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Custom resource definitions

The custom resource definition (CRD) is a shared global object that extends the Kubernetes API beyond the standard resource types.

The custom resource definition (CRD) is a shared global object that extends the Kubernetes API beyond the standard resource types. The CRD serves as a blueprint for custom resource (CR) instances. You create CRs that specify the desired state of your environment, and the operator monitors the CR to maintain state for the objects within its namespace.

1 - VerticaDB custom resource definition

The VerticaDB custom resource definition (CRD) deploys an Eon Mode database. Each subcluster is a StatefulSet, a workload resource type that persists data with ephemeral Kubernetes objects.

A VerticaDB custom resource (CR) requires a primary subcluster and a connection to a communal storage location to persist its data. The VerticaDB operator monitors the CR to maintain its desired state and validate state changes.

The following sections provide a YAML-formatted manifest that defines the minimum required fields to create a VerticaDB CR, and each subsequent section implements a production-ready recommendation or best practice using custom resource parameters. For a comprehensive list of all parameters and their definitions, see custom resource parameters.


Minimal manifest

At minimum, a VerticaDB CR requires a connection to an empty communal storage bucket and a primary subcluster definition. The operator is namespace-scoped, so make sure that you apply the CR manifest in the same namespace as the operator.

The following VerticaDB CR connects to S3 communal storage and deploys a three-node primary subcluster on three nodes. This manifest serves as the starting point for all implementations detailed in the subsequent sections:

kind: VerticaDB
  name: cr-name
  licenseSecret: vertica-license
  passwordSecret: su-password
    path: "s3://bucket-name/key-name"
    endpoint: "https://path/to/s3-endpoint"
    credentialSecret: s3-creds
    region: region
    - name: primary
      size: 3
  shardCount: 6

The following sections detail the minimal manifest's CR parameters, and how to create the CR in the current namespace.

Required fields

Each VerticaDB manifest begins with required fields that describe the version, resource type, and metadata:

  • apiVersion: The API group and Kubernetes API version in api-group/version format.
  • kind: The resource type. VerticaDB is the name of the Vertica custom resource type.
  • metadata: Data that identifies objects in the namespace.
  • The name of this CR object. Provide a unique value so that you can identify the CR and its resources in its namespace.

spec definition

The spec field defines the desired state of the CR. The operator control loop compares the spec definition to the current state and reconciles any differences.

Nest all fields that define your StatefulSet under the spec field.

Add a license

By default, the Helm chart pulls the free Vertica Community Edition (CE) image. The CE image has a restricted license that limits you to a three-node cluster and 1TB of data.

To add your license so that you can deploy more nodes and use more data, store your license in a Secret and add it to the manifest:

  1. Create a Secret from your Vertica license file:
    $ kubectl create secret generic vertica-license --from-file=license.dat=/path/to/license-file.dat
  2. Add the Secret to the licenseSecret field:
      licenseSecret: vertica-license

The licenseSecret value is mounted in the Vertica server container in the /home/dbadmin/licensing/mnt directory.

Add password authentication

The passwordSecret field enables password authentication for the database. You must define this field when you create the CR—you cannot define a password for an existing database.

To create a database password, conceal it in a Secret before you add it to the mainfest:

  1. Create a Secret from a literal string. You must use password as the key:
    $ kubectl create secret generic su-passwd --from-literal=password=password-value 
  2. Add the Secret to the passwordSecret field:
      passwordSecret: su-password

Connect to communal storage

Vertica on Kubernetes supports multiple communal storage locations. For implementation details for each communal storage location, see Configuring communal storage.

This CR connects to an S3 communal storage location. Define your communal storage location with the communal field:

    path: "s3://bucket-name/key-name"
    endpoint: "https://path/to/s3-endpoint"
    credentialSecret: s3-creds
    region: region

This manifest sets the following parameters:

  • credentialSecret: The Secret that contains your communal access and secret key credentials.

    The following command stores both your S3-compatible communal access and secret key credentials in a Secret named s3-creds:

    $ kubectl create secret generic s3-creds --from-literal=accesskey=accesskey --from-literal=secretkey=secretkey

  • endpoint: The S3 endpoint URL.

  • path: The location of the S3 storage bucket, in S3 bucket notation. This bucket must exist before you create the custom resource. After you create the custom resource, you cannot change this value.

  • region: The geographic location of the communal storage resources. This field is valid for AWS and GCP only. If you set the wrong region, you cannot connect to the communal storage location.

Define a primary subcluster

Each CR requires a primary subcluster or it returns an error. At minimum, you must define the name and size of the subcluster:

    - name: primary
      size: 3

This manifest sets the following parameters:

  • name: The name of the subcluster.
  • size: The number of pods in the subcluster.

When you define a CR with a single subcluster, the operator designates it as the primary subcluster. If your manifest includes multiple subclusters, you must use the type parameter to identify the primary subcluster. For example:

    - name: primary
      size: 3
      type: primary
    - name: secondary
      size: 3

For additional details about primary and secondary subclusters, see Subclusters.

Set the shard count

shardCount specifies the number of shards in the database, which determines how subcluster nodes subscribe to communal storage data. You cannot change this value after you instantiate the CR. When you change the number of pods in a subcluster or add or remove a subcluster, the operator rebalances shards automatically.

Vertica recommends that the shard count equals double the number of nodes in the cluster. Because this manifest creates a three-node cluster with one Vertica server container per node, set shardCount to 6:

  shardCount: 6

For guidance on selecting the shard count, see Configuring your Vertica cluster for Eon Mode. For details about limiting each node to one Vertica server container, see Node affinity.

Apply the manifest

After you define the minimal manifest in a YAML-formatted file, use kubectl to create the VerticaDB CR. The following command creates a CR in the current namespace:

$ kubectl apply -f minimal.yaml created

After you apply the manifest, the operator creates the primary subcluster, connects to the communal storage, and creates the database. You can use kubectl wait to see when the database is ready:

$ kubectl wait --for=condition=DBInitialized=True vdb/cr-name --timeout=10m condition met

Specify an image

Each time the operator launches a container, it pulls the image for the most recently released Vertica version from the OpenText Dockerhub repository. Vertica recommends that you explicitly set the image that the operator pulls for your CR. For a list of available Vertica images, see the OpenText Dockerhub registry.

To run a specific image version, set the image parameter in docker-registry-hostname/image-name:tag format:

  image: vertica/vertica-k8s:version

When you specify an image other than the latest, the operator pulls the image only when it is not available locally. You can control when the operator pulls the image with the imagePullPolicy custom resource parameter.

Communal storage authentication

Your communal storage validates HTTPS connections with a self-signed certificate authority (CA) bundle. You must make the CA bundle's root certificate available to each Vertica server container so that the communal storage can authenticate requests from your subcluster.

This authentication requires that you set the following parameters:

  • certSecrets: Adds a Secret that contains the root certificate.

    This parameter is a list of Secrets that encrypt internal and external communications for your CR. Each certificate is mounted in the Vertica server container filesystem in the /certs/Secret-name/cert-name directory.

  • communal.caFile: Makes the communal storage location aware of the mount path that stores the certificate Secret.

Complete the following to add these parameters to the manifest:

  1. Create a Secret that contains the PEM-encoded root certificate. The following command creates a Secret named aws-cert:
    $ kubectl create secret generic aws-cert --from-file=root-cert.pem
  2. Add the certSecrets and communal.caFile parameters to the manifest:
          caFile: /certs/aws-cert/root_cert.pem
          - name: aws-cert

Now, the communal storage authenticates requests with the /certs/aws-cert/root_cert.pem file, whose contents are stored in the aws-cert Secret.

External client connections

Each subcluster communicates with external clients and internal pods through a service object. To configure the service object to accept external client connections, set the following parameters:

  • serviceName: Assigns a custom name to the service object. A custom name lets you identify it among multiple subclusters.

    Service object names use the naming convention.

  • serviceType: Defines the type of the subcluster service object.

    By default, a subcluster uses the ClusterIP serviceType, which sets a stable IP and port that is accessible from within Kubernetes only. In many circumstances, external client applications need to connect to a subcluster that is fine-tuned for that specific workload. For external client access, set the serviceType to NodePort or LoadBalancer.

  • serviceAnnotations: Assigns a custom annotation to the service object for implementation-specific services.

Add these external client connection parameters under the subclusters field:

    serviceName: connections
    serviceType: LoadBalancer

This example creates a LoadBalancer service object named verticadb-connections. The serviceAnnotations parameter defines the CIDRs that can access the network load balancer (NLB). For additional details, see the AWS Load Balancer Controller documentation.

For additional details about Vertica and service objects, see Containerized Vertica on Kubernetes.

Authenticate clients

You might need to connect applications or command-line interface (CLI) tools to your VerticaDB CR. You can add TLS certificates that authenticate client requests with the certSecrets parameter:

  1. Create a Secret that contains your TLS certificates. The following command creates a Secret named mtls:
    $ kubectl create secret generic mtls --from-file=mtls=/path/to/mtls-cert
  2. Add the Secret to the certSecrets parameter:
        - name: mtls
    This mounts the TLS certificates in the /certs/mtls/mtls-cert directory.

Sidecar logger

A sidecar is a utility container that runs in the same pod as your main application container and performs a task for that main application's process. The VerticaDB CR uses a sidecar container to handle logs for the Vertica server container. You can use the vertica-logger image to add a sidecar that sends logs from vertica.log to standard output on the host node for log aggregation.

Add a sidecar with the sidecars parameter. This parameter accepts a list of sidecar definitions, where each element specifies the following:

  • name: Name of the sidecar. name indicates the beginning of a sidecar element.
  • image: Image for the sidecar container.

The following example adds a single sidecar container that shares a pod with each Vertica server container:

    - name: sidecar-container
      image: sidecar-image:latest

This configuration persists logs only for the lifecycle of the container. To persist log data between pod lifecycles, you must mount a custom volume in the sidecar filesystem.

Persist logs with a volume

An external service that requires long-term access to Vertica server data should use a volume to persist that data between pod lifecycles. For details about volumes, see the Kubernetes documentation.

The following parameters add a volume to your CR and mounts it in a sidecar container:

  • volumes: Make a custom volume available to the CR so that you can mount it in a container filesystem. This parameter requires a name value and a volume type.
  • sidecars[i].volumeMounts: Mounts one or more volumes in the sidecar container filesystem. This parameter requires a name value and a mountPath value that defines where the volume is mounted in the sidecar container.

The following example creates a volume of type emptyDir, and mounts it in the sidecar-container filesystem:

    - name: sidecar-vol
      emptyDir: {}
    - name: sidecar-container
      image: sidecar-image:latest
        - name: sidecar-vol
          mountPath: /path/to/sidecar-vol

Resource limits and requests

You should limit the amount of CPU and memory resources that each host node allocates for the Vertica server pod, and set the amount of resources each pod can request.

To control these values, set the following parameters under the subclusters.resources field:

  • limits.cpu: Maximum number of CPUs that each server pod can consume.
  • limits.memory: Maximum amount of memory that each server pod can consume.
  • requests.cpu: Number CPUs that each pod requests from the host node.
  • requests.memory: Amount of memory that each pod requests from a PV.

When you change resource settings, Kubernetes restarts each pod with the updated settings.

As a best practice, set resource.limits.* and resource.requests.* to equal values so that the pods are assigned to the Guaranteed Quality of Service (QoS) class. Equal settings also provide the best safeguard against the Out Of Memory (OOM) Killer in constrained environments.

The following example allocates 32 CPUs and 96 gigabytes of memory on the host node, and limits the requests to the same values. Because the limits.* and requests.* values are equal, the pods are assigned the Guaranteed QoS class:

        cpu: 32
        memory: 96Gi
        cpu: 32
        memory: 96Gi

Node affinity

Kubernetes affinity and anti-affinity settings control which resources the operator uses to schedule pods. As a best practice, you should set affinity to ensure that a single node does not serve more than one Vertica pod.

The following example creates an anti-affinity rule that schedules only one Vertica server pod per node:

        - labelSelector:
            - key:
              operator: In
              - vertica
          topologyKey: ""

The following provides a detailed explanation about all settings in the previous example:

  • affinity: Provides control over pod and host scheduling using labels.
  • podAntiAffinity: Uses pod labels to prevent scheduling on certain resources.
  • requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: The rules defined under this statement must be met before a pod is scheduled on a host node.
  • labelSelector: Identifies the pods affected by this affinity rule.
  • matchExpressions: A list of pod selector requirements that consists of a key, operator, and values definition. This matchExpression rule checks if the host node is running another pod that uses a vertica label.
  • topologyKey: Defines the scope of the rule. Because this uses the hostname topology label, this applies the rule in terms of pods and host nodes.

For additional details, see the Kubernetes documentation.

2 - EventTrigger custom resource definition

The EventTrigger custom resource definition (CRD) runs a task when the condition of a Kubernetes object changes to a specified status. EventTrigger extends the Kubernetes Job, a workload resource that creates pods, runs a task, then cleans up the pods after the task completes.


  • Deploy a VerticaDB operator.
  • Confirm that you have the resources to deploy objects you plan to create.


The EventTrigger CRD has the following limitations:

  • It can monitor a condition status on only one VerticaDB custom resource (CR).
  • You can match only one condition status.
  • The EventTrigger and the object that it watches must exist within the same namespace.

Creating an EventTrigger

An EventTrigger resource defines the Kubernetes object that you want to watch, the status condition that triggers the Job, and a pod template that contains the Job logic and provides resources to complete the Job.

This example creates a YAML-formatted file named eventtrigger.yaml. When you apply eventtrigger.yaml to your VerticaDB CR, it creates a single-column database table when the VerticaDB CR's DBInitialized condition status changes to True:

$ kubectl describe vdb verticadb-name
    Last Transition Time:   transition-time
    Status:                 True 
    Type:                   DBInitialized

The following fields form the spec, which defines the desired state of the EventTrigger object:

  • references: The Kubernetes object whose condition status you want to watch.
  • matches: The condition and status that trigger the Job.
  • template: Specification for the pods that run the Job after the condition status triggers an event.

The following steps create an EventTrigger CR:

  1. Add the apiVersion, kind, and required fields:

    kind: EventTrigger
        name: eventtrigger-example
  2. Begin the spec definition with the references field. The object field is an array whose values identify the VerticaDB CR object that you want to watch. You must provide the VerticaDB CR's apiVersion, kind, and name:

      - object:
          kind: VerticaDB
          name: verticadb-example
  3. Define the matches field that triggers the Job. EventTrigger can match only one condition:

      - condition:
          type: DBInitialized
          status: "True"

    The preceding example defines the following:

    • condition.type: The condition that the operator watches for state change.
    • condition.status: The status that triggers the Job.
  4. Add the template that defines the pod specifications that run the Job after matches.condition triggers an event.

