
class vertica_sdk.ColumnTypes

Stores type metadata for a collection of columns.


Specifies that a variable number of columns can be accepted.

Returns None.

addArrayType(self, elementPrototype)

Adds an array type to the list of columns, with the same element type as the provided vertica_sdk.ColumnTypes. Requires that the element type contain exactly one column.

Returns None.


Adds a binary column to the list of columns.

Returns None.


Adds a bool column to the list of columns.

Returns None.


Adds a char column to the list of columns.

Returns None.


Adds a date column to the list of columns.

Returns None.


Adds a float column to the list of columns.

Returns None.


Adds an int column to the list of columns.

Returns None.


Adds a interval column to the list of columns.

Returns None.


Adds a year-to-month interval column to the list of columns.

Returns None.


Adds a long varbinary column to the list of columns.

Returns None.


Adds a long varchar column to the list of columns.

Returns None.


Adds a numeric column to the list of columns.

Returns None.

addRowType(self, fieldsPrototpye)

Adds a row type to the list of columns, with the same fields as the provided vertica_sdk.ColumnTypes.

Returns None.


Adds a time column to the list of columns.

Returns None.


Adds a timetz column to the list of columns.

Returns None.


Adds a timestamp column to the list of columns.

Returns None.


Adds a timestamptz column to the list of columns.

Returns None.


Adds a varbinary column to the list of columns.

Returns None.


Adds a varchar column to the list of columns.

Returns None.


Returns the number of columns.

getColumnType(self, idx)

Returns the OID of the type of the indicated column.

static makeAny()

Returns a vertica_sdk.ColumnTypes that accepts a variable number of column types.

static makeArrayType(elementPrototype)

Returns a vertica_sdk.ColumnTypes with one array column, with its element type specified by the provided vertica_sdk.ColumnTypes argument.

static makeBinary()

Returns a vertica_sdk.ColumnTypes with one binary column.

static makeBool()

Returns a vertica_sdk.ColumnTypes with one bool column.

static makeChar()

Returns a vertica_sdk.ColumnTypes with one char column.

static makeDate()

Returns a vertica_sdk.ColumnTypes with one date column.

static makeEmpty()

Returns an emtpy vertica_sdk.ColumnTypes.

static makeFloat()

Returns a vertica_sdk.ColumnTypes with one float column.

static makeInt()

Returns a vertica_sdk.ColumnTypes with one int column.

static makeInterval()

Returns a vertica_sdk.ColumnTypes with one interval column.

static makeIntervalYM()

Returns a vertica_sdk.ColumnTypes with one year-to-month interval column.

static makeLongVarbinary()

Returns a vertica_sdk.ColumnTypes with one long varbinary column.

static makeLongVarchar()

Returns a vertica_sdk.ColumnTypes with one long varchar column.

static makeNumeric()

Returns a vertica_sdk.ColumnTypes with one numeric column.

static makeRowType(fieldsPrototype)

Returns a vertica_sdk.ColumnTypes with one row column, with field types specified by the provided vertica_sdk.ColumnTypes argument.

static makeTime()

Returns a vertica_sdk.ColumnTypes with one time column.

static makeTimeTz()

Returns a vertica_sdk.ColumnTypes with one timetz column.

static makeTimestamp()

Returns a vertica_sdk.ColumnTypes with one timestamp column.

static makeTimestampTz()

Returns a vertica_sdk.ColumnTypes with one timestamptz column.

static makeVarbinary()

Returns a vertica_sdk.ColumnTypes with one varbinary column.

static makeVarchar()

Returns a vertica_sdk.ColumnTypes with one varchar column.