REVOKE (schema)

Revokes schema privileges from users and roles.

Revokes schema privileges from users and roles.


REVOKE [ GRANT OPTION FOR ] { privilege[,...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] }
   ON SCHEMA [{namespace. | database. }]schema[,...]
   FROM grantee[,...]
   [ CASCADE ]



Revokes the grant option for the specified privileges. Current privileges for grantees remain unaffected. If you omit this clause, Vertica revokes both the grant option and current privileges.

The schema privilege to revoke, one of the following:
  • USAGE: Access objects in the specified schemas.

  • CREATE: Create objects in the specified schemas.

You can also revoke privileges from tables and views that they inherited on creation from this schema. When you revoke inherited privileges at the schema level, Vertica automatically applies the revocation to all tables and views that inherited these privileges.

  • SELECT: Query tables and views. SELECT privileges are granted by default to the PUBLIC role.

  • INSERT: Insert rows, or and load data into tables with COPY.

  • UPDATE: Update table rows.

  • DELETE: Delete table rows.

  • REFERENCES: Create foreign key constraints on this table. This privilege must be set on both referencing and referenced tables.

  • TRUNCATE: Truncate table contents. Non-owners of tables can also execute the following partition operations on them:

  • ALTER: Modify the DDL of tables and views with ALTER TABLE and ALTER VIEW, respectively.

  • DROP: Drop tables and views.

Revokes USAGE AND CREATE privileges. Users cannot revoke privileges that they themselves lack.

The optional keyword PRIVILEGES conforms with the SQL standard.

{ database | namespace }
Name of the database or namespace that contains schema:
  • Database name: If specified, it must be the current database.

  • Namespace name (Eon Mode only): You must specify the namespace of objects in non-default namespaces. If no namespace is provided, Vertica assumes the object is in the default namespace.

Name of the schema, by default public.

If you specify a schema name that contains a period, the part before the period cannot be the same as the name of an existing namespace.


Whose privileges are revoked, one of the following:


Revoke privileges from users who received them from the grantee through WITH GRANT OPTION.


Non-superuser, one of the following:


Revoke user Joe's USAGE privilege on schema online_sales.

=> REVOKE USAGE ON SCHEMA online_sales FROM Joe;

See also