Adding metadata to R libraries

The following example shows how to add metadata to an R UDx.

You can add metadata, such as author name, the version of the library, a description of your library, and so on to your library. This metadata lets you track the version of your function that is deployed on a Vertica Analytic Database cluster and lets third-party users of your function know who created the function. Your library's metadata appears in the USER_LIBRARIES system table after your library has been loaded into the Vertica Analytic Database catalog.

You declare the metadata for your library by calling the RegisterLibrary() function in one of the source files for your UDx. If there is more than one function call in the source files for your UDx, whichever gets interpreted last as Vertica Analytic Database loads the library is used to determine the library's metadata.

The RegisterLibrary() function takes eight string parameters:

  • author contains whatever name you want associated with the creation of the library (your own name or your company's name for example).

  • library_build_tag is a string you want to use to represent the specific build of the library (for example, the SVN revision number or a timestamp of when the library was compiled). This is useful for tracking instances of your library as you are developing them.

  • library_version is the version of your library. You can use whatever numbering or naming scheme you want.

  • library_sdk_version is the version of the Vertica Analytic Database SDK Library for which you've compiled the library.

  • source_url is a URL where users of your function can find more information about it. This can be your company's website, the GitHub page hosting your library's source code, or whatever site you like.

  • description is a concise description of your library.

  • licenses_required is a placeholder for licensing information. You must pass an empty string for this value.

  • signature is a placeholder for a signature that will authenticate your library. You must pass an empty string for this value.

The following example shows how to add metadata to an R UDx.

RegisterLibrary("Speedy Analytics Ltd.",
                "Sales Tax R Library",

Loading the library and querying the USER_LIBRARIES system table shows the metadata supplied in the call to RegisterLibrary:

=> CREATE LIBRARY rLib AS '/home/dbadmin/sales_tax_calculator.R' LANGUAGE 'R';
-[ RECORD 1 ]-----+---------------------------------------------------------
schema_name       | public
lib_name          | rLib
lib_oid           | 45035996273708350
author            | Speedy Analytics Ltd.
owner_id          | 45035996273704962
lib_file_name     | rLib_02552872a35d9352b4907d3fcd03cf9700a0000000000d3e.R
md5_sum           | 30da555537c4d93c352775e4f31332d2
sdk_version       |
revision          |
lib_build_tag     | 1234
lib_version       | 1.0
lib_sdk_version   | 8.1.0
source_url        |
description       | Sales Tax R Library
licenses_required |
signature         |
dependencies      |
is_valid          | t
sal_storage_id    | 02552872a35d9352b4907d3fcd03cf9700a0000000000d3e