C++ example: overloading your UDx

The following example code demonstrates creating a user-defined scalar function (UDSF) that adds two or three integers together.

The following example code demonstrates creating a user-defined scalar function (UDSF) that adds two or three integers together. The Add2or3ints class is prepared to handle two or three arguments. The processBlock() function checks the number of arguments that have been passed to it, and adds all two or three of them together. It also exits with an error message if it has been called with less than 2 or more than 3 arguments. In theory, this should never happen, since Vertica only calls the UDSF if the user's function call matches a signature on one of the factory classes you create for your function. In practice, it is a good idea to perform this sanity checking, in case your (or someone else's) factory class inaccurately reports a set of arguments your function class cannot handle.

#include "Vertica.h"
using namespace Vertica;
using namespace std;
// a ScalarFunction that accepts two or three
// integers and adds them together.
class Add2or3ints : public Vertica::ScalarFunction
    virtual void processBlock(Vertica::ServerInterface &srvInterface,
                              Vertica::BlockReader &arg_reader,
                              Vertica::BlockWriter &res_writer)
        const size_t numCols = arg_reader.getNumCols();

        // Ensure that only two or three parameters are passed in
        if ( numCols < 2 || numCols > 3)
            vt_report_error(0, "Function only accept 2 or 3 arguments, "
                                "but %zu provided", arg_reader.getNumCols());
      // Add two integers together
        do {
            const vint a = arg_reader.getIntRef(0);
            const vint b = arg_reader.getIntRef(1);
            vint c = 0;
        // Check for third argument, add it in if it exists.
            if (numCols == 3)
                c = arg_reader.getIntRef(2);
        } while (arg_reader.next());
// This factory accepts function calls with two integer arguments.
class Add2intsFactory : public Vertica::ScalarFunctionFactory
    virtual Vertica::ScalarFunction *createScalarFunction(Vertica::ServerInterface
    { return vt_createFuncObj(srvInterface.allocator, Add2or3ints); }
    virtual void getPrototype(Vertica::ServerInterface &srvInterface,
                              Vertica::ColumnTypes &argTypes,
                              Vertica::ColumnTypes &returnType)
    {   // Accept 2 integer values
// This factory defines a function that accepts 3 ints.
class Add3intsFactory : public Vertica::ScalarFunctionFactory
    virtual Vertica::ScalarFunction *createScalarFunction(Vertica::ServerInterface
    { return vt_createFuncObj(srvInterface.allocator, Add2or3ints); }
    virtual void getPrototype(Vertica::ServerInterface &srvInterface,
                              Vertica::ColumnTypes &argTypes,
                              Vertica::ColumnTypes &returnType)
    {   // accept 3 integer values

The example has two ScalarFunctionFactory classes, one for each signature that the function accepts (two integers and three integers). There is nothing unusual about these factory classes, except that their implementation of ScalarFunctionFactory::createScalarFunction() both create Add2or3ints objects.

The final step is to bind the same SQL function name to both factory classes. You can assign multiple factories to the same SQL function, as long as the signatures defined by each factory's getPrototype() implementation are different.

=> CREATE LIBRARY add2or3IntsLib AS '/home/dbadmin/Add2or3Ints.so';
=> CREATE FUNCTION add2or3Ints as NAME 'Add2intsFactory' LIBRARY add2or3IntsLib FENCED;
=> CREATE FUNCTION add2or3Ints as NAME 'Add3intsFactory' LIBRARY add2or3IntsLib FENCED;
=> SELECT add2or3Ints(1,2);
(1 row)
=> SELECT add2or3Ints(1,2,4);
(1 row)
=> SELECT add2or3Ints(1,2,3,4); -- Will generate an error
ERROR 3467:  Function add2or3Ints(int, int, int, int) does not exist, or
permission is denied for add2or3Ints(int, int, int, int)
HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You may
need to add explicit type casts

The error message in response to the final call to the add2or3Ints function was generated by Vertica, since it could not find a factory class associated with add2or3Ints that accepted four integer arguments. To expand add2or3Ints further, you could create another factory class that accepted this signature, and either change the Add2or3ints ScalarFunction class or create a totally different class to handle adding more integers together. However, adding more classes to accept each variation in the arguments quickly becomes overwhelming. In that case, you should consider creating a polymorphic UDx.