Returns a statistical summary of columns in a Vertica table:.

Returns a statistical summary of columns in a Vertica table:

  • Count

  • Mean

  • Standard deviation

  • Min/max values

  • Approximate percentile

  • Median

All summary values are FLOAT data types, except INTEGER for count.


SUMMARIZE_NUMCOL (input-columns [ USING PARAMETERS exclude_columns = 'excluded-columns'] ) OVER()


Comma-separated list of columns to use from the input relation, or asterisk (*) to select all columns. All columns must be a numeric data type. If you select all columns, SUMMARIZE_NUMCOL normalizes all columns in the model



Comma-separated list of column names from input-columns to exclude from processing.


Show the statistical summary for the age and salary columns in the employee table:

=> SELECT SUMMARIZE_NUMCOL(* USING PARAMETERS exclude_columns='id,name,gender,title') OVER() FROM employee;
COLUMN         | COUNT |    MEAN    |      STDDEV      |  MIN    | PERC25  | MEDIAN  |  PERC75   |  MAX
age            |     5 |    63.4    | 19.3209730603818 |      44 |      45 |      67 |      71   |     90
salary         |     5 | 3456.76    | 1756.78754300285 | 1234.56 | 2345.67 | 3456.78 | 4567.89   | 5678.9
(2 rows)