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Installing and connecting to the VMart example database
Follow the steps in this section to create the fully functioning, multi-schema VMart example database to run sample queries.
Follow the steps in this section to create the fully functioning, multi-schema VMart example database to run sample queries. The number of example databases you create within a single Vertica installation is limited only by the disk space available on your system. However, Vertica strongly recommends that you start only one example database at a time to avoid unpredictable results.
Vertica provides two options to install the example database:
Quick Installation Using a Script: This option lets you create the example database and start using it immediately. Use this method to bypass the schema and table creation processes and start querying immediately.
Advanced Installation. The advance option is an advanced-but-simple example database installation using the Administration Tools interface. Use this method to better understand the database creation process and practice creating a schema, creating tables, and loading data.
Both installation methods create a database named VMart. If you try both installation methods, you need to drop the VMart database you created (see Restoring the Status of Your Host) or create the subsequent database with a new name. However, Vertica strongly recommends that you start only one example database at a time to avoid unpredictable results
This tutorial uses Vertica-provided queries, but if you create your own design and use your own queries, you can follow the same set of procedures.
1 - Quick installation using a script
The script you need to perform a quick installation is located in /opt/vertica/sbin and is called install_example.
The script you need to perform a quick installation is located in /opt/vertica/sbin
and is called install_example
. This script creates a database on the default port (5433), generates data, creates the schema and a default superprojection, and loads the data. The folder also contains a delete_example
script, which stops and drops the database.
In a terminal window, log in as the database administrator.
$ su dbadmin
Password: (your password)
Change to the /examples
$ cd /opt/vertica/examples
Run the install script:
$ /opt/vertica/sbin/install_example VMart
After installation, you should see the following:
[dbadmin@localhost examples]$ /opt/vertica/sbin/install_example VMart
Installing VMart example example database
Mon Jul 22 06:57:40 PDT 2013
Creating Database
Generating Data. This may take a few minutes.
Creating schema
Loading 5 million rows of data. Please stand by.
Removing generated data files
Example data
The example database log files, ExampleInstall.txt
and ExampleDelete.txt
, are written to /opt/vertica/examples/log
To start using your database, continue to Connecting to the Database in this guide. To drop the example database, see Restoring the Status of Your Host in this guide.
2 - Advanced installation
To perform an advanced-but-simple installation, set up the VMart example database environment and then create the database using the Administration Tools or Management Console.
To perform an advanced-but-simple installation, set up the VMart example database environment and then create the database using the Administration Tools or Management Console.
If you installed the VMart database using the quick installation method, you cannot complete the following steps because the database has already been created.
To try the advanced installation, drop the example database (see Restoring the Status of Your Host on this guide) and perform the advanced Installation, or create a new example database with a different name. However, Vertica strongly recommends that you install only one example database at a time to avoid unpredictable results.
The advanced installation requires the following steps:
2.1 - Step 1: setting up the example environment
Stop all databases running on the same host on which you plan to install your example database.
Stop all databases running on the same host on which you plan to install your example database.
If you are unsure if other databases are running, run the Administration Tools and select View Cluster State. The State column should show DOWN values on pre-existing databases.
If databases are running, click Stop Database in the Main Menu of the Administration Tools interface and click OK.
In a terminal window, log in as the database administrator:
$ su dbadmin
Change to the /VMart_Schema
$ cd /opt/vertica/examples/VMart_Schema
Do not change directories while following this tutorial. Some steps depend on being in a specific directory.
Run the sample data generator.
$ ./vmart_gen
Let the program run with the default parameters, which you can review in the README file.
Using default parameters
datadirectory = ./
numfiles = 1
seed = 2
null = ' '
timefile = Time.txt
numfactsalesrows = 5000000
numfactorderrows = 300000
numprodkeys = 60000
numstorekeys = 250
numpromokeys = 1000
numvendkeys = 50
numcustkeys = 50000
numempkeys = 10000
numwarehousekeys = 100
numshippingkeys = 100
numonlinepagekeys = 1000
numcallcenterkeys = 200
numfactonlinesalesrows = 5000000
numinventoryfactrows = 300000
gen_load_script = false
Data Generated successfully !
Using default parameters
datadirectory = ./
numfiles = 1
seed = 2
null = ' '
timefile = Time.txt
numfactsalesrows = 5000000
numfactorderrows = 300000
numprodkeys = 60000
numstorekeys = 250
numpromokeys = 1000
numvendkeys = 50
numcustkeys = 50000
numempkeys = 10000
numwarehousekeys = 100
numshippingkeys = 100
numonlinepagekeys = 1000
numcallcenterkeys = 200
numfactonlinesalesrows = 5000000
numinventoryfactrows = 300000
gen_load_script = false
Data Generated successfully !
If the vmart_gen
executable does not work correctly, recompile it as follows, and run the sample data generator script again.
$ g++ vmart_gen.cpp -o vmart_gen
$ chmod +x vmart_gen
$ ./vmart_gen
2.2 - Step 2: creating the example database
To create the example database: use the Administration Tools or Management Console, as described in this section.
To create the example database: use the Administration Tools or Management Console, as described in this section.
In this procedure, you create the example database using the Administration Tools. To use the Management Console, go to the next section.
Run the Administration Tools.
$ /opt/vertica/bin/admintools
or simply type admintools
From the Administration Tools Main Menu, click Configuration Menu and click OK.
Click Create Database and click OK.
Name the database VMart
and click OK.

Click OK to bypass the password and click Yes to confirm.
There is no need for a database administrator password in this tutorial. When you create a production database, however, always specify an administrator password. Otherwise, the database is permanently set to trust authentication (no passwords).
Select the hosts you want to include from your Vertica cluster and click OK.
This example creates the database on a one-host cluster. Vertica recommends a minimum of three hosts in the cluster. If you are using the Vertica Community Edition, you are limited to three nodes.

Click OK to select the default paths for the data and catalog directories.

Catalog and data paths must contain only alphanumeric characters and cannot have leading space characters. Failure to comply with these restrictions could result in database creation failure.
When you create a production database, you’ll likely specify other locations than the default. See Prepare Disk Storage Locations in the Administrator’s Guide for more information.
Since this tutorial uses a one-host cluster, a K-safety warning appears. Click OK.

Click Yes to create the database.

During database creation, Vertica automatically creates a set of node definitions based on the database name and the names of the hosts you selected and returns a success message.
Click OK to close the Database VMart created successfully message.

Creating the example database using Management Console
In this procedure, you create the example database using Management Console. To use the Administration Tools, follow the steps in the preceding section.
To use Management Console, the console should already be installed and you should be familiar with its concepts and layout. For details, see
Management Console.
Connect to Management Console and log in.
On the Home page, click Infrastructure to go to the Databases and Clusters page.
Click to select the appropriate existing cluster and click Create Database.
Follow the on-screen wizard, which prompts you to provide the following information:
Database name, which must be between 3–25 characters, starting with a letter, and followed by any combination of letters, numbers, or underscores.
(Optional) database administrator password for the database you want to create and connect to.
IP address of a node in your database cluster, typically the IP address of the administration host.
Click Next.
2.3 - Step 3: connecting to the database
Regardless of the installation method you used, follow these steps to connect to the database.
Regardless of the installation method you used, follow these steps to connect to the database.
, run the Administration Tools.
$ /opt/vertica/bin/admintools
or simply type admintools
If you are already in the Administration Tools, navigate to the Main Menu page.
Select Connect to Database, click OK.

To configure and load data into the VMart database, complete the following steps:
If you installed the VMart database using the Quick Installation method, the schema, tables, and data are already defined. You can choose to drop the example database (see Restoring the Status of Your Host in this guide) and perform the Advanced Installation, or continue straight to Querying Your Data in this guide.
2.4 - Step 4: defining the database schema
The VMart database installs with sample scripts with SQL commands that are intended to represent queries that might be used in a real business.
The VMart database installs with sample scripts with SQL commands that are intended to represent queries that might be used in a real business. The vmart_define_schema.sql
script runs a script that defines the VMart schema and creates tables. You must run this script before you load data into the VMart database.
This script performs the following tasks:
Defines two schemas in the VMart database schema: online_sales and store.
Defines tables in both schemas.
Defines constraints on those tables.
Vmart=> \i vmart_define_schema.sql
2.5 - Step 5: loading data
Now that you have created the schemas and tables, you can load data into a table by running the vmart_load_data.sql script.
Now that you have created the schemas and tables, you can load data into a table by running the vmart_load_data.sql
script. This script loads data from the 15 .tbl
text files in /opt/vertica/examples/VMart_Schema
into the tables that vmart_design_schema.sql
It might take several minutes to load the data on a typical hardware cluster. Check the load status by monitoring the vertica.log
file, as described in Monitoring Log Files in the Administrator’s Guide.
VMart=> \i vmart_load_data.sql
Rows Loaded
(1 row)
Rows Loaded
(1 row)
Rows Loaded
(1 row)
Rows Loaded
(1 row)
Rows Loaded
(1 row)
Rows Loaded
(1 row)
Rows Loaded
(1 row)
Rows Loaded
(1 row)
Rows Loaded
(1 row)
Rows Loaded
(1 row)
Rows Loaded
(1 row)
Rows Loaded
(1 row)
Rows Loaded
(1 row)