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VCluster commands

lorem ipsum

This section contains reference material and simple examples for various vcluster commands. These examples assume that you have fulfilled the prerequisites for using vcluster. For more detailed examples, see Common administrative tasks.

You can also use the --help flag on any command or vcluster itself to view the manual.

For the vcluster manual:

$ vcluster --help

For help with any given command, use vcluster command --help or vcluster help command. For example:

$ vcluster create_db --help
$ vcluster help create_db

1 - add_node

Adds one or more user-specified hosts as nodes to an existing database. You cannot add nodes to a sandboxed subcluster.

Adds one or more user-specified hosts as nodes to an existing database. You cannot add nodes to a sandboxed subcluster.


vcluster add_node options

Required options

--catalog-path string
The absolute path to the catalog directory.
{ -c | --config } string
The path to the config file. If a configuration file is present in the default location (automatically generated by create_db), you do not need to specify this option.

Default: /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml

--new-hosts hostname_or_ip [,...]
A comma-separated list of hosts to add to the database.


--add-node-timeout int
The time, in seconds, to wait for the specified nodes to be added.

Default: 300

--cert-file string
The absolute path to the certificate file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --key-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
--data-path string
The absolute path to the data directory. This should be the same for all nodes in the database.
--depot-path string
[Eon only] The absolute path to depot directory.
--depot-size string
[Eon only] Size of depot in one of the following formats:
  • integer{K|M|G|T}, where K is kilobytes, M is megabytes, G is gigabytes, and T is terabytes.
  • integer%, which expresses the depot size as a percentage of the total disk size.
Whether to delete any existing database directories in the new hosts before attempting to add them.
{ -h | --help }
Prints help text.
Whether the hosts use IPv6 addresses. Hostnames resolve to IPv4 by default.
--key-file string
Path to the key file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --cert-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
{ -l | --log-path } string
The absolute path for debug logs.

Default: /opt/vertica/log/vcluster.log

--node-names string
[Use only with support guidance] A comma-separated list of node names that exist in the cluster.
{ -p | --password } string
The database password.
--password-file string
The absolute path to a file containing the database password.

If you pass a dash(-) (that is, `--password-file -`), the password is read from STDIN.

Prompts the user to enter the password.
[Eon only] Whether to skip shard rebalancing.
--subcluster string
[Eon only] The name of the subcluster to which the host(s) should be added. This string must conform to the format used for database names.

Default: Default subcluster

Shows the details of VCluster run in the console.


To add the node

$ vcluster add_node --new-hosts

To add multiple nodes:

$ vcluster add_node --new-hosts,

2 - add_subcluster

Adds a new subcluster to an Eon Mode database.

Adds a new subcluster to an Eon Mode database. For details, see Creating subclusters.


vcluster add_subcluster options

Required options

--catalog-path string
The absolute path to the catalog directory.
{ -c | --config } string
The path to the config file. If a configuration file is present in the default location (automatically generated by create_db), you do not need to specify this option.

Default: /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml

--subcluster string
The name of the new subcluster. This string must conform to the format used for database names.


--cert-file string
The absolute path to the certificate file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --key-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
--control-set-size int
The number of control nodes in the subcluster.

Default: -1 (All nodes in the subcluster are control nodes)

--data-path string
The absolute path to the data directory. This should be the same for all nodes in the database.
--depot-path string
[Eon only] The absolute path to depot directory.
--depot-size string
[Eon only] Size of depot in one of the following formats:
  • integer{K|M|G|T}, where K is kilobytes, M is megabytes, G is gigabytes, and T is terabytes.
  • integer%, which expresses the depot size as a percentage of the total disk size.
Whether to delete any existing database directories in the new hosts before attempting to add them.
{ -h | --help }
Prints help text.
Whether the hosts use IPv6 addresses. Hostnames resolve to IPv4 by default.
Whether the new subcluster should be a primary subcluster. If this option is omitted, new subclusters are secondary.
--key-file string
Path to the key file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --cert-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
{ -l | --log-path } string
The absolute path for debug logs.

Default: /opt/vertica/log/vcluster.log

--new-hosts string[,...]
A comma-separated list of hosts or IP addresses to add to the subcluster.
{ -p | --password } string
The database password.
--password-file string
The absolute path to a file containing the database password.

If you pass a dash(-) (that is, `--password-file -`), the password is read from STDIN.

Prompts the user to enter the password.
[Eon only] Whether to skip shard rebalancing.
Shows the details of VCluster run in the console.


To add a primary subcluster with one control node:

$ vcluster add_subcluster --subcluster sc1 \
  --config /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml \
  --is-primary --control-set-size 1

To add a secondary subcluster with one control node containing the new node

$ vcluster add_subcluster --subcluster sc1 \
  --control-set-size 1 --new-hosts

3 - completion

Creates a tab-completion script for a specified shell.

Creates a tab-completion script for a specified shell.

