Exporting to object stores

Object-store file systems (S3, Google Cloud Storage, and Azure Blob Storage) have some differences from other file systems that affect data export.

Object-store file systems (S3, Google Cloud Storage, and Azure Blob Storage) have some differences from other file systems that affect data export. You must set some additional configuration parameters for authentication and region, and there are some restrictions on the output.

URI formats and configuration parameters are described on the following reference pages:

Configuration parameters affect all access to the corresponding object stores, both reads and writes. Instead of setting them globally, you can limit the effects of your settings by setting them at the session level before exporting data.


By default, exports fail if the target directory already exists. You can use the ifDirExists parameter to instead append or overwrite. If you specify overwrite for an export to an object store, the existing directory is deleted recursively at the beginning of the operation and is not restored if the operation fails. Be careful not to export to a directory containing data you want to keep.

Output restrictions

Object-store file systems do not support renaming files in place; they implement a rename as a copy followed by a delete. On other file systems, the exporters support atomicity by writing output into a temporary directory and renaming it when complete. Such an approach is impractical for object stores, so the exporters write directly to the destination path. It is therefore possible to begin reading the exported data before the export has finished, which could lead to errors. Be careful to wait for the export to finish before using the data.

Vertica does not support simultaneous exports to the same path in object stores. The results are undefined.

S3 limits buckets to 5TB. You might need to divide very large exports.