R packages

The Vertica R Language Pack includes the following R packages in addition to the default packages bundled with R:.

The Vertica R Language Pack includes the following R packages in addition to the default packages bundled with R:

  • Rcpp

  • RInside

  • IpSolve

  • lpSolveAPI

You can install additional R packages not included in the Vertica R Language Pack by using one of two methods. You must install the same packages on all nodes.

Installing R packages

You can install additional R packages by using one of the two following methods.

Using the install.packages() R command:

$ sudo /opt/vertica/R/bin/R
> install.packages("Zelig");


/opt/vertica/R/bin/R CMD INSTALL <path-to-package-tgz>

The installed packages are located in: /opt/vertica/R/library.