String functions perform conversion, extraction, or manipulation operations on strings, or return information about strings.
This section describes functions and operators for examining and manipulating string values. Strings in this context include values of the types CHAR, VARCHAR, BINARY, and VARBINARY.
Unless otherwise noted, all of the functions listed in this section work on all four data types. As opposed to some other SQL implementations, Vertica keeps CHAR strings unpadded internally, padding them only on final output. So converting a CHAR(3) 'ab' to VARCHAR(5) results in a VARCHAR of length 2, not one with length 3 including a trailing space.
Some of the functions described here also work on data of non-string types by converting that data to a string representation first. Some functions work only on character strings, while others work only on binary strings. Many work for both. BINARY and VARBINARY functions ignore multibyte UTF-8 character boundaries.
Non-binary character string functions handle normalized multibyte UTF-8 characters, as specified by the Unicode Consortium. Unless otherwise specified, those character string functions for which it matters can optionally specify whether VARCHAR arguments should be interpreted as octet (byte) sequences, or as (locale-aware) sequences of UTF-8 characters. This is accomplished by adding "USING OCTETS" or "USING CHARACTERS" (default) as a parameter to the function.
Some character string functions are stable because in general UTF-8 case-conversion, searching and sorting can be locale dependent. Thus, LOWER is stable, while LOWERB is immutable. The USING OCTETS clause converts these functions into their "B" forms, so they become immutable. If the locale is set to collation=binary, which is the default, all string functions—except CHAR_LENGTH/CHARACTER_LENGTH, LENGTH, SUBSTR, and OVERLAY—are converted to their "B" forms and so are immutable.
BINARY implicitly converts to VARBINARY, so functions that take VARBINARY arguments work with BINARY.
This example returns employee last names that begin with L. The ASCII equivalent of L is 76:
=> SELECT employee_last_name FROM employee_dimension
WHERE ASCII(SUBSTR(employee_last_name, 1, 1)) = 76
(5 rows)
Returns the length of the string expression in bits (bytes * 8) as an INTEGER.
Returns the length of the string expression in bits (bytes * 8) as an INTEGER. BIT_LENGTH applies to the contents of VARCHAR and VARBINARY fields.
Any expression that evaluates to a column name or to two or more values of type CHAR or VARCHAR.
The ICU (International Components for Unicode) locale or collation name to use when collating the string. If you omit this parameter, COLLATION uses the collation associated with the session locale.
To determine the current session locale, enter the vsql meta-command \locale:
=> \locale
To set the locale and collation, use \locale as follows:
=> \locale en_US@collation=binary
INFO 2567: Canonical locale: 'en_US'
Standard collation: 'LEN_KBINARY'
English (United States)
The locale used for COLLATION can be one of the following:
The default locale
A session locale
A locale that you specify when you call COLLATION. If you specify the locale, Vertica applies the collation associated with that locale to the data. COLLATION does not modify the collation for any other columns in the table.
The Vertica default locale is en_US@collation=binary, which uses binary collation. Binary collation compares binary representations of strings. Binary collation is fast, but it can result in a sort order where K precedes c because the binary representation of K is lower than c.
For non-binary collation, Vertica transforms the data according to the rules of the locale or the specified collation, and then applies the sorting rules. Suppose the locale collation is non-binary and you request a GROUP BY on string data. In this case,Vertica calls COLLATION, whether or not you specify the function in your query.
The following examples are based on a Premium_Customer table that contains the following data:
=> SELECT * FROM Premium_Customer;
ID | LName | FName
1 | Mc Coy | Bob
2 | Mc Coy | Janice
3 | McCoy | Jody
4 | McCoy | Peter
5 | McCoy | Brendon
6 | Mccoy | Cameron
7 | Mccoy | Lisa
The first statement shows how COLLATION applies the collation for the EN_US locale to the LName column for the locale EN_US. Vertica sorts the GROUP BY output as follows:
Last names with spaces
Last names where "coy" starts with a lowercase letter
Last names where "Coy" starts with an uppercase letter
=> SELECT * FROM Premium_Customer ORDER BY COLLATION(LName, 'EN_US'), FName;
ID | LName | FName
1 | Mc Coy | Bob
2 | Mc Coy | Janice
6 | Mccoy | Cameron
7 | Mccoy | Lisa
5 | McCoy | Brendon
3 | McCoy | Jody
4 | McCoy | Peter
The next statement shows how COLLATION collates the LName column for the locale LEN_AS:
LEN indicates the language (L) is English (EN).
