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New and changed in Vertica 24.3

New features and changes in Vertica 24.3.

1 - Data load

New features related to loading data.

Improvements to automatic loading from SQS

When using data loaders with SQS, Vertica continuously polls all SQS queues that have at least one active data loader and collects SQS messages into an internal queue. Data loaders, in turn, read from this internal queue. This separation allows Vertica to receive messages as quickly as SQS generates them while controlling the frequency of loader executions.

More than one data loader can now read from the same SQS queue.

When defining an SQS trigger for automatic data load, you can set parameters to control the timing and frequency of loads. See CREATE DATA LOADER.

You can now use ALTER DATA LOADER to change or drop triggers.

For details, see Automatic load and SQS integration.

2 - Database management

New features related to database management.


You can now manage your database with the modernized VCluster CLI (or vcluster), the successor to the existing admintools utility.

The VCluster CLI is bundled with Vertica installations and communicates with Vertica nodes by leveraging the REST APIs provided by Node Management Agent and HTTPS service, which makes it compatible with containerized environments and generally more user-friendly.

For details and examples for all commands, see Database management with VCluster.

For extended examples of using vcluster for common administrative tasks, see Common administrative tasks.

3 - Eon Mode

New features for Eon Mode

Multiple communal storage locations

Eon Mode databases now support multiple communal storage locations. You can add communal storage locations to your database with the CREATE LOCATION function, and then use the SET_OBJECT_STORAGE_POLICY function to assign database objects to one of the storage locations.

4 - OpenText Core Analytics Database

OTCAD provides powerful analytics and reporting tools, facilitating efficient insights from large datasets.

About OpenText Core Analytics Database (OTCAD)

OpenText Core Analytics Database (OTCAD) runs on AWS and provides a managed database service for your data management needs. OTCAD:

  • Manages your data and helps you avoid daily maintenance of a data warehouse or data lake environment.
  • Provides data analysts and business intelligence professionals with access to powerful analytics and reporting tools, facilitating efficient insights from large datasets.
  • Uses Vertica running on Kubernetes as the main engine for the data warehouse or data lake.

OTCAD is a cloud solution that enhances the speed and scalability of a Vertica analytics database without the need to manage hardware. Use OTCAD to build databases securely and scale them to large amounts of data in the cloud.

OTCAD supports machine learning with VerticaPy for data science and AI-driven data science applications. It also supports the following third-party applications:

  • IBM Cognos BI
  • Grafana
  • Informatica PowerCenter
  • DbVisualizer
  • DBeaver
  • Domino Data Lab

To get access to OTCAD, contact your sales representative or contact us.

5 - Provision Large Scale Clusters

New feature related to provisioning large scale clusters.

Provision large scale clusters

Management Console can create a cluster with a maximum of 60 nodes by default. On AWS cloud only, you can increase the maximum node limit to 120. To increase the maximum node limit to 120, modify these 2 properties in the /opt/vconsole/config/ file and restart MC:

1. cloud.large.cluster.mode = true
2. cloud.large.cluster.mode.max.limit = 120

If MC Cluster management slows down, you can increase the default Resource Pool Configuration in the MC DB Settings page:

  • JVM (2->4 GB)
  • sysquery (1GB -> 2GB)