Resizes on one node, all nodes in a subcluster, or all nodes in the database.

Eon Mode only

Resizes the depot on one node, all nodes in a subcluster, or all nodes in the database.

This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.

Behavior type



ALTER_LOCATION_SIZE( 'location', '[target]', 'size')


Specifies the location to resize, one of the following:
  • depot: Resizes the node's current depot.

  • The depot's absolute path in the Linux filesystem. If you change the depot size on multiple nodes and specify a path, the path must be identical on all affected nodes . By default, this is not the case, as the node's name is typically this path. For example, the default depot path for node 1 in the verticadb database is /vertica/data/verticadb/v_verticadb_node0001_depot.

The node or nodes on which to change the depot, one of the following:
  • Node name: Resize the specified node.

  • Subcluster name: Resize depots of all nodes in the specified subcluster.

  • Empty string: Resize all depots in the database.


Valid only if the storage location usage type is set to DEPOT, specifies the maximum amount of disk space that the depot can allocate from the storage location's file system.

You can specify size in two ways:

  • integer%: Percentage of storage location disk size.

  • integer{K|M|G|T}: Amount of storage location disk size in kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes.




Increase depot size on all nodes to 80 percent of file system:

=> SELECT node_name, location_label, location_path, max_size, disk_percent FROM storage_locations WHERE location_usage = 'DEPOT' ORDER BY node_name;
    node_name     | location_label  |      location_path      |  max_size   | disk_percent
 v_vmart_node0001 | auto-data-depot | /home/dbadmin/verticadb | 36060108800 | 70%
 v_vmart_node0002 | auto-data-depot | /home/dbadmin/verticadb | 36059377664 | 70%
 v_vmart_node0003 | auto-data-depot | /home/dbadmin/verticadb | 36060108800 | 70%
(3 rows)

=> SELECT alter_location_size('depot', '','80%');
 depotSize changed.
(1 row)

=> SELECT node_name, location_label, location_path, max_size, disk_percent FROM storage_locations WHERE location_usage = 'DEPOT' ORDER BY node_name;
    node_name     | location_label  |      location_path      |  max_size   | disk_percent
 v_vmart_node0001 | auto-data-depot | /home/dbadmin/verticadb | 41211552768 | 80%
 v_vmart_node0002 | auto-data-depot | /home/dbadmin/verticadb | 41210717184 | 80%
 v_vmart_node0003 | auto-data-depot | /home/dbadmin/verticadb | 41211552768 | 80%
(3 rows)

Change the depot size to 75% of the filesystem size for all nodes in the analytics subcluster:

=> SELECT subcluster_name, subclusters.node_name, storage_locations.max_size, storage_locations.disk_percent FROM subclusters INNER JOIN storage_locations ON subclusters.node_name = storage_locations.node_name WHERE storage_locations.location_usage='DEPOT';
  subcluster_name   |      node_name       |   max_size  | disk_percent
 default_subcluster | v_verticadb_node0001 | 25264737485 | 60%
 default_subcluster | v_verticadb_node0002 | 25264737485 | 60%
 default_subcluster | v_verticadb_node0003 | 25264737485 | 60%
 analytics          | v_verticadb_node0004 | 25264737485 | 60%
 analytics          | v_verticadb_node0005 | 25264737485 | 60%
 analytics          | v_verticadb_node0006 | 25264737485 | 60%
 analytics          | v_verticadb_node0007 | 25264737485 | 60%
 analytics          | v_verticadb_node0008 | 25264737485 | 60%
 analytics          | v_verticadb_node0009 | 25264737485 | 60%
(9 rows)

=> SELECT ALTER_LOCATION_SIZE('depot','analytics','75%');
 depotSize changed.
(1 row)

=> SELECT subcluster_name, subclusters.node_name, storage_locations.max_size, storage_locations.disk_percent FROM subclusters INNER JOIN storage_locations ON subclusters.node_name = storage_locations.node_name WHERE storage_locations.location_usage='DEPOT';
  subcluster_name   |      node_name       |   max_size  | disk_percent
 default_subcluster | v_verticadb_node0001 | 25264737485 | 60%
 default_subcluster | v_verticadb_node0002 | 25264737485 | 60%
 default_subcluster | v_verticadb_node0003 | 25264737485 | 60%
 analytics          | v_verticadb_node0004 | 31580921856 | 75%
 analytics          | v_verticadb_node0005 | 31580921856 | 75%
 analytics          | v_verticadb_node0006 | 31580921856 | 75%
 analytics          | v_verticadb_node0007 | 31580921856 | 75%
 analytics          | v_verticadb_node0008 | 31580921856 | 75%
 analytics          | v_verticadb_node0009 | 31580921856 | 75%
(9 rows)

See also

Eon Mode architecture


Vertica version 10.0.0 removes support for foreground depot warming.

Eon Mode only

Forces a node that is warming its depot to start processing queries while continuing to warm its depot in the background. Depot warming only occurs when a node is joining the database and is activating its subscriptions. This function only has an effect if:

  • The database is running in Eon Mode.

  • The node is currently warming its depot.

  • The node is warming its depot from communal storage. This is the case when the UseCommunalStorageForBatchDepotWarming configuration parameter is set to the default value of 1. See Eon Mode parameters for more information about this parameter.

After calling this function, the node warms its depot in the background while taking part in queries.

This function has no effect on a node that is not warming its depot.

This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.

Behavior type



BACKGROUND_DEPOT_WARMING('node-name' [, 'subscription-name'])


The name of the node that you want to warm its depot in the background.
The name of a shard that the node subscribes to that you want the node to warm in the background. You can find the names of the shards a node subscribes to in the SHARD_NAME column of the NODE_SUBSCRIPTIONS system table.

Return value

A message indicating that the node's warming will continue in the background.


The user must be a superuser .


The following example demonstrates having node 6 of the verticadb database warm its depot in the background:

=> SELECT BACKGROUND_DEPOT_WARMING('v_verticadb_node0006');
 Depot warming running in background. Check monitoring tables for progress.
(1 row)

See also


Cancels depot warming on a node.

Eon Mode only

Cancels depot warming on a node. Depot warming only occurs when a node is joining the database and is activating its subscriptions. You can choose to cancel all warming on the node, or cancel the warming of a specific shard's subscription. The node finishes whatever data transfers it is currently carrying out to warm its depot and removes pending warming-related transfers from its queue. It keeps any data it has already loaded into its depot. If you cancel warming for a specific subscription, it stops warming its depot if all of its other subscriptions are warmed. If they aren't warmed, the node continues to warm those other subscriptions.

This function only has an effect if:

  • The database is running in Eon Mode.

  • The node is currently warming its depot.

This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.

Behavior type



CANCEL_DEPOT_WARMING('node-name' [, 'subscription-name'])


The name of the node whose depot warming you want canceled.
The name of a shard that the node subscribes to that you want the node to stop warming. You can find the names of the shards a node subscribes to in the SHARD_NAME column of the NODE_SUBSCRIPTIONS system table.

Return value

Returns a message indicating warming has been canceled.


The user must be a superuser.

Usage considerations

Canceling depot warming can negatively impact the performance of your queries. A node with a cold depot may have to retrieve much of its data from communal storage, which is slower than accessing the depot.