AS (Alternate Shifted) instructs COLLATION that lowercase letters come before uppercase (shifted) letters.
In the results, the last names in which "coy" starts with a lowercase letter precede the last names where "Coy" starts with an uppercase letter.
=> SELECT * FROM Premium_Customer ORDER BY COLLATION(LName, 'LEN_AS'), FName;
ID | LName | FName
6 | Mccoy | Cameron
7 | Mccoy | Lisa
1 | Mc Coy | Bob
5 | McCoy | Brendon
2 | Mc Coy | Janice
3 | McCoy | Jody
4 | McCoy | Peter
Comparing strings with an equality clause
In the following query, COLLATION removes spaces and punctuation when comparing two strings in English. It then determines whether the two strings still have the same value after the punctuation has been removed:
The values to concatenate, any data type that can be cast to a string value.
The following examples use a sample table named alphabet with two varchar columns:
=> CREATE TABLE alphabet (letter1 varchar(2), letter2 varchar(2));
=> COPY alphabet FROM STDIN;
Enter data to be copied followed by a newline.
End with a backslash and a period on a line by itself.
>> A|B
>> C|D
>> \.
=> SELECT * FROM alphabet;
letter1 | letter2
C | D
A | B
(2 rows)
Concatenate the contents of the first column with a character string:
=> SELECT CONCAT(letter1, ' is a letter') FROM alphabet;
A is a letter
C is a letter
(2 rows)
Concatenate the output of two nested CONCAT functions:
=> SELECT CONCAT(CONCAT(letter1, ' and '), CONCAT(letter2, ' are both letters')) FROM alphabet;
C and D are both letters
A and B are both letters
(2 rows)
Concatenate a date and string:
=> SELECT current_date today;
(1 row)
=> SELECT CONCAT('2021-12-31'::date - current_date, ' days until end of year 2021');
21 days until end of year 2021
(1 row)
Compares expression to each search value one by one.
Compares *expression *to each search value one by one. If *expression *is equal to a search, the function returns the corresponding result. If no match is found, the function returns default. If default is omitted, the function returns null.
DECODE is similar to the IF-THEN-ELSE and CASE expressions:
CASE expression
[WHEN search THEN result]
[WHEN search THEN result]
[ELSE default];
The arguments can have any data type supported by Vertica. The result types of individual results are promoted to the least common type that can be used to represent all of them. This leads to a character string type, an exact numeric type, an approximate numeric type, or a DATETIME type, where all the various result arguments must be of the same type grouping.
DECODE ( expression, search, result [ , search, result ]...[, default ] )
The value to compare.
The value compared against expression.
The value returned, if *expression *is equal to search.
Optional. If no matches are found, DECODE returns default. If default is omitted, then DECODE returns NULL (if no matches are found).
The following example converts numeric values in the weight column from the product_dimension table to descriptive values in the output.
=> SELECT product_description, DECODE(weight,
2, 'Light',
50, 'Medium',
71, 'Heavy',
99, 'Call for help',
FROM product_dimension
WHERE category_description = 'Food'
AND department_description = 'Canned Goods'
AND sku_number BETWEEN 'SKU-#49750' AND 'SKU-#49999'
product_description | case
Brand #499 canned corn | N/A
Brand #49900 fruit cocktail | Medium
Brand #49837 canned tomatoes | Heavy
Brand #49782 canned peaches | N/A
Brand #49805 chicken noodle soup | N/A
Brand #49944 canned chicken broth | N/A
Brand #49819 canned chili | N/A
Brand #49848 baked beans | N/A
Brand #49989 minestrone soup | N/A
Brand #49778 canned peaches | N/A
Brand #49770 canned peaches | N/A
Brand #4977 fruit cocktail | N/A
Brand #49933 canned olives | N/A
Brand #49750 canned olives | Call for help
Brand #49777 canned tomatoes | N/A
(15 rows)
Calculates and returns the Levenshtein distance between two strings.
