Returns a list of all system table names.

Returns a list of all system table names.

Column Name Data Type Description
TABLE_SCHEMA_ID INTEGER Catalog-assigned integer value that uniquely identifies theschema.

The schema name in which the system table resides, one of the following:

TABLE_ID INTEGER Catalog-assigned integer value that uniquely identifies thetable.
TABLE_NAME VARCHAR The name of the system table.
TABLE_DESCRIPTION VARCHAR A description of the system table's purpose.
IS_SUPERUSER_ONLY BOOLEAN Specifies whether the table is accessible only by superusers by default. If false, then the PUBLIC role has the privileges to access the system table.
IS_MONITORABLE BOOLEAN Specifies whether the table is accessible by a user with the SYSMONITOR role enabled.

Specifies whether RESTRICT_SYSTEM_TABLES_ACCESS revokes privileges from PUBLIC on the system table. These privileges can be restored with RELEASE_SYSTEM_TABLES_ACCESS.

In general, this field is set to t (true) for system tables that contain information that is typically needed by most users, such as TYPES. Conversely, this field is set to f (false) for tables with data that should be restricted during lockdown, such as database settings and user information.