The following demonstrates canceling the depot warming taking place on node 7:

=> SELECT CANCEL_DEPOT_WARMING('v_verticadb_node0007');
 Depot warming cancelled.
(1 row)

See also


Cancels the draining of a subcluster or subclusters.

Eon Mode only

Cancels the draining of a subcluster or subclusters. This function can cancel draining operations that were started by either START_DRAIN_SUBCLUSTER or the draining portion of the SHUTDOWN_WITH_DRAIN function. CANCEL_DRAIN_SUBCLUSTER marks all nodes in the designated subclusters as not draining. The previously draining nodes again accept new client connections and connections redirected from load-balancing.

This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.

Behavior type



CANCEL_DRAIN_SUBCLUSTER( 'subcluster-name' )


Name of the subcluster whose draining operation to cancel. Enter an empty string to cancel the draining operation on all subclusters.




The following example demonstrates how to cancel a draining operation on a subcluster.

First, you can query the DRAINING_STATUS system table to view which subclusters are currently draining:

=> SELECT node_name, subcluster_name, is_draining FROM draining_status ORDER BY 1;
node_name          | subcluster_name    | is_draining
verticadb_node0001 | default_subcluster | f
verticadb_node0002 | default_subcluster | f
verticadb_node0003 | default_subcluster | f
verticadb_node0004 | analytics          | t
verticadb_node0005 | analytics          | t
verticadb_node0006 | analytics          | t

The following function call cancels the draining of the analytics subcluster:

Targeted subcluster: 'analytics'

(1 row)

To confirm that the subcluster is no longer draining, you can again query the DRAINING_STATUS system table:

=> SELECT node_name, subcluster_name, is_draining FROM draining_status ORDER BY 1;
node_name          | subcluster_name    | is_draining
verticadb_node0001 | default_subcluster | f
verticadb_node0002 | default_subcluster | f
verticadb_node0003 | default_subcluster | f
verticadb_node0004 | analytics          | f
verticadb_node0005 | analytics          | f
verticadb_node0006 | analytics          | f
(6 rows)

See also


Marks for deletion invalid data in communal storage, often data that leaked due to an event where Vertica cleanup mechanisms failed.

Eon Mode only

Marks for deletion invalid data in communal storage, often data that leaked due to an event where Vertica cleanup mechanisms failed. Events that require calling this function include:

  • Node failure

  • Interrupted migration of an Enterprise database to Eon

  • Restoring objects from backup

If your database has multiple communal storage locations, the function scans all the communal locations for invalid data.

This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.

Behavior type



CLEAN_COMMUNAL_STORAGE ( ['actually-delete'] )


BOOLEAN, specifies whether to queue data files for deletion:
  • true (default): Add files to the reaper queue and return immediately. The queued files are removed automatically by the reaper service, or can be removed manually by calling FLUSH_REAPER_QUEUE.

  • false: Report information about extra files but do not queue them for deletion.




Task was canceled.
Total leaked files: 9265
Total size: 4236501526
Files have been queued for deletion.
Check communal_cleanup_records for more information.
(1 row)


Deletes the specified depot data.

Eon Mode only

Deletes the specified depot data. You can clear depot data of a single table or all tables, from one subcluster, a single node, or the entire database cluster. Clearing depot data can incur extra processing time for any subsequent queries that require that data and must now fetch it from communal storage. Clearing depot data has no effect on communal storage.

This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.

Behavior type



CLEAR_DATA_DEPOT( [ '[table-name]' [, '[target-depots]'] ] )


To clear all depot data from the database cluster, call this function with no arguments.

Name of the table to delete from the target depots. If you omit a table name or supply an empty string, data of all tables is deleted from the target depots.
The depots to clear, one of the following:
  • subcluster-name: Name of the depot subcluster, default_subcluster to specify the default database subcluster.
  • node-name: Clears depot data from the specified node. Depot data on other nodes in the same subcluster are unaffected.

This argument optionally qualifies the argument for table-name. If you omit this argument or supply an empty string, Vertica clears all depot data from the database cluster.




Clear the cached data of one table from the specified subcluster depot:

=> SELECT CLEAR_DATA_DEPOT('t1', 'subcluster_1');
 Depot cleared
(1 row)

Clear all depot data that is cached on the specified subcluster:.

=> SELECT CLEAR_DATA_DEPOT('', 'subcluster_1');
 Depot cleared
(1 row)

Clear all depot data that is cached on the specified node:

=> select clear_data_depot('','v_vmart_node0001');
 Depot cleared
(1 row)

Clear all data of the specified table from the depots of all cluster nodes:

 Depot cleared
(1 row)

Clear all depot data from the database cluster:

 Depot cleared
(1 row)

See also

Managing depot caching


Removes an anti-pinning policy from the specified partition.

Eon Mode only

Removes an anti-pinning policy from the specified partition.

This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.

Behavior type



CLEAR_DEPOT_ANTI_PIN_POLICY_PARTITION( '[[database.]schema.]object-name', 'min-range-value', 'max-range-value' [, 'subcluster'] )



Database and schema. The default schema is public. If you specify a database, it must be the current database.

Table or projection with a partition anti-pinning policy to clear.
min-range-value, max-range-value
Range of partition keys in table from which to clear an anti-pinning policy, where min‑range‑value must be ≤ max‑range‑value. To specify a single partition key, min‑range‑value and max‑range‑value must be equal.

Name of a depot subcluster, default_subcluster to specify the default database subcluster. If this argument is omitted, all database depots are targeted.



See also


Removes an anti-pinning policy from the specified projection.

Eon Mode only

Removes an anti-pinning policy from the specified projection.

This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.

Behavior type



CLEAR_DEPOT_ANTI_PIN_POLICY_PROJECTION( '[[database.]schema.]projection' [, 'subcluster' ] )



Database and schema. The default schema is public. If you specify a database, it must be the current database.

Projection with the anti-pinning policy to clear.

Name of a depot subcluster, default_subcluster to specify the default database subcluster. If this argument is omitted, all database depots are targeted.



See also


Removes an anti-pinning policy from the specified table.

Eon Mode only

Removes an anti-pinning policy from the specified table.

This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.

Behavior type



CLEAR_DEPOT_PIN_POLICY_TABLE( '[[database.]schema.]table' [, 'subcluster' ] )



Database and schema. The default schema is public. If you specify a database, it must be the current database.

Table with the anti-pinning policy to clear.

Name of a depot subcluster, default_subcluster to specify the default database subcluster. If this argument is omitted, all database depots are targeted.



See also


Clears a depot pinning policy from the specified table or projection partitions.

Eon Mode only

Clears a depot pinning policy from the specified table or projection partitions. After the object is unpinned, it can be evicted from the depot by any unpinned or pinned object.

This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.

Behavior type



CLEAR_DEPOT_PIN_POLICY_PARTITION( '[[database.]schema.]object-name', 'min-range-value', 'max-range-value' [, subcluster ] )



Database and schema. The default schema is public. If you specify a database, it must be the current database.

Table or projection with a partition pinning policy to clear.
min-range-value, max-range-value
Range of partition keys in table from which to clear a pinning policy, where min‑range‑value must be ≤ max‑range‑value. To specify a single partition key, min‑range‑value and max‑range‑value must be equal.

