Inform Vertica about the Kerberos principal

Follow these steps to inform Vertica about the principal name and keytab location.

Follow these steps to inform Vertica about the principal name and keytab location.

For information about the parameters that you are setting in this procedure, see Kerberos parameters.

  1. Log in to the database as an administrator (typically dbadmin).

  2. Set the KerberosKeyTabFile configuration parameter to point to the location of the keytab file:

    => ALTER DATABASE DEFAULT SET PARAMETER KerberosKeytabFile = '/etc/krb5.keytab';

    The keytab file must be in the same location (/etc/krb5.keytab in this example) on all nodes.

  3. Set the service name for the Vertica principal; for example, vertica:

    => ALTER DATABASE DEFAULT SET PARAMETER KerberosServiceName = 'vertica';
  4. Provide the realm portion of the principal, for example, EXAMPLE.COM: