Monitors events that occurred during an LDAP Link synchronization.

Monitors events that occurred during an LDAP Link synchronization.

Column Name Data Type Description
EVENT_TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP The time the event occurred.
NODE_NAME VARCHAR The name of the node or nodes for which the information is listed.
SESSION_ID VARCHAR The identification number of the LDAP Link session.
USER_ID INTEGER The unique, system-generated user identification number.
USER_NAME VARCHAR The name of the user for which the information is listed.
TRANSACTION_ID INTEGER The system-generated transaction identification number. Is NULL if a transaction id does not exist.
EVENT_TYPE VARCHAR The type of event being logged, for example USER_CREATED and PROCESSING_STARTED.
ENTRY_NAME VARCHAR The name of the object on which the event occurred, if applicable. For example, the event SYNC-STARTED does not use an object.
ENTRY_OID INTEGER The unique identification number for the object on which the event occurred, if applicable.
LDAPURIHASH INTEGER The URI hash number for the LDAP user.