Calculates and returns the Levenshtein distance between two strings. The return value indicates the minimum number of single-character edits—insertions, deletions, or substitutions—that are required to change one string into the other. Compare to Jaro distance and Jaro-Winkler distance.
EDIT_DISTANCE calculates that no fewer than three changes are required to transform kitten to knitting:
kitten → knitten (insert n after k)
knitten → knittin (substitute i for e)
knittin → knitting (append g)
Returns the largest value in a list of expressions of any data type.
Returns the largest value in a list of expressions of any data type. All data types in the list must be the same or compatible. A NULL value in any one of the expressions returns NULL. Results can vary, depending on the locale's collation setting.
Returns the largest value in a list of expressions of any data type, using binary ordering.
Returns the largest value in a list of expressions of any data type, using binary ordering. All data types in the list must be the same or compatible. A NULL value in any one of the expressions returns NULL. Results can vary, depending on the locale's collation setting.
If there are an odd number of characters in the hexadecimal value, the first character is treated as the low nibble of the first (furthest to the left) byte.
If the given string begins with "0x" the prefix is ignored. For example:
=> SELECT HEX_TO_BINARY('0x6162') AS hex1, HEX_TO_BINARY('6162') AS hex2;
hex1 | hex2
ab | ab
(1 row)
If an invalid hex value is given, Vertica returns an “invalid binary representation" error; for example:
(VARCHAR) Is the string in which to insert the new string.
A character of type INTEGER that represents the starting point for the insertion within* string1*. You specify the number of characters from the first character in string1 as the starting point for the insertion. For example, to insert characters before "c", in the string "abcdef," enter 3.
A character of type INTEGER that represents the number of characters in*string1(if any)*that should be replaced by the insertion. For example,if you want the insertion to replace the letters "cd" in the string "abcdef, " enter 2.
(VARCHAR) Is the string to be inserted.
The following example changes the string Warehouse to Storehouse using the INSERT function:
Searches string for substring and returns an integer indicating the position of the character in string that is the first character of this occurrence.
Searches *string *for *substring *and returns an integer indicating the position of the character in *string *that is the first character of this occurrence. The return value is based on the character position of the identified character.
(CHAR or VARCHAR, or BINARY or VARBINARY) Text expression to search.
(CHAR or VARCHAR, or BINARY or VARBINARY) String to search for.
Nonzero integer indicating the character of string where Vertica begins the search. If position is negative, then Vertica counts backward from the end of string and then searches backward from the resulting position. The first character of string occupies the default position 1, and position cannot be 0.
Integer indicating which occurrence of string Vertica searches. The value of occurrence must be positive (greater than 0), and the default is 1.
Both position and occurrence must be of types that can resolve to an integer. The default values of both parameters are 1, meaning Vertica begins searching at the first character of string for the first occurrence of substring. The return value is relative to the beginning of string, regardless of the value of position, and is expressed in characters.
If the search is unsuccessful (that is, if substring does not appear *occurrence *times after the position character of string, the return value is 0.
The first example searches forward in string ‘abc’ for substring ‘b’. The search returns the position in ‘abc’ where ‘b’ occurs, or position 2. Because no position parameters are given, the default search starts at ‘a’, position 1.
The following three examples use character position to search backward to find the position of a substring.
Although it might seem intuitive that the function returns a negative integer, the position of n occurrence is read left to right in the sting, even though the search happens in reverse (from the end—or right side—of the string).
In the first example, the function counts backward one character from the end of the string, starting with character ‘c’. The function then searches backward for the first occurrence of ‘a’, which it finds it in the first position in the search string.
