
class vertica_sdk.SizedColumnTypes

Stores type metadata for a collection of columns.

Includes type mod information, such as string length and numeric percision information.

addArrayType(self, element, maxElems, fieldName=u'')

Adds an ARRAY-typed column with its element typed according to the ‘element’ argument.

Returns None.

addBinary(self, size, field_name=u'')

Adds a binary column to the list of columns.

Returns None.

addBinaryOrderColumn(self, size, field_name=u'')

Adds an order column of type BINARY

Returns None.

addBinaryPartitionColumn(self, size, field_name=u'')

Adds a partition column of type BINARY

Returns None.

addBool(self, field_name=u'')

Adds a bool column to the list of columns.

Returns None.

addBoolOrderColumn(self, field_name=u'')

Adds an order column of type BOOLEAN

Returns None.

addBoolPartitionColumn(self, field_name=u'')

Adds a partition column of type BOOLEAN

Returns None.

addChar(self, size, field_name=u'')

Adds a char column to the list of columns.

Returns None.

addCharOrderColumn(self, size, field_name=u'')

Adds an order column of type CHAR

Returns None.

addCharPartitionColumn(self, size, field_name=u'')

Adds a partition column of type CHAR

Returns None.

addColumn(self, vertica_type, field_name=u'')

Adds a column with the given vertica_sdk.VerticaType and name to the list of columns.

Returns None.

addDate(self, field_name=u'')

Adds a date column to the list of columns.

Returns None.

addDateOrderColumn(self, field_name=u'')

Adds an order column of type DATE

Returns None.

addDatePartitionColumn(self, field_name=u'')

Adds a partition column of type DATE

Returns None.

addFloat(self, field_name=u'')

Adds a float column to the list of columns.

Returns None.

addFloatOrderColumn(self, field_name=u'')

Adds an order column of type FLOAT

Returns None.

addFloatPartitionColumn(self, field_name=u'')

Adds a partition column of type FLOAT

Returns None.

addInt(self, field_name=u'')

Adds an int column to the list of columns.

Returns None.

addIntOrderColumn(self, field_name=u'')

Adds an order column of type INTEGER

Returns None.

addIntPartitionColumn(self, field_name=u'')

Adds a partition column of type INTEGER

Returns None.

addInterval(self, field_name=u'')

Adds a interval column to the list of columns.

Returns None.

addIntervalOrderColumn(self, field_name=u'')

Adds an order column of type INTERVAL/INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND

Returns None.

addIntervalPartitionColumn(self, field_name=u'')

Adds a partition column of type INTERVAL/INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND

Returns None.

addIntervalYM(self, field_name=u'')

Adds a year-to-month interval column to the list of columns.

Returns None.

addIntervalYMOrderColumn(self, field_name=u'')

Adds an order column of type INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH

Returns None.

addIntervalYMPartitionColumn(self, field_name=u'')

Adds a partition column of type INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH

Returns None.

addLongVarbinary(self, size, field_name=u'')

Adds a long varbinary column to the list of columns.

Returns None.

addLongVarbinaryOrderColumn(self, size, field_name=u'')

Adds an order column of type LONG VARBINARY

Returns None.

addLongVarbinaryPartitionColumn(self, size, field_name=u'')

Adds a partition column of type LONG VARBINARY

Returns None.

addLongVarchar(self, size, field_name=u'')

Adds a long varchar column to the list of columns.

Returns None.

addLongVarcharOrderColumn(self, size, field_name=u'')

Adds an order column of type LONG VARCHAR

Returns None.

addLongVarcharPartitionColumn(self, size, field_name=u'')

Adds a partition column of type LONG VARCHAR

Returns None.

addNumeric(self, precision, scale, field_name=u'')

Adds a numeric column to the list of columns.

Returns None.

addNumericOrderColumn(self, precision, scale, field_name=u'')

Adds an order column of type NUMERIC

Returns None.

addNumericPartitionColumn(self, precision, scale, field_name=u'')

Adds a partition column of type NUMERIC

Returns None.

addOrderColumn(self, vertica_type, field_name=u'')

Adds an order column with the given vertica_sdk.VerticaType and name to the list of columns. (only relevant to multiphase UDTs.)

Returns None.

addPartitionColumn(self, vertica_type, field_name=u'')

Adds a partition column with the given vertica_sdk.VerticaType and name to the list of columns. (only relevant to multiphase UDTs.)

Returns None.

addRowType(self, fields, fieldName=u'')

Adds a ROW-typed column with its fields typed according to the ‘fields’ argument.

