Using optimizer-generated and custom directed queries together
You can use the annotated SQL that the optimizer creates as the basis for creating your own custom directed queries. This approach can be especially useful in evaluating the plan that the optimizer creates to handle a given query, and testing plan modifications.
For example, you might want to modify how the optimizer implements the following query:
=> SELECT COUNT(customer_name) Total, customer_region Region
FROM (store_sales s JOIN customer_dimension c ON c.customer_key = s.customer_key)
JOIN product_dimension p ON s.product_key = p.product_key
WHERE p.category_description ilike '%Medical%'
AND p.product_description ilike '%antibiotics%'
AND c.customer_age <= 30 AND YEAR(s.sales_date)=2017
GROUP BY customer_region;
When you run EXPLAIN on this query, you discover that the optimizer uses projection customers_proj_age
for the customer_dimension
table. This projection is sorted on column customer_age
. Consequently, the optimizer hash-joins the tables store_sales
and customer_dimension
on customer_key
After analyzing customer_dimension
table data, you observe that most customers are under 30, so it makes more sense to use projection customer_proj_id
for the customer_dimension
table, which is sorted on customer_key
You can create a directed query that encapsulates this change as follows:
Obtain optimizer-generated annotations on the query with EXPLAIN ANNOTATED:
=> \o annotatedQuery => EXPLAIN ANNOTATED SELECT COUNT(customer_name) Total, customer_region Region FROM (store_sales s JOIN customer_dimension c ON c.customer_key = s.customer_key) JOIN product_dimension p ON s.product_key = p.product_key WHERE p.category_description ilike '%Medical%' AND p.product_description ilike '%antibiotics%' AND c.customer_age <= 30 AND YEAR(s.sales_date)=2017 GROUP BY customer_region; => \o => \! cat annotatedQuery ... SELECT /*+syntactic_join,verbatim*/ count(c.customer_name) AS Total, c.customer_region AS Region FROM ((public.store_sales AS s/*+projs('public.store_sales_super')*/ JOIN /*+Distrib(L,B),JType(H)*/ public.customer_dimension AS c/*+projs('public.customers_proj_age')*/ ON (c.customer_key = s.customer_key)) JOIN /*+Distrib(L,B),JType(M)*/ public.product_dimension AS p/*+projs('public.product_dimension')*/ ON (s.product_key = p.product_key)) WHERE ((date_part('year'::varchar(4), (s.sales_date)::timestamp(0)))::int = 2017) AND (c.customer_age <= 30) AND ((p.category_description)::varchar(32) ~~* '%Medical%'::varchar(9)) AND (p.product_description ~~* '%antibiotics%'::varchar(13)) GROUP BY /*+GByType(Hash)*/ 2 (4 rows)
Modify the annotated query:
SELECT /*+syntactic_join,verbatim*/ count(c.customer_name) AS Total, c.customer_region AS Region FROM ((public.store_sales AS s/*+projs('public.store_sales_super')*/ JOIN /*+Distrib(L,B),JType(H)*/ public.customer_dimension AS c/*+projs('public.customer_proj_id')*/ ON (c.customer_key = s.customer_key)) JOIN /*+Distrib(L,B),JType(H)*/ public.product_dimension AS p/*+projs('public.product_dimension')*/ ON (s.product_key = p.product_key)) WHERE ((date_part('year'::varchar(4), (s.sales_date)::timestamp(0)))::int = 2017) AND (c.customer_age <= 30) AND ((p.category_description)::varchar(32) ~~* '%Medical%'::varchar(9)) AND (p.product_description ~~* '%antibiotics%'::varchar(13)) GROUP BY /*+GByType(Hash)*/ 2
Use the modified annotated query to create the desired directed query:
Save the desired input query with SAVE QUERY:
=> SAVE QUERY SELECT COUNT(customer_name) Total, customer_region Region FROM (store_sales s JOIN customer_dimension c ON c.customer_key = s.customer_key) JOIN product_dimension p ON s.product_key = p.product_key WHERE p.category_description ilike '%Medical%' AND p.product_description ilike '%antibiotics%' AND c.customer_age <= 30 AND YEAR(s.sales_date)=2017 GROUP BY customer_region;
Create a custom directed query that associates the saved input query with the modified annotated query:
=> CREATE DIRECTED QUERY CUSTOM 'getCustomersUnder31' SELECT /*+syntactic_join,verbatim*/ count(c.customer_name) AS Total, c.customer_region AS Region FROM ((public.store_sales AS s/*+projs('public.store_sales_super')*/ JOIN /*+Distrib(L,B),JType(H)*/ public.customer_dimension AS c/*+projs('public.customer_proj_id')*/ ON (c.customer_key = s.customer_key)) JOIN /*+Distrib(L,B),JType(H)*/ public.product_dimension AS p/*+projs('public.product_dimension')*/ ON (s.product_key = p.product_key)) WHERE ((date_part('year'::varchar(4), (s.sales_date)::timestamp(0)))::int = 2017) AND (c.customer_age <= 30) AND ((p.category_description)::varchar(32) ~~* '%Medical%'::varchar(9)) AND (p.product_description ~~* '%antibiotics%'::varchar(13)) GROUP BY /*+GByType(Hash)*/ 2; CREATE DIRECTED QUERY
Activate this directed query:
When the optimizer processes a query that matches this directed query's input query, it uses the directed query's annotated query to generate a query plan:
=> EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(customer_name) Total, customer_region Region
FROM (store_sales s JOIN customer_dimension c ON c.customer_key = s.customer_key)
JOIN product_dimension p ON s.product_key = p.product_key
WHERE p.category_description ilike '%Medical%'
AND p.product_description ilike '%antibiotics%'
AND c.customer_age <= 30 AND YEAR(s.sales_date)=2017
GROUP BY customer_region;
The following active directed query(query name: getCustomersUnder31) is being executed: