not participating for shard string. Probably caused
by concurrent subscription changes
ERROR 8748: Compact storage failed: storage containers have been
ERROR 8752: Mergeout failed: storage containers have been
ERROR 8754: Recovery failed because SC value [0xvalue, 0xvalue] straddles
endEpoch value to discard
ERROR 8755: Recovery failed because SC straddles discard epoch
ERROR 8800: Metafunction in multi-statement command is not supported
ERROR 8806: UDx rejected row with invalid index value
ERROR 8842: Could not upload the library [string] to communal storage. The
tar file [string] does not exist
ERROR 8879: The storage container value to reocver have been dropped by
tuple mover operations
ERROR 8884: Cannot create Depot storage location. Target node is down
and there is no depot location on the initiator to
estimate the size
ERROR 8891: Unable to refresh column on partitions already merged
ERROR 8892: Unable to refresh column on partitions because some
projection(s) contain unpartitioned data
ERROR 8912: FileColumnReader: unable to open position index [string]: string
ERROR 8925: Unable to analyze statistics on partitions already merged
ERROR 8926: Unable to analyze statistics on partitions because some
projection(s) contain unpartitioned data
ERROR 8927: Update storage catalog failed: not a participating
ERROR 8948: DDL interferes with this statement: requested storages no
longer exist
ERROR 8969: Node string does not subscribe to shard string during backup,
which is different from current node subscriptions
ERROR 8970: Node subscription for node: string has changed between backup
and restore
ERROR 8984: Shard count in the restore db is different from backup db
(backup db: value, restore db: value)
ERROR 8988: Subscription of node string is changing
ERROR 8991: The node string is no longer UP
ERROR 8992: The number of active node subscription has changed from
value to value
ERROR 9034: string expression of complex type column "string" cannot be
ERROR 9082: Error loading library file [string]: string
ERROR 9084: Missing library tarball on communal storage [string]
ERROR 9099: Cannot find participating nodes to run the query
ERROR 9105: DDL interferes with this statement: table value no longer
ERROR 9115: Node is not up yet
ERROR 9119: Primary subcluster "string" cannot be promoted
ERROR 9120: Secondary subcluster "string" cannot be demoted
ERROR 9157: Dependent storage containers are dropped during dvmergeout
ERROR 9193: Subscription (node string) to Shard string(value) has changed or is
changing or has changed
ERROR 9316: Current set of up nodes do not satisfy dependencies for
DFS file retrieval from DFS file distribution value
ERROR 9351: Unable to take snapshot when subscription to string is not
ERROR 9381: Column "string" does not exist in table string
ERROR 9396: Node string has resubscribed to shard string. Probably caused by
concurrent subscription changes or node restart
ERROR 9412: Depot location has not been found on all nodes
ERROR 9429: All nodes must be node_state UP and node_type
PERMANENT/EPHEMERAL. Node string is string
ERROR 9432: Communal storage location [string] is an invalid path for file
system [string]
ERROR 9433: Communal storage location is empty
ERROR 9434: Concurrent database migration jobs are running against the
same communal storage location [string]
ERROR 9438: Database must be elastic to start migration
ERROR 9439: Database on string appears to be in use. Lease expires at [string]
ERROR 9440: Depot location [string] is an invalid path for file system
ERROR 9441: Depot location is empty
ERROR 9442: Down/recovering nodes are detected. All nodes must be UP
to start migration
ERROR 9462: Node string are added during database migration
ERROR 9463: Path [string] is not a local path. Please enter a local path
ERROR 9464: Path [string] is not an absolute path. Please enter an
absolute path
ERROR 9475: The state of nodes are changing during database migration
ERROR 9494: Error writing error log to [string]
ERROR 9513: Refresh cannot be finished when nodes are recovering
ERROR 9514: The states of UP nodes have been changed
ERROR 9522: DDL interferes with this statement: projection value no
longer exists
ERROR 9523: DDL interferes with this statement: table string is no longer
ERROR 9525: A different database[string (revive ID string)] exists on the
communal storage location [string]
ERROR 9526: A different database[string (revive ID string)] has already
existed on the communal storage location [string]
ERROR 9627: Complex type string of column string is not supported
ERROR 9630: HDFS path [string] detected. Hdfs URIs are not supported in
database migration. Please use webhdfs or swebhdfs URIs in
ERROR 9633: Local path [string] detected. Please set a valid location for
communal storage
ERROR 9644: Cannot Drop: ResourcePool string depends on ResourcePool string
ERROR 9658: Unbundled storage containers, projections with grouped
ROSes/columns, or storage containers with inconsistent
segmentation bounds are found. See error log at [string]
ERROR 9661: Application with code value isn't registered
ERROR 9666: Process should not be called since processWithMetadata is
ERROR 9681: Spread Decryption failed (value bytes)
ERROR 9698: Cannot replicate subcluster properties: two subclusters do
not have the same number of nodes
ERROR 9716: Two subcluster must be both primary or both secondary
ERROR 9725: Cannot drop subscription of shard string on node string because
the node is the primary subscriber of the shard
ERROR 9729: Inconsistent projections, grouped ROSes, or projections
with grouped columns have been found. See error log at
ERROR 9732: Cannot replicate properties from subcluster string
ERROR 9733: Cannot replicate properties to subcluster string
ERROR 9734: Cannot replicate properties: increasing number of control
nodes of subcluster string from value to value will result in
exceeding maximum allowed value control nodes in the cluster
ERROR 9735: Cannot replicate properties: two subclusters have
different control set size values
ERROR 9906: A concurrent loading operation interfered with this
ERROR 9930: TS: transfer reject: string
ERROR 9931: Cannot add new nodes to the subcluster because every
control node in the subcluster has an invalid IP address
ERROR 9971: Projection string is aggregate projection and cannot be split
ERROR 9986: Type is not a complex type
ERROR 10004: ArrayWriter cannot be used by this function type
ERROR 10008: Invalid use of string::string
ERROR 10112: Cannot set NOT NULL field to NULL
ERROR 10128: DataChunks: cannot dispatch chunk 'string' (string): no
dispatcher 'string'
ERROR 10239: Cannot find session ID string
ERROR 10283: Set types cannot be an array element
ERROR 10328: Nested internal statements with different session catalog
content are not yet supported
ERROR 10394: Location cannot be dropped as it stores data or DFS files
ERROR 10410: DDL interferes with this statement: storage location
[value] no longer exists
ERROR 10422: Running DML statements is not possible in read-only mode
ERROR 10427: Transaction commit aborted since the database has lost
the quorum
ERROR 10428: Transaction commit aborted since the database is
currently in read-only mode
ERROR 10476: Cannot submit task - scheduler is deinitialized
ERROR 10480: JobTracker::setJobExecutorNodeName(string): Unknown job value
ERROR 10484: Error: expected 1 argument, saw value
ERROR 10485: Error: invalid password for executing test function
ERROR 10491: Session subscriptions do not match catalog; likely result
of concurrent subscription changes
ERROR 10508: DDL statement interfered with this statement: Complex
type mismatch
ERROR 10544: Tuning session "string" not active
ERROR 10545: Tuning session is already active
ERROR 10630: Cannot create SSL context for HTTP server
ERROR 10631: Cannot start HTTP server
Fatal messages
FATAL 2975: Data directory [string] has group or world access
FATAL 2976: Data directory [string] has wrong ownership
FATAL 6303: JVM resources not available on all nodes; unable to
Needs_Remote_Table messages
NEEDS_REMOTE_TABLE 5964: Needs remote table
Notice messages
NOTICE 8522: No node in UP state has written a cluster config file
Warning messages
WARNING 2316: Can't match imported node 'string' to node in current
WARNING 4177: Not enough nodes are up for Projection <string> to be
available, marking it as out of date
WARNING 6870: Multiple values for the parameter string. The parameter will
not be set
WARNING 8009: Running KV query inside existing transaction. There will
be a performance implication. Consider rerunning the
query outside of an existing transaction
WARNING 8151: Session resource pool does not exist
WARNING 8470: Attempting to load snapshot with inconsistently applied
upgrade tasks
WARNING 8661: Storage may need to be reorganized in accordance with
the partition GROUP BY policy
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
109 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 55006
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 55006.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 55006.