    A pod template requires its own spec definition, and it can optionally have its own metadata. The following example includes metadata.generateName, which instructs the operator to generate a unique, random name for any pods that it creates for the Job. The trailing dash (-) separates the user-provided portion from the generated portion:

          generateName: create-user-table-
              restartPolicy: OnFailure
              - name: main
                image: "vertica/vertica-k8s:latest"
                command: ["/opt/vertica/bin/vsql", "-h", "verticadb-sample-defaultsubcluster", "-f", "CREATE TABLE T1 (C1 INT);"]

    The remainder of the spec defines the following:

    • restartPolicy: When to restart all containers in the pod.
    • containers: The containers that run the Job.
      • name: The name of the container.
      • image: The image that the container runs.
      • command: An array that contains a command, where each element in the array combines to form a command. The final element creates the single-column SQL table.

Apply the manifest

After you create the EventTrigger, apply the manifest in the same namespace as the VerticaDB CR:

$ kubectl apply -f eventtrigger.yaml created
configmap/create-user-table-sql created

After you create the database, the operator runs a Job that creates a table. You can check the status with kubectl get job:

$ kubectl get job
create-user-table   1/1           4s         7s

Verify that the table was created in the logs:

$ kubectl logs create-user-table-guid

Complete file reference

kind: EventTrigger
    name: eventtrigger-example
  - object:
      kind: VerticaDB
      name: verticadb-example
  - condition:
      type: DBInitialized
      status: "True"
      generateName: create-user-table-
          restartPolicy: OnFailure
          - name: main
            image: "vertica/vertica-k8s:latest"
            command: ["/opt/vertica/bin/vsql", "-h", "verticadb-sample-defaultsubcluster", "-f", "CREATE TABLE T1 (C1 INT);"]

Monitoring an EventTrigger

The following table describes the status fields that help you monitor an EventTrigger CR:

Status Field Description
references[].apiVersion Kubernetes API version of the object that the EventTrigger CR watches.
references[].kind Type of object that the EventTrigger CR watches.
references[].name Name of the object that the EventTrigger CR watches.
references[].namespace Namespace of the object that the EventTrigger CR watches. The EventTrigger and the object that it watches must exist within the same namespace.
references[].uid Generated UID of the reference object. The operator generates this identifier when it locates the reference object.
references[].resourceVersion Current resource version of the object that the EventTrigger watches.
references[].jobNamespace If a Job was created for the object that the EventTrigger watches, the namespace of the Job.
references[].jobName If a Job was created for the object that the EventTrigger watches, the name of the Job.

3 - VerticaAutoscaler custom resource definition

The VerticaAutoscaler custom resource (CR) is a HorizontalPodAutoscaler that automatically scales resources for existing subclusters using one of the following strategies:.

The VerticaAutoscaler custom resource (CR) is a HorizontalPodAutoscaler that automatically scales resources for existing subclusters using one of the following strategies:

  • Subcluster scaling for short-running dashboard queries.

  • Pod scaling for long-running analytic queries.

The VerticaAutoscaler CR scales using resource or custom metrics. Vertica manages subclusters by workload, which helps you pinpoint the best metrics to trigger a scaling event. To maintain data integrity, the operator does not scale down unless all connections to the pods are drained and sessions are closed.

For details about the algorithm that determines when the VerticaAutoscaler scales, see the Kubernetes documentation.

Additionally, the VerticaAutoscaler provides a webhook to validate state changes. By default, this webhook is enabled. You can configure this webhook with the webhook.enable Helm chart parameter.


The examples in this section use the following VerticaDB custom resource. Each example uses CPU to trigger scaling:

kind: VerticaDB
  name: dbname
    path: "path/to/communal-storage"
    endpoint: "path/to/communal-endpoint"
    credentialSecret: credentials-secret
    - name: primary1
      size: 3
      isPrimary: true
      serviceName: primary1
          cpu: "8"
          cpu: "4"


  • Set a value for the metric that triggers scaling. For example, if you want to scale by CPU utilization, you must set CPU limits and requests.

Subcluster scaling

Automatically adjust the number of subclusters in your custom resource to fine-tune resources for short-running dashboard queries. For example, increase the number of subclusters to increase throughput. For more information, see Improving query throughput using subclusters.

All subclusters share the same service object, so there are no required changes to external service objects. Pods in the new subcluster are load balanced by the existing service object.

The following example creates a VerticaAutoscaler custom resource that scales by subcluster when the VerticaDB uses 50% of the node's available CPU:

  1. Define the VerticaAutoscaler custom resource in a YAML-formatted manifest:

    kind: VerticaAutoscaler
      name: autoscaler-name
      verticaDBName: dbname
      scalingGranularity: Subcluster
      serviceName: primary1
  2. Create the VerticaAutoscaler with the kubectl autoscale command:

    $ kubectl autoscale verticaautoscaler autoscaler-name --cpu-percent=50 --min=3 --max=12

    The previous command creates a HorizontalPodAutoscaler object that:

    • Sets the target CPU utilization to 50%.

    • Scales to a minimum of three pods in one subcluster, and 12 pods in four subclusters.

Pod scaling

For long-running, analytic queries, increase the pod count for a subcluster. For additional information about Vertica and analytic queries, see Using elastic crunch scaling to improve query performance.