In the second example, the function counts backward one byte from the end of the string, starting with character ‘c’. The function then searches backward for the first occurrence of ‘a’, which it finds it in the first position in the search string.
In the third example, the function counts backward one character from the end of the string, starting with character ‘b’, and searches backward for substring ‘bc’, which it finds in the second position of the search string.
In the fourth example, the function counts backward one character from the end of the string, starting with character ‘b’, and searches backward for substring ‘bcef’, which it does not find. The result is 0.
In the fifth example, the function counts backward one byte from the end of the string, starting with character ‘b’, and searches backward for substring ‘bcef’, which it does not find. The result is 0.
Searches string for substring and returns an integer indicating the octet position within string that is the first occurrence.
Searches string for substring and returns an integer indicating the octet position within string that is the first occurrence. The return value is based on the octet position of the identified byte.
Is a nonzero integer indicating the character of string where Vertica begins the search. If position is negative, then Vertica counts backward from the end of string and then searches backward from the resulting position. The first byte of string occupies the default position 1, and position cannot be 0.
Is an integer indicating which occurrence of string Vertica searches. The value of occurrence must be positive (greater than 0), and the default is 1.
Both position and occurrence must be of types that can resolve to an integer. The default values of both parameters are 1, meaning Vertica begins searching at the first byte of string for the first occurrence of substring. The return value is relative to the beginning of string, regardless of the value of position, and is expressed in octets.
If the search is unsuccessful (that is, if substring does not appear *occurrence *times after the *position *character of *string, *then the return value is 0.
Tests whether a string is a valid UTF-8 string. Returns true if the string conforms to UTF-8 standards, and false otherwise. This function is useful to test strings for UTF-8 compliance before passing them to one of the regular expression functions, such as REGEXP_LIKE, which expect UTF-8 characters by default.
ISUTF8 checks for invalid UTF8 byte sequences, according to UTF-8 rules:
invalid bytes
an unexpected continuation byte
a start byte not followed by enough continuation bytes
an Overload Encoding
The presence of an invalid UTF-8 byte sequence results in a return value of false.
(1 row)
(1 row)
Calculates and returns the Jaro similarity, an edit distance between two sequences.
Calculates and returns the Jaro similarity, an edit distance between two sequences. It is useful for queries designed for short strings, such as finding similar names. Also see Jaro-Winkler distance, which adds a prefix scale favoring strings that match in the beginning, and edit distance, which returns the Levenshtein distance between two strings.
The two VARCHAR expressions to compare. Neither can be NULL.
Return only the names with a Jaro distance from 'rode' that is greater than 0.6:
=> SELECT name FROM names WHERE JARO_DISTANCE('rode', name) > 0.6;
(4 rows)
Calculates and returns the Jaro-Winkler similarity, an edit distance between two sequences.
Calculates and returns the Jaro-Winkler similarity, an edit distance between two sequences. It is useful for queries designed for short strings, such as finding similar names. It is a variant of the Jaro distance metric, to which it adds a prefix scale giving more favorable ratings for strings that match from the beginning. See also edit distance, which returns the Levenshtein distance between two strings.
Returns the smallest value in a list of expressions of any data type.
Returns the smallest value in a list of expressions of any data type. All data types in the list must be the same or compatible. A NULL value in any one of the expressions returns NULL. Results can vary, depending on the locale's collation setting.
Returns the smallest value in a list of expressions of any data type, using binary ordering.
Returns the smallest value in a list of expressions of any data type, using binary ordering. All data types in the list must be the same or compatible. A NULL value in any one of the expressions returns NULL. Results can vary, depending on the locale's collation setting.
An integer value that specifies how many characters to return.
=> SELECT LEFT('vertica', 3);
(1 row)
LEFT (customer_name, 4)) FnameTruncated
FROM customer_dimension ORDER BY FnameTruncated LIMIT 10;
(10 rows)
CHAR or VARCHAR string to convert, where the string width is ≤ 65000 octets.
In practice, expression should not exceed 32,500 octets. LOWER does not use the locale's collation setting—for example, collation=binary—to identify its encoding; rather, it treats the input argument as a UTF-8 encoded string. The UTF-8 representation of the input value might be double its original width. As a result, LOWER returns an error if the input value exceeds 32,500 octets.
Note also that if expression is a table column, LOWER calculates its size from the column's defined width, and not from the column data. If the column width is greater than VARCHAR(32500), Vertica returns an error.
(1 row)
=> SELECT LOWER('The Bat In The Hat');
the bat in the hat
(1 row)
(1 row)
Returns a character string with each ASCII character converted to lowercase.
Returns a character string with each ASCII character converted to lowercase. Multi-byte characters are skipped and not converted.
Coerces a string to UTF-8 by removing or replacing non-UTF-8 characters.
Coerces a string to UTF-8 by removing or replacing non-UTF-8 characters.
MAKEUTF8 flags invalid UTF-8 characters byte by byte. For example, the byte sequence 0xE0 0x7F 0x80 is an invalid three-byte UTF-8 sequence, but the middle byte, 0x7F, is a valid one-byte UTF-8 character. In this example, 0x7F is preserved and the other two bytes are removed or replaced.
The string expression to evaluate for non-UTF-8 characters
Specifies the VARCHAR(16) string that MAKEUTF8 uses to replace each non-UTF-8 character that it finds in string-expression. If this parameter is omitted, non-UTF-8 characters are removed. For example, the following SQL specifies to replace all non-UTF characters in the name column with the string ^:
=> SELECT MAKEUTF8(name USING PARAMETERS replacement_string='^') FROM people;
33 - MD5
Calculates the MD5 hash of string, returning the result as a VARCHAR string in hexadecimal.
Calculates the MD5 hash of string, returning the result as a VARCHAR string in hexadecimal.
(CHAR or VARCHAR or BINARY or VARBINARY) is the string to measure.
If the data type of expression is a CHAR, VARCHAR or VARBINARY, the result is the same as the actual length of expression in octets. For CHAR, the length does not include any trailing spaces.
If the data type of expression is BINARY, the result is the same as the fixed-length of expression.
If the value of expression is NULL, the result is NULL.
OVERLAY ( input-string PLACING replace-string FROM position [ FOR extent ] [ USING { CHARACTERS | OCTETS } ] )
The string to process, of type CHAR or VARCHAR.
The string to replace the specified substring of input-string, of type CHAR or VARCHAR.
Integer ≥1 that specifies the first character or octet of input-string to overlay replace-string.
Integer that specifies how many characters or octets of input-string to overlay with replace-string. If omitted, OVERLAY uses the length of replace-string.
For example, compare the following calls to OVERLAY:
OVERLAY omits FOR clause. The number of characters replaced in the input string equals the number of characters in replacement string ABC:
OVERLAY includes a FOR clause that specifies to replace four characters in the input string with the replacement string. The replacement string is three characters long, so OVERLAY returns a string that is one character shorter than the input string:
(1 row)
OVERLAY includes a FOR clause that specifies to replace -2 characters in the input string with the replacement string. The function returns a string that is two characters longer than the input string:
=> SELECT OVERLAY ('123456789' PLACING 'ABC' FROM 5 FOR -2);
(1 row)
Specifies whether OVERLAY uses characters (default) or octets.
If you specify USING OCTETS, Vertica calls the OVERLAYB function.
=> SELECT OVERLAY('123456789' PLACING 'xxx' FROM 2);
(1 row)
(1 row)
=> SELECT OVERLAY('123456789' PLACING 'xxx' FROM 2 FOR 4);
(1 row)
=> SELECT OVERLAY('123456789' PLACING 'xxx' FROM 2 FOR 5);
(1 row)
=> SELECT OVERLAY('123456789' PLACING 'xxx' FROM 2 FOR 6);
(1 row)
Replaces part of a string with another string and returns the new string as an octet value.
Replaces part of a string with another string and returns the new string as an octet value.
The OVERLAYB function treats the multibyte character string as a string of octets (bytes) and use octet numbers as incoming and outgoing position specifiers and lengths. The strings themselves are type VARCHAR, but they treated as if each byte was a separate character.
