Troubleshooting locks

The LOCKS and LOCK_USAGE system tables can help identify problems you may encounter with Vertica database locks.

The LOCKS and LOCK_USAGE system tables can help identify problems you may encounter with Vertica database locks.

This example shows one row from the LOCKS system table. From this table you can see what types of locks are active on specific objects and nodes.

=> SELECT node_names, object_name, lock_mode, lock_scope FROM LOCKS;
node_names         | object_name                     | lock_mode | lock_scope
v_vmart_node0001   | Table:public.customer_dimension | X         | TRANSACTION

This example shows two rows from the LOCK_USAGE system table. You can also use this table to see what locks are in use on specific objects and nodes.

=> SELECT node_name, object_name, mode FROM LOCK_USAGE;
node_name         | object_name      | mode
v_vmart_node0001  | Cluster Topology | S
v_vmart_node0001  | Global Catalog   | X