Name of a depot subcluster, default_subcluster to specify the default database subcluster. If this argument is omitted, all database depots are targeted.



See also


Clears a depot pinning policy from the specified projection.

Eon Mode only

Clears a depot pinning policy from the specified projection. After the object is unpinned, it can be evicted from the depot by any unpinned or pinned object.

This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.

Behavior type



CLEAR_DEPOT_PIN_POLICY_PROJECTION( '[[database.]schema.]projection' [, 'subcluster' ] )



Database and schema. The default schema is public. If you specify a database, it must be the current database.

Projection with a pinning policy to clear.

Name of a depot subcluster, default_subcluster to specify the default database subcluster. If this argument is omitted, all database depots are targeted.



See also


Clears a depot pinning policy from the specified table.

Eon Mode only

Clears a depot pinning policy from the specified table. After the object is unpinned, it can be evicted from the depot by any unpinned or pinned object.

This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.

Behavior type



CLEAR_DEPOT_PIN_POLICY_TABLE( '[[database.]schema.]table' [, 'subcluster' ] )



Database and schema. The default schema is public. If you specify a database, it must be the current database.

Table with a pinning policy to clear.

Name of a depot subcluster, default_subcluster to specify the default database subcluster. If this argument is omitted, all database depots are targeted.



See also


Removes all entries or entries for a specific transaction from the queue of fetch requests of data from the communal storage.

Eon Mode only

Removes all entries or entries for a specific transaction from the queue of fetch requests of data from the communal storage. You can view the fetch queue by querying the DEPOT_FETCH_QUEUE system table. This function removes all of the queued requests synchronously. It returns after all the fetches have been removed from the queue.

This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.

Behavior type





The id of the transaction whose fetches will be cleared from the queue. If this value is not specified, all fetches are removed from the fetch queue.


This example clears all of the queued fetches for all transactions.




Cleared the fetch queue.

(1 row)

This example clears the fetch queue for a specific transaction.

=> SELECT node_name,transaction_id FROM depot_fetch_queue;
      node_name       |  transaction_id
 v_verticadb_node0001 | 45035996273719510
 v_verticadb_node0003 | 45035996273719510
 v_verticadb_node0002 | 45035996273719510
 v_verticadb_node0001 | 45035996273719777
 v_verticadb_node0003 | 45035996273719777
 v_verticadb_node0002 | 45035996273719777

(6 rows)

=> SELECT clear_fetch_queue(45035996273719510);
 Cleared the fetch queue.
(1 row)

=> SELECT node_name,transaction_id from depot_fetch_queue;
      node_name       |  transaction_id
 v_verticadb_node0001 | 45035996273719777
 v_verticadb_node0003 | 45035996273719777
 v_verticadb_node0002 | 45035996273719777

(3 rows)


Converts a to a .

Eon Mode only

Converts a primary subcluster to a secondary subcluster.

Vertica will not allow you to demote a primary subcluster if any of the following are true:

  • The subcluster contains a critical node.

  • The subcluster is the only primary subcluster in the database. You must have at least one primary subcluster.

  • The initiator node is a member of the subcluster you are trying to demote. You must call DEMOTE_SUBCLUSTER_TO_SECONDARY from another subcluster.

This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.

Behavior type





The name of the primary subcluster to demote to a secondary subcluster.




The following example demotes the subcluster analytics_cluster to a secondary subcluster:

=> SELECT DISTINCT subcluster_name, is_primary from subclusters;
  subcluster_name  | is_primary
 analytics_cluster | t
 load_subcluster   | t
(2 rows)

(1 row)

=> SELECT DISTINCT subcluster_name, is_primary from subclusters;
  subcluster_name  | is_primary
 analytics_cluster | f
 load_subcluster   | t
(2 rows)

Attempting to demote the subcluster that contains the initiator node results in an error:

=> SELECT node_name FROM sessions WHERE user_name = 'dbadmin'
   AND client_type = 'vsql';
(1 row)

=> SELECT node_name, is_primary FROM subclusters WHERE subcluster_name = 'analytics';
      node_name       | is_primary
 v_verticadb_node0004 | t
 v_verticadb_node0005 | t
 v_verticadb_node0006 | t
(3 rows)

ERROR 9204:  Cannot promote or demote subcluster including the initiator node
HINT:  Run this command on another subcluster

See also


Fetches to the depot all files that are queued for download from communal storage.

Eon Mode only

Fetches to the depot all files that are queued for download from communal storage.

This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.

Behavior type







Get all files queued for download:

 Finished fetching all the files
(1 row)

See also

Eon Mode concepts


Deletes all data marked for deletion in the database.

Eon Mode only

Deletes all data marked for deletion in the database. Use this function to remove all data marked for deletion before the reaper service deletes disk files.

This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.

Behavior type



FLUSH_REAPER_QUEUE( [sync-catalog] )


Specifies to sync metadata in the database catalog on all nodes before the function executes:
  • true (default): Sync the database catalog

  • false: Run without syncing.




Remove all files that are marked for deletion:

 Sync'd catalog and deleted all files in the reaper queue.
(1 row)

See also



Migrates an Enterprise database to an Eon Mode database.

Enterprise Mode only

Migrates an Enterprise database to an Eon Mode database. MIGRATE_ENTERPRISE_TO_EON runs in the foreground; until it returns—either with success or an error—it blocks all operations in the same session on the source Enterprise database. If successful, MIGRATE_ENTERPRISE_TO_EON returns with a list of nodes in the migrated database.

If migration is interrupted before the meta-function returns—for example, the client disconnects, or a network outage occurs—the migration returns an error. In this case, call MIGRATE_ENTERPRISE_TO_EON again to restart migration. For details, see Handling Interrupted Migration.

You can repeat migration multiple times to the same communal storage location—for example, to capture changes that occurred in the source database during the previous migration. For details, see Repeating Migration.

This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.

Behavior type



MIGRATE_ENTERPRISE_TO_EON ( 'communal-storage-location', 'depot-location' [, is-dry-run] )
URI of communal storage location. For URI syntax examples for each supported schema, see File systems and object stores.
Path of Eon depot location, typically:
Boolean. If set to true, MIGRATE_ENTERPRISE_TO_EON only checks whether the Enterprise source database complies with all migration prerequisites. If the meta-function discovers any compliance issues, it writes these to the migration error log migrate_enterprise_to_eon_error.log in the database directory.

Default: false




Migrate an Enterprise database to Eon Mode on AWS:

=> SELECT MIGRATE_ENTERPRISE_TO_EON ('s3://verticadbbucket', '/vertica/depot');
(1 row)

See also

Migrating an enterprise database to Eon Mode


Converts a secondary subcluster to a.

Eon Mode only

Converts a secondary subcluster to a primary subcluster. You cannot use this function to promote the subcluster that contains the initiator node. You must call it while connected to a node in another subcluster.

This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.

Behavior type





The name of the secondary cluster to promote to a primary subcluster.