SQLSTATE 55006 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
Error messages
ERROR 2307: Can't drop self
ERROR 3003: DDL statement interfered with Database Designer
ERROR 3004: DDL statement interfered with query replan
ERROR 3007: DDL statement interfered with this statement
ERROR 3896: Manual mergeout not supported while tuple mover is running
ERROR 4122: No up-to-date super projection left on the anchor table of
projection string
ERROR 4139: Node string transitioned to state UP during this statement
ERROR 4145: Node is active and cannot be altered
ERROR 4455: Projection string cannot be dropped because K-safety would be
ERROR 4470: Projection cannot be dropped because history after AHM
would be lost
ERROR 4488: Projections cannot be dropped or data would be lost due to
down nodes
ERROR 4527: Rebalance is already running
ERROR 4528: Rebalance is already scheduled to run in the background
ERROR 4971: The status of one or more nodes changed during query
ERROR 6052: The system must retain at least one control node after the
ERROR 6162: Cannot alter a control node to be a STANDBY node
ERROR 6163: Cannot alter initiator node to STANDBY
ERROR 7219: A DDL statement interfered with this statement: constraint
'string' has been disabled or dropped on table 'string'
ERROR 7220: A DDL statement interfered with this statement: constraint
'string' has been enabled on table 'string'
ERROR 7402: DDL statement interfered with this statement. Text indices
don't line up
ERROR 7616: SBJobTracker::createMarker: existing projOid value
ERROR 7888: DDL statement (string) interfered with this statement
ERROR 9031: Projection CPE is value, expected refresh start epoch value
ERROR 9204: Cannot promote or demote subcluster including the
initiator node
ERROR 9543: Realignment will cause the subcluster having no control
ERROR 9548: Dropping the nodes will result in subcluster string having no
control nodes
ERROR 9609: Cannot drop this subcluster, because other subclusters
depend on the control nodes in this subcluster
ERROR 9610: Cannot realign this subcluster, because other subclusters
depend on the control nodes in this subcluster
ERROR 9620: Cannot drop nodes, because other subclusters depend on the
control nodes in the dropping list
ERROR 9731: Cannot replicate properties for subcluster string, because
other subclusters depend on the control nodes in this
ERROR 9907: A DDL statement interfered with this statement: A
constraint has been disabled or dropped on table 'string'
ERROR 10340: Another operation (like object replication) interfered
with this CTAS statement
Warning messages
WARNING 4896: Table (value) has been dropped
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
110 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 55V02
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 55V02.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 55V02.
SQLSTATE 55V02 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
WARNING 4324: Parameter string will not take effect until database restart
WARNING 7567: This Parameter has been disabled and will not be set
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
111 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 55V03
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 55V03.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 55V03.
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
112 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 55V04
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 55V04.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 55V04.
SQLSTATE 55V04 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2082: A string operation is already in progress on projection string.string
[container value txnid value session string]
ERROR 2083: A string operation is already in progress on projection string.string
[txnid value session string]
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
113 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 57014
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 57014.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 57014.
SQLSTATE 57014 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
Cancel messages
CANCEL 4278: Operation canceled
Error messages
ERROR 2246: Audit canceled
ERROR 2279: Bulk Import canceled
ERROR 2325: Canceled (in string)
ERROR 2326: Canceled: string - Locking canceled: string
ERROR 2327: Canceled: [Txn %#llx] string - stringstring
ERROR 2576: Catchup recovery interrupted
ERROR 2704: Connection canceled
ERROR 2996: DBDesigner canceled by user
ERROR 3286: evaluate_delete_performance canceled
ERROR 3319: Execution canceled (compile)
ERROR 3320: Execution canceled (prepare)
ERROR 3321: Execution canceled (start)
ERROR 3322: Execution canceled by operator
ERROR 3323: Execution got unlucky!
ERROR 3324: Execution intentionally failed
ERROR 3326: Execution time exceeded run time cap of string
ERROR 3515: import_catalog_objects canceled
ERROR 4114: No super projection available for analyze_statistics
ERROR 4143: Node failure in string
ERROR 4278: Operation canceled
ERROR 4287: Operator intervention on string
ERROR 4380: Plan canceled prior to execute call
ERROR 4439: Processing aborted by peer on string
ERROR 4496: Query canceled while waiting for resources
ERROR 4520: Read failed in FileColumnReader: stringstring
ERROR 4787: Statement abandoned due to subsequent DDL
ERROR 4789: Statement is canceled
ERROR 4843: Subsession interrupted
ERROR 5757: build_flextable_view canceled
ERROR 5787: compute_flextable_keys canceled
ERROR 5915: Hcatalog webservices query canceled
ERROR 5953: materialize_flextable_columns canceled
ERROR 6292: Internal query raised exception during ALTER TABLE ADD
ERROR 6389: Rebalance task string canceled
ERROR 6535: Table Owner lock canceled
ERROR 7278: StopExecution BeforePlan
ERROR 7279: StopExecution CompilePlan
ERROR 7280: StopExecution ExecutePlan
ERROR 7281: StopExecution InitPlan
ERROR 7282: StopExecution Plan
ERROR 7283: StopExecution PreparePlan
ERROR 7284: StopExecution SerializePlan
ERROR 7457: Mergeout canceled
ERROR 8467: Uploader was interrupted due to user cancel or query
ERROR 8895: Canceled during globbing
ERROR 8912: FileColumnReader: unable to open position index [string]: string
ERROR 9652: Receive on string: query has been canceled
ERROR 9766: RPC: peer cancelled response
ERROR 9767: RPC: peer cancelled response: string
ERROR 9927: TransferSender: send failed to node [string]. Transport
ERROR 9941: StopExecution PreparePlanSections
ERROR 10473: Query exceeded maximum runtime
ERROR 10488: RPC[string]: could not get file [string] from string. The remote
probably went down
ERROR 10563: Client is unresponsive; the query has been canceled
ERROR 10642: string was interrupted due to user cancel or query failure
Fatal messages
FATAL 2605: Client canceled session string
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
114 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 57015
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 57015.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 57015.
SQLSTATE 57015 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 5822: Detected slow delete for projection string
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
115 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 57V01
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 57V01.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 57V01.
SQLSTATE 57V01 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 3556: Initiating node is down
ERROR 4150: Node status is not UP
ERROR 8258: Initiating node is down
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
116 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 57V03
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 57V03.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 57V03.
