Lists all of the schemas defined using the HCatalog Connector.

Lists all of the schemas defined using the HCatalog Connector. See Using the HCatalog Connector.

Unlike other HCatalog Connector-related system tables, this table makes no calls to Hive, so querying incurs very little overhead.

Column Name Data Type Description
SCHEMA_ID INTEGER The Vertica Analytic Database ID number for the schema
SCHEMA_NAME VARCHAR(128) The name of the schema defined in the Vertica Analytic Database catalog
SCHEMA_OWNER_ID INTEGER The ID number of the user who owns the Vertica Analytic Database schema
SCHEMA_OWNER VARCHAR(128) The username of the Vertica Analytic Database schema's owner
CREATE_TIME TIMESTAMPTZ The date and time the schema as created
HOSTNAME VARCHAR(128) The host name or IP address of the database server that holds the Hive metadata
PORT INTEGER The port number on which the metastore database listens for connections
HIVESERVER2_HOSTNAME VARCHAR(128) The host name or IP address of the HiveServer2 server for the Hive database
WEBSERVICE_HOSTNAME VARCHAR(128) The host name or IP address of the WebHCat server for the Hive database, if used
WEBSERVICE_PORT INTEGER The port number on which the WebHCat server listens for connections
WEBHDFS_ADDRESS VARCHAR (128) The host and port ("host:port") for the WebHDFS service, used for reading ORC and Parquet files
HCATALOG_SCHEMA_NAME VARCHAR(128) The name of the schema or database in Hive to which the Vertica Analytic Database schema is mapped/
HCATALOG_USER_NAME VARCHAR(128) The username the HCatalog Connector uses to authenticate itself to the Hive database.
HCATALOG_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT INTEGER The number of seconds the HCatalog Connector waits for a successful connection to the HiveServer or WebHCat server. A value of 0 means wait indefinitely.
HCATALOG_SLOW_TRANSFER_LIMIT INTEGER The lowest data transfer rate (in bytes per second) from the HiveServer2 or WebHCat server that the HCatalog Connector accepts.
HCATALOG_SLOW_TRANSFER_TIME INTEGER The number of seconds the HCatalog Connector waits before enforcing the data transfer rate lower limit by breaking the connection and terminating the query.
SSL_CONFIG VARCHAR(128) The path of the Hadoop ssl-client.xml configuration file, if using HiveServer2 with SSL wire encryption.
CUSTOM_PARTITIONS BOOLEAN Whether the Hive schema uses custom partition locations.


No explicit permissions are required; however, users see only the records that correspond to schemas they have permissions to access.

See also