When you scale pods in an Eon Mode database, you must consider the impact on database shards. For details, see Namespaces and shards.

The following example creates a VerticaAutoscaler custom resource that scales by pod when the VerticaDB uses 50% of the node's available CPU:

  1. Define the VerticaAutoScaler custom resource in a YAML-formatted manifest:

    kind: VerticaAutoscaler
      name: autoscaler-name
      verticaDBName: dbname
      scalingGranularity: Pod
      serviceName: primary1
  2. Create the autoscaler instance with the kubectl autoscale command:

    $ kubectl autoscale verticaautoscaler autoscaler-name --cpu-percent=50 --min=3 --max=12

    The previous command creates a HorizontalPodAutoscaler object that:

    • Sets the target CPU utilization to 50%.

    • Scales to a minimum of three pods in one subcluster, and 12 pods in four subclusters.

Event monitoring

To view the VerticaAutoscaler object, use the kubetctl describe hpa command:

$ kubectl describe hpa autoscaler-name
Name:                                                  as
Namespace:                                             vertica
Labels:                                                <none>
Annotations:                                           <none>
CreationTimestamp:                                     Tue, 12 Apr 2022 15:11:28 -0300
Reference:                                             VerticaAutoscaler/as
Metrics:                                               ( current / target )
  resource cpu on pods  (as a percentage of request):  0% (9m) / 50%
Min replicas:                                          3
Max replicas:                                          12
VerticaAutoscaler pods:                                3 current / 3 desired
  Type            Status  Reason              Message
  ----            ------  ------              -------
  AbleToScale     True    ReadyForNewScale    recommended size matches current size
  ScalingActive   True    ValidMetricFound    the HPA was able to successfully calculate a replica count from cpu resource utilization (percentage of request)
  ScalingLimited  False   DesiredWithinRange  the desired count is within the acceptable range

When a scaling event occurs, you can view the admintools commands to scale the cluster. Use kubectl to view the StatefulSets:

$ kubectl get statefulsets
NAME                                                   READY   AGE
db-name-as-instance-name-0                             0/3     71s
db-name-primary1                                       3/3     39m

Use kubectl describe to view the executing commands:

$ kubectl describe vdb dbname | tail
  Upgrade Status:
  Type    Reason                   Age   From                Message
  ----    ------                   ----  ----                -------
  Normal  ReviveDBStart            41m   verticadb-operator  Calling 'admintools -t revive_db'
  Normal  ReviveDBSucceeded        40m   verticadb-operator  Successfully revived database. It took 25.255683916s
  Normal  ClusterRestartStarted    40m   verticadb-operator  Calling 'admintools -t start_db' to restart the cluster
  Normal  ClusterRestartSucceeded  39m   verticadb-operator  Successfully called 'admintools -t start_db' and it took 44.713787718s
  Normal  SubclusterAdded          10s   verticadb-operator  Added new subcluster 'as-0'
  Normal  AddNodeStart             9s    verticadb-operator  Calling 'admintools -t db_add_node' for pod(s) 'db-name-as-instance-name-0-0, db-name-as-instance-name-0-1, db-name-as-instance-name-0-2'

4 - VerticaReplicator custom resource definition

The VerticaReplicator custom resource (CR) facilitates in-database replication through the Vertica Kubernetes operator. This feature allows you to create a VerticaReplicator CR to replicate databases for copying data, testing, or performing active online upgrade. It supports replication to and from sandbox environments. Additionally, both password-based authentication and source TLS authentication are supported.

The VerticaReplicator custom resource (CR) runs replicate on a VerticaDB CR, which copies table or schema data directly from one Eon Mode database's communal storage (source VerticaDB) to another (target VerticaDB).


Create a VerticaReplicator CR

A VerticaReplicator CR spec only requires the names of the source and target VerticaDB CR for which you want to perform replication. The following example defines the CR as a YAML-formatted file named vreplicate-example.yaml:

kind: VerticaReplicator
  name: vreplicator-example
    verticaDB: "vertica-src"
    verticaDB: "vertica-trg"

For a complete list of parameters that you can set for a VerticaReplicator CR, see Custom resource definition parameters.

Apply the manifest

After you create the VerticaReplicator CR, apply the manifest in the same namespace as the CR specified by verticaDBName:

$ kubectl apply -f vreplicator-example.yaml created

The operator starts the replication process and copies the table and schema data from the source VerticaDB to the target VerticaDB.

You can check the applied CRs as follows:

$ kubectl get vrep
vreplicator-example   vertica-src       vertica-trg       Replicating   2s

Replicating to a sandboxed subcluster

You can replicate from a source db to a sandboxed subcluster.

The following example defines the CR as a YAML-formatted file named vreplicator-trg-sandbox.yaml:

kind: VerticaReplicator
  name: vreplicator-trg-sandbox
    verticaDB: "vertica-src"
    verticaDB: "vertica-trg"
    sandboxName: "sandbox1"

After you apply the manifest, the operator will copy the table and schema data from the source VerticaDB to the sandboxed subcluster “sandbox1” on the target VerticaDB.