A tab-completion script for your default shell is automatically generated and configured when you install Vertica, so completion is only necessary in cases where you either change shells or want to use vcluster from a non-Vertica node.


vcluster completion subcommand

Subcommands options

The shell for which to generate a completion script, one of the following:
  • bash
  • fish
  • powershell
  • zsh


For example, to configure tab-completion for bash on Linux, generate the tab-completion script, redirecting its output to a new file vcluster_tab_completion:

$ vcluster completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/vcluster

Similarly, for bash on macOS:

$ vcluster completion bash > $(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion.d/vcluster

4 - create_db

Creates a new database and its associated configuration file for use with other vcluster commands.

Creates a new database and its associated configuration file for use with other vcluster commands.


vcluster create_db { options }

Required options

--catalog-path string
The absolute path to the catalog directory.
--data-path string
The absolute path to the data directory. This should be the same for all nodes in the database.
{ -d | --db-name } string
The name of the database. You should only use this option if you want to override the database name in your configuration file. This string must conform to the format used for database names.
--hosts strings
A comma-separated list of hosts in database.

Eon options

The following options are required for creating Eon Mode databases, the database mode primarily supported by vcluster:

--communal-storage-location string
[Eon only] The absolute path of your communal storage location.
--shard-count int
[Eon only] The number of shards in the database.


Configures Spread to use UDP broadcast traffic between nodes on the same subnet. Do not combine this option with --point-to-point.

Up to 80 Spread daemons are supported by broadcast traffic. You can exceed the 80-node limit by using large cluster mode, which only installs the Spread daemon on a subset of your nodes.

Default: Disabled

--cert-file string
The absolute path to the certificate file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --key-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
{ -c | --config } string
The path to write the configuration file.

Default: /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml

--config-param PARAMETER=VALUE[,...]
A comma-separated list of PARAMETER=VALUE pairs. Parameters specified with this option override the ones in configuration files, if any, and take the following parameters:
  • AWSAuth
  • AWSEndpoint
  • AWSEnableHttps
  • AWSRegion
--depot-path string
[Eon only] The absolute path to depot directory.
--depot-size string
[Eon only] Size of depot in one of the following formats:
  • integer{K|M|G|T}, where K is kilobytes, M is megabytes, G is gigabytes, and T is terabytes.
  • integer%, which expresses the depot size as a percentage of the total disk size.
Deletes directories created by create_db upon failure.
Overwrites the current configuration file, if any.
Deletes existing database directories before attempting to create the database.
[Eon only] Retrieves AWS credentials from the following environment variables:
{ -h | --help }
Prints help text.
Whether the hosts use IPv6 addresses. Hostnames resolve to IPv4 by default.
--key-file string
Path to the key file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --cert-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
--large-cluster int
Enables the large cluster layout and sets the number of control nodes. The effect of this option is slightly different on Enterprise and Eon databases. For details, see Enabling large cluster.

Default: -1 (Disabled)

--license string
The absolute path to a license file. The path to this license must be the same on all nodes.
{ -l | --log-path } string
The absolute path for debug logs.

Default: /opt/vertica/log/vcluster.log

{ -p | --password } string
The database password.
--password-file string
The absolute path to a file containing the database password.

If you pass a dash(-) (that is, `--password-file -`), the password is read from STDIN.

Configures Spread to use point-to-point communication between all Vertica nodes. You should use this option if your nodes are not on the same subnet and for virtual environments. Do not combine this option with --broadcast.

Up to 80 Spread daemons are supported by point-to-point communication. You can exceed the 80-node limit by using large cluster mode, which only installs the Spread daemon on a subset of your nodes.

Default: Enabled

Prompts the user to enter the password.
Skips installing the packages in /opt/vertica/packages.

Default: Disabled

--startup-timeout int
The time, in seconds, to wait for the nodes to start after database creation.

Default: 300

Shows the details of VCluster run in the console.


Create a database with the nodes,, and with the password in /password.txt:

$ vcluster create_db --db-name vertica_db \
    --hosts,, \
    --catalog-path /data --data-path /data \
    --password-file password.txt

5 - drop_db

Drops a stopped database. The effects this command has on your data differs slightly between database modes:

Drops a stopped database. The effects this command has on your data differs slightly between database modes:

  • Enterprise: Deletes the database data (including catalog, data, and depot directories) from all nodes.
  • Eon: Deletes non-communal storage data. Dropped Eon Mode databases can be revived.

The data deleted by this operation cannot be recovered.


vcluster drop_db [options]

Required options

{ -c | --config } string
The path to the config file. If a configuration file is present in the default location (automatically generated by create_db), you do not need to specify this option.

Default: /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml


--cert-file string
The absolute path to the certificate file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --key-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
{ -h | --help }
Prints help text.
Whether the hosts use IPv6 addresses. Hostnames resolve to IPv4 by default.
--key-file string
Path to the key file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --cert-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
{ -l | --log-path } string
The absolute path for debug logs.

