
Starts nodes in a running cluster.

Starts nodes in a running cluster. This differs from start_db, which starts Vertica after cluster quorum is lost.


vcluster restart_node options

Required options

{ -c | --config } string
The path to the config file. If a configuration file is present in the default location (automatically generated by create_db), you do not need to specify this option.

Default: /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml

One of --restart and --start-hosts is required.

--restart node_name=ip_address[,...]
A comma-separated list of node_name=ip_address pairs, specifying the nodes to restart. If ip_address doesn't match the database's listed IP address for that node, Vertica updates its catalog information for that node with the specified IP address and then restarts the node.
--start-hosts string[,...]
A comma-separated list of hosts to be restarted.


--cert-file string
The absolute path to the certificate file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --key-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
{ -h | --help }
Prints help text.
Whether the hosts use IPv6 addresses. Hostnames resolve to IPv4 by default.
--key-file string
Path to the key file. If you specify this option, you must also specify --cert-file. You should only use --cert-file and --key-file if you have configured the Node Management Agent (NMA) to use custom certificates.
{ -l | --log-path } string
The absolute path for debug logs.

Default: /opt/vertica/log/vcluster.log

{ -p | --password } string
The database password.
--password-file string
The absolute path to a file containing the database password.

If you pass a dash(-) (that is, `--password-file -`), the password is read from STDIN.

Prompts the user to enter the password.
--timeout int
The time (in seconds) to wait for nodes to start up.

Default: 300

Shows the details of VCluster run in the console.


To restart a node:

$ vcluster restart_node --db-name vertica_db \
    --restart v_vertica_db_node0004= --password my_password \
    --config /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml

To restart a single node and change its IP address in the database with config file (assuming the node IP address previously stored catalog was not

$ vcluster restart_node --db-name vertica_db \
  --restart v_vertica_db_node0004= --password testpassword \
  --config /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml

To restart multiple nodes:

$   vcluster restart_node --db-name test_db \
  --restart v_test_db_node0003=,v_test_db_node0004= \
  --password testpassword --config /opt/vertica/config/vertica_cluster.yaml