Records the progress of a running Database Designer design or history of the last Database Designer design executed by the current user.

Records the progress of a running Database Designer design or history of the last Database Designer design executed by the current user.

Column Name Data Type Description
EVENT_TIME TIMESTAMP Time when the row recorded the event.
USER_NAME VARCHAR Name of the user who ran a design at the time Vertica recorded the session.
DESIGN_NAME VARCHAR Name of the user-specified design.
DESIGN_PHASE VARCHAR Phase of the design.
PHASE_STEP VARCHAR Substep in each design phase
PHASE_STEP_COMPLETE_PERCENT FLOAT Progress of current substep in percentage (0–100).
PHASE_COMPLETE_PERCENT FLOAT Progress of current design phase in percentage (0–100).


Non-superuser: No explicit privileges required. You only see records for tables that you have privileges to view.


The following example shows the content of the DESIGN_STATUS table of a complete Database Designer run:

=> SELECT event_time, design_name, design_phase, phase_complete_percent
   FROM v_monitor.design_status;
event_time          | design_name | design_phase                                   | phase_complete_percent
2012-02-14 10:31:20 | design1     | Design started                                 |
2012-02-14 10:31:21 | design1     | Design in progress: Analyze statistics phase   |
2012-02-14 10:31:21 | design1     | Analyzing data statistics                      | 33.33
2012-02-14 10:31:22 | design1     | Analyzing data statistics                      | 66.67
2012-02-14 10:31:24 | design1     | Analyzing data statistics                      | 100
2012-02-14 10:31:25 | design1     | Design in progress: Query optimization phase   |
2012-02-14 10:31:25 | design1     | Optimizing query performance                   | 37.5
2012-02-14 10:31:31 | design1     | Optimizing query performance                   | 62.5
2012-02-14 10:31:36 | design1     | Optimizing query performance                   | 75
2012-02-14 10:31:39 | design1     | Optimizing query performance                   | 87.5
2012-02-14 10:31:41 | design1     | Optimizing query performance                   | 87.5
2012-02-14 10:31:42 | design1     | Design in progress: Storage optimization phase |
2012-02-14 10:31:44 | design1     | Optimizing storage footprint                   | 4.17
2012-02-14 10:31:44 | design1     | Optimizing storage footprint                   | 16.67
2012-02-14 10:32:04 | design1     | Optimizing storage footprint                   | 29.17
2012-02-14 10:32:04 | design1     | Optimizing storage footprint                   | 31.25
2012-02-14 10:32:05 | design1     | Optimizing storage footprint                   | 33.33
2012-02-14 10:32:05 | design1     | Optimizing storage footprint                   | 35.42
2012-02-14 10:32:05 | design1     | Optimizing storage footprint                   | 37.5
2012-02-14 10:32:05 | design1     | Optimizing storage footprint                   | 62.5
2012-02-14 10:32:39 | design1     | Optimizing storage footprint                   | 87.5
2012-02-14 10:32:39 | design1     | Optimizing storage footprint                   | 87.5
2012-02-14 10:32:41 | design1     | Optimizing storage footprint                   | 100
2012-02-14 10:33:12 | design1     | Design completed successfully                  |
(24 rows)