Default authentication records

Vertica automatically creates the following default authentication records and grants them to the public role.

Vertica automatically creates the following default authentication records and grants them to the public role. These have the lowest possible priority (-1), so user-created authentication records take priority over these default records:

=> SELECT auth_name,is_auth_enabled,auth_host_type,auth_method,auth_priority,is_fallthrough_enabled FROM client_auth;
         auth_name         | is_auth_enabled | auth_host_type | auth_method | auth_priority | is_fallthrough_enabled
 default_hash_network_ipv4 | True            | HOST           | PASSWORD    |            -1 | False
 default_hash_network_ipv6 | True            | HOST           | PASSWORD    |            -1 | False
 default_hash_local        | True            | LOCAL          | PASSWORD    |            -1 | False
(3 rows)

If no authentication records are defined (and the default authentication records are dropped), only the dbadmin and users without passwords can access the database. For details, see Implicit authentication.