SQLSTATE 57V03 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
Error messages
ERROR 2863: Could not fork UDx zygote process, string
ERROR 2929: Couldn't create new UDx side process, failed to get UDx
side process info from zygote: string
ERROR 3363: Failed to connect to side process, string
ERROR 3364: Failed to connect to UDx zygote, string
ERROR 3366: Failed to create new UDx side process, couldn't connect to
it: string
ERROR 4720: Session manager cannot add an external session - disabled
ERROR 5699: Cannot find java binary: neither the Linux environment
variable JAVA_HOME nor Vertica config parameter
JavaBinaryForUDx is set
ERROR 5702: Couldn't create new UDx side process: string
ERROR 5803: Couldn't create new UDx side process, failed to set locale
information: string
ERROR 6712: Couldn't cancel the external procedure: string
ERROR 6715: Couldn't execute the external procedure: string
ERROR 9529: Couldn't create new UDx side process for language string. See
details in log files written in UDxLogs/
Fatal messages
FATAL 4149: Node startup/recovery in progress. Not yet ready to accept
FATAL 4748: Shutdown in progress. No longer accepting connections
FATAL 5785: Cluster Status Request by string:string
FATAL 6361: Node is an active STANDBY node that cannot accept
FATAL 6881: Non-superuser is not allowed to log into a DB started in
Warning messages
WARNING 2937: Couldn't set TCP_NODELAY option, might get latency in
RPC message delivery: string
WARNING 6707: Could not fork UDx zygote process: string
WARNING 10579: OpenSSL key generation for the zygote failed: [string]
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
117 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 57V04
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 57V04.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 57V04.
SQLSTATE 57V04 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 6523: Cannot commit DML while a node is shutting down
ERROR 8651: Cannot commit transaction modifying data while a node is
shutting down
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
118 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 58030
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 58030.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 58030.
SQLSTATE 58030 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
Error messages
ERROR 2005: string
ERROR 2024: string Error occurred during BZIP decompression. BZIP error
code: value
ERROR 2026: string Error occurred during ZLIB decompression. ZLIB error
code: value, Message: string
ERROR 2432: Cannot get LibraryPath from node: string
ERROR 2433: Cannot get MD5 checksum from node: string
ERROR 2600: Checksums do not match (computed=0xvalue, fromdisk=0xvalue)
discarding checkpoint!
ERROR 2674: ColumnAccessBase open error
ERROR 3197: Error deserializing snapshot info from file string
ERROR 3255: Error reading from file string
ERROR 3303: Exception during measurement deserialization
ERROR 3305: Exception during Stats deserialization:string
ERROR 3408: File size on disk does not match catalog for string
ERROR 3412: FileColumnReader: Get block string @ value error
ERROR 3550: Info file string does not exist
ERROR 3796: IO_ERROR writing data file [string]
ERROR 4364: Performance measurement of [string] failed
ERROR 4518: Read error when expanding glob: string
ERROR 4632: RowAccessBase open error
ERROR 5124: Unable to close catalog file [string]
ERROR 5126: Unable to create catalog file [string]
ERROR 5131: Unable to drop catalog file [string]
ERROR 5141: Unable to open file [string]
ERROR 5152: Unable to write catalog file [string]
ERROR 5153: Unable to write checksum to catalog file [string]
ERROR 5154: Unable to write object to catalog file [string]
ERROR 5887: Failed to mount file system value: string
ERROR 5901: Filesystem does not pass basic test: string
ERROR 5902: Filesystem does not pass basic test: I/O data differ
ERROR 6082: Unable to open spread conf file string for writing
ERROR 6118: string Error occured during LZO decompression (compressed data
violation).LZO error code: value
ERROR 6258: Exception during file writer deserialization: string
ERROR 6259: Exception during file writer serialization: string
ERROR 6260: Exception during snapshot deserialization: string
ERROR 6261: Exception during snapshot serialization: string
ERROR 6262: Exception during storage container deserialization: string
ERROR 6263: Exception during storage container serialization: string
ERROR 6527: Filesystem does not support snapshot
ERROR 6528: Filesystem failed to restore snapshot
ERROR 6550: Cannot open catalog source file string
ERROR 6746: Duplicate storage location id: value
ERROR 6762: Error manifest format
ERROR 6776: Failed to glob [string] because of error: string
ERROR 6808: Improperly ordered or duplicate storage ids: string, string
ERROR 6830: Invalid section for storage locations
ERROR 6860: Malformed object line: string
ERROR 6861: Malformed storage location line: string
ERROR 6984: tar_append_file: string: value
ERROR 6985: tar_append_tree failed:value. Real dir:string; save dir: string
ERROR 6987: tar_extract_all failed:value. Extract path:string
ERROR 6988: tar_open failed:value. Path:string
ERROR 7178: Error loading from all sources
ERROR 7718: Exception on closing file: string
ERROR 7720: Exception on flushing file: string
ERROR 7721: Exception on opening file: string
ERROR 7722: Exception on reading file: string
ERROR 7723: Exception on resizing file: string
ERROR 7724: Exception on writing to file: string
ERROR 7728: No place to store chunk files
ERROR 7869: No files match when expanding glob: [string]
ERROR 8025: Exception when open blob file: string
ERROR 8067: Cannot open file string for tiered catalog printer
ERROR 8085: Empty filename specified
ERROR 8340: Unable to open transaction log file [string]
ERROR 8350: Error syncing missing transaction logs to [string] following
node startup: string
ERROR 8351: Error syncing transaction logs to [string]: string
ERROR 8352: Failed to copy checkpoint to [string] for commitid=value at
global catalog version value: string
ERROR 8355: Failed to write cluster configuration file for catalog
version value: string
ERROR 8368: Cluster configuration file [string] is empty
ERROR 8370: Error loading remote catalog: string
ERROR 8374: Unable to find cluster configuration file [string]
ERROR 8380: Txn log [string] synced from [string] is larger: (value remotely vs
value locally)
ERROR 8381: Txn log [string] was only partially synced to [string]: (value
remotely vs value locally)
ERROR 8458: Cannot write file: export_log.json
ERROR 8471: Error writing catalog diffs from string: string
ERROR 8472: Error writing catalog diffs to string: string
ERROR 8493: UploadFileTask::File string not found for uploading
ERROR 8503: Cannot get a reply from node: string
ERROR 8539: Exception during DTRosFileInfo serialization: string
ERROR 8540: Exception during RosMessage serialization: string
ERROR 8541: Exception during sending DTContainers (temp name = string)
ERROR 8542: Exception during sending EOF : string
ERROR 8543: FileColumnWriter::Exception during file name sending : string
ERROR 8551: StorageBundleWriter: Exception during file name sending :
ERROR 8552: StorageBundleWriter: Exception during flush bundled data:
ERROR 8553: StorageBundleWriter: Exception during footer sending : string
ERROR 8578: Exception during file name deserialization: string
ERROR 8579: Exception during ROS message deserialization: string
ERROR 8819: No Library tar file in string
ERROR 8831: Cannot append to the memory report file: string
ERROR 8990: Temp path is not set when opening S3 file operator for
file string
ERROR 9208: Cannot create directory for blob [string] at [string]. Reason: string
ERROR 9421: Temp path is not set when opening webhdfs file operator
for file string
ERROR 9447: Exception during creating remote node direcotry on [string]:
ERROR 9448: Failed to copy checkpoint (commitid value, version value) to
[string]: string
ERROR 9449: Failed to copy txn logs to remote directory string: string
ERROR 9521: Cannot write import log to file [string]
ERROR 9742: File size changed during read: read value, initial size value
ERROR 9888: Temp path is not set when opening AzureBlob file operator
for file string
ERROR 9928: TS: cannot get data from stream
ERROR 10130: Error renaming temp directory to 'string', it already exists.
Please remove it or specify another directory
ERROR 10131: Exception during externalExport_CheckNode: string
ERROR 10132: Exception during externalExport_Cleanup: string
ERROR 10133: Exception during externalExport_FinalizeInitiator: string
ERROR 10134: Exception during externalExport_FinalizeNode: string
ERROR 10135: Exception during externalExport_SetupInitiator: string
ERROR 10291: Target directory [string] exists. Please remove it or specify
another directory
ERROR 10307: Error creating target directory 'string', it already exists.