Returns the specified string argument in the format required to use the string as an identifier in an SQL statement.
Returns the specified string argument in the format required to use the string as an identifier in an SQL statement. Quotes are added as needed—for example, if the string contains non-identifier characters or is an SQL or Vertica-reserved keyword:
Next week
Embedded double quotes are doubled.
SQL identifiers such as table and column names are stored as created, and references to them are resolved using case-insensitive compares. Thus, you do not need to double-quote mixed-case identifiers.
Vertica quotes all reserved keywords, even if unused.
Returns the given string suitably quoted for use as a string literal in a SQL statement string.
Returns the given string suitably quoted for use as a string literal in a SQL statement string. Embedded single quotes and backslashes are doubled. As per the SQL standard, the function recognizes two consecutive single quotes within a string literal as a single quote character.
Argument that resolves to one or more strings to format as string literals.
In the following example, the first query returns no first name for Cher or Sting; the second query uses QUOTE_LITERAL, which sets off string values with single quotes, including empty strings. In this case, fname for Sting is set to an empty string (''), while fname for Cher is empty, indicating that it is set to null value:
=> SELECT * FROM lead_vocalists ORDER BY lname ASC;
fname | lname | band
| Cher | ["Sonny and Cher"]
Mick | Jagger | ["Rolling Stones"]
Diana | Ross | ["Supremes"]
Grace | Slick | ["Jefferson Airplane","Jefferson Starship"]
| Sting | ["Police"]
Stevie | Winwood | ["Spencer Davis Group","Traffic","Blind Faith"]
(6 rows)
=> SELECT QUOTE_LITERAL (fname) "First Name", QUOTE_NULLABLE (lname) "Last Name", band FROM lead_vocalists ORDER BY lname ASC;
First Name | Last Name | band
| 'Cher' | ["Sonny and Cher"]
'Mick' | 'Jagger' | ["Rolling Stones"]
'Diana' | 'Ross' | ["Supremes"]
'Grace' | 'Slick' | ["Jefferson Airplane","Jefferson Starship"]
'' | 'Sting' | ["Police"]
'Stevie' | 'Winwood' | ["Spencer Davis Group","Traffic","Blind Faith"]
(6 rows)
Returns the given string suitably quoted for use as a string literal in an SQL statement string; or if the argument is null, returns the unquoted string NULL.
Returns the given string suitably quoted for use as a string literal in an SQL statement string; or if the argument is null, returns the unquoted string NULL. Embedded single-quotes and backslashes are properly doubled.
Argument that resolves to one or more strings to format as string literals. If string-expression resolves to null value, QUOTE_NULLABLE returns NULL.
The following examples use the table lead_vocalists, where the first names (fname) for Cher and Sting are set to NULL and an empty string, respectively
=> SELECT * from lead_vocalists ORDER BY lname DESC;
fname | lname | band
Stevie | Winwood | ["Spencer Davis Group","Traffic","Blind Faith"]
| Sting | ["Police"]
Grace | Slick | ["Jefferson Airplane","Jefferson Starship"]
Diana | Ross | ["Supremes"]
Mick | Jagger | ["Rolling Stones"]
| Cher | ["Sonny and Cher"]
(6 rows)
=> SELECT * FROM lead_vocalists WHERE fname IS NULL;
fname | lname | band
| Cher | ["Sonny and Cher"]
(1 row)
=> SELECT * FROM lead_vocalists WHERE fname = '';
fname | lname | band
| Sting | ["Police"]
(1 row)
The following query uses QUOTE_NULLABLE. Like QUOTE_LITERAL, QUOTE_NULLABLE sets off string values with single quotes, including empty strings. Unlike QUOTE_LITERAL, QUOTE_NULLABLE outputs NULL for null values:
=> SELECT QUOTE_NULLABLE (fname) "First Name", QUOTE_NULLABLE (lname) "Last Name", band FROM lead_vocalists ORDER BY fname DESC;
First Name | Last Name | band
NULL | 'Cher' | ["Sonny and Cher"]
'Stevie' | 'Winwood' | ["Spencer Davis Group","Traffic","Blind Faith"]
'Mick' | 'Jagger' | ["Rolling Stones"]
'Grace' | 'Slick' | ["Jefferson Airplane","Jefferson Starship"]
'Diana' | 'Ross' | ["Supremes"]
'' | 'Sting' | ["Police"]
(6 rows)
Replicates a string the specified number of times and concatenates the replicated values as a single string.
