
class vertica_sdk.StreamWriter

Iterator-based write interface for producing a stream of output tuples. Automatically makes space a block at a time, as needed.

getArrayWriter(self, col)

Returns a vertica_sdk.ArrayWriter object used to write array data to the indicated zero-indexed column of the current row.


Returns the number of columns held by this writer.

getRowWriter(self, col)

Returns a vertica_sdk.RowWriter objects used to write row data to the indicated zero-indexed field of this row.


Returns the total number of rows written.


Returns a vertica_sdk.SizedColumnTypes object describing the column types of this writer.


Advance to the next row. If space is needed, it will be transparently allocated.

Returns True if there is space available to write more rows. Returns False otherwise.

setArray(self, col, value)

Write a list object into the the indicated zero-indexed column of the current row.

Returns None.

setBinary(self, idx, value)

Write a bytes object into the indicated zero-indexed column of the current row.

Returns None.

setBool(self, idx, value)

Write a boolean value into the indicated zero-indexed column of the current row.

Returns None.

setDate(self, idx, value)

Write a datetime.datetime or object into the indicated zero-indexed column of the current row.

Returns None.

setFloat(self, idx, value)

Write a float value into the indicated zero-indexed column of the current row.

Returns None.

setHook(self, col)
setInt(self, idx, value)

Write an int value into the indicated zero-indexed column of the current row.

Returns None.

setInterval(self, idx, value)

Write a datetime.timedelta object into the indicated zero-indexed column of the current row.

Returns None.

setIntervalYM(self, idx, value)

Write a datetime.timedelta object into the indicated zero-indexed column of the current row.

Returns None.

setNull(self, idx)

Set the indicated zero-indexed column of the current row to NULL.

Returns None.

setNumeric(self, idx, value)

Write a decimal.Decimal object into the indicated zero-indexed column of the current row.

Returns None.

setRow(self, col, value)

Write row data into the indicated zero-indexed column of the current row. Supported input value formats are: - tuple, where each entry corresponds to a field in its corresponding field order - dict or collections.OrderedDict, where each key-value pair maps field name to field value

Returns None.

setString(self, idx, value)

Write a str into the indicated zero-indexed column of the current row.

Returns None.

setTime(self, idx, value)

Write a datetime.time object (with tzinfo) into the indicated zero-indexed column of the current row.

Returns None.

setTimeTz(self, idx, value)

Write a datetime.time object into the indicated zero-indexed column of the current row.

Returns None.

setTimestamp(self, idx, value)

Write a datetime.datetime object with appropriate time-zone awareness into the indicated zero-indexed column of the current row.

Returns None.

setTimestampTz(self, idx, value)

Alias for setTimestamp().