Please remove it or specify another directory
ERROR 10308: Error creating temp directory 'string', it already exists.
Please retry your export
ERROR 10481: readTask returned failure with no additional exception
information available
Warning messages
WARNING 2899: Could not remove file or directory [string]: value
WARNING 3478: getnameinfo_all() failed: string
WARNING 8341: Failed to create communal storage location: string
WARNING 8352: Failed to copy checkpoint to [string] for commitid=value at
global catalog version value: string
WARNING 8353: Failed to remove value old checkpoints from string: string
WARNING 8354: Failed to remove old txn logs older than value from string:
WARNING 8868: tar_close failed: value
WARNING 8994: Unable to stat file string: string
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
119 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE 58V01
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 58V01.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 58V01.
SQLSTATE 58V01 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 3664: Invalid filename. Input filename is an empty string
ERROR 8817: Depends can specify files and directories only. [string] is
not a valid file or directory
ERROR 9507: Could not read cluster configuration file from string
ERROR 9770: TS: Cannot find file string for sending
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
120 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE V0001
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE V0001.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE V0001.
SQLSTATE V0001 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 10147: string string already defined
ERROR 10180: Errcode already defined
ERROR 10192: GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS must be called from inside an
ERROR 10228: Must use PERFORM for SQL statements that return results
ERROR 10229: Object not found; should have been caught in static
ERROR 10258: Invalid exception condition name "string"
ERROR 10337: Type "string" is not yet supported for stored procedures
ERROR 10436: Cannot substitute PL/vSQL cursor into SQL by value
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
121 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE V0005
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE V0005.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE V0005.
SQLSTATE V0005 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2005: string
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
122 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE V1001
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE V1001.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE V1001.
SQLSTATE V1001 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
Error messages
ERROR 2709: Connection to spread closed
ERROR 4048: NetworkReceive: Decompression failed
ERROR 4054: NetworkSend on string: failed to open connection to node string
ERROR 4140: Node string was not successfully added to the cluster
ERROR 4142: Node failure during execution
ERROR 4533: Receive: Decompression failed
ERROR 4534: Receive on string: Message receipt from string failed [string]
ERROR 4541: ReceiveFiles on string: Unexpected end of stream from string [string]
ERROR 4547: RecvFiles on string: Open failed on node [string] (string)
ERROR 4572: RemoteSend: Open failed on node [string], IPAddr is [string], port
is [value] (string)
ERROR 4683: Send: Connection not open [string tag:value plan value]
ERROR 4684: Send: Open failed on node [string] (string)
ERROR 4689: SendFiles on string: Open failed on node [string] (string)
ERROR 5579: Failure in send on socket string: string
ERROR 5624: NetworkReceive on string: failed to open connection to node string
ERROR 5625: NetworkReceive on string: Message receipt from string failed: string
ERROR 5658: Send on string: Open failed on node [string] (Address lookup for
string(string) failed)
ERROR 7116: Receive on string: open failed for node string (string) --- has query
been cancelled?
ERROR 8537: DataTargetProxy on string: handle is canceled
ERROR 8538: DataTargetProxy on string: Unexpected end of stream from string
ERROR 9020: DataTargetProxy: Unexpected end of stream from string
ERROR 9061: Network address lookup for [string] failed
ERROR 9446: Exception : Database migration hasn't been completed on
node string
ERROR 9667: TransferReceiver: Open failed on node [string] (string)
ERROR 9669: TransferSendRequest: Open failed on node [string] (string)
ERROR 9670: TransferSendRequest: send failed to node [string]. Reason
ERROR 9671: TransferSendRequest: send failed to node [string]. Reason: string
ERROR 9672: TransferService is shutting down
ERROR 9673: TransferService: node string was down on transfer start
ERROR 9674: TransferService: open failed on node [string]
ERROR 9750: Cannot send to node string(string) due to invalid id (expected string)
ERROR 9769: TransferService: node [string]: cannot find node [string]
Rollbacktxn messages
ROLLBACKTXN 4236: One or more nodes did not open a data connection to
this node. This may indicate a network
configuration problem. Check that the private
interfaces used for communication among the cluster
hosts reside in the same subnet and are returned
first by host address lookup
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
123 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE V1002
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE V1002.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE V1002.
SQLSTATE V1002 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
Error messages
ERROR 2406: Cannot drop value nodes from a value node cluster with value nodes
down - cluster would appear partitioned and database would
shutdown. Bring some nodes up and try again
ERROR 4477: Projection KSAFE value can not be met with only value nodes
ERROR 4478: Projection KSAFE override value cannot be less than current
system K-safe value value
ERROR 9096: Cannot string Subcluster "string". The cluster would appear
partitioned and the database would shutdown
ERROR 9097: Cannot demote Subcluster "string". The operation would result
in loss of shard coverage
ERROR 9098: Cannot drop value primary nodes. The cluster would appear
partitioned and the database would shutdown
ERROR 9101: Cannot support K=value on only valuevalue
ERROR 9108: Dropping node would leave one or more shards with no
active subscribers
ERROR 9125: The cluster must keep at least one primary node at all
ERROR 9378: System is not k-safe. Cannot recover node
Notice messages
NOTICE 2520: Cannot shutdown unsafe cluster with this command
Warning messages
WARNING 2957: Current system KSAFE level is not fault tolerant
WARNING 8657: KSAFE > 0 for temporary table unsupported in Eon mode,
no buddy projections created
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
124 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE V1003
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE V1003.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE V1003.
SQLSTATE V1003 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2094: A node has come UP which missed ALTER COLUMN check
ERROR 2095: A node has come UP which missed drop partition keys check
ERROR 2096: A node has come UP which missed partitioning check
ERROR 2097: A node has entered the cluster since the session started
ERROR 2098: A node has entered the cluster since the session was
ERROR 2099: A node has entered/left the database cluster
ERROR 5312: Up node set changed during restore
ERROR 5523: A node has come UP which missed ADD COLUMN statement
ERROR 6876: No nodes up!
ERROR 7214: Node types changed during restore
ERROR 8480: A node has come UP which missed ADD COLUMN O LOCK
ERROR 10138: Invalid config section: valid values are [string]
ERROR 10551: string is not supported in read-only mode
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
125 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE V2000
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE V2000.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE V2000.
SQLSTATE V2000 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 3493: GSS error: string. Error details: (string/string)
ERROR 3718: Invalid old password
ERROR 6635: An error occurred during GSS authentication
ERROR 6636: An error occurred during kerberos authentication
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
126 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE V2001
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE V2001.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE V2001.
SQLSTATE V2001 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
Error messages
ERROR 2005: string
ERROR 2382: Cannot create another node. The current license permits
value node(s) and the database catalog already contains
value node(s)
ERROR 3248: Error parsing license end date
ERROR 4943: The Enterprise Edition is installed. You cannot downgrade
from the Enterprise Edition to the Community Edition
ERROR 5517: Your Vertica license is invalid or has expired
ERROR 6164: Cannot alter STANDBY node. The current license permits
value node(s) and the database catalog already contains
value node(s)
ERROR 6549: Cannot install new license to the database. New license
permits value node(s) but the database catalog already
contains value node(s)
ERROR 7018: Unable to audit license: database lacks an active license!