Replicates a string the specified number of times and concatenates the replicated values as a single string. The return value takes on the data type of the string argument. Return values for non-LONG data types and LONG data types can be up to 65000 and 32000000 bytes in length, respectively. If the length of string*count exceeds these limits, Vertica silently truncates the results.
An integer value that specifies how many characters to return.
The following query returns the last three characters of the string 'vertica':
=> SELECT RIGHT('vertica', 3);
(1 row)
The following query queries date column date_ordered from table store.store_orders_fact. It coerces the dates to strings and extracts the last five characters from each string. It then returns all distinct strings:
Takes a VARCHAR argument and returns a four-character code that enables comparison of that argument with other SOUNDEX-encoded strings that are spelled differently in English, but are phonetically similar.
Takes a VARCHAR argument and returns a four-character code that enables comparison of that argument with other SOUNDEX-encoded strings that are spelled differently in English, but are phonetically similar. SOUNDEX implements an algorithm that was developed by Robert C. Russell and Margaret King Odell, and is described in The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 3.
Vertica uses the following Soundex encoding algorithm, which complies with most SQL implementations:
Save the first letter. Map all occurrences of a, e, i, o, u, y, h, w to zero (0).
Replace all consonants (include the first letter) with digits:
b, f, p, v → 1
c, g, j, k, q, s, x, z → 2
d, t → 3
l → 4
m, n → 5
r → 6
Replace all adjacent same digits with one digit, and then remove all zero (0) digits
If the saved letter's digit is the same as the resulting first digit, remove the digit (keep the letter).
Append 3 zeros if result contains less than 3 digits. Remove all except first letter and 3 digits after it.
Encoding ignores all non-alphabetic characters—for example, the apostrophe in O'Connor.
Find last names in the employee_dimension table that are phonetically similar to Lee:
SELECT employee_last_name, employee_first_name, employee_state
FROM public.employee_dimension
WHERE SOUNDEX(employee_last_name) = SOUNDEX('Lee')
ORDER BY employee_state, employee_last_name, employee_first_name;
Lea | James | AZ
Li | Sam | AZ
Lee | Darlene | CA
Lee | Juanita | CA
Li | Amy | CA
Li | Barbara | CA
Li | Ben | CA
Compares the Soundex encodings of two strings. The function then returns an integer that indicates the number of matching characters, in the same order. The return value is 0 to 4 inclusive, where 0 indicates no match, and 4 an exact match.
Find last names in the employee_dimension table whose Soundex encodings match at least 3 characters in the encoding for Lewis:
=> SELECT DISTINCT(employee_last_name)
FROM public.employee_dimension
WHERE SOUNDEX_MATCHES (employee_last_name, 'Lewis' ) >= 3 ORDER BY employee_last_name;
(6 rows)
Divides an input string on a delimiter character and returns the Nth segment, counting from 1.
Divides an input string on a delimiter character and returns the Nth segment, counting from 1. The VARCHAR arguments are treated as octets rather than UTF-8 characters.
Returns an INTEGER value that represents the location of a specified substring within a string (counting from one).
Returns an INTEGER value that represents the location of a specified substring within a string (counting from one). If the substring is not found, STRPOS returns 0.
STRPOS is similar to POSITION; however, POSITION allows finding by characters and by octet.
