There are two options to stream data from a file on the client to your Vertica database through ADO.NET:
Use the VerticaCopyStream ADO.NET class to stream data in an object-oriented manner
Execute a COPY LOCAL SQL statement to stream the data
The topics in this section explain how to use these options.
1 - Streaming from the client via VerticaCopyStream
The VerticaCopyStream class lets you stream data from the client system to a Vertica database.
The VerticaCopyStream class lets you stream data from the client system to a Vertica database. It lets you use the SQL COPY statement directly without having to copy the data to a host in the database cluster first by substituting one or more data stream(s) for STDIN.
Use Transactions and disable auto commit on the copy command for better performance.
Disable auto commit using the copy command with the 'no commit' modifier. You must explicitly disable commits. Enabling transactions does not disable autocommit when using VerticaCopyStream.
The copy command used with VerticaCopyStream uses copy syntax.
VerticaCopyStream.rejects is zeroed every time execute is called. If you want to capture the number of rejects, assign the value of VerticaCopyStream.rejects to another variable before calling execute again.
You can add multiple streams using multiple AddStream() calls.
Example usage:
The following example demonstrates using VerticaCopyStream to copy a file stream into Vertica.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using System.IO;
using Vertica.Data.VerticaClient;
namespace ConsoleApplication
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Configure connection properties
VerticaConnectionStringBuilder builder = new VerticaConnectionStringBuilder();
builder.Host = "";
builder.Database = "VMart";
builder.User = "dbadmin";
//open the connection
VerticaConnection _conn = new VerticaConnection(builder.ToString());
using (_conn)
// Start a transaction
VerticaTransaction txn = _conn.BeginTransaction();
// Create a table for this example
VerticaCommand command = new VerticaCommand("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS copy_table", _conn);
command.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE copy_table (Last_Name char(50), "
+ "First_Name char(50),Email char(50), "
+ "Phone_Number char(15))";
// Create a new filestream from the data file
string filename = "C:/customers.txt";
Console.WriteLine("\n\nLoading File: " + filename);
FileStream inputfile = File.OpenRead(filename);
// Define the copy command
string copy = "copy copy_table from stdin record terminator E'\n' delimiter '|'" + " enforcelength "
+ " no commit";
// Create a new copy stream instance with the connection and copy statement
VerticaCopyStream vcs = new VerticaCopyStream(_conn, copy);
// Start the VerticaCopyStream process
// Add the file stream
vcs.AddStream(inputfile, false);
// Execute the copy
// Finish stream and write out the list of inserted and rejected rows
long rowsInserted = vcs.Finish();
IList<long> rowsRejected = vcs.Rejects;
// Does not work when rejected or exceptions defined
Console.WriteLine("Number of Rows inserted: " + rowsInserted);
Console.WriteLine("Number of Rows rejected: " + rowsRejected.Count);
if (rowsRejected.Count > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < rowsRejected.Count; i++)
Console.WriteLine("Rejected row #{0} is row {1}", i, rowsRejected[i]);
// Commit the changes
catch (Exception e)
//close the connection
2 - Using copy with ADO.NET
To use COPY with ADO.NET, just execute a COPY statement and the path to the source file on the client system.
To use COPY with ADO.NET, just execute a COPY statement and the path to the source file on the client system. This method is simpler than using the VerticaCopyStream class. However, you may prefer using VerticaCopyStream if you have many files to copy to the database or if your data comes from a source other than a local file (streamed over a network connection, for example).
The following example code demonstrates using COPY to copy a file from the client to the database. It is the same as the code shown in Bulk Loading Using the COPY Statement and the path to the data file is on the client system, rather than on the server.
To load data that is stored on a database node, use a VerticaCommand object to create a COPY command:
Copy data. The following is an example of using the COPY command to load data. It uses the LOCAL modifier to copy a file local to the client issuing the command.