Removes all storage associated with a table, while leaving the table definition intact.

Removes all storage associated with a table, while leaving the table definition intact. TRUNCATE TABLE auto-commits the current transaction after statement execution and cannot be rolled back.

TRUNCATE TABLE also performs the following actions:

  • Removes all table history preceding the current epoch. After TRUNCATE TABLE returns, AT EPOCH queries on the truncated table return nothing.

  • Drops all table- and partition-level statistics.


TRUNCATE TABLE [[{database | namespace }.]schema.]table-name 


{ database | namespace }
Name of the database or namespace that contains table:
  • Database name: If specified, it must be the current database.

  • Namespace name (Eon Mode only): You must specify the namespace of objects in non-default namespaces. If no namespace is provided, Vertica assumes the object is in the default namespace.

Name of the schema, by default public. If you specify the namespace or database name, you must provide the schema name, even if the schema is public.

If you specify a schema name that contains a period, the part before the period cannot be the same as the name of an existing namespace.

The name of the anchor table or temporary table to truncate. You cannot truncate an external table.



  • Table owner

  • USAGE privileges on table schema


See Truncating tables.

See also