Returns None.

addTime(self, field_name=u'')

Adds a time column to the list of columns.

Returns None.

addTimeOrderColumn(self, field_name=u'')

Adds an order column of type TIME

Returns None.

addTimePartitionColumn(self, field_name=u'')

Adds a partition column of type TIME

Returns None.

addTimeTz(self, field_name=u'')

Adds a timetz column to the list of columns.

Returns None.

addTimeTzOrderColumn(self, field_name=u'')

Adds an order column of type TIME WITH TIMEZONE

Returns None.

addTimeTzPartitionColumn(self, field_name=u'')

Adds a partition column of type TIME WITH TIMEZONE

Returns None.

addTimestamp(self, field_name=u'')

Adds a timestamp column to the list of columns.

Returns None.

addTimestampOrderColumn(self, field_name=u'')

Adds an order column of type TIMESTAMP

Returns None.

addTimestampPartitionColumn(self, field_name=u'')

Adds a partition column of type TIMESTAMP

Returns None.

addTimestampTz(self, field_name=u'')

Adds a timestamptz column to the list of columns.

Returns None.

addTimestampTzOrderColumn(self, field_name=u'')

Adds an order column of type TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE

Returns None.

addTimestampTzPartitionColumn(self, field_name=u'')

Adds a partition column of type TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE

Returns None.

addUuid(self, field_name=u'')

Adds a column of type UUID

Returns None.

addUuidOrderColumn(self, field_name=u'')

Adds an order column of type UUID

Returns None.

addVarbinary(self, size, field_name=u'')

Adds a varbinary column to the list of columns.

Returns None.

addVarbinaryOrderColumn(self, size, field_name=u'')

Adds an order column of type VARBINARY

Returns None.

addVarbinaryPartitionColumn(self, size, field_name=u'')

Adds a partition column of type VARBINARY

Returns None.

addVarchar(self, size, field_name=u'')

Adds a varchar column to the list of columns.

Returns None.

addVarcharOrderColumn(self, size, field_name=u'')

Adds an order column of type VARCHAR

Returns None.

addVarcharPartitionColumn(self, size, field_name=u'')

Adds a partition column of type VARCHAR

Returns None.

copyTypesFrom(self, other)

Appends the types from the provided vertica_sdk.SizedColumnTypes onto the current one.

Returns None.


Returns indexes of argument columns. Indexes in cols can be used in conjunction with other functions, e.g. getColumnType(idx) and getColumnName(idx).


Returns the number of columns.

getColumnName(self, idx)

Returns the name of the indicated column.

getColumnType(self, idx)

Returns a vertica_sdk.VerticaType object describing the SQL type of the indicated column.


Gets the last ORDER BY column index For example, it returns 5 in case of OVER(PARTITION BY a, b, c ORDER BY d, e, f).


Gets the last PARTITION BY column index For example, it returns 2 in case of OVER(PARTITION BY a, b, c ORDER BY d, e, f).


Returns indexes of ORDER BY columns in the OVER() clause. Indexes in cols can be used in conjunction with other functions, e.g. getColumnType(idx) and getColumnName(idx).


Returns indexes of PARTITION BY columns in the OVER() clause. Indexes in cols can be used in conjunction with other functions, e.g. getColumnType(idx) and getColumnName(idx).

isOrderByColumn(self, idx)

Returns a boolean indicating whether the column at the specified index is an ORDER BY column.

isPartitionByColumn(self, idx)

Returns a boolean indicating whether the column at the specified index is a PARTITION BY column.

static makeArrayType(element, maxElems, fieldName=u'')
static makeBinary(size, field_name=u'')
static makeBool(field_name=u'')
static makeChar(size, field_name=u'')
static makeDate(field_name=u'')
static makeEmpty()
static makeFloat(field_name=u'')
static makeInt(field_name=u'')
static makeInterval(field_name=u'')
static makeIntervalYM(field_name=u'')
static makeLongVarbinary(size, field_name=u'')
static makeLongVarchar(size, field_name=u'')
static makeNumeric(precision, scale, field_name=u'')
static makeRowType(fields, fieldName=u'')
static makeTime(field_name=u'')
static makeTimeTz(field_name=u'')
static makeTimestamp(field_name=u'')
static makeTimestampTz(field_name=u'')
static makeUuid(field_name=u'')
static makeVarbinary(size, field_name=u'')
static makeVarchar(size, field_name=u'')


setPartitionOrderColumnIdx(self, partition_idx, order_idx)

Sets the PARTITION BY and ORDER BY column indexes.

Returns None.