The following example promotes the subcluster named analytics_cluster to a primary cluster:

=> SELECT DISTINCT subcluster_name, is_primary from subclusters;
  subcluster_name  | is_primary
 analytics_cluster | f
 load_subcluster   | t
(2 rows)

(1 row)

=> SELECT DISTINCT subcluster_name, is_primary from subclusters;
  subcluster_name  | is_primary
 analytics_cluster | t
 load_subcluster   | t
(2 rows)

See also


Rebalances shard assignments in a subcluster or across the entire cluster in Eon Mode.

Eon Mode only

Rebalances shard assignments in a subcluster or across the entire cluster in Eon Mode. If the current session ends, the operation immediately aborts. The amount of time required to rebalance shards scales in a roughly linear fashion based on the number of objects in your database.

Run REBALANCE_SHARDS after you modify your cluster using ALTER NODE or when you add nodes to a subcluster.

After you rebalance shards, you will no longer be able to restore objects from a backup taken before the rebalancing. (Full backups are always possible.) After you rebalance, make another full backup so you will be able to restore objects from it in the future.

This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.

Behavior type





The name of the subcluster where shards will be rebalanced. If you do not supply this parameter, all subclusters in the database rebalance their shards.




The following shows that the nodes in the in the newly-added analytics_subcluster do not yet have shard subscriptions:

=> SELECT subcluster_name, n.node_name, shard_name, subscription_state FROM
   v_catalog.nodes n LEFT JOIN v_catalog.node_subscriptions ns ON (n.node_name
   = ns.node_name) ORDER BY 1,2,3;

   subcluster_name    |      node_name       | shard_name  | subscription_state
 analytics_subcluster | v_verticadb_node0004 |             |
 analytics_subcluster | v_verticadb_node0005 |             |
 analytics_subcluster | v_verticadb_node0006 |             |
 default_subcluster   | v_verticadb_node0001 | replica     | ACTIVE
 default_subcluster   | v_verticadb_node0001 | segment0001 | ACTIVE
 default_subcluster   | v_verticadb_node0001 | segment0003 | ACTIVE
 default_subcluster   | v_verticadb_node0002 | replica     | ACTIVE
 default_subcluster   | v_verticadb_node0002 | segment0001 | ACTIVE
 default_subcluster   | v_verticadb_node0002 | segment0002 | ACTIVE
 default_subcluster   | v_verticadb_node0003 | replica     | ACTIVE
 default_subcluster   | v_verticadb_node0003 | segment0002 | ACTIVE
 default_subcluster   | v_verticadb_node0003 | segment0003 | ACTIVE
(12 rows)

Rebalance the shards to analytics_subcluster, then confirm the rebalance was successful by querying the NODES system table:

=> SELECT REBALANCE_SHARDS('analytics_subcluster');
(1 row)

=> SELECT subcluster_name, n.node_name, shard_name, subscription_state FROM
   v_catalog.nodes n LEFT JOIN v_catalog.node_subscriptions ns ON (n.node_name
   = ns.node_name) ORDER BY 1,2,3;

   subcluster_name    |      node_name       | shard_name  | subscription_state
 analytics_subcluster | v_verticadb_node0004 | replica     | ACTIVE
 analytics_subcluster | v_verticadb_node0004 | segment0001 | ACTIVE
 analytics_subcluster | v_verticadb_node0004 | segment0003 | ACTIVE
 analytics_subcluster | v_verticadb_node0005 | replica     | ACTIVE
 analytics_subcluster | v_verticadb_node0005 | segment0001 | ACTIVE
 analytics_subcluster | v_verticadb_node0005 | segment0002 | ACTIVE
 analytics_subcluster | v_verticadb_node0006 | replica     | ACTIVE
 analytics_subcluster | v_verticadb_node0006 | segment0002 | ACTIVE
 analytics_subcluster | v_verticadb_node0006 | segment0003 | ACTIVE
 default_subcluster   | v_verticadb_node0001 | replica     | ACTIVE
 default_subcluster   | v_verticadb_node0001 | segment0001 | ACTIVE
 default_subcluster   | v_verticadb_node0001 | segment0003 | ACTIVE
 default_subcluster   | v_verticadb_node0002 | replica     | ACTIVE
 default_subcluster   | v_verticadb_node0002 | segment0001 | ACTIVE
 default_subcluster   | v_verticadb_node0002 | segment0002 | ACTIVE
 default_subcluster   | v_verticadb_node0003 | replica     | ACTIVE
 default_subcluster   | v_verticadb_node0003 | segment0002 | ACTIVE
 default_subcluster   | v_verticadb_node0003 | segment0003 | ACTIVE
(18 rows)

If your database has multiple namespaces, you can run the following query to confirm the rebalance was successful across all namespaces:

