Records the details of each transaction.

Records the details of each transaction.

Column Name Data Type Description
START_TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMPTZ Beginning of history interval.
END_TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMPTZ End of history interval.
NODE_NAME VARCHAR Name of the node that is reporting the requested information.
USER_ID INTEGER Unique numeric ID assigned by the Vertica catalog, which identifies the user.
USER_NAME VARCHAR Name of the user for which transaction information is listed.
SESSION_ID VARCHAR Identifier for this session. This identifier is unique within the cluster at any point in time but can be reused when the session closes.
TRANSACTION_ID INTEGER Identifier for the transaction within the session, if any; otherwise NULL.
DESCRIPTION VARCHAR Textual description of the transaction.
START_EPOCH INTEGER Number of the start epoch for the transaction.
END_EPOCH INTEGER Number of the end epoch for the transaction
NUMBER_OF_STATEMENTS INTEGER Number of query statements executed in this transaction.
ISOLATION VARCHAR Denotes the transaction mode as "READ COMMITTED" or "SERIALIZABLE".
IS_READ_ONLY BOOLEAN Denotes "READ ONLY" transaction mode.
IS_COMMITTED BOOLEAN Determines if the transaction was committed. False means ROLLBACK.
IS_LOCAL BOOLEAN Denotes transaction is local (non-distributed).
IS_INITIATOR BOOLEAN Denotes if the transaction occurred on this node (t).
IS_DDL BOOLEAN Distinguishes between a DDL transaction (t) and non-DDL transaction (f).


Non-superuser: No explicit privileges required. You only see records for tables that you have privileges to view.

See also
