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SQL expressions are the components of a query that compare a value or values against other values.

SQL expressions are the components of a query that compare a value or values against other values. They can also perform calculations. An expression found inside a SQL statement is usually in the form of a conditional statement.

Some functions also use Lambda functions.

Operator precedence

The following table shows operator precedence in decreasing (high to low) order.

When an expression includes more than one operator, specify the order of operation using parentheses, rather than relying on operator precedence.

Operator/Element Associativity Description
. left table/column name separator
:: left typecast
[ ] left array element selection
- right unary minus
^ left exponentiation
* / % left multiplication, division, modulo
+ - left addition, subtraction
IN set membership
BETWEEN range containment
OVERLAPS time interval overlap
LIKE string pattern matching
< > less than, greater than
= right equality, assignment
NOT right logical negation
AND left logical conjunction
OR left logical disjunction

Expression evaluation rules

The order of evaluation of subexpressions is not defined. In particular, the inputs of an operator or function are not necessarily evaluated left-to-right or in any other fixed order. To force evaluation in a specific order, use a CASE construct. For example, this is an untrustworthy way of trying to avoid division by zero in a WHERE clause:

=> SELECT x, y WHERE x <> 0 AND y/x > 1.5; --- unsafe

But this is safe:

=> SELECT x, y
       WHEN x <> 0 THEN y/x > 1.5
       ELSE false

A CASE construct used in this fashion defeats optimization attempts, so use it only when necessary. (In this particular example, it would be best to avoid the issue by writing y > 1.5*x instead.)

Limits to SQL expressions

Expressions are limited by the available stack. Vertica requires at least 100KB of free stack. If this limit is exceeded then the error "The query contains an expression that is too complex to analyze" might be thrown. Adding physical memory and/or increasing the value of ulimit -s can increase the available stack and prevent the error.

Analytic expressions have a maximum recursion depth of 2000. If this limit is exceeded then the error "The query contains an expression that is too complex to analyze" might be thrown. This limit cannot be increased.

1 - Aggregate expressions

An aggregate expression applies an aggregate function across the rows or groups of rows selected by a query.

An aggregate expression applies an aggregate function across the rows or groups of rows selected by a query.

An aggregate expression only can appear in the select list or HAVING clause of a SELECT statement. It is invalid in other clauses such as WHERE, because those clauses are evaluated before the results of aggregates are formed.


An aggregate expression has the following format:

aggregate-function ( [ * ] [ ALL | DISTINCT ] expression )


aggregate-function A Vertica function that aggregates data over groups of rows from a query result set.

Specifies which input rows to process:

  • ALL (default): Invokes aggregate-function across all input rows where expression evaluates to a non-null value.

  • DISTINCT: Invokes aggregate-function across all input rows where expression evaluates to a unique non-null value.

expression A value expression that does not itself contain an aggregate expression.


The AVG aggregate function returns the average income from the customer_dimension table:

=> SELECT AVG(annual_income) FROM customer_dimension;
(1 row)

The following example shows how to use the COUNT aggregate function with the DISTINCT keyword to return all distinct values of evaluating the expression x+y for all inventory_fact records.

=> SELECT COUNT (DISTINCT date_key + product_key) FROM inventory_fact;
(1 row)

2 - CASE expressions

The CASE expression is a generic conditional expression that can be used wherever an expression is valid.

The CASE expression is a generic conditional expression that can be used wherever an expression is valid. It is similar to CASE and IF/THEN/ELSE statements in other languages.

Syntax (form 1)

  WHEN condition THEN result
  [ WHEN condition THEN result ]
  [ ELSE result ]


condition An expression that returns a Boolean (true/false) result. If the condition evaluates to FALSE or NULL, subsequent WHEN clauses are evaluated in the same way.
result Specifies the value to return when the associated condition is true.
ELSE result If no condition is true then the value of the CASE expression is the result in the ELSE clause. If the ELSE clause is omitted and no condition matches, the result is NULL.

Syntax (form 2)

CASE expression
 WHEN value THEN result
 [ WHEN value THEN result ]
 [ ELSE result ]


expression An expression that is evaluated and compared to all the value specifications in WHEN clauses until one is found that is equal.
value Specifies a value to compare to the expression.
result Specifies the value to return when the expression is equal to the specified value.
ELSE result Specifies the value to return when the expression is not equal to any value; if no ELSE clause is specified, the value returned is null.


The data types of all result expressions must be convertible to a single output type.


The following examples show two uses of the CASE statement.

=> SELECT * FROM test;
=> SELECT a,
     CASE WHEN a=1 THEN 'one'
          WHEN a=2 THEN 'two'
          ELSE 'other'
   FROM test;
 a | case
 1 | one
 2 | two
 3 | other
=> SELECT a,
     CASE a WHEN 1 THEN 'one'
            WHEN 2 THEN 'two'
            ELSE 'other'
   FROM test;
 a | case
 1 | one
 2 | two
 3 | other

Special example

A CASE expression does not evaluate subexpressions that are not needed to determine the result. You can use this behavior to avoid division-by-zero errors:

      CASE WHEN x <> 0 THEN y/x > 1.5
      ELSE false

3 - Column references

A column reference cannot contain any spaces.




schema Database and schema. The default schema is public. If you specify a database, it must be the current database.

