Sync tool options

The sync utility immediately updates all source definitions by querying the Kafka cluster's brokers defined by the source.

The sync utility immediately updates all source definitions by querying the Kafka cluster's brokers defined by the source. By default, it updates all of the sources defined in the target schema. To update just specific sources, use the --source and --cluster options to specify which sources to update.


vkconfig sync [options...]
--source source_name
The name of the source sync. This source must already exist in the target schema.
--cluster cluster_name
Identifies the cluster containing the source that you want to sync. You must have already defined this cluster in the scheduler.

--kafka_conf 'kafka_configuration_setting'

A JSON string of property/value pairs to pass directly to the rdkafka, the library that Vertica uses to communicate with Kafka. This parameter directly sets global configuration properties that are not available through the Vertica integration with Kafka.

For details, see Directly setting Kafka library options.

--kafka_conf_secret 'kafka_configuration_setting'

Conceals sensitive configuration data that you must pass directly to the rdkafka library, such as passwords. This parameter accepts settings in the same format as kafka_conf.

Values passed to this parameter are not logged or stored in system tables.

See the Common vkconfig script options for options available in all of the vkconfig tools..