Listing flex tables

You can determine which tables in your database are flex tables by querying the is_flextable column of the v_catalog.tables system table.

You can determine which tables in your database are flex tables by querying the is_flextable column of the v_catalog.tables system table. For example, use a query such as the following to see all tables with a true (t) value in the is_flextable column:

=> SELECT table_name, table_schema, is_flextable FROM v_catalog.tables;
     table_name      | table_schema | is_flextable
 bake1               | public       | t
 bake1_keys          | public       | f
 del                 | public       | t
 del_keys            | public       | f
 delicious           | public       | t
 delicious_keys      | public       | f
 bake                | public       | t
 bake_keys           | public       | f
 appLog              | public       | t
 appLog_keys         | public       | f
 darkdata            | public       | t
 darkdata_keys       | public       | f
(12 rows)