Returns information about comments associated with objects in the database.
Returns information about comments associated with objects in the database.
Queries on this table can be slow because it fetches data at query time from other Vertica catalog tables.Column Name | Data Type | Description |
COMMENT_ID | INTEGER | Comment's internal ID number |
OBJECT_ID | INTEGER | Internal ID number of the object associated with the comment. |
Type of object associated with the comment, one of the following:
OBJECT_SCHEMA | VARCHAR | Name of the schema containing the object. |
OBJECT_NAME | VARCHAR | Name of the top-level object associated with the comment, such as a table or projection. |
CHILD_OBJECT | VARCHAR | Name of the specific object associated with the comment, such as a table column. If the comment is associated with a top-level object, this value is NULL. |
OWNER_ID | VARCHAR | Internal ID of the object's owner. |
OWNER_NAME | VARCHAR | Object owner's name. |
CREATION_TIME | TIMESTAMPTZ | When the comment was created. |
LAST_MODIFIED_TIME | TIMESTAMPTZ | When the comment was last modified. |
COMMENT | VARCHAR | Comment text. |
=> COMMENT ON COLUMN public.t.x1 IS 'Column comment';
-[ RECORD 1 ]------+------------------------------
comment_id | 45035996273838776
object_id | 45035996273838760
object_type | COLUMN
object_schema | public
object_name | t
child_object | x1
owner_id | 45035996273704962
owner_name | dbadmin
creation_time | 2023-02-01 10:47:13.028663+08
last_modified_time | 2023-02-01 10:47:13.028663+08
comment | Column comment