
Starts a database and establishes cluster quorum.

Starts a database and establishes cluster quorum.

The IP address provided for each node name must match the current IP address in the Vertica catalog. If the IPs do not match, you must first run re_ip to inform the database of the updated IP addresses.

If you pass the --hosts option a subset of all nodes in the cluster, only the specified nodes are started, and the specified subset must be a quorum of nodes.


vcluster start_db options

Required options

{ -c | --config } string
The path to the config file. If a configuration file is present in the default location (automatically generated by create_db), you do not need to specify this option.

Default: /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml


--cert-file string
The absolute path to the certificate file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --key-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
--communal-storage-location string
[Eon only] The absolute path of your communal storage location.
--config-param PARAMETER=VALUE[,...]
A comma-separated list of PARAMETER=VALUE pairs. Parameters specified with this option override the ones in configuration files, if any, and take the following parameters:
  • AWSAuth
  • AWSEndpoint
  • AWSEnableHttps
  • AWSRegion
--config-param-file string
The absolute path to a file containing configuration parameters and their values.
[Eon only] Indicates that the database is an Eon Mode database.
{ -h | --help }
Prints help text.
Whether the hosts use IPv6 addresses. Hostnames resolve to IPv4 by default.
--key-file string
Path to the key file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --cert-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
{ -l | --log-path } string
The absolute path for debug logs.

Default: /opt/vertica/log/vcluster.log

Starts the database on a main cluster and does not start any sandboxes.
{ -p | --password } string
The database password.
--password-file string
The absolute path to a file containing the database password.

If you pass a dash(-) (that is, `--password-file -`), the password is read from STDIN.

Prompts the user to enter the password.
--sandbox subcluster
Name of the sandbox to start.
--timeout int
The time (in seconds) to wait for nodes to start up.

Default: 300

Shows the details of VCluster run in the console.


$ vcluster start_db --password my_password \
  --config /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml