DELETE databases/:database_name/hosts/:host_id/process

Creates a job to stop the vertica process for the database identified by :database_name on the host identified by :host_id.

Creates a job to stop the vertica process for the database identified by :database_name on the host identified by :host_id. The :database_name is the value of the name field that the GET databases command returns. The :host_id is the value of the host field returned by GET databases/:database_name.

Returns a job ID that can be used to determine the status of the job. See GET jobs.

Resource URL



Requires a VerticaAPIKey in the request header.

The API key must have restricted level security or higher.



Example request

DELETE https://<NODE>:5444/databases/testDB/hosts/


    "id": "StopDatabase-testDB-2014-07-20 13:02:08.453547",
    "url": "/jobs/StopDatabase-testDB-2014-07-20 13:02:08.453547"