Default: /opt/vertica/log/vcluster.log

Shows the details of VCluster run in the console.


To drop a database:

$ vcluster drop_db --db-name test_db

6 - help

Prints the help text for any command or subcommand. This is the same as using the --help option.

Prints the help text for any command or subcommand. This is the same as using the --help option.


vcluster help command


The command to print help text for.


{ -h | --help }
Prints help text.

7 - install_packages

Installs the packages in /opt/vertica/packages.

Installs the packages in /opt/vertica/packages. This is useful in cases where packages weren't installed during Vertica installation (either due to --skip-package-install or an error) or if your existing packages are corrupt.


vcluster install_packages options

Required options

{ -c | --config } string
The path to the config file. If a configuration file is present in the default location (automatically generated by create_db), you do not need to specify this option.

Default: /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml


--cert-file string
The absolute path to the certificate file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --key-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
Install the packages even if they are already installed.
{ -h | --help }
Prints help text.
Whether the hosts use IPv6 addresses. Hostnames resolve to IPv4 by default.
--key-file string
Path to the key file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --cert-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
{ -l | --log-path } string
The absolute path for debug logs.

Default: /opt/vertica/log/vcluster.log

{ -o | --output-file } string
Writes the output to the specified file instead of STDOUT.

Default: STDOUT

{ -p | --password } string
The database password.
--password-file string
The absolute path to a file containing the database password.

If you pass a dash(-) (that is, `--password-file -`), the password is read from STDIN.

Prompts the user to enter the password.
Shows the details of VCluster run in the console.


To install default packages:

vcluster install_packages --force-reinstall \
  --config /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml

8 - list_all_nodes

Returns the following information on all nodes:

Returns the following information on all nodes:

  • IP address
  • Name
  • State
  • Catalog path
  • Subcluster
  • Sandbox
  • Whether the subcluster is primary
  • Database version

The major states a node can be in are UP and DOWN. Other states are largely transitional.


vcluster list_all_nodes options

Required options

{ -c | --config } string
The path to the config file. If a configuration file is present in the default location (automatically generated by create_db), you do not need to specify this option.

Default: /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml


--cert-file string
The absolute path to the certificate file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --key-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
{ -h | --help }
Prints help text.
Whether the hosts use IPv6 addresses. Hostnames resolve to IPv4 by default.
--key-file string
Path to the key file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --cert-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
{ -l | --log-path } string
The absolute path for debug logs.

Default: /opt/vertica/log/vcluster.log

{ -o | --output-file } string
Writes the output to the specified file instead of STDOUT.

Default: STDOUT

{ -p | --password } string
The database password.
--password-file string
The absolute path to a file containing the database password.

If you pass a dash(-) (that is, `--password-file -`), the password is read from STDIN.

Prompts the user to enter the password.
Shows the details of VCluster run in the console.


To list the status of nodes for a password-protected database:

$ vcluster list_allnodes --password testpassword \
  --config /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml

9 - manage_config

lorem ipsum

Displays the contents of or recreates the VCluster configuration file. The configuration file (/opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml) is automatically generated when you use create_db.


vcluster manage_config subcommand


Recreates the VCluster configuration file based on the configuration of the database.
Shows the contents of the current configuration file.

9.1 - manage_config recover

lorem ipsum

Recreates the vcluster configuration file.

This file is automatically generated in /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml when you use create_db.


vcluster manage_config recover options

Required options

--catalog-path string
The absolute path to the catalog directory.
{ -c | --config } string
The path to write the configuration file.

Default: /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml

--hosts strings
A comma-separated list of hosts in database.


Recovers the configuration file after reviving the database. You should only use this if, after reviving the database, you modify the configuration file manually, which is not recommended.
--cert-file string
The absolute path to the certificate file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --key-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
{ -d | --db-name } string
The name of the database. You should only use this option if you want to override the database name in your configuration file. This string must conform to the format used for database names.
--depot-path string
[Eon only] The absolute path to depot directory.
{ -h | --help }
Prints help text.
Whether the hosts use IPv6 addresses. Hostnames resolve to IPv4 by default.
--key-file string
Path to the key file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --cert-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
{ -l | --log-path } string
The absolute path for debug logs.

Default: /opt/vertica/log/vcluster.log

Overwrites the existing /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml, if any. If a configuration file already exists and this flag is not specified, recover has no effect.
Shows the details of VCluster run in the console.


Recrates the configuration file in the default location for an Eon Mode database:

$ vcluster manage_config recover --db-name vertica_db \
  --hosts,, \
  --catalog-path /data --depot-path /data

Recreates the configuration file to a specific path:

$ vcluster manage_config recover --db-name test_db \
  --hosts,, \
  --catalog-path /data --depot-path /data \
  --config /tmp/vertica_cluster.yaml

9.2 - manage_config show

lorem ipsum

Displays the contents of the vcluster configuration file.

This file is automatically generated in /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml when you use create_db.


vcluster manage_config show options

Required options

{ -c | --config } string
The path to the config file. If a configuration file is present in the default location (automatically generated by create_db), you do not need to specify this option.

Default: /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml


{ -h | --help }
Prints help text.
{ -l | --log-path } string
The absolute path for debug logs.

Default: /opt/vertica/log/vcluster.log

Shows the details of VCluster run in the console.


Show the configuration file in the default location (/opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml):

$ vcluster config show

Show the configuration file at the specified location:

$ vcluster config show --config /tmp/vertica_cluster.yaml

10 - re_ip

Updates the catalog with the IP addresses of your nodes when the database is stopped.

Updates the catalog with the IP addresses of your nodes when the database is stopped. You should run this command when the IP address for a node changes. For details, see Reconfiguring node messaging.

You should always stop the database before running re_ip.


vcluster re_ip options

Required options

{ -c | --config } string
The path to the config file. If a configuration file is present in the default location (automatically generated by create_db), you do not need to specify this option.

Default: /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml

--re-ip-file string
Path to a .json file that maps the old IP addresses to the new IP addresses. This file should only include the IP addresses of nodes that you want to update. This file has the following format:
  {"from_address": "", "to_address": ""},
  {"from_address": "", "to_address": ""}


--cert-file string
The absolute path to the certificate file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --key-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
--config-param PARAMETER=VALUE[,...]
A comma-separated list of PARAMETER=VALUE pairs. Parameters specified with this option override the ones in configuration files, if any, and take the following parameters:
  • AWSAuth
  • AWSEndpoint
  • AWSEnableHttps
  • AWSRegion
{ -h | --help }
Prints help text.
Whether the hosts use IPv6 addresses. Hostnames resolve to IPv4 by default.
--key-file string
Path to the key file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --cert-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
{ -l | --log-path } string
The absolute path for debug logs.

Default: /opt/vertica/log/vcluster.log

Shows the details of VCluster run in the console.


To update the IP addresses with the information in /data/re_ip_map.json:

$ vcluster re_ip --db-name vertica_db --re-ip-file /data/re_ip_map.json

11 - remove_node

Removes one or more nodes from a database.

Removes one or more nodes from a database.

You cannot remove nodes from a sandboxed subcluster.


vcluster remove_node options

Required options

{ -c | --config } string
The path to the config file. If a configuration file is present in the default location (automatically generated by create_db), you do not need to specify this option.

Default: /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml

--remove strings[,...]
A comma-separated list of hosts to remove from the database.


--cert-file string
The absolute path to the certificate file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --key-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
--depot-path string
[Eon only] The absolute path to depot directory.
{ -h | --help }
Prints help text.
Whether the hosts use IPv6 addresses. Hostnames resolve to IPv4 by default.
--key-file string
Path to the key file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --cert-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
{ -l | --log-path } string
The absolute path for debug logs.

Default: /opt/vertica/log/vcluster.log

{ -p | --password } string
The database password.
--password-file string
The absolute path to a file containing the database password.

If you pass a dash(-) (that is, `--password-file -`), the password is read from STDIN.

Prompts the user to enter the password.
Shows the details of VCluster run in the console.


To remove the nodes at and

$ vcluster remove_node --db-name vertica_db \
  --remove, \

12 - remove_sucluster

Removes a non-sandboxed subcluster and its nodes from an Eon Mode database.

Removes a non-sandboxed subcluster and its nodes from an Eon Mode database.


vcluster remove_subcluster options

Required options

{ -c | --config } string
The path to the config file. If a configuration file is present in the default location (automatically generated by create_db), you do not need to specify this option.

Default: /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml

--subcluster string
Name of subcluster to remove.


--cert-file string
The absolute path to the certificate file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --key-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
--data-path string
The absolute path to the data directory. This should be the same for all nodes in the database.
--depot-path string
[Eon only] The absolute path to depot directory.
{ -h | --help }
Prints help text.
Whether the hosts use IPv6 addresses. Hostnames resolve to IPv4 by default.
--key-file string
Path to the key file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --cert-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
{ -l | --log-path } string
The absolute path for debug logs.

Default: /opt/vertica/log/vcluster.log

{ -p | --password } string
The database password.
--password-file string
The absolute path to a file containing the database password.

If you pass a dash(-) (that is, `--password-file -`), the password is read from STDIN.

Prompts the user to enter the password.
Shows the details of VCluster run in the console.


To remove the subcluster sc1:

$ vcluster remove_subcluster --subcluster sc1 \
  --config /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml

13 - revive_db

Revives or restores an Eon Mode database. You cannot revive sandboxes with this command.

Revives or restores an Eon Mode database. You cannot revive sandboxes with this command.


vcluster revive_db options

Required options

If access to communal storage requires access keys, you must provide the keys with the --config-param option.

