Provides detailed information about transactions blocked by the Heath Watchdog.

Provides detailed information about transactions blocked by the Heath Watchdog.

Column Name Data Type Description
NODE_NAME VARCHAR Name of the node.
BLOCK_START_TIME TIMESTAMP Time when the transaction was blocked.
TRANSACTION_DESCRIPTION VARCHAR The description of the transaction that was blocked.
BLOCK_TYPE VARCHAR Lists the health metric that initiated the block.




verticadb21249=> select * from health_watchdog_blocked_transactions;
 node_name |       block_start_time        |                          transaction_description                          |    block_type   
 initiator | 2024-06-17 22:24:08.636447-04 | Txn: a00000000000de 'create table table_t2(b int, c varchar(10), a int);' | GCLX QUEUE BLOAT
 initiator | 2024-06-17 22:28:43.340537-04 | Txn: a00000000000e9 'create table table_t3(b int, c varchar(10), a int);' | GCLX QUEUE BLOAT
(2 rows)

See also