One of the following:

  • Name of a table

  • Table alias defined in the query's FROM clause

column-name A column name that is unique among all queried tables.


A column reference cannot contain any spaces.

4 - Comments

A comment is an arbitrary sequence of characters beginning with two consecutive hyphen characters and extending to the end of the line.

A comment is an arbitrary sequence of characters beginning with two consecutive hyphen characters and extending to the end of the line. For example:

   -- This is a standard SQL comment

A comment is removed from the input stream before further syntax analysis and is effectively replaced by white space.

Alternatively, C-style block comments can be used where the comment begins with /* and extends to the matching occurrence of */.

   /* multiline comment
    * with nesting: /* nested block comment */

These block comments nest, as specified in the SQL standard. Unlike C, you can comment out larger blocks of code that might contain existing block comments.

5 - Date/time expressions

Vertica uses an internal heuristic parser for all date/time input support.

Vertica uses an internal heuristic parser for all date/time input support. Dates and times are input as strings, and are broken up into distinct fields with a preliminary determination of what kind of information might be in the field. Each field is interpreted and either assigned a numeric value, ignored, or rejected. The parser contains internal lookup tables for all textual fields, including months, days of the week, and time zones.

Vertica parses date/time type inputs as follows:

  1. Break the input string into tokens and categorize each token as a string, time, time zone, or number.

  2. Numeric token contains:

    • colon (:) — Parse as a time string, include all subsequent digits and colons.

    • dash (-), slash (/), or two or more dots (.) — Parse as a date string which might have a text month.

    • Numeric only — Parse as a single field or an ISO 8601 concatenated date (19990113 for January 13, 1999) or time (141516 for 14:15:16).

  3. Token starts with a plus (+) or minus (–): Parse as a time zone or a special field.

  4. Token is a text string: match up with possible strings.

    • Perform a binary-search table lookup for the token as either a special string (for example, today), day (for example, Thursday), month (for example, January), or noise word (for example, at, on).

    • Set field values and bit mask for fields. For example, set year, month, day for today, and additionally hour, minute, second for now.

    • If not found, do a similar binary-search table lookup to match the token with a time zone.

    • If still not found, throw an error.

  5. Token is a number or number field:

    • If eight or six digits, and if no other date fields were previously read, interpret as a "concatenated date" (19990118 or 990118). The interpretation is YYYYMMDD or YYMMDD.

    • If token is three digits and a year was already read, interpret as day of year.

    • If four or six digits and a year was already read, interpret as a time (HHMM or HHMMSS).

    • If three or more digits and no date fields were found yet, interpret as a year (this forces yy-mm-dd ordering of the remaining date fields).

    • Otherwise the date field ordering is assumed to follow the DateStyle setting: mm-dd-yy, dd-mm-yy, or yy-mm-dd. Throw an error if a month or day field is found to be out of range.

  6. If BC is specified: negate the year and add one for internal storage. (In the Vertica implementation, 1 BC = year zero.)

  7. If BC is not specified, and year field is two digits in length: adjust the year to four digits. If field is less than 70, add 2000, otherwise add 1900.

Month day year ordering

For some formats, ordering of month, day, and year in date input is ambiguous and there is support for specifying the expected ordering of these fields.

Special date/time values

Vertica supports several special date/time values for convenience, as shown below. All of these values need to be written in single quotes when used as constants in SQL statements.

The values INFINITY and -INFINITY are specially represented inside the system and are displayed the same way. The others are simply notational shorthands that are converted to ordinary date/time values when read. (In particular, NOW and related strings are converted to a specific time value as soon as they are read.)

String Valid Data Types Description
epoch DATE, TIMESTAMP 1970-01-01 00:00:00+00 (UNIX SYSTEM TIME ZERO)
INFINITY TIMESTAMP Later than all other time stamps
-INFINITY TIMESTAMP Earlier than all other time stamps

Current transaction's start time

Note: NOW is not the same as the NOW function.


The following SQL-compatible functions can also be used to obtain the current time value for the corresponding data type:

The latter four accept an optional precision specification. (See Date/time functions.) However, these functions are SQL functions and are not recognized as data input strings.

6 - NULL value

NULL is a reserved keyword used to indicate that a data value is unknown.

NULL is a reserved keyword used to indicate that a data value is unknown. It is the ASCII abbreviation for NULL characters (\0).

Usage in expressions

Vertica does not treat an empty string as a NULL value. An expression must specify NULL to indicate that a column value is unknown.

The following considerations apply to using NULL in expressions:

  • NULL is not greater than, less than, equal to, or not equal to any other expression. Use the Boolean to determine whether an expression value is NULL.

  • You can write queries with expressions that contain the <=> operator for NULL=NULL joins. See Equi-joins and non equi-joins.

  • Vertica accepts NULL characters ('\0') in constant strings and does not remove null characters from VARCHAR fields on input or output.

Projection ordering of NULL data

Vertica sorts NULL values in projection columns as follows:

Column data type NULL values placed at...

See also

NULL-handling functions