--communal-storage-location string
[Eon only] The absolute path of your communal storage location.
{ -d | --db-name } string
The name of the database. You should only use this option if you want to override the database name in your configuration file. This string must conform to the format used for database names.
--hosts strings
Comma-separated list of hosts in the database. The number of hosts that you provide must match the number of hosts in the existing database. You can omit the hosts only if --display-only is specified.


--cert-file string
The absolute path to the certificate file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --key-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.

{ -c | --config } string
The path to write the configuration file.

Default: /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml


--config-param PARAMETER=VALUE[,...]
A comma-separated list of PARAMETER=VALUE pairs. Parameters specified with this option override the ones in configuration files, if any, and take the following parameters:
  • AWSAuth
  • AWSEndpoint
  • AWSEnableHttps
  • AWSRegion
Shows information about the database in communal storage. If you specify this option, you can omit --hosts.
Deletes any existing database directories before reviving, excluding user storage directories.
{ -h | --help }
Prints help text.
Do not check for the existence of other clusters running on shared storage. If another system is using the same communal storage, using this option results in data corruption.

Default: Disabled

Whether the hosts use IPv6 addresses. Hostnames resolve to IPv4 by default.
--key-file string
Path to the key file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --cert-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
--load-catalog-timeout uint
The timeout, in seconds, for loading the remote catalog.

Default: 3600

{ -l | --log-path } string
The absolute path for debug logs.

Default: /opt/vertica/log/vcluster.log

{ -o | --output-file } string
Writes the output to the specified file instead of STDOUT.

Default: STDOUT

--restore-point-archive string
The name of the restore point archive to use for bootstrapping. If you specify this option, you must also specify --restore-point-id or -restore-point-index.
--restore-point-id string
The identifier of the restore point in the restore archive.
--restore-point-index int
The index of the restore point in the restore archive to restore from. Restore point indexes are one-indexed.
Shows the details of VCluster run in the console.


To revive the database and write the configuration file to /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml:

$ vcluster revive_db --db-name vertica_db \
  --hosts,, \
  --communal-storage-location /communal \
  --config /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml

To restore the database using the restore point archive db at index 1:

$ vcluster revive_db --db-name vertica_db \
  --hosts,, \
  --communal-storage-location /communal \
  --config /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml --force-removal \
  --restore-point-archive db --restore-point-index 1

14 - sandbox_subcluster

Sandboxes a subcluster in an Eon Mode database.

Sandboxes a subcluster in an Eon Mode database. All hosts in the subcluster must be up. When you sandbox a subcluster, its hosts immediately shut down and restart; the subcluster becomes sandboxed after the hosts start back up.

A sandbox can contain multiple subclusters, and subclusters in the sandbox can interact with each other. If you want to isolate subclusters, they must be in separate sandboxes.


vcluster sandbox_subcluster options

Required options

{ -c | --config } string
The path to the config file. If a configuration file is present in the default location (automatically generated by create_db), you do not need to specify this option.

Default: /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml

--sandbox string
The name of the sandbox. This string must conform to the format used for database names.
--subcluster string
The name of the subcluster to sandbox.


--cert-file string
The absolute path to the certificate file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --key-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
{ -h | --help }
Prints help text.
Whether the hosts use IPv6 addresses. Hostnames resolve to IPv4 by default.
--key-file string
Path to the key file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --cert-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
{ -l | --log-path } string
The absolute path for debug logs.

Default: /opt/vertica/log/vcluster.log

{ -p | --password } string
The database password.
--password-file string
The absolute path to a file containing the database password.

If you pass a dash(-) (that is, `--password-file -`), the password is read from STDIN.

Prompts the user to enter the password.
Shows the details of VCluster run in the console.


To sandbox a subcluster sc1:

$ vcluster sandbox_subcluster --subcluster sc1 --sandbox sand \
  --hosts,, --db-name test_db

15 - scrutinize

Runs the scrutinize utility to collect diagnostic information about a database.

Runs the scrutinize utility to collect diagnostic information about a database. Vertica Support might request that you run this utility when resolving a case.

By default, diagnostics are stored in a /tmp/scrutinize/VerticaScrutinize.timestamp.tar.

For details, see Running scrutinize.


vcluster scrutinize options

Required options

{ -c | --config } string
The path to the config file. If a configuration file is present in the default location (automatically generated by create_db), you do not need to specify this option.

Default: /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml


--cert-file string
The absolute path to the certificate file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --key-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
--db-user string
The username of a database user.
Exclude information affected by currently running queries.
Excludes information in system tables that can scale with the number of ROS containers.
{ -h | --help }
Prints help text.
Include information about external tables. This option is computationally expensive.
Include information about ROS containers.
Include information describing all UDX functions. This option can be computationally expensive for Eon Mode databases.
Whether the hosts use IPv6 addresses. Hostnames resolve to IPv4 by default.
--key-file string
Path to the key file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --cert-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
--log-age-hours int
The maximum age, in hours, of archived Vertica log files to collect.

Default: 24

--log-age-newest-time YYYY-MM-DD HH [+|-XX]
Timestamp of the minimum age of archived Vertica log files to collect with an optional UTC hour offset [+|-XX].
--log-age-oldest-time YYYY-MM-DD HH [+|-XX]
Timestamp of the maximum age of archived Vertica log files to collect with an optional UTC hour offset [+/-XX].
{ -l | --log-path } string
The absolute path for debug logs.

Default: /opt/vertica/log/vcluster.log

{ -p | --password } string
The database password.
--password-file string
The absolute path to a file containing the database password.

If you pass a dash(-) (that is, `--password-file -`), the password is read from STDIN.

Prompts the user to enter the password.
Skips gathering linked and catalog-shared libraries.
--tarball-name string
Name of the generated .tar.

Default: VerticaScrutinize.timestamp.tar

Shows the details of VCluster run in the console.


Runs scrutinize on all nodes in the database:

$ vcluster scrutinize --db-name vertica_db --db-user dbadmin \
  --password testpassword --config /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml

16 - show_restore_points

Shows restore points.

Shows restore points.


vcluster show_restore_points options

Required options

{ -c | --config } string
The path to the config file. If a configuration file is present in the default location (automatically generated by create_db), you do not need to specify this option.

Default: /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml


--cert-file string
The absolute path to the certificate file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --key-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
--communal-storage-location string
[Eon only] The absolute path of your communal storage location.
--config-param PARAMETER=VALUE[,...]
A comma-separated list of PARAMETER=VALUE pairs. Parameters specified with this option override the ones in configuration files, if any, and take the following parameters:
  • AWSAuth
  • AWSEndpoint
  • AWSEnableHttps
  • AWSRegion
--end-timestamp string
Shows restore points up to and including the specified UTC timestamp in either date-time or date-only format. For example:
  • "2006-01-02 15:04:05"
  • "2006-01-02"
  • "2006-01-02 15:04:05.000000000"
{ -h | --help }
Prints help text.
Whether the hosts use IPv6 addresses. Hostnames resolve to IPv4 by default.
--key-file string
Path to the key file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --cert-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
{ -l | --log-path } string
The absolute path for debug logs.

Default: /opt/vertica/log/vcluster.log

{ -p | --password } string
The database password.
--password-file string
The absolute path to a file containing the database password.

If you pass a dash(-) (that is, `--password-file -`), the password is read from STDIN.

Prompts the user to enter the password.
--restore-point-archive string
Filter for restore point names that include the specified string.
--restore-point-id string
Filter for restore point IDs that include the specified ID.
--restore-point-index string
Filter for restore points indices that include the specified index.
--start-timestamp string
Shows restore points after and including the specified UTC timestamp in either date-time or date-only format. For example:
  • "2006-01-02 15:04:05"
  • "2006-01-02"
  • "2006-01-02 15:04:05.000000000"
Shows the details of VCluster run in the console.


Show all restore points:

$ vcluster show_restore_points --db-name vertica_db \
  --config /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml

Show all restore points on an Eon Mode database:

$ vcluster show_restore_points --db-name vertica_db \
  --hosts,, \
  --communal-storage-location /communal

Show restore points with the name db1:

$ vcluster show_restore_points --db-name test_db \
  --hosts,, \
  --restore-point-archive db1

Show restore points on an Eon Mode database with the ID 34668031-c63d-4f3b-ba97-70223c4f97d6:

$ vcluster show_restore_points --db-name test_db \
  --hosts,, \
  --communal-storage-location /communal \
  --restore-point-id 34668031-c63d-4f3b-ba97-70223c4f97d6

Show restore points on an Eon Mode database between 2024-03-04 08:32:33.277569 and 2024-03-04 08:32:34.176391:

$ vcluster show_restore_points --db-name test_db \
  --hosts,, \
  --communal-storage-location /communal \
  --start-timestamp 2024-03-04 08:32:33.277569 \
  --end-timestamp 2024-03-04 08:32:34.176391

17 - start_db

Starts a database and establishes cluster quorum.

Starts a database and establishes cluster quorum.

The IP address provided for each node name must match the current IP address in the Vertica catalog. If the IPs do not match, you must first run re_ip to inform the database of the updated IP addresses.

If you pass the --hosts option a subset of all nodes in the cluster, only the specified nodes are started, and the specified subset must be a quorum of nodes.


vcluster start_db options

Required options

{ -c | --config } string
The path to the config file. If a configuration file is present in the default location (automatically generated by create_db), you do not need to specify this option.

Default: /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml


--cert-file string
The absolute path to the certificate file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --key-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
--communal-storage-location string
[Eon only] The absolute path of your communal storage location.
--config-param PARAMETER=VALUE[,...]
A comma-separated list of PARAMETER=VALUE pairs. Parameters specified with this option override the ones in configuration files, if any, and take the following parameters:
  • AWSAuth
  • AWSEndpoint
  • AWSEnableHttps
  • AWSRegion
--config-param-file string
The absolute path to a file containing configuration parameters and their values.
[Eon only] Indicates that the database is an Eon Mode database.
{ -h | --help }
Prints help text.
Whether the hosts use IPv6 addresses. Hostnames resolve to IPv4 by default.
--key-file string
Path to the key file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --cert-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
{ -l | --log-path } string
The absolute path for debug logs.

Default: /opt/vertica/log/vcluster.log

Starts the database on a main cluster and does not start any sandboxes.
{ -p | --password } string
The database password.
--password-file string
The absolute path to a file containing the database password.

If you pass a dash(-) (that is, `--password-file -`), the password is read from STDIN.

Prompts the user to enter the password.
--sandbox subcluster
Name of the sandbox to start.
--timeout int
The time (in seconds) to wait for nodes to start up.

Default: 300

Shows the details of VCluster run in the console.


$ vcluster start_db --password my_password \
  --config /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml

18 - start_node

Starts nodes in a running cluster.

Starts nodes in a running cluster. This differs from start_db, which starts Vertica after cluster quorum is lost.


vcluster restart_node options

Required options

{ -c | --config } string
The path to the config file. If a configuration file is present in the default location (automatically generated by create_db), you do not need to specify this option.

Default: /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml

One of --restart and --start-hosts is required.

--restart node_name=ip_address[,...]
A comma-separated list of node_name=ip_address pairs, specifying the nodes to restart. If ip_address doesn't match the database's listed IP address for that node, Vertica updates its catalog information for that node with the specified IP address and then restarts the node.
--start-hosts string[,...]
A comma-separated list of hosts to be restarted.


--cert-file string
The absolute path to the certificate file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --key-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
{ -h | --help }
Prints help text.
Whether the hosts use IPv6 addresses. Hostnames resolve to IPv4 by default.
--key-file string
Path to the key file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --cert-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
{ -l | --log-path } string
The absolute path for debug logs.

Default: /opt/vertica/log/vcluster.log

{ -p | --password } string
The database password.
--password-file string
The absolute path to a file containing the database password.

If you pass a dash(-) (that is, `--password-file -`), the password is read from STDIN.

Prompts the user to enter the password.
--timeout int
The time (in seconds) to wait for nodes to start up.

Default: 300

Shows the details of VCluster run in the console.


To restart a node:

$ vcluster restart_node --db-name vertica_db \
    --restart v_vertica_db_node0004= --password my_password \
    --config /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml

To restart a single node and change its IP address in the database with config file (assuming the node IP address previously stored catalog was not

$ vcluster restart_node --db-name vertica_db \
  --restart v_vertica_db_node0004= --password testpassword \
  --config /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml

To restart multiple nodes:

$   vcluster restart_node --db-name test_db \
  --restart v_test_db_node0003=,v_test_db_node0004= \
  --password testpassword --config /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml

19 - start_subcluster

Starts stopped nodes in a subcluster.

Starts stopped nodes in a subcluster.


vcluster start_subcluster options

Required options

{ -c | --config } string
The path to the config file. If a configuration file is present in the default location (automatically generated by create_db), you do not need to specify this option.

Default: /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml

--subcluster string
Name of subcluster to start


--cert-file string
The absolute path to the certificate file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --key-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
{ -h | --help }
Prints help text.
Whether the hosts use IPv6 addresses. Hostnames resolve to IPv4 by default.
--key-file string
Path to the key file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --cert-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
{ -l | --log-path } string
The absolute path for debug logs.

Default: /opt/vertica/log/vcluster.log

{ -p | --password } string
The database password.
--password-file string
The absolute path to a file containing the database password.

If you pass a dash(-) (that is, `--password-file -`), the password is read from STDIN.

Prompts the user to enter the password.
--timeout int
The time (in seconds) to wait for nodes to start up.

Default: 300

Shows the details of VCluster run in the console.


To start a subcluster:

$ vcluster start_subcluster --subcluster sc1 \
  --config /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml

20 - stop_db

Stops a database or sandbox.

Stops a database or sandbox.


vcluster stop_db options

Required options

{ -c | --config } string
The path to the config file. If a configuration file is present in the default location (automatically generated by create_db), you do not need to specify this option.

Default: /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml


--cert-file string
The absolute path to the certificate file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --key-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
--drain-seconds int
[Eon only] The time to wait, in seconds, for user connections to close on their own. When the time expires, user connections are automatically closed and the database is shut down. If set to 0, VCluster closes all user connections immediately. If the value is negative, VCluster waits indefinitely until all user connections close.

Default: 60

[Eon only] Indicates that the database is an Eon Mode database.
{ -h | --help }
Prints help text.
Whether the hosts use IPv6 addresses. Hostnames resolve to IPv4 by default.
--key-file string
Path to the key file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --cert-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
{ -l | --log-path } string
The absolute path for debug logs.

Default: /opt/vertica/log/vcluster.log

Stops the database without stopping any sandboxed subclusters.
{ -p | --password } string
The database password.
--password-file string
The absolute path to a file containing the database password.

If you pass a dash(-) (that is, `--password-file -`), the password is read from STDIN.

Prompts the user to enter the password.
--sandbox string
Name of the sandbox to stop.
Shows the details of VCluster run in the console.


To stop the database with password authentication:

$ vcluster stop_db --password my_password \
  --config /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml

21 - stop_node

Stops one or more nodes in a database.

Stops one or more nodes in a database.

You must provide the host list with the --stop-hosts option followed by one or more hosts to stop as a comma-separated list.


vcluster stop_node options

Required options

{ -c | --config } string
The path to the config file. If a configuration file is present in the default location (automatically generated by create_db), you do not need to specify this option.

Default: /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml

--stop-hosts strings[,...]
Comma-separated list of host(s) to stop.


--cert-file string
The absolute path to the certificate file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --key-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
{ -h | --help }
Prints help text.
Whether the hosts use IPv6 addresses. Hostnames resolve to IPv4 by default.
--key-file string
Path to the key file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --cert-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
{ -l | --log-path } string
The absolute path for debug logs.

Default: /opt/vertica/log/vcluster.log

{ -p | --password } string
The database password.
--password-file string
The absolute path to a file containing the database password.

If you pass a dash(-) (that is, `--password-file -`), the password is read from STDIN.

Prompts the user to enter the password.
Shows the details of VCluster run in the console.


Stop the node on and

$ vcluster stop_node --stop-hosts, \
  --config /home/dbadmin/vertica_cluster.yaml

22 - stop_subcluster

Stops a subcluster and all its hosts.

Stops a subcluster and all its hosts.


vcluster stop_subcluster options

Required options

{ -c | --config } string
The path to the config file. If a configuration file is present in the default location (automatically generated by create_db), you do not need to specify this option.

Default: /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml

--subcluster string
The name of the subcluster to stop.


--cert-file string
The absolute path to the certificate file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --key-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
--drain-seconds int
[Eon only] The time to wait, in seconds, for user connections to close on their own. When the time expires, user connections are automatically closed and the database is shut down. If set to 0, VCluster closes all user connections immediately. If the value is negative, VCluster waits indefinitely until all user connections close.

Default: 60

Shut down the subcluster immediately even if users are connected.
{ -h | --help }
Prints help text.
Whether the hosts use IPv6 addresses. Hostnames resolve to IPv4 by default.
--key-file string
Path to the key file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --cert-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
{ -l | --log-path } string
The absolute path for debug logs.

Default: /opt/vertica/log/vcluster.log

{ -p | --password } string
The database password.
--password-file string
The absolute path to a file containing the database password.

If you pass a dash(-) (that is, `--password-file -`), the password is read from STDIN.

Prompts the user to enter the password.
Shows the details of VCluster run in the console.


Stops the subcluster sc1, waiting 10 seconds for user connections to close:

$ vcluster stop_subcluster --subcluster sc1 --drain-seconds 10 \
  --config /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml

23 - unsandbox_subcluster

Removes a subcluster from the sandbox, unsandboxing it.

Removes a subcluster from the sandbox, "unsandboxing" it. When you unsandbox a subcluster, its hosts immediately shut down and restart. When the hosts come back up, the subcluster is unsandboxed.

When a subcluster is unsandboxed, you should manually delete that subcluster's metadata in communal storage before attempting to add a subcluster to that sandbox again. For example, if you unsandbox subcluster sc1, you should delete the directory path_to_catalog_of_sc1/metadata/sandbox_name.


$ vcluster unsandbox_subcluster options

Required options

{ -c | --config } string
The path to the config file. If a configuration file is present in the default location (automatically generated by create_db), you do not need to specify this option.

Default: /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml

--subcluster string
The name of the subcluster to be unsandboxed.


--cert-file string
The absolute path to the certificate file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --key-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
{ -h | --help }
Prints help text.
--hosts strings
A comma-separated list of hosts in the database. This must include at least one up host from the primary subcluster.
Whether the hosts use IPv6 addresses. Hostnames resolve to IPv4 by default.
--key-file string
Path to the key file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --cert-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
{ -l | --log-path } string
The absolute path for debug logs.

Default: /opt/vertica/log/vcluster.log

{ -p | --password } string
The database password.
--password-file string
The absolute path to a file containing the database password.

If you pass a dash(-) (that is, `--password-file -`), the password is read from STDIN.

Prompts the user to enter the password.
Shows the details of VCluster run in the console.


To unsandbox subcluster sc1:

$ vcluster unsandbox_subcluster --subcluster sc1 \
  --hosts,, --db-name vertica_db