
The default terminal emulator under Linux is gnome-terminal, although xterm can also be used.

The default terminal emulator under Linux is gnome-terminal, although xterm can also be used.

Vertica recommends that you use gnome-terminal with vsql in UTF-8 mode, which is its default.

To change settings on Linux

  1. From the tabs at the top of the vsql screen, select Terminal.

  2. Click Set Character Encoding.

  3. Select Unicode (UTF-8).

To change settings on Windows using PuTTy

  1. Right click the vsql screen title bar and select Change Settings.

  2. Click Window and click Translation.

  3. Select UTF-8 in the drop-down menu on the right.


  • vsql has no way of knowing how you have set your terminal emulator options.

  • The tecla library is prepared to do POSIX-type translations from a local encoding to UTF-8 on interactive input, using the POSIX LANG, etc., environment variables. This could be useful to international users who have a non-UTF-8 keyboard. See the tecla documentation for details.

    Vertica recommends the following (or whatever other .UTF-8 locale setting you find appropriate):

    export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
  • The vsql \locale command invokes and tracks the server SET LOCALE TO command, described. vsql itself currently does nothing with this locale setting, but rather treats its input (from files or from tecla), all its output, and all its interactions with the server as UTF-8. vsql ignores the POSIX locale variables, except for any "automatic" uses in printf, and so on.