Lists user-defined functions contained in all loaded user libraries.

Lists user-defined functions contained in all loaded user libraries.

Column Name Data Type Description
NAMESPACE_NAME VARCHAR For Eon Mode databases, name of the namespace that contains the function.

Name of the schema that contains the function.

If the schema belongs to a non-default namespace in an Eon Mode database, the schema name is front-qualified with the name of the schema's namespace. For example, n1.s refers to schema s in namespace n1.

LIB_NAME VARCHAR The name of the library containing the UDF.
LIB_OID INTEGER The object ID of the library containing the function.
OBJ_NAME VARCHAR The name of the constructor class in the library for a function.
OBJ_TYPE VARCHAR The type of user defined function (scalar function, transform function)
ARG_TYPES VARCHAR A comma-delimited list of data types of the function's parameters.
RETURN_TYPE VARCHAR A comma-delimited list of data types of the function's return values.

