Setting the locale for JDBC sessions
You set the locale for a connection while opening it by including a SET LOCALE statement in the ConnSettings property, or by executing a SET LOCALE statement at any time after opening the connection. Changing the locale of a Connection
object affects all of the Statement
objects you instantiated using it.
You can get the locale by executing a SHOW LOCALE query. The following example demonstrates setting the locale using ConnSettings and executing a statement, as well as getting the locale:
Running the above example displays the following on the system console:
Query reports that Locale is set to: en_GB (LEN)
Query now reports that Locale is set to: en_US (LEN)
JDBC applications use a UTF-16 character set encoding and are responsible for converting any non-UTF-16 encoded data to UTF-16. Failing to convert the data can result in errors or the data being stored incorrectly.
The JDBC driver converts UTF-16 data to UTF-8 when passing to the Vertica server and converts data sent by Vertica server from UTF-8 to UTF-16 .