ERROR 8263: Invalid combination of input licenses
ERROR 8268: No license found
ERROR 8277: Unable to overwrite existing licenses
ERROR 8450: Cannot drop the license. The remaining licenses permit
value node(s) and the database catalog contains value
ERROR 8625: Unsupported licensable feature
ERROR 8724: All of your Vertica licenses have expired
ERROR 8733: Node count exceeded license allowed node count limit
ERROR 9397: None of the licenses in this file can be installed [string]string
Notice messages
NOTICE 8723: Vertica license string is in its grace period; grace period
expires in valuestring
Warning messages
WARNING 3863: License issue: string
WARNING 8724: All of your Vertica licenses have expired
WARNING 9164: Found value node(s) in the database catalog but only value
node(s) are permitted by the current license
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
127 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE VC001
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE VC001.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE VC001.
SQLSTATE VC001 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
Error messages
ERROR 10357: Secure location to store the intermediate-results cannot
be empty
Fatal messages
FATAL 2450: Cannot load configuration from string
Warning messages
WARNING 3833: Kerberos keytab file must be owned by the database user,
and have no permissions for "group" or "other"
WARNING 4951: The Kerberos keytab file is either empty or too small in
size to be valid
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
128 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE VD001
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE VD001.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE VD001.
SQLSTATE VD001 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
Error messages
ERROR 2010: string cannot be NULL
ERROR 2012: string clause does not exist in the query
ERROR 2204: Anchor table of projection string is a Session scoped table
ERROR 2205: Anchor table of projection string is a System table
ERROR 2211: API string not available in old DBD engine
ERROR 2212: API cannot take query input file and query string, only
one can be set
ERROR 2328: Cannot string as design was created already
ERROR 2336: Cannot add another Comprehensive design to deployment string
ERROR 2337: Cannot add design projections in extend catalog type
deployment string in workspace string
ERROR 2338: Cannot add design tables to design string because there are
populated designs
ERROR 2339: Cannot add design to deployment string because design string has
not been populated
ERROR 2369: Cannot clear design tables from design string because there
are populated designs
ERROR 2375: Cannot compute projections to be dropped for only
incremental designs deployment
ERROR 2394: Cannot design encoding for Projection string as it does not
have any AUTO encoded columns
ERROR 2395: Cannot design encoding for Projection string as it is not SAFE
-- Create its buddies
ERROR 2396: Cannot design/deploy for virtual system schema string
ERROR 2423: Cannot execute deployment when there are non-up-to-date
safe projections for table string
ERROR 2456: Cannot load queries as design was populated already
ERROR 2463: Cannot output design projections because design is not
ERROR 2464: Cannot output query because query id is invalid
ERROR 2471: Cannot populate drop projections in extend catalog type
deployment string in workspace string
ERROR 2477: Cannot refresh projections for table value as it was
ERROR 2480: Cannot remove any design table from design string because
there are populated designs
ERROR 2485: Cannot remove workspace string because it does not exist
ERROR 2492: Cannot retrieve design tables for design string in workspace
ERROR 2493: Cannot retrieve information for design string in workspace string
ERROR 2507: Cannot set k-safety when design string has been populated
ERROR 2657: Column 'string' does not exist in Table string
ERROR 2658: Column 'string' is duplicated in the column list
ERROR 3053: Deployment string already exists in workspace string
ERROR 3054: Deployment got canceled
ERROR 3056: Deployment ksafety should be equal or greater than design
ksafety. Deployment ksafety is value and design ksafety is
ERROR 3057: Deployment name cannot be NULL
ERROR 3058: Deployment Projections status is set to Error
ERROR 3060: Design string already exists
ERROR 3061: Design string already exists for workspace string
ERROR 3063: Design string has already been added to deployment string
ERROR 3064: Design string has not been populated in workspace string so
projection cannot be added
ERROR 3065: Design string hasn't been populated
ERROR 3066: Design string in workspace string is not available
ERROR 3067: Design string is already populated
ERROR 3068: Design string is populated, remove design first
ERROR 3071: Design name cannot have more than value characters
ERROR 3072: Design name may contain only alphanumeric or underscore
ERROR 3073: Design did not complete successfully, so deployment did
not start
ERROR 3074: Design K-safety should be 0
ERROR 3077: Design name cannot have character '.'
ERROR 3079: Optimization objective cannot be NULL
ERROR 3080: Design query with design_query_id value does not exist
ERROR 3082: Design string does not exist
ERROR 3088: design_override_type string for table string already exists
ERROR 3100: Did not find any projections to design encodings for
ERROR 3101: Did not find design projections for projection ids given
ERROR 3102: Did not find design projections for tablePattern string
ERROR 3104: Did not find design tables to remove
ERROR 3105: Did not find projection id value in deployment string in
workspace string
ERROR 3107: Did not find rows in deployment table for deployment string in
workspace string
ERROR 3108: Did not find rows in designs table for workspace string
ERROR 3140: Dropping design without getting design projections, API
call is of no use
ERROR 3166: Empty design name is not allowed
ERROR 3188: Error after projection refresh: string
ERROR 3194: Error creating workspace: Invalid workspace name
ERROR 3195: Error deleting deployment status table
ERROR 3202: Error during deployment while setting ksafety before
deployment starts
ERROR 3203: Error during design: string
ERROR 3205: Error during drop projections: string
ERROR 3208: Error during projection creation: string
ERROR 3214: Error during remove design string
ERROR 3215: Error during rename projections: string
ERROR 3241: Error opening query input file [string]
ERROR 3250: Error querying deployment projections statements table
ERROR 3251: Error querying deployment projections table
ERROR 3252: Error querying design projections table for design string in
workspace string
ERROR 3253: Error querying: string
ERROR 3266: Error status for projections to add for table string
ERROR 3267: Error status for projections to drop for table string
ERROR 3268: Error updating deployment projections table
ERROR 3270: Error while loading statistics into design tables for
design string
ERROR 3277: Error writing to [string]
ERROR 3356: External table string is not a design table
ERROR 3358: Failed during select mark_design_ksafe(value)
ERROR 3415: Filename cannot be NULL
ERROR 3480: Given design string does not exist
ERROR 3543: Incremental design needs a query or an input query file to
be set
ERROR 3649: Invalid Deploy Operation string string
ERROR 3650: Invalid deploy status string string
ERROR 3740: Invalid query input file [string]
ERROR 3795: Invalid design creator name
ERROR 3824: K cannot be value (maximum allowed is value)
ERROR 3825: K must be equal to or greater than value, cannot reduce
current k-safety level
ERROR 3827: K-safety cannot be NULL
ERROR 3867: List of projections cannot be NULL
ERROR 3898: mark_design_ksafe(value) failed; some projections may not be
ERROR 4031: Namespace for LOCAL temporary tables cannot be used to add
design tables
ERROR 4057: New ksafety cannot be less than 0
ERROR 4078: No deployment data in string.string
ERROR 4080: No drop entries found for deployment string in workspace string
ERROR 4099: No projections found for the projection ids string string
ERROR 4117: No tables found in schema string
ERROR 4118: No tables found in the table pattern given
ERROR 4119: No tables to design projections for
ERROR 4235: One of the design tables no longer exist
ERROR 4314: override_type string is invalid
ERROR 4460: Projection string does not exist
ERROR 4461: Projection string does not exist
ERROR 4466: Projection string to be refreshed was dropped
ERROR 4475: Projection id cannot be NULL
ERROR 4476: Projection id list cannot be NULL
ERROR 4479: Projection name cannot be NULL
ERROR 4497: Query Id cannot be NULL
ERROR 4498: Query referencing EPOCH column is not supported
ERROR 4503: Query table string does not exist
ERROR 4504: Query table contains multiple entries with qid = value
ERROR 4505: Query weight must be a positive number
ERROR 4525: Rebalance data cannot proceed when there are non-up-to-
date projections in the catalog
ERROR 4526: Rebalance data failed during select mark_design_ksafe(value)
ERROR 4651: Schema string does not exist
ERROR 4652: Schema string is not a designer created schema, so it cannot
be dropped
ERROR 4655: Schema name cannot be NULL
ERROR 4721: Session scoped table string is not a design table
ERROR 4783: Start deploy: deploy is already running on this node
ERROR 4866: System table string is not a design table
ERROR 4874: Systems tables within system schema string cannot be added as
design tables
ERROR 4885: Table string does not exist
ERROR 4886: Table string does not exist anymore in the catalog
ERROR 4890: Table string is not a design table
ERROR 4902: Table name cannot be NULL
ERROR 4907: Table pattern cannot be NULL
ERROR 4920: Terminated after SO enum. See log for the content of the
ERROR 4942: The design table entry with table name string.string is corrupted,
as that table has been renamed in the Vertica catalog
ERROR 4976: There are value nodes. Deployment K = value is not possible
ERROR 4977: There are no projections to add in deployment string for
workspace string so no projections can be dropped
ERROR 4980: There is 1 node. Deployment K = value is not possible
ERROR 4981: There is more than one design string in workspace string
ERROR 4983: There is no design tables system table in workspace string
ERROR 4995: This query is not supported in DBDesigner
ERROR 5363: User string does not have privileges to access design table:
ERROR 5364: User string does not have privileges to access table: string
ERROR 5480: Workspace string cannot be a virtual system schema
ERROR 5481: Workspace string does not exist
ERROR 5482: Design string is configured for extend_catalog so no designs
can be computed
ERROR 5483: Design string is configured for extend_catalog so remove drops
is not supported
ERROR 5484: Design string is configured for extend_catalog so there are no
design tables
ERROR 5485: Design string is configured for extend_catalog, there are no
design tables
ERROR 5486: Workspace cannot be NULL
ERROR 5487: Design name cannot be NULL
ERROR 5564: Deployment Parallelism cannot be less than zero
ERROR 5565: Deployment parallelism cannot be NULL
ERROR 5573: Error generating results set
ERROR 5575: Error querying designs table
ERROR 5588: Fenced mode false is not supported for string functions
ERROR 5589: Fenced mode is not supported for SQL functions
ERROR 5591: Hurryup parameter cannot be NULL
ERROR 5597: Invalid input query: 'string'
ERROR 5747: analyzeStats flag cannot be NULL
ERROR 5773: Cannot output deployment script because design is not
ERROR 5792: continueAfterError flag cannot be NULL
ERROR 5817: Deploy flag cannot be NULL
ERROR 5855: Did not find any tables to analyze correlations on
ERROR 5857: dropDesignAndCtx flag cannot be NULL
ERROR 5858: dropProjs flag cannot be NULL
ERROR 5866: Error while analyzing correlations for design table string.string
ERROR 5867: Error while analyzing count distincts for design table
ERROR 5868: Error while analyzing count distincts on correlation
sample for design table string.string
ERROR 5869: Error while analyzing segmentation skew for design table
ERROR 5871: Error while loading or analyzing correlations in design
tables for design string
ERROR 5907: Force option cannot be NULL
ERROR 5908: forceRecomputation flag cannot be NULL
ERROR 5919: Input cannot be NULL
ERROR 5938: isAdminUser flag cannot be NULL
ERROR 5939: K-safety of incremental designs must match the current
system k-safety (which is value)
ERROR 5979: onlyScript flag cannot be NULL
ERROR 5980: outputScript flag cannot be NULL
ERROR 6049: The mode of analyzing correlations cannot be NULL
ERROR 6050: The mode of analyzing correlations is invalid
ERROR 6223: Design K-safety should be in [0,value] range
ERROR 6247: Error during deployment: no projections found for
deployment string
ERROR 6489: Error querying v_catalog.projections table
ERROR 7191: Projection with expressions string is not supported for
encoding design
ERROR 7379: Cannot generate unique name for Database Designer schema
ERROR 8810: No deployment data
ERROR 9106: Design interval cannot be NULL
Notice messages
NOTICE 4075: No data rebalancing required
NOTICE 4076: No data rebalancing required for replicated projections
NOTICE 4077: No data rebalancing required for segmented projections
NOTICE 4132: No work for rebalance data for replicated projections
NOTICE 4133: No work for rebalance data for segmented projections
NOTICE 4134: No work to be done for deployment/rebalance data -- No
projections to add or drop
Warning messages
WARNING 2202: Anchor table for projection string does not exist, so it
cannot be added to deployment
WARNING 2304: Can only load valuestring under the string design type
WARNING 2454: Cannot load invalid query: string
WARNING 3081: Design Query with design_query_id string does not exist
WARNING 3087: design_override_type string for query (design_query_id value)
already exists
WARNING 3089: design_override_type string for table string does not exist
WARNING 3103: Did not find design tables to add
WARNING 3106: Did not find projections for design string in workspace string
WARNING 3489: Group-by override value on query value cannot be satisfied
WARNING 3574: INSERT query without SELECT is not supported: string
WARNING 3817: Join override value on query value cannot be satisfied
WARNING 4311: Override (design_override_id value) is ignored because the
table string is no longer a design table
WARNING 4312: Override (design_override_id value) is ignored because the
table does not exist
WARNING 4313: override_type string for query (design_query_id value) does not
WARNING 4499: Query referencing local temporary table string is not
supported: string
WARNING 4500: Query referencing projection string is not supported: string
WARNING 4501: Query without referencing any catalog table is not
supported: string
WARNING 4819: Subqueries in UPDATE/DELETE is not supported: string
WARNING 4888: Table string has no statistics or data. As a result, the
proposed projections on this table may be suboptimal
WARNING 4891: Table string is not a design table, referenced in query
(qid=value): string
WARNING 4991: This invalid query cannot be loaded: string
WARNING 4994: This non-SELECT query is not supported: string
WARNING 5390: User has insufficient privileges on table string
WARNING 5650: Query without referencing any design tables is not
supported: string
WARNING 5657: Segmentation type of the projection string is not supported
for encoding design, skipping
WARNING 5694: Weight for query_text 'string' is 'value'. Only positive weight
values are accepted
WARNING 5870: Error while dropping existing correlations in design
table string
WARNING 6040: Table string has no correlations
WARNING 6041: Table string has no data. As a result, no correlations were
analyzed on this table
WARNING 6042: Table string has no statistics or data. As a result, no
correlations were analyzed on this table
WARNING 6043: Table string has no statistics or data. As a result, no
correlations were read into this table
WARNING 6096: User has insufficient privileges on table string.string
WARNING 7192: Projection with expressions string is not supported for
encoding design, skipping
WARNING 8487: No new projections recommended for deployment by DBD
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
129 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE VP000
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE VP000.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE VP000.
SQLSTATE VP000 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2059: string with specified name and parameters does not exist: string
ERROR 3354: External procedures directory has not been set
ERROR 3355: External procedures have not been installed
ERROR 3465: Function cannot be moved into a system schema
ERROR 4323: Parameter type is not valid for an external procedure: string
ERROR 4373: Phase value of multi-phase transform function marked prepass
ERROR 5232: Unrecognized identifier: string
ERROR 5368: User Defined Aggregates do not support fenced execution
ERROR 5372: User Defined Function type not found
ERROR 5374: User Defined Scalar Function string is giving bad numeric
precision value, the maximum is value
ERROR 5375: User Defined Scalar Function string is giving bad string
length value, the minimum is 1
ERROR 5376: User Defined Scalar Function string is giving typmod of
precision value, larger than the max precision value
ERROR 5377: User Defined Scalar Function string provided non-zero
precision (value) for Interval Year To Month
ERROR 5378: User Defined Scalar Function string provided precision value,
larger than the maximum precision value
ERROR 5379: User Defined Scalar Function string provided range for Day To
Second, but the function's return type is Interval Year To
ERROR 5380: User Defined Scalar Function string provided range for Year To
Month, but the function's return type is Interval Day To
ERROR 5684: User Defined Extension cannot be created in a system
ERROR 6051: The schema has been dropped
ERROR 6576: Schema does not exist: string
ERROR 6580: Stemmer UDx string must have VARCHAR or LONG VARCHAR parameter
ERROR 6581: Stemmer UDx string must have VARCHAR or LONG VARCHAR return
ERROR 6642: Argument types must be specified for stemmer "string"
ERROR 6869: Multi-phase transform function must have atleast one phase
ERROR 6961: Stemmer UDx string must return a single argument
ERROR 7010: Tokenizer required to create text index
ERROR 7015: UDSF or SQL Function with specified name and parameters
does not exist: string
ERROR 7082: "string" is an incorrect EarlyMaterialize directive
ERROR 7128: Tokenizer "string" with specified argument types could not be
ERROR 7129: Tokenizer UDx string must be polymorphic or have a single
ERROR 7139: View cannot be moved into a system schema
ERROR 7582: User Defined Transforms with cursors do not support fenced
execution mode
ERROR 9950: Can't have more than one parameter with the same name: string
ERROR 9962: Parameters must be named
ERROR 10438: DO is only compatible with the language 'plvsql'
ERROR 10496: ALTER PROCEDURE does not support external procedures
ERROR 10524: Procedure string with specified parameters does not exist
ERROR 10525: Procedure string with the specified arguments does not exist
ERROR 10526: Procedure cannot be moved into a system schema
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
130 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE VP001
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE VP001.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE VP001.
SQLSTATE VP001 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
Error messages
ERROR 2837: Could not create pipe for user procedure execution,
ERROR 2853: Could not execute user procedure: fork error
ERROR 2858: Could not find function definition
ERROR 2861: Could not find running procedure for string, proc ID=[value]
ERROR 3007: DDL statement interfered with this statement
ERROR 3399: Failure in UDx RPC call string(): string
ERROR 4424: Procedure execution error: exit status=value
ERROR 4425: Procedure execution error: procedure killed by signal (value)
ERROR 4538: Received message with unexpected type string
ERROR 5205: Unknown error killing procedure string
ERROR 5395: User procedure execution failed
ERROR 5398: User-defined Analytic Function string produced fewer output
rows than input rows
ERROR 5399: User-defined Scalar Function string outputted a timezone (value)
not in allowed range (value, value)
ERROR 5400: User-defined Scalar Function string produced fewer output rows
(value) than input rows (value)
ERROR 5430: Vertica process is not allowed to kill procedure string
ERROR 5580: Failure sending parameters block because the value
parameters require value bytes, which exceeds the maximum
size of value bytes
ERROR 5604: Invalid procedure file: [string]
ERROR 5638: Procedure file [string] cannot be owned by root
ERROR 5639: Procedure file [string] must be executable by vertica user
ERROR 5640: Procedure file [string] must be owned by specified procedure
ERROR 5641: Procedure file [string] must enable set UID attribute
ERROR 5656: Root cannot execute external procedure
ERROR 5683: User 'string' not found on node
ERROR 5861: Error calling string() in User Function string at [string:value], error
code: value, message: string
ERROR 5863: Error during setting up function, message: string
ERROR 6085: Unexpected exception calling string() User Function in string
ERROR 6087: Unexpected exception thrown by UDFileSystem at [string:value],
error code: value, message: string
ERROR 6668: Can't access [string]: No filesystem is mapped to scheme string
ERROR 6713: Couldn't cancel the user procedure, string
ERROR 6783: Filesystem does not support glob string
ERROR 6859: makeConnection: send_msg(value) did not succeed: string
ERROR 7097: Failure in UDx RPC call string()
ERROR 7112: Procedure reported: string
ERROR 7685: User-defined Scalar Function string produced more output rows
(value) than input rows (value)
ERROR 7981: Cannot reserve memory from the JVM resource pool
ERROR 8092: Failure in UDx RPC call string() in User Defined Object [string]:
ERROR 8468: Error calling string() in User Function string, message: string
ERROR 9754: Could not find filesystem for path string
ERROR 9939: Received hi bound with size value when data type has max
size value
ERROR 9940: Received lo bound with size value when data type has max
size value
ERROR 9964: Type conversion function value cannot be done within
collection coercion
ERROR 10297: User procedure exceeded recursion limit of value
Warning messages
WARNING 2005: string
WARNING 2376: Cannot connect to UDx side process (pid = value) during
cancel: string
WARNING 3223: Error in calling string() for User Defined Function string at
[string:value], error code: value, message: string
WARNING 3224: Error in calling string() for User Defined Scalar Function
string at [string:value], error code: value, message: string
WARNING 3398: Failure in UDx RPC call string() (pid = value): string
WARNING 3399: Failure in UDx RPC call string(): string
WARNING 5170: Unexpected exception from in calling string() for User
Defined Scalar Function string
WARNING 5171: Unexpected exception in calling string() in User Defined
Function string
WARNING 6086: Unexpected exception calling destroyUDxFenced()
WARNING 6756: Error in calling destructor for UDFilter function at
[string:value], error code: value, message: string
WARNING 6757: Error in calling destructor for UDParser function at
[string:value], error code: value, message: string
WARNING 6758: Error in calling destructor for UDSource function at
[string:value], error code: value, message: string
WARNING 6759: Error in calling ~string() for User Defined Function string at
[string:value], error code: value, message: string
WARNING 6760: Error in calling ~string() for User Defined Scalar Function
string at [string:value], error code: value, message: string
WARNING 6859: makeConnection: send_msg(value) did not succeed: string
WARNING 7025: Unexpected exception in calling destructor in UDFilter
WARNING 7026: Unexpected exception in calling destructor in UDParser
WARNING 7027: Unexpected exception in calling destructor in UDSource
WARNING 7028: Unexpected exception in calling ~string() for User Defined
Scalar Function string
WARNING 7029: Unexpected exception in calling ~string() in User Defined
Function string
WARNING 7712: Error during cleanup for User Defined Function string: string
WARNING 8607: Error in calling destructor for UDChunker function at
[string:value], error code: value, message: string
WARNING 8624: Unexpected exception in calling destructor in UDChunker
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
131 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE VX001
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE VX001.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE VX001.