=> SELECT ship_type, shipping_key, strpos (ship_type, 'DAY') FROM shipping_dimension WHERE strpos > 0 ORDER BY ship_type, shipping_key;
ship_type | shipping_key | strpos
NEXT DAY | 1 | 6
NEXT DAY | 13 | 6
NEXT DAY | 19 | 6
NEXT DAY | 22 | 6
NEXT DAY | 26 | 6
NEXT DAY | 30 | 6
NEXT DAY | 34 | 6
NEXT DAY | 38 | 6
NEXT DAY | 45 | 6
NEXT DAY | 51 | 6
NEXT DAY | 67 | 6
NEXT DAY | 69 | 6
NEXT DAY | 80 | 6
NEXT DAY | 90 | 6
NEXT DAY | 96 | 6
NEXT DAY | 98 | 6
TWO DAY | 9 | 5
TWO DAY | 21 | 5
TWO DAY | 28 | 5
TWO DAY | 32 | 5
TWO DAY | 40 | 5
TWO DAY | 43 | 5
TWO DAY | 49 | 5
TWO DAY | 50 | 5
TWO DAY | 52 | 5
TWO DAY | 53 | 5
TWO DAY | 61 | 5
TWO DAY | 73 | 5
TWO DAY | 81 | 5
TWO DAY | 83 | 5
TWO DAY | 84 | 5
TWO DAY | 85 | 5
TWO DAY | 94 | 5
TWO DAY | 100 | 5
(34 rows)
Returns an INTEGER value representing the location of a specified substring within a string, counting from one, where each octet in the string is counted (as opposed to characters).
Returns an INTEGER value representing the location of a specified substring within a string, counting from one, where each octet in the string is counted (as opposed to characters).
(CHAR/VARCHAR or BINARY/VARBINARY) is the string from which to extract a substring. If null, Vertica returns no results.
(INTEGER or DOUBLE PRECISION) is the starting position of the substring (counting from one by characters). If 0 or negative, Vertica returns no results.
(INTEGER or DOUBLE PRECISION) is the length of the substring to extract (in characters). The default is the end of the string.
(CHAR/VARCHAR) is the string from which to extract a substring.
(INTEGER or DOUBLE PRECISION) is the starting position of the substring (counting from one in octets).
(INTEGER or DOUBLE PRECISION) is the length of the substring to extract (in octets). The default is the end of the string
This function treats the multibyte character string as a string of octets (bytes) and uses octet numbers as incoming and outgoing position specifiers and lengths. The strings themselves are type VARCHAR, but they treated as if each octet were a separate character.
Vertica returns the following error message if you use BINARY/VARBINARY:
=>SELECT SUBSTRB('abc'::binary(3),1);
ERROR: function substrb(binary, int) does not exist, or permission is denied for substrb(binary, int)
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You may need to add explicit type casts.
Returns a value representing a substring of the specified string at the given position, given a value, a position, and an optional length.
Returns a value representing a substring of the specified string at the given position, given a value, a position, and an optional length. SUBSTRING truncates DOUBLE PRECISION input values.
SUBSTRING ( string, position[, length ]
SUBSTRING ( string FROM position [ FOR length ]
(CHAR/VARCHAR or BINARY/VARBINARY) is the string from which to extract a substring
(INTEGER or DOUBLE PRECISION) is the starting position of the substring (counting from one by either characters or octets). (The default is characters.) If position is greater than the length of the given value, an empty value is returned.
(INTEGER or DOUBLE PRECISION) is the length of the substring to extract in either characters or octets. (The default is characters.) The default is the end of the string.If a length is given the result is at most that many bytes. The maximum length is the length of the given value less the given position. If no length is given or if the given length is greater than the maximum length then the length is set to the maximum length.
Determines whether the value is expressed in characters (the default) or octets.
If you use a negative position, then the functions starts at a non-existent position. In this example, that means counting eight characters starting at position -4. So the function starts at the empty position -4 and counts five characters, including a position for zero which is also empty. This returns three characters.
Returns a VARCHAR value containing the argument converted to uppercase letters.
Returns a VARCHAR value containing the argument converted to uppercase letters.
Starting in Release 5.1, this function treats the string argument as a UTF-8 encoded string, rather than depending on the collation setting of the locale (for example, collation=binary) to identify the encoding.