=> SELECT nodes.subcluster_name AS subcluster_name, vs_namespaces.name AS namespace_name, vs_shards.shardname, vs_nodes.name AS nodename, vs_node_subscriptions.type, vs_node_subscriptions.state
FROM vs_node_subscriptions
INNER JOIN vs_shards
ON vs_node_subscriptions.shardoid=vs_shards.oid
INNER JOIN vs_shard_groups ON vs_shard_groups.oid=vs_shards.shardgroupoid
INNER JOIN vs_nodes ON vs_nodes.oid=vs_node_subscriptions.nodeoid
INNER JOIN nodes ON nodes.node_id=vs_nodes.oid
INNER JOIN vs_namespaces ON vs_namespaces.oid=vs_shard_groups.namespaceoid;
     subcluster_name   |   namespace_name   |  shardname  |       nodename       |   type    | state  
  default_subcluster   |  default_namespace | replica     | v_verticadb_node0002 | SECONDARY | ACTIVE
  default_subcluster   |  default_namespace | replica     | v_verticadb_node0003 | SECONDARY | ACTIVE
  default_subcluster   |  default_namespace | replica     | v_verticadb_node0001 | PRIMARY   | ACTIVE
  default_subcluster   |  default_namespace | segment0001 | v_verticadb_node0002 | SECONDARY | ACTIVE
  default_subcluster   |  default_namespace | segment0001 | v_verticadb_node0001 | PRIMARY   | ACTIVE
  default_subcluster   |  default_namespace | segment0002 | v_verticadb_node0002 | PRIMARY   | ACTIVE
  default_subcluster   |  default_namespace | segment0002 | v_verticadb_node0003 | SECONDARY | ACTIVE
  default_subcluster   |  default_namespace | segment0003 | v_verticadb_node0003 | SECONDARY | ACTIVE
  default_subcluster   |  default_namespace | segment0003 | v_verticadb_node0001 | PRIMARY   | ACTIVE
  default_subcluster   |  ns1               | replica     | v_verticadb_node0002 | SECONDARY | ACTIVE
  default_subcluster   |  ns1               | replica     | v_verticadb_node0003 | SECONDARY | ACTIVE
  default_subcluster   |  ns1               | replica     | v_verticadb_node0001 | PRIMARY   | ACTIVE
  default_subcluster   |  ns1               | segment0001 | v_verticadb_node0002 | SECONDARY | ACTIVE
  default_subcluster   |  ns1               | segment0001 | v_verticadb_node0001 | PRIMARY   | ACTIVE
  default_subcluster   |  ns1               | segment0002 | v_verticadb_node0002 | PRIMARY   | ACTIVE
  default_subcluster   |  ns1               | segment0002 | v_verticadb_node0003 | SECONDARY | ACTIVE
  default_subcluster   |  ns1               | segment0003 | v_verticadb_node0003 | PRIMARY   | ACTIVE
  default_subcluster   |  ns1               | segment0003 | v_verticadb_node0001 | SECONDARY | ACTIVE
  default_subcluster   |  ns1               | segment0004 | v_verticadb_node0002 | SECONDARY | ACTIVE
  default_subcluster   |  ns1               | segment0004 | v_verticadb_node0001 | PRIMARY   | ACTIVE
  analytics_subcluster |  default_namespace | replica     | v_verticadb_node0005 | SECONDARY | ACTIVE
  analytics_subcluster |  default_namespace | replica     | v_verticadb_node0006 | SECONDARY | ACTIVE
  analytics_subcluster |  default_namespace | replica     | v_verticadb_node0004 | PRIMARY   | ACTIVE
  analytics_subcluster |  default_namespace | segment0001 | v_verticadb_node0005 | SECONDARY | ACTIVE
  analytics_subcluster |  default_namespace | segment0001 | v_verticadb_node0004 | PRIMARY   | ACTIVE
  analytics_subcluster |  default_namespace | segment0002 | v_verticadb_node0005 | PRIMARY   | ACTIVE
  analytics_subcluster |  default_namespace | segment0002 | v_verticadb_node0006 | SECONDARY | ACTIVE
  analytics_subcluster |  default_namespace | segment0003 | v_verticadb_node0006 | SECONDARY | ACTIVE
  analytics_subcluster |  default_namespace | segment0003 | v_verticadb_node0004 | PRIMARY   | ACTIVE
  analytics_subcluster |  ns1               | replica     | v_verticadb_node0005 | SECONDARY | ACTIVE
  analytics_subcluster |  ns1               | replica     | v_verticadb_node0006 | SECONDARY | ACTIVE
  analytics_subcluster |  ns1               | replica     | v_verticadb_node0004 | PRIMARY   | ACTIVE
  analytics_subcluster |  ns1               | segment0001 | v_verticadb_node0005 | SECONDARY | ACTIVE
  analytics_subcluster |  ns1               | segment0001 | v_verticadb_node0004 | PRIMARY   | ACTIVE
  analytics_subcluster |  ns1               | segment0002 | v_verticadb_node0006 | PRIMARY   | ACTIVE
  analytics_subcluster |  ns1               | segment0002 | v_verticadb_node0006 | SECONDARY | ACTIVE
  analytics_subcluster |  ns1               | segment0003 | v_verticadb_node0006 | PRIMARY   | ACTIVE
  analytics_subcluster |  ns1               | segment0003 | v_verticadb_node0004 | SECONDARY | ACTIVE
  analytics_subcluster |  ns1               | segment0004 | v_verticadb_node0005 | SECONDARY | ACTIVE
  analytics_subcluster |  ns1               | segment0004 | v_verticadb_node0004 | PRIMARY   | ACTIVE
(40 rows)

See also


Changes the number of shards in a database.

Eon Mode only

Changes the number of shards in the default_namespace. You can only change the number of shards in the default_namespace if it is the only namespace in your database. If your database contains any non-default namespaces, running RESHARD_DATABASE results in an error.

RESHARD_DATABASE does not immediately affect the storage containers in communal storage. After resharding, the new shards still point to the existing containers. If you increase the number of shards in the namespace, multiple shards will point to the same storage containers. Eventually, the Tuple Mover (TM) mergeout tasks will realign the storage containers with the new shard segmentation bounds. If you want the TM to immediately realign storage containers, call DO_TM_TASK to run a 'RESHARDMERGEOUT' task.

This function requires a global catalog lock (GCLX) during runtime. The runtime depends on the size of your catalog. The function does not disrupt most queries. However, the global catalog lock might affect data loads and DDL statements.




A positive integer, the number of shards in the resharded default_namespace. For information about choosing a suitable shard-count, see Choosing the initial node and shard counts.




See Reshard the default namespace.

See also


Creates a sandbox for a secondary subcluster.

Creates a sandbox for a secondary subcluster.

If sandboxing the first subcluster in a sandbox, the nodes in the specified subcluster create a checkpoint of the catalog at function runtime. When these nodes auto-restart in the sandbox cluster, they form a primary subcluster that uses the data and catalog checkpoint from the main cluster. After the nodes successfully restart, the sandbox cluster and the main cluster are mutually isolated and can diverge.

While the nodes in the main cluster sync their metadata to /path-to-communal-storage/metadata/db_name, the nodes in the sandbox sync to /path-to-communal-storage/metadata/sandbox_name.

You can perform standard database operations and queries, such as loading data or creating new tables, in either cluster without affecting the other cluster. For example, dropping a table in the sandbox cluster does not drop the table in the main cluster, and vice versa.

Because both clusters reference the same data files, neither cluster can delete files that existed at the time of sandbox creation. However, files that are created in the sandbox can be removed. Files in the main cluster can be queued for removal, but they are not processed until all active sandboxes are removed.

You cannot nest sandboxes, but you can have more than one subcluster in a sandbox and multiple sandboxes active at the same time. To add an additional secondary subcluster to an existing sandbox, you must first call SANDBOX_SUBCLUSTER in the sandbox cluster and then in the main cluster. For details, see Adding subclusters to existing sandboxes.

This is a meta-function. You must call-meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement. The function also requires a global catalog lock (GCLX) during runtime.

Behavior type



SANDBOX_SUBCLUSTER( 'sandbox-name', 'subcluster-name', 'options' )


Name of the sandbox. The name must conform to the following rules:
  • Consist of at most 30 characters, all of which must have an ASCII code between 36 and 126

  • Begin with a letter

  • Unique among all existing databases and sandboxes

Name of the secondary subcluster to sandbox. Attempting to sandbox a primary subcluster or a subcluster that is already sandboxed results in an error. The nodes in the subcluster must all have a status of UP and provide full subscription coverage for all shards.
Currently, there are no options for this function.




The following example sandboxes the sc02 secondary subcluster into a sandbox named sand:

=> SELECT SANDBOX_SUBCLUSTER('sand', 'sc_02', '');
Subcluster 'sc_02' has been sandboxed to 'sand'. It is going to auto-restart and re-form.
(1 row)

If you query the NODES system table from the main cluster, you can see that the nodes of sc_02 have a status of UNKNOWN and are listed as member of the sand sandbox:

=> SELECT node_name, subcluster_name, node_state, sandbox FROM NODES;
      node_name       |  subcluster_name   | node_state | sandbox
 v_verticadb_node0001 | default_subcluster | UP         |
 v_verticadb_node0002 | default_subcluster | UP         |
 v_verticadb_node0003 | default_subcluster | UP         |
 v_verticadb_node0004 | sc_02              | UNKNOWN    | sand
 v_verticadb_node0005 | sc_02              | UNKNOWN    | sand
 v_verticadb_node0006 | sc_02              | UNKNOWN    | sand
(6 rows)

When you issue the same query on one of the sandboxed nodes, the table shows that the sandboxed nodes are UP and the nodes from the main cluster are UNKNOWN, confirming that the cluster is successfully sandboxed:

=> SELECT node_name, subcluster_name, node_state, sandbox FROM NODES;
      node_name       |  subcluster_name   | node_state | sandbox
 v_verticadb_node0001 | default_subcluster | UNKNOWN    |
 v_verticadb_node0002 | default_subcluster | UNKNOWN    |
 v_verticadb_node0003 | default_subcluster | UNKNOWN    |
 v_verticadb_node0004 | sc_02              | UP         | sand
 v_verticadb_node0005 | sc_02              | UP         | sand
 v_verticadb_node0006 | sc_02              | UP         | sand
(6 rows)

You can now perform standard database operations in either cluster without impacting the other cluster. For instance, if you create a machine learning dataset named train_data in the sandboxed subcluster, the new table does not propagate to the main cluster:

--In the sandboxed subcluster
=> CREATE TABLE train_data(time timestamp, Temperature float);

=> COPY train_data FROM LOCAL 'daily-min-temperatures.csv' DELIMITER ',';
 Rows Loaded
(1 row)

=> SELECT * FROM train_data LIMIT 5;
        time         | Temperature
 1981-01-27 00:00:00 |        19.4
 1981-02-20 00:00:00 |        15.7
 1981-02-27 00:00:00 |        17.5
 1981-03-04 00:00:00 |          16
 1981-04-24 00:00:00 |        11.5
(5 rows)

--In the main cluster
=> SELECT * FROM train_data LIMIT 5;
ERROR 4566:  Relation "train_data" does not exist

See also


Assigns the highest depot eviction priority to a partition.

Eon Mode only

Assigns the highest depot eviction priority to a partition. Among other depot-cached objects, objects with an anti-pinning policy are the most susceptible to eviction from the depot. After eviction, the object must be read directly from communal storage the next time it is needed.

If the table has another partition-level eviction policy already set on it, then Vertica combines the policies based on policy type.

If you alter or remove table partitioning, Vertica automatically clears all eviction policies previously set on partitions of that table. The table's eviction policy, if any, is unaffected.

This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.

Behavior type



   '[[database.]schema.]object-name', 'min-range-value', 'max-range-value' [, 'subcluster' ] )



Database and schema. The default schema is public. If you specify a database, it must be the current database.

Target of this policy.
min-range-value, max-range-value
Minimum and maximum value of partition keys in object-name to anti-pin, where min‑range‑value must be ≤ max‑range‑value. To specify a single partition key, min‑range‑value and max‑range‑value must be equal.

If the new policy's partition key range overlaps the range of an existing partition-level eviction policy, Vertica gives precedence to the new policy, as described in Overlapping Policies.


Name of a depot subcluster, default_subcluster to specify the default database subcluster. If this argument is omitted, all database depots are targeted.



See also


Assigns the highest depot eviction priority to a projection.

Eon Mode only

Assigns the highest depot eviction priority to a projection. Among other depot-cached objects, objects with an anti-pinning policy are the most susceptible to eviction from the depot. After eviction, the object must be read directly from communal storage the next time it is needed.

If the projection has another eviction policy already set on it, the new policy supersedes it.

This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.

Behavior type



SET_DEPOT_ANTI_PIN_POLICY_PROJECTION ( '[[database.]schema.]projection' [, 'subcluster' ] )



Database and schema. The default schema is public. If you specify a database, it must be the current database.

Target of this policy.

Name of a depot subcluster, default_subcluster to specify the default database subcluster. If this argument is omitted, all database depots are targeted.



See also


Assigns the highest depot eviction priority to a table.

Eon Mode only

Assigns the highest depot eviction priority to a table. Among other depot-cached objects, objects with an anti-pinning policy are the most susceptible to eviction from the depot. After eviction, the object must be read directly from communal storage the next time it is needed.

If the table has another eviction policy already set on it, the new policy supersedes it.

This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.

Behavior type



SET_DEPOT_ANTI_PIN_POLICY_TABLE ( '[[database.]schema.]table' [, 'subcluster' ] )



Database and schema. The default schema is public. If you specify a database, it must be the current database.

Target of this policy.

Name of a depot subcluster, default_subcluster to specify the default database subcluster. If this argument is omitted, all database depots are targeted.



See also


Pins the specified partitions of a table or projection to a subcluster depot, or all database depots, to reduce exposure to depot eviction.

Eon Mode only

Pins the specified partitions of a table or projection to a subcluster depot, or all database depots, to reduce exposure to depot eviction.

If the table has another partition-level eviction policy already set on it, then Vertica combines the policies based on policy type.

If you alter or remove table partitioning, Vertica automatically clears all eviction policies previously set on partitions of that table. The table's eviction policy, if any, is unaffected.

This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.

Behavior type



   '[[database.]schema.]object-name', 'min-range-value', 'max-range-value' [, 'subcluster' ] [, 'download' ] )



Database and schema. The default schema is public. If you specify a database, it must be the current database.

Table or projection to pin. If you specify a projection, it must store the partition keys.
min-range-value, max-range-value
Minimum and maximum value of partition keys in object-name to pin, where min‑range‑value must be ≤ max‑range‑value. To specify a single partition key, min‑range‑value and max‑range‑value must be equal.

If the new policy's partition key range overlaps the range of an existing partition-level eviction policy, Vertica gives precedence to the new policy, as described in Overlapping Policies below.


Name of a depot subcluster, default_subcluster to specify the default database subcluster. If this argument is omitted, all database depots are targeted.

Boolean, if true, SET_DEPOT_PIN_POLICY_PARTITION immediately queues the specified partitions for download from communal storage.

Default: false



Overlapping policies

If a new partition pinning policy overlaps the partition key range of an existing eviction policy, Vertica determines how to apply the policy based on the type of the new and existing policies.

Both policies are pinning policies

If both the new and existing policies are pining policies, then Vertica collates the two ranges. For example, if you create two partition pinning policies with key ranges of 1-3 and 2-10, Vertica creates a single policy with a key range of 1-10.

Partition pinning policy overlaps anti-pinning policy

If the new partition pinning policy overlaps an anti-pinning policy, then Vertica issues a warning and informational message that it reassigned the range of overlapping keys from the anti-pinning policy to the new pinning policy.

For example, if you create an anti-partition pinning policy and then a pinning policy with key ranges of 1-10 and 5-20, respectively, Vertica truncates the earlier anti-pinning policy's key range:

policy_type min_value max_value
PIN 5 20

If the new pinning policy's partition range falls inside the range of an older anti-pinning policy, Vertica splits the anti-pinning policy. So, given an existing partition anti-pinning policy with a key range of 1-20, a new partition pinning policy with a key range of 5-10 splits the anti-pinning policy:

policy_type min_value max_value
PIN 5 10
ANTI_PIN 11 20

Precedence of pinning policies

In general, partition management functions that involve two partitioned tables give precedence to the target table's pinning policy, as follows:

  • COPY_PARTITIONS_TO_TABLE: Partition-level pinning is reliable if the source and target tables have pinning policies on the same partition keys. If the two tables have different pinning policies, then the partition pinning policies of the target table apply.

  • MOVE_PARTITIONS_TO_TABLE: Partition-level pinning policies of the target table apply.

  • SWAP_PARTITIONS_BETWEEN_TABLES: Partition-level pinning policies of the target table apply.

For example, the following statement copies partitions from table t1 to table t2:

=> SELECT COPY_PARTITIONS_TO_TABLE('t1', '1', '5', 't2');

In this case, the following logic applies:

  • If the two tables have different partition pinning policies, then the pinning policy of target table t2 for partition keys 1-5 applies.

  • If table t2 does not exist, then Vertica creates it from table t1, and copies t1's policy on partition keys 1-5. Subsequently, if you clear the partition pinning policy from either table, it is also cleared from the other.

See also


Pins a projection to a subcluster depot, or all database depots, to reduce its exposure to depot eviction.

Eon Mode only

Pins a projection to a subcluster depot, or all database depots, to reduce its exposure to depot eviction. For details on pinning policies and usage guidelines, see Pinning Policies.

If the projection has another eviction policy already set on it, the new policy supersedes it.

This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.

Behavior type



SET_DEPOT_PIN_POLICY_PROJECTION ( '[[database.]schema.]projection' [, 'subcluster' ] [, download ] )



Database and schema. The default schema is public. If you specify a database, it must be the current database.

Projection to pin.

Name of a depot subcluster, default_subcluster to specify the default database subcluster. If this argument is omitted, all database depots are targeted.

Boolean, if true SET_DEPOT_PIN_POLICY_PROJECTION immediately queues the specified projection for download from communal storage.

Default: false



See also


Pins a table to a subcluster depot, or all database depots, to reduce its exposure to depot eviction.

Eon Mode only

Pins a table to a subcluster depot, or all database depots, to reduce its exposure to depot eviction.

If the table has another eviction policy already set on it, the new policy supersedes it. After you pin a table to a subcluster depot, you cannot subsequently pin any of its partitions and projections in that depot.

This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.

Behavior type



SET_DEPOT_PIN_POLICY_TABLE ( '[[database.]schema.]table' [, 'subcluster' ] [, download ] )



Database and schema. The default schema is public. If you specify a database, it must be the current database.

Table to pin.

Name of a depot subcluster, default_subcluster to specify the default database subcluster. If this argument is omitted, all database depots are targeted.

Boolean, if true, SET_DEPOT_PIN_POLICY_TABLE immediately queues the specified table for download from communal storage.

Default: false



See also


Shuts down a subcluster.

Eon Mode only

Shuts down a subcluster. This function shuts down the subcluster synchronously, returning when shutdown is complete with the message Subcluster shutdown. If the subcluster is already down, the function returns with no error.

Stopping a subcluster does not warn you if there are active user sessions connected to the subcluster. This behavior is the same as stopping an individual node. Before stopping a subcluster, verify that no users are connected to it.

If you want to drain client connections before shutting down a subcluster, you can gracefully shutdown the subcluster using SHUTDOWN_WITH_DRAIN.

This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.

Behavior type





Name of the subcluster to shut down.




The following example demonstrates shutting down the subcluster analytics:

=> SELECT subcluster_name, node_name, node_state FROM nodes order by 1,2;
  subcluster_name   |      node_name       | node_state
 analytics          | v_verticadb_node0004 | UP
 analytics          | v_verticadb_node0005 | UP
 analytics          | v_verticadb_node0006 | UP
 default_subcluster | v_verticadb_node0001 | UP
 default_subcluster | v_verticadb_node0002 | UP
 default_subcluster | v_verticadb_node0003 | UP
(6 rows)

WARNING 4539:  Received no response from v_verticadb_node0004 in stop subcluster
WARNING 4539:  Received no response from v_verticadb_node0005 in stop subcluster
WARNING 4539:  Received no response from v_verticadb_node0006 in stop subcluster
 Subcluster shutdown
(1 row)

=> SELECT subcluster_name, node_name, node_state FROM nodes order by 1,2;
  subcluster_name   |      node_name       | node_state
 analytics          | v_verticadb_node0004 | DOWN
 analytics          | v_verticadb_node0005 | DOWN
 analytics          | v_verticadb_node0006 | DOWN
 default_subcluster | v_verticadb_node0001 | UP
 default_subcluster | v_verticadb_node0002 | UP
 default_subcluster | v_verticadb_node0003 | UP
(6 rows)

See also


Gracefully shuts down a subcluster or subclusters.

Eon Mode only

Gracefully shuts down a subcluster or subclusters. The function drains client connections on the subcluster's nodes and then shuts down the subcluster. This is synchronous function that returns when the shutdown message has been sent to the subcluster.

Work from existing user sessions continues on draining nodes, but the nodes refuse new client connections and are excluded from load-balancing operations. dbadmin can still connect to draining nodes.

The nodes drain until either the existing connections complete their work and close or the user-specified timeout is reached. When one of these conditions is met, the function proceeds to shut down the subcluster.

For more information about the graceful shutdown process, see Graceful Shutdown.

This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.

Behavior type



SHUTDOWN_WITH_DRAIN( 'subcluster-name', timeout-seconds )


Name of the subcluster to shutdown. Enter an empty string to shutdown all subclusters in a database.
Number of seconds to wait before forcefully closing subcluster-name's client connections and shutting down. The behavior depends on the sign of timeout-seconds:
  • Positive integer: The function waits until either the runtime reaches timeout-seconds or the client connections finish their work and close. As soon as one of these conditions is met, the function immediately proceeds to shut down the subcluster.
  • Zero: The function immediately closes any open client connections and shuts down the subcluster.
  • Negative integer: The function marks the subcluster as draining and waits indefinitely to shut down the subcluster until all active user sessions disconnect.




In the following example, the function marks the subcluster named analytics as draining and then shuts it down as soon as either the existing client connections close or 300 seconds pass:

=> SELECT SHUTDOWN_WITH_DRAIN('analytics', 120);
NOTICE 0:  Draining has started on subcluster (analytics)
NOTICE 0:  Begin shutdown of subcluster (analytics)
Set subcluster (analytics) to draining state
Waited for 3 nodes to drain
Shutdown message sent to subcluster (analytics)

(1 row)

You can query the DC_DRAINING_EVENTS table to see more information about draining and shutdown events, such as whether any user sessions were forcibly closed. This subcluster had one active user session when the shutdown began, but it closed before the timeout was reached:

=> SELECT event_type, event_type_name, event_description, event_result, event_result_name FROM dc_draining_events;
 event_type |       event_type_name        |                          event_description                          | event_result | event_result_name
          0 | START_DRAIN_SUBCLUSTER       | START_DRAIN for SHUTDOWN of subcluster (analytics)                  |            0 | SUCCESS
          2 | START_WAIT_FOR_NODE_DRAIN    | Wait timeout is 120 seconds                                         |            4 | INFORMATIONAL
          4 | INTERVAL_WAIT_FOR_NODE_DRAIN | 1 sessions remain after 0 seconds                                   |            4 | INFORMATIONAL
          4 | INTERVAL_WAIT_FOR_NODE_DRAIN | 1 sessions remain after 30 seconds                                  |            4 | INFORMATIONAL
          3 | END_WAIT_FOR_NODE_DRAIN      | Wait for drain ended with 0 sessions remaining                      |            0 | SUCCESS
          5 | BEGIN_SHUTDOWN_AFTER_DRAIN   | Starting shutdown of subcluster (analytics) following drain         |            4 | INFORMATIONAL
(6 rows)

See also


Drains a subcluster or subclusters.

Eon Mode only

Drains a subcluster or subclusters. The function marks all nodes in the designated subcluster as draining. Work from existing user sessions continues on draining nodes, but the nodes refuse new client connections and are excluded from load balancing operations. dbadmin can still connect to draining nodes.

To drain connections on a subcluster as part of a graceful shutdown process, you can call SHUTDOWN_WITH_DRAIN. For details, see Graceful Shutdown.

To cancel a draining operation on a subcluster, call CANCEL_DRAIN_SUBCLUSTER. If all draining nodes in a subcluster are stopped, they are marked as not draining upon restart.

This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.

Behavior type



START_DRAIN_SUBCLUSTER( 'subcluster-name' )


Name of the subcluster to drain. Enter an empty string to drain all subclusters in the database.




The following example demonstrates how to drain a subcluster named analytics:

=> SELECT subcluster_name, node_name, node_state FROM nodes;
subcluster_name    |      node_name     | node_state
default_subcluster | verticadb_node0001 | UP
default_subcluster | verticadb_node0002 | UP
default_subcluster | verticadb_node0003 | UP
analytics          | verticadb_node0004 | UP
analytics          | verticadb_node0005 | UP
analytics          | verticadb_node0006 | UP
(6 rows)

Targeted subcluster: 'analytics'
(1 row)

You can confirm that the subcluster is draining by querying the DRAINING_STATUS system table:

=> SELECT node_name, subcluster_name, is_draining FROM draining_status ORDER BY 1;
node_name          | subcluster_name    | is_draining
verticadb_node0001 | default_subcluster | f
verticadb_node0002 | default_subcluster | f
verticadb_node0003 | default_subcluster | f
verticadb_node0004 | analytics          | t
verticadb_node0005 | analytics          | t
verticadb_node0006 | analytics          | t

See also


Starts the disk file deletion in the background as an asynchronous function.

Eon Mode only

Starts the disk file deletion in the background as an asynchronous function. By default, this meta-function syncs the catalog before beginning deletion. Disk file deletion is handled in the foreground by FLUSH_REAPER_QUEUE.

This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.

Behavior type



START_REAPING_FILES( [sync-catalog] )


Specifies to sync metadata in the database catalog on all nodes before the function executes:
  • true (default): Sync the database catalog

  • false: Run without syncing.




Start the reaper service:


Start the reaper service and skip the initial catalog sync:



Synchronizes the catalog to communal storage to enable reviving the current catalog version in the case of an imminent crash.

Eon Mode only

Synchronizes the catalog to communal storage to enable reviving the current catalog version in the case of an imminent crash. Vertica synchronizes all pending checkpoint and transaction logs to communal storage.

This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.

Behavior type



SYNC_CATALOG( [ 'node-name' ] )


The node to synchronize. If you omit this argument, Vertica synchronizes the catalog on all nodes.




Synchronize the catalog on all nodes:


Synchronize the catalog on one node:

=> SELECT SYNC_CATALOG( 'node001' );


Removes a subcluster from a sandbox.

Removes a subcluster from a sandbox.

After stopping the nodes in the sandboxed subcluster, you must run this function in the main cluster from which the sandboxed subcluster was spun-off. The function changes the metadata in the main cluster that designates the specified subcluster as sandboxed, but does not restart the subcluster and rejoin it to the main cluster.

If you are unsandboxing a secondary subcluster from the sandbox, Vertica recommends that you also call the UNSANDBOX_SUBCLUSTER function in the sandbox cluster. This makes sure that both clusters are aware of the state of the subcluster and that relevant system tables accurately reflect the subcluster's status.

To rejoin the subcluster to the main cluster and return the nodes to their normal state, you must complete the following tasks:

  1. Wipe the catalog subdirectory from the sandboxed nodes. The main cluster provides the current catalog information on node restart.

  2. Restart the nodes. On successful restart, the nodes should rejoin the main cluster.

  3. If unsandboxing the last subcluster in a sandbox, remove the sandbox metadata prefix from the shared communal storage location. This helps avoid problems that might arise form reusing the same sandbox name.

If there are no more active sandboxes, you can run CLEAN_COMMUNAL_STORAGE to remove any data created in the sandbox. The main cluster can also resume processing data queued for deletion.

This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.

Behavior type



UNSANDBOX_SUBCLUSTER( 'subcluster-name', 'options' )


Identifies the subcluster to unsandbox. This must be a currently sandboxed subcluster.
Currently, there are no options for this function.




In the following example, the function unsandboxes the sc_02 secondary subcluster from the sand sandbox. After stopping the nodes in the subcluster, you can unsandbox the subcluster by calling the UNSANDBOX_SUBCLUSTER function from the main cluster:

Subcluster 'sc_02' has been unsandboxed. If wiped out and restarted, it should be able to rejoin the cluster.
(1 row)

To rejoin the nodes to the main cluster, you must wipe the local catalog from each of the previously sandboxed nodes—whose catalog location can be found by querying NODES—and then restart the nodes:

$ rm -rf paths-to-node-catalogs

$ admintools -t restart_node -s list-of-nodes -p password

After the nodes restart, you can query the NODES system table to confirm that the previously sandboxed nodes are UP and are no longer a member of sand:

=> SELECT node_name, subcluster_name, node_state, sandbox FROM NODES;
      node_name       |  subcluster_name   | node_state | sandbox
 v_verticadb_node0001 | default_subcluster | UP         |
 v_verticadb_node0002 | default_subcluster | UP         |
 v_verticadb_node0003 | default_subcluster | UP         |
 v_verticadb_node0004 | sc_01              | UNKNOWN    | sand
 v_verticadb_node0005 | sc_01              | UNKNOWN    | sand
 v_verticadb_node0006 | sc_01              | UNKNOWN    | sand
 v_verticadb_node0007 | sc_02              | UP         | 
 v_verticadb_node0008 | sc_02              | UP         | 
 v_verticadb_node0009 | sc_02              | UP         | 
(9 rows)

Because sc_02 was a secondary subcluster in the sandbox, you should also call the UNSANDBOX_SUBCLUSTER function in the sandbox cluster. This makes sure that both clusters are aware of the state of the subcluster and that relevant system tables accurately reflect the subcluster's status:

 Subcluster 'sc_02' has been unsandboxed from 'sand'. This command should be executed in the main cluster as well.
(1 row)

If there are no more active sandboxes, you can run the CLEAN_COMMUNAL_STORAGE function to remove any data created in the sandbox. You should also remove the sandbox's metadata from the shared communal storage location, which can be found at /path-to-communal-storage/metadata/sandbox_name.

The following example removes the sandbox's metadata from an S3 bucket and then calls CLEAN_COMMUNAL_STORAGE to cleanup any data from the sandbox:

$ aws s3 rm /path-to-communal/metadata/sandbox_name

Total leaked files: 143
Files have been queued for deletion.
Check communal_cleanup_records for more information.

(1 row)

See also