SQLSTATE VX001 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
Error messages
ERROR 2025: string Error occurred during BZIP initialization. BZIP error
code: value
ERROR 2027: string Error occurred during ZLIB initialization. ZLIB error
code: value, Message: string
ERROR 2111: Active queue cleared while running
ERROR 2405: Cannot do boundary analysis on type value
ERROR 2616: Cluster recovery failed, try again
ERROR 2928: Couldn't check this session's state
ERROR 3099: Did not find a variable
ERROR 3211: Error during recovery running string queries, cannot continue:
string (at string:value)
ERROR 3212: Error during recovery running string: string (at string:value)
ERROR 3220: Error generating query for: string
ERROR 3292: Event apply failed
ERROR 3483: Got unexpected error code from spread: value, string
ERROR 3818: JOIN qualifications to not refer to the correct
ERROR 3969: More than one variable found
ERROR 4342: Password encryption failed
ERROR 4372: pg_analyze_and_rewrite for View query failed
ERROR 4514: Raw parse of View query string failed
ERROR 4545: Recovery Error: Cannot get projections on local node
ERROR 5236: Unrecognized node type value
ERROR 5237: Unrecognized node type value in postprocess conditions
ERROR 5238: Unrecognized node type: value
ERROR 5540: Cannot find buddy projections for collecting row counts,
min and max
ERROR 5679: Unrecognized order by expression
ERROR 5680: Unrecognized select column list
ERROR 5695: With query is not a Select Statement
ERROR 5719: Path Sampling failed. Try a different random seed for the
pathSampling hint
ERROR 5802: Could not stop all dirty transactions[txnId = string]
ERROR 5865: Error while analyzing approximate count distincts on table
ERROR 6062: Too Many User defined types
ERROR 6248: Error occured during LZO decompression: LZO checksum error
on compressed data, possibly due to file corruption
ERROR 6249: Error occured during LZO decompression: LZO checksum error
on uncompressed data, possibly due to file corruption
ERROR 6250: Error occured during LZO decompression: LZO expected
destination length larger than BLOCK_SIZE, possibly need
to recompile lzop, or set --blocksize to a larger value
ERROR 6251: Error occured during LZO decompression: LZO expected
destination length larger than MAX_BLOCK_SIZE, possibly
due to file corruption
ERROR 6252: Error occured during LZO decompression: LZO expected
source length is wrong, possibly due to file corruption
ERROR 6253: Error occured during LZO header processing: expecting more
than value bytes, possibly file corrupted
ERROR 6254: Error occured during LZO header processing: return code
value, possibly due to file corruption
ERROR 6429: The sending password for "string", encryption algorithm string
does not match the effective server configured encryption
algorithm string
ERROR 6440: Trying to change password for "string", but password
encryption algorithm does not match, server configured string,
client send in string
ERROR 6468: Wrong Password Security Algorithm string
ERROR 6482: Failed to parse Access Policies for table "string" [string]
ERROR 6678: Cannot extract relations in the query
ERROR 6738: DML is running while collecting dirty txns
ERROR 6768: Error retrieving Group ROS [value] of ROS [value]
ERROR 6771: Fail to get table recovery status when node is not
ERROR 6775: Failed to generate an annotated query: string
ERROR 6779: Failed to recover all tables, would retry!
ERROR 6780: Failed to recover node, shutting down...
ERROR 6820: Input query cannot be deparsed
ERROR 6821: Input query is not supported
ERROR 6893: Output annotated query is not supported
ERROR 6895: Output stream failed to initialize
ERROR 6927: Query not ready to write to export file
ERROR 6930: Recovery Error: Cannot get projections of table string
ERROR 6942: ROS [value] is in a bundle without a storageId
ERROR 6995: The content of the input query saved previously changed
ERROR 7032: Unexpected segmentation for constraint projection
ERROR 7274: Recovery Error: projection recovery start epoch is behind
AHM in string phase. Has AHM been advanced during recovery?
ERROR 7493: OpenSSL RAND_bytes returns error; value
ERROR 7645: Configured password type string not admissable under FIPS
ERROR 7656: Effective password type string not admissable under FIPS
ERROR 7661: MD5 not permitted in FIPS mode
ERROR 7669: Trying to change password for "string", but MD5 hash algorithm
not permitted
ERROR 7855: Found SAL corruption
ERROR 7873: Property string is in string, not string
ERROR 7874: Property string not found in string
ERROR 8387: Cluster membership change interfered with an operation to
initialize tables for recovering node string
ERROR 8404: Cannot initialize necessary map for recovery
ERROR 8485: Input query is not supported for EXPLAIN ANNOTATED
ERROR 8492: Uploader caught unknown exception: string
ERROR 8758: StorageContainer (ROS) value starts at epoch value, end at
epoch value, straddle truncate epoch value
ERROR 8813: string Error occurred during ZSTD decompression. ZSTD error
code: value: string
ERROR 8814: string Error occurred during ZSTD initialization (value): string
ERROR 8980: Revoke statements do not support use of 'EXTEND' keyword
ERROR 9040: Cannot add new sort order to an existing projection
ERROR 9510: Invalid use of TOPK projections. Try disabling
ERROR 9542: Error checking support for Webhdfs TRUNCATE operation: string
ERROR 9682: Spread Encryption failed (value bytes)
ERROR 9929: TS: transfer error: string
ERROR 9977: Unexpected dest receiver type value
ERROR 10000: Partition ranged projection not qualified, retry with
normal projection
ERROR 10118: Corrupted diag option value
ERROR 10119: Corrupted diag type value
ERROR 10121: Corrupted fetch direction type value
ERROR 10122: Corrupted fetch type value
ERROR 10123: Corrupted raise level value
ERROR 10124: Corrupted raise option value
ERROR 10125: Corrupted type kind value
ERROR 10167: Corrupted assign type value
ERROR 10168: Corrupted cond type value
ERROR 10169: Corrupted control flow type value
ERROR 10170: Corrupted empty behavior value
ERROR 10171: Corrupted expression or statement behavior value
ERROR 10172: Corrupted raise level type value
ERROR 10173: Corrupted raise option type value
ERROR 10577: Raw parse of Select * From query failed
ERROR 10626: JOIN qualifications do not refer to the correct
Fatal messages
FATAL 2866: Could not get current working directory: value
FATAL 3419: findMySession: no session for thread id 0xvalue
FATAL 3501: Holding Catalog locks when returning control to client
FATAL 3502: Holding Catalog snapshot when returning control to client
FATAL 4936: The cluster performed ASR without this node, but there is
a local drop partition event without a global match
Warning messages
WARNING 3245: Error parsing string
WARNING 5526: Already have a ready_recv string, ignoring
WARNING 6428: The password for "string", encryption algorithm string does not
match the effective server configured encryption
algorithm string, please expire the password to reset
WARNING 7668: The server password string is not allowed on FIPS systems;
please have DB admin correct this
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
132 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE VX002
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE VX002.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE VX002.
SQLSTATE VX002 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2940: CRC Check Failure Details:
File Name: string
File Offset: value
Compressed size in file: value
Memory Address of Read Buffer: value
Pointer to Compressed Data: value
Memory Contents:
ERROR 3030: Delete: could not find a data row to delete (data
integrity violation?)
ERROR 3218: Error finalizing ROS DataTarget
ERROR 3219: Error flushing data file [string]
ERROR 3409: FileColumnReader: block string @ value 's CRC value doesn't
match record value
ERROR 3410: FileColumnReader: Decompression error in string at offset value
ERROR 4762: Sort Order Violation:
Row Position: value
Column Index: value
Last Row: string
This Row: string
ERROR 5704: Delete (Join): could not find a data row to delete (data
integrity violation?)
ERROR 6767: Error reading from orc parser input stream [string]: file
shorter than expected, read to value, requested to value
ERROR 7767: Error reading from parquet parser input stream [string]: file
shorter than expected, read to value, requested to value
ERROR 7859: Block[value] has unknown type. (size: value, type: value, pad: value,
count: value, position: value)
ERROR 7860: Block[value]->count is not consistent with other blocks.
(value != value)
ERROR 10589: Error reading from avro parser input stream [string]: file
shorter than expected, read to value, requested to value
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
133 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE VX003
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE VX003.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE VX003.
SQLSTATE VX003 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 3544: Index corruption. string: string
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.
134 - Messages associated with SQLSTATE VX004
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE VX004.
This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE VX004.
SQLSTATE VX004 description
Messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 8643: Optimizer-generated annotated query has unexpected error.
Please report to Vertica
Vertica User Community
contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.