Replication status

You can check the replication status as follows:

$ kubectl describe vrep
Name:         vreplicator-example
Namespace:    vertica
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  <none>
API Version:
Kind:         VerticaReplicator
  Creation Timestamp:  2024-07-24T12:34:51Z
  Generation:          1
  Resource Version:    19058685
  UID:                 be90db7f-3ed5-49c0-9d86-94f87d681806
    Vertica DB:  vertica-src
    Vertica DB:  vertica-trg
    Last Transition Time:  2024-07-24T12:34:51Z
    Reason:                Ready
    Status:                True
    Type:                  ReplicationReady
    Last Transition Time:  2024-07-24T12:35:01Z
    Reason:                Succeeded
    Status:                False
    Type:                  Replicating
    Last Transition Time:  2024-07-24T12:35:01Z
    Reason:                Succeeded
    Status:                True
    Type:                  ReplicationComplete
  State:                   Replication successful
  Type    Reason                Age    From                Message
  ----    ------                ----   ----                -------
  Normal  ReplicationStarted    4m3s   verticadb-operator  Starting replication
  Normal  ReplicationSucceeded  3m57s  verticadb-operator  Successfully replicated database in 5s


The Conditions field summarizes each stage of the replication and contains the following fields:

  • Last Transition Time: Timestamp that indicates when the status condition last changed.
  • Message: This field is not in use, you can safely ignore it.
  • Reason: Indicates why the replication stage is in its current Status.
  • Status: Boolean, indicates whether the replication stage is currently in process.
  • Type: The replication that the VerticaDB operator is executing in this stage.

The following table describes each Conditions.Type, and all possible value combinations for its Reason and Status field values:

Type Description Status Reason
ReplicationReady The operator is ready to start the database replication. True Ready

Source database or sandbox is running a version earlier than 24.3.0.

Target database or sandbox version is lower than the source database or sandbox version.

Source database is deployed using admintools.

Replicating The operator is replicating the database. True Started



ReplicationComplete The database replication is complete. True Succeeded

5 - VerticaRestorePointsQuery custom resource definition

The VerticaRestorePointsQuery custom resource (CR) retrieves details about saved restore points that you can use to roll back your database to a previous state or restore specific objects in a VerticaDB CR.

A VerticaRestorePointsQuery CR defines query parameters that the VerticaDB operator uses to retrieve restore points from an archive. A restore point is a snapshot of a database at a specific point in time that can consist of an entire database or a subset of database objects. Each restore point has a unique identifier and a timestamp. An archive is a collection of chronologically organized restore points.

You specify the archive and an optional period of time, and the operator queries the archive and retrieves details about restore points saved in the archive. You can use the query results to revive a VerticaDB CR with the data saved in the restore point.


Save restore points

You can save a restore point using VerticaDB operator in Kubernetes or by using vsql in Vertica.

Save a restore point using VerticaDB operator

  1. Use kubectl edit to open your default text editor and update the yaml file for the specified custom resource. The following command opens a custom resource named vdb for editing:

    $ kubectl edit vdb
  2. In the spec section of the custom resource, add an entry for the archive name. The VerticaDB operator creates the archive, using the spec.restorePoint.archive as the archive name to save the restore point.

    kind: VerticaDB
      name: vertica-db
        archive: demo_archive
  3. To save a restore point, edit the status condition as follows:

    $ kubectl edit --subresource=status vdb/vertica-db
  4. Add the following conditions to initialize save restore point:

    kind: VerticaDB
      name: vertica-db
    - lastTransitionTime: "2024-10-01T17:27:27Z"
      message: ""
      reason: Init
      status: "True"
      type: SaveRestorePointNeeded
  5. You can check the status of the restore point as follows:

    $ kubectl describe vdb
    Name:         vertica-db
     Type    Reason                     Age   From                Message
     ----    ------                     ----  ----                -------
     Normal  CreateArchiveStart         54s   verticadb-operator  Starting create archive
     Normal  CreateArchiveSucceeded     54s   verticadb-operator  Successfully create archive. It took 0s
     Normal  SaveRestorePointStart      54s   verticadb-operator  Starting save restore point
     Normal  SaveRestorePointSucceeded  33s   verticadb-operator  Successfully save restore point to archive: demo_archive. It took 20s
  6. You can get the new archive name, start timestamp, and end timestamp from vdb status.

    To retrieve details about the most recently created restore point, use these values (archive, startTimestamp, and endTimestamp) as filter options in a VerticaRestorePointsQuery CR. See, Create a VerticaRestorePointsQuery.

    kubectl describe vdb
     Restore Point:
       Archive:          demo_archive
       End Timestamp:    2024-10-09 12:25:28.956094972
       Start Timestamp:  2024-10-09 12:25:19.029997424

Save a restore point using vsql in Vertica

Before the VerticaDB operator can retrieve restore points, you must create an archive and save restore points to that archive. You can leverage stored procedures and scheduled execution to save restore points to an archive on a regular schedule. In the following sections, you schedule a stored procedure to save restore points to an archive every night at 9:00 PM.

Create the archive and schedule restore points

Create an archive and then create a stored procedure that saves a restore point to that archive:

  1. Create an archive with CREATE ARCHIVE. The following statement creates an archive named nightly because it will store restore points that are saved every night:
    $ kubectl exec -it restorepoints-primary1-0 -c server -- vsql \
    -w password \
    -c "CREATE ARCHIVE nightly;"
  2. Create a stored procedure that saves a restore point. The SAVE RESTORE POINT TO ARCHIVE statement creates a restore point and saves it to the nightly archive:
    $ kubectl exec -it restorepoints-primary1-0 -c server -- vsql \
      -w password \
      -c "CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE take_nightly()
  3. To test the stored procedure, execute it with the CALL statement:
    $ kubectl exec -it restorepoints-primary1-0 -c server -- vsql \
    -w password \
    -c "CALL take_nightly();"
    (1 row)
  4. To verify that the stored procedure saved the restore point, query the ARCHIVE_RESTORE_POINTS system table to return the number of restore points in the specified archive:
    $ kubectl exec -it restorepoints-primary1-0 -c server -- vsql \
    -w password \
    WHERE ARCHIVE = 'nightly';"
    (1 row)

Schedule the stored procedure

Schedule the stored procedure so that it saves a restore point to the nightly archive each night:

  1. Schedule a time to execute the stored procedure with CREATE SCHEDULE. This function uses a cron expression to create a schedule at 9:00 PM each night:
    $ kubectl exec -it restorepoints-primary1-0 -c server -- vsql \
    -w password \
    -c "CREATE SCHEDULE nightly_sched USING CRON '0 21 * * *';"
  2. Set CREATE TRIGGER to execute the take_nightly stored procedure with the nightly_sched schedule:
    $ kubectl exec -it restorepoints-primary1-0 -c server -- vsql \
    -w password \
    -c "CREATE TRIGGER trigger_nightly_sched ON SCHEDULE nightly_sched

Verify the archive automation

After you create the stored procedure and configure its schedule, test that it executes and saves a stored procedure at the scheduled time:

  1. Before the cron job is scheduled to run, verify the system time with the date shell built-in:
    $ date -u
    Thu Feb 29 20:59:15 UTC 2024
  2. Wait until the scheduled time elapses:
    $ date -u
    Thu Feb 29 21:00:07 UTC 2024
  3. To verify that the scheduled stored procedure executed on time, query ARCHIVE_RESTORE_POINTS system table for details about the nightly archive:
    $ kubectl exec -it restorepoints-primary1-0 -c server -- vsql \
    -w password \
    (1 row)
    COUNT is incremented by one, so the stored procedure saved the restore point on schedule.

Create a VerticaRestorePointsQuery

A VerticaRestorePointsQuery manifest specifies an archive and an optional time duration. The VerticaDB operator uses this information to retrieve details about the restore points that were saved to the archive.

Create and apply the manifest

The following manifest defines a VerticaRestorePointsQuery CR named vrqp. The vrqp CR instructs the operator to retrieve from the nightly archive all restore points saved on Feburary 29, 2024:

  1. Create a file named vrpq.yaml that contains the following manifest. This CR retrieves restore points :

    kind: VerticaRestorePointsQuery
      name: vrqp
      verticaDBName: restorepoints
        archiveName: "nightly"
        startTimestamp: 2024-02-29
        endTimestamp: 2024-02-29

    The spec contains the following fields:

    • verticaDBName: Name of the VerticaDB CR that you want to retrieve restore points for.
    • filterOptions.archiveName: Archive that contains the restore points that you want to retrieve.
    • filterOptions.startTimestamp: Retrieve restore points that were saved on or after this date.
    • filterOptions.endTimestamp: Retrieve restore points that were saved on or before this date.

    For additional details about these parameters, see Custom resource definition parameters.

  2. Apply the manifest in the current namespace with kubectl:

    $ kubectl apply -f vrpq.yaml created

    After you apply the manifest, the operator begins working to retrieve the restore points.

  3. Verify that the query succeeded with kubectl:

    $ kubectl get vrpq
    NAME   VERTICADB       STATE              AGE
    vrpq   restorepoints   Query successful   10s

View retrieved restore points

After you apply the VerticaRestorePointsQuery CR, you can view the retrieved restore points with kubectl describe. kubectl describe returns a Status section, which describes the query activity and properties for each retrieved restore point:

$ kubectl describe vrpq
Name:         vrpq
    Last Transition Time:  2024-03-15T17:40:39Z
    Reason:                Completed
    Status:                True
    Type:                  QueryReady
    Last Transition Time:  2024-03-15T17:40:41Z
    Reason:                Completed
    Status:                False
    Type:                  Querying
    Last Transition Time:  2024-03-15T17:40:41Z
    Reason:                Completed
    Status:                True
    Type:                  QueryComplete
  Restore Points:
    Archive:          nightly
    Id:               af8cd407-246a-4500-bc69-0b534e998cc6
    Index:            1
    Timestamp:        2024-02-29 21:00:00.728787
    vertica_version:  version
  State:              Query successful

The Status section contains relevant restore points details in the Conditions and Restore Points fields.


The Conditions field summarizes each stage of the restore points query and contains the following fields:

  • Last Transition Time: Timestamp that indicates when the status condition last changed.
  • Message: This field is not in use, you can safely ignore it.
  • Reason: Indicates why the query stage is in its current Status.
  • Status: Boolean, indicates whether the query stage is currently in process.
  • Type: The query that the VerticaDB operator is executing in this stage.

The following table describes each Conditions.Type, and all possible value combinations for its Reason and Status field values:

Type Description Status Reason
QueryReady The operator verified that the query is executable in the environment. True Completed

IncompatibleDB: CR specified by verticaDBName is not version 24.2 or later.

AdmintoolsNotSupported: CR specified by verticaDBName does not use apiVersion v1. For details, see VerticaDB custom resource definition.

Querying The operator is running the query. True Started



QueryComplete The query is complete and the restore points are available in the Restore Points array. True Completed

Restore Points

The Restore Points field lists each restore point that was retrieved from the archive and contains the following fields:

  • Archive: The archive that contains this restore point.
  • Id: Unique identifier for the restore point.
  • Index: Restore point rank ordering in the archive, by descending timestamp. 1 is the most recent restore point.
  • Timestamp: Time that indicates when the restore point was created.
  • vertica_version: Database version when this restore point was saved to the archive.

Restore the database

After the operator retrieves the restore points, you can restore the database with the archive name and either the restore point Index or Id. In addition, you must set initPolicy to Revive:

  1. Delete the existing CR:
    $ kubectl delete -f restorepoints.yaml "restorepoints" deleted
  2. Update the CR. Change the initPolicy to Revive, and add the restore point information. You might have to set ignore-cluster-lease to true:
    kind: VerticaDB
      name: restorepoints
      annotations: "true"
      initPolicy: Revive
        archive: "nightly"
        index: 1
  3. Apply the updated manifest:
    $ kubectl apply -f restorepoints.yaml created

6 - VerticaScrutinize custom resource definition

The VerticaScrutinize custom resource (CR) runs scrutinize on a VerticaDB CR, which collects diagnostic information about the VerticaDB cluster and packages it in a tar file. This diagnostic information is commonly requested when resolving a case with Vertica Support.

When you create a VerticaScrutinize CR in your cluster, the VerticaDB operator creates a short-lived pod and runs scrutinize in two stages:

  1. An init container runs scrutinize on the VerticaDB CR. This produces a tar file named VerticaScrutinize.timestamp.tar that contains the diagnostic information. Optionally, you can define one or more init containers that perform additional processing after scrutinize completes.
  2. A main container persists the tar file in its file system in the /tmp/scrutinize/ directory. This main container lives for 30 minutes.

When resolving a support case, Vertica Support might request that you upload the tar file to a secure location, such as Vertica Advisor Report.


Create a VerticaScrutinize CR

A VerticaScrutinize CR spec requires only the name of the VerticaDB CR for which you want to collect diagnostic information. The following example defines the CR as a YAML-formatted file named vscrutinize-example.yaml:

kind: VerticaScrutinize
  name: vscrutinize-example
  verticaDBName: verticadb-name

For a complete list of parameters that you can set for a VerticaScrutinize CR, see Custom resource definition parameters.

Apply the manifest

After you create the VerticaScrutinize CR, apply the manifest in the same namespace as the CR specified by verticaDBName:

$ kubectl apply -f vscrutinize-example.yaml created

The operator creates an init container that runs scrutinize:

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                          READY   STATUS     RESTARTS   AGE
verticadb-operator-manager-68b7d45854-22c8p   1/1     Running    0          3d17h
vscrutinize-example                           0/1     Init:0/1   0          14s

After the init container completes, a new container is created, and the tar file is stored in its file system at /tmp/scrutinize. This container persists for 30 minutes:

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
verticadb-operator-manager-68b7d45854-22c8p   1/1     Running   0          3d20h
vscrutinize-example                           1/1     Running   0          21s

Add init containers

When you apply a VerticaScrutinize CR, the VerticaDB operator creates an init container that prepares and runs the scrutinize command. You can add one or more init containers to perform additional steps after scrutinize creates a tar file and before the tar file is saved in the main container.

For example, you can define an init container that sends the tar file to another location, such as an S3 bucket. The following manifest defines an initContainer field that uploads the scrutinize tar file to an S3 bucket:

kind: VerticaScrutinize
  name: vscrutinize-example-copy-to-s3
  verticaDBName: verticadb-name
    - command:
        - bash
        - '-c'
        - 'aws s3 cp $(SCRUTINIZE_TARBALL) s3://k8test/scrutinize/'
        - name: AWS_REGION
          value: us-east-1
      image: 'amazon/aws-cli:2.2.24'
      name: copy-tarfile-to-s3
        privileged: true

In the previous example, initContainers.command executes a command that accesses the SCRUTINIZE_TARBALL environment variable. The operator sets this environment variable in the scrutinize pod, and